Running Python commands in xterm js? - terminal-emulator

Is is possible to execute python commands through xterm js? I want to easily print a "Hello World" statement below but not sure how to properly implement that.
<div id="terminal"></div>
var term = new Terminal();'terminal'));
term.write(print("Hello World"))

No, not directly like that. xterm.js is only a visual renderer. You'd have to write a backend that actually takes the user input, runs the command (in your case in a python shell) and then tells xterm.js what to render.


Migrate Vim/Vimscript for asynchronously running external editors to Lua/Neovim

In my Vim's configuration file init.vim I am using code, that sets a default viewer for practically any kind of file suffix. Here I will demonstrate only an example for .md files:
let g:netrw_browsex_viewer="-"
function! NFH_md(f)
call asyncrun#run("", "cwd", "typora " . a:f)
First paragraph makes sure to choose the function based on suffix of the file ("URI under cursor"). Second paragraph shows a function whose name i.e. NFH_md implies that this is the function opened when .md file is in the "URI under the cursor". Inside this function there is an call that opens an external program typora asynchronously so that I am still able to continue using Vim.
If you want to know more use :help netrw_browsex_viewer.
I tried porting the mentioned Vim script to Neovim & Lua but I only managed to port first line:
For I don't know, how to properly port the second paragraph. This is why for now I just use Vimscript source code like this:
function! NFH_md(f)
call asyncrun#run("", "cwd", "marktext " . a:f)
But I would love to translate all the code to Lua - Could anyone help a bit to translate this remaining Vimscript code to Lua?

Is there a script that can extract particular link from txt and write it in another txt file?

I'm looking for a script (or if there isn't, I guess I'll have to write my own).
I wanted to ask if anyone here knows a script that can take a txt file with n links (lets say 200). I need to extract only links that have particular characters in them, let's say I only need links that contain "/r/learnprogramming". I need the script to get those links and write them to another txt files.
Edit: Here is what helped me: grep -i "/r/learnprogramming" 1.txt >2.txt
you can use ajax to read .txt file using jquery
<script src=></script>
jQuery(function($) {
$.get("", function(wholeTextFile) {
var lines = wholeTextFile.split(/\n/),
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * lines.length),
randomLine = lines[randomIndex];
console.log(randomIndex, randomLine)
<div id=ajax></div>
If you are using linux or macOS you could use cat and grep to output the links.
cat in.txt | grep /r/programming > out.txt
Solution provided by OP:
grep -i "/r/learnprogramming" 1.txt >2.txt
Since you did not provide the exact format of the document I assume those links are separated by newline characters. In this case, the code is pretty straightforward using Python/awk since you can iterate over file.readlines() and print only those that match your pattern (either by using a lines.contains(pattern) or using a regex if the pattern is more complex). To store the links in a new file simply redirect the stdout to a new file like this:
python > links.txt
The solution above works even if links are separated by an arbitrary symbol s, first read the file into a single string and split it over s. I hope this helps.

Script tags to embed Dart into HTML

Normally Dart is connected to HTML by means of this code:
<script type="application/dart" src="script.dart"></script>
<script src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>
By running Build, IntellijIdea transforms the first line into <script src="script.dart.js"> and eliminates the second line, OK. But there are some problems to me:
After Build file has been created, my indentation is broken.
Google PageSpeed Insight test says "Too much http requests", or something like that.
I solved the problem this way. No Build file anymore, I use Dart2js + Terminal to create script.dart.js. As to the HTML code, I've written this little thing below instead.
<script type="application/dart" src="script.dart" id="dart-script"></script>
(function() {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('(Dart)') === -1) {
var dartScript = document.querySelector('#dart-script');
dartScript.type = 'application/javascript';
dartScript.src = 'script.dart.js';
It works very well. What do you think of it?
I haven't heard of any such problems with the Dart script tags.
Using the transformer of
removes the Dart script tag which is only required by browsers that support Dart directly, which is only Dartium, which is not supposed to be used to access the web (only for development purposes), therefore for deployment this script tag is irrelevant.
Dart plugin is the same in IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm and other JetBrains' IDEs. And it doesn't do anything with your source code on build, it only calls pub build as if you ran it from command line (assume you are talking about 'Pub: build' action in context of pubspec.yaml file).
I'll stop here my delirium with this new polyvalent code of my own.
(function() {
var elem = document.createElement('script');
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('(Dart)') === -1) {
elem.type = 'application/javascript';
elem.src = 'script.dart.js';
else {
elem.type = 'application/dart';
elem.src = 'script.dart';
Thank you for applause, that's all folks!

Testing HTML5 File Upload with Capybara/Selenium Webdriver - Ruby

I have a simple modal that appears in which the user is shown the browse button to add the file to upload. Due to an unknown issue, be it the fact its an HTML5 file input therefore the browser adds its own functions to it, this has become a pain to test.
On my page I have:
<input type="file" id="photo_upload">
Capybara offers a solution out of the box which is:
attach_file <<upload_file_id>>, <<file_path>>
This behind the scenes executes a send_keys command to push the file_path into the path container for this input, however this simply did not work with my setup. I am running Firefox 25.0.1 on Windows 8. I tried both a relative path and a full path to this file, with forward and backslash combinations.
When I mean it did not work, I mean when my ajax script executes from clicking the button 'upload' next to it, it does not send any file object in the params.
I even tried to use capybara to send the file path directly:
Next up, was to attempt to use selenium to push it in using:
element = driver.find_element(:id, <<upload_file_id>>)
element.send_keys <<file_path>>
Then I tried executing script to ensure the element was visible, and then setting it:
element = page.execute_script(
"document.getElementById('#{<<upload_file_id>>}').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('#{<<upload_file_id>>}').style.height = '20px';
document.getElementById('#{<<upload_file_id>>}').style.width = '60px';
document.getElementById('#{<<upload_file_id>>}').style.opacity = 1; return
This didn't work either. Now I am completely stuck. All the help on here and google points to using the above, but it just simply does not work for my setup.
My options as far as I can see it are to use a windows automation script and jump out of capybara, run the script, and then continue, or to directly call the upload url either from capybara using a post or calling the js ajax that currently does it.
So I have solved it, and its not too ugly. I used the automation route via AutoIT. The bundle you download with AutoIT includes a script to exe converter and using the below script (I can not take credit for the script) I created an exe:
Local Const $dialogTitle = $CmdLine[2]
Local Const $timeout = 5
Local $windowFound = WinWait($dialogTitle, "", $timeout)
$windowFound = WinWait($dialogTitle, "", $timeout)
Local $windowHandle
If $windowFound Then
$windowHandle = WinGetHandle("[LAST]")
ControlSetText($windowHandle, "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", $CmdLine[1])
ControlClick($windowHandle, "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:&Open]")
MsgBox(0, "", "Could not find window.")
Exit 1
In my capybara script, I merely run:
system("<<full_path>>\\file_upload.exe \"#{<<file_path>>}\" \"File Upload\"")
and it works perfectly! In fact, I think I prefer the fact it exactly mimics what a user would be doing.

How to call a Dart program from Javascript?

Given that Dart will need to inter-operate with other javascript frameworks. In the client-web environment what are the current or intended best-practices to communicate with a Dart program from javascript?
Currently you need to use window.postMessage to communicate with Dart however a interorp layer is planned and should arrive in dart2js any day now (although I believe that its initial incarnation will focus more Dart->JavaScript than JavaScript->Dart).
Sample code:
import 'package:js/js.dart' as js;
var context = js.context;
var param ={ 'modal': true, "width":1000, "height":600});
in html
<script src="packages/browser/interop.js"></script>
The above code open a div as dialog using jQuery.
