How to generate a 2D periodic pattern like below image from pseudorandom binary sequence? - image-processing

I want to generate a 2 dimensional periodic pattern from a pseudorandom binary sequence like this one with the following context:
A periodic pattern satisfies the equations (1) and (2)
W(x + q0N0, y) = W(x, y); q0, N0 >1 (1)
W(x, y + q1N1) = W(x, y); q1, N1 > 1, (2)
where N0 and N1 determine the periodicity of repetitions and q0 and q1 a repetition number on the horizontal and vertical directions. Generation from pseudorandom values {−1, 1} produces a rectangular, binary valued pattern.

One way to achieve that would be to take a small pseudo-random 2D pattern (the sequence) and repeat it periodically so that neighboring tiles are always mirrored giving a sense of smooth continuity.
After you specified your requirements with W(x + q0N0, y) = W(x, y) and W(x, y + q1N1) = W(x, y); it becomes clear, that this is exactly (without the mirroring part) what you want.
You simply have to repeat a random pattern a certain number of times in both directions.
Example (similar to your image where the period length in the vertical direction is longer than in the horizontal direction)
Code (in Matlab)
% base pattern
N0 = 20;
N1 = 5;
base = rand([N0, N1]) > 0.5; % pseudo-random
% periodically repeating the pattern
Q0 = 5;
Q1 = 20;
pattern = zeros([N0*Q0,N1*Q1]);
for q0 = 1 : Q0
for q1 = 1 : Q1
pattern((q0-1)*N0+1:q0*N0, (q1-1)*N1+1:q1*N1) = base;
% save
imwrite(pattern, 'test.jpg');
% display
axis image;
The first lines just compute a random, binary pattern of a certain size N0 x N1
% base pattern
N0 = 20;
N1 = 5;
base = rand([N0, N1]) > 0.5; % pseudo-random
Then comes the definition of the number of repetitions of the pattern in each direction
Q0 = 5;
Q1 = 20;
Finally, in two nested but rather simple for loops, the base pattern is repeated
pattern = zeros([N0*Q0,N1*Q1]);
for q0 = 1 : Q0
for q1 = 1 : Q1
pattern((q0-1)*N0+1:q0*N0, (q1-1)*N1+1:q1*N1) = base;
The computation of the indices (where to place the base patterns) fulfills your requirement equations
(q0-1)*N0+1:q0*N0, (q1-1)*N1+1:q1*N1
Old Example (with mirroring)
Code (in Matlab)
% base pattern
N = 20;
base = rand(N) > 0.5; % pseudo-random
% multiplying the pattern
M = 4;
pattern = zeros(N*M);
for i = 1 : M
for j = 1 : M
b = base;
% mirroring the base
if mod(i, 2) == 1
flip(b, 2);
if mod(j, 2) == 1
flip(b, 1);
pattern((i-1)*N+1:i*N, (j-1)*N+1:j*N) = b;
% save
imwrite(pattern, 'test.jpg');
% display
axis image;
The patterns are flipped (mirrored) in one or two direction sometimes to simulates some kind of smoothness (symmetry) of the pattern.


Cost function for logistic regression: weird/oscillating cost history

Background and my thought process:
I wanted to see if I could utilize logistic regression to create a hypothesis function that could predict recessions in the US economy by looking at a date and its corresponding leading economic indicators. Leading economic indicators are known to be good predictors of the economy.
To do this, I got data from OECD on the composite leading (economic) indicators from January, 1970 to July, 2021 in addition to finding when recessions occurred from 1970 to 2021. The formatted data that I use for training can be found further below.
Knowing the relationship between a recession and the Date/LEI wouldn't be a simple linear relationship, I decided to make more parameters for each datapoint so I could fit a polynominal equation to the data. Thus, each datapoint has the following parameters: Date, LEI, LEI^2, LEI^3, LEI^4, and LEI^5.
The Problem:
When I attempt to train my hypothesis function, I get a very strange cost history that seems to indicate that I either did not implement my cost function correctly or that my gradient descent was implemented incorrectly. Below is the imagine of my cost history:
I have tried implementing the suggestions from this post to fix my cost history, as originally I had the same NaN and Inf issues described in the post. While the suggestions helped me fix the NaN and Inf issues, I couldn't find anything to help me fix my cost function once it started oscillating. Some of the other fixes I've tried are adjusting the learning rate, double checking my cost and gradient descent, and introducing more parameters for datapoints (to see if a higher-degree polynominal equation would help).
My Code
The main file is predictor.m.
% Program: Predictor.m
% Author: Hasec Rainn
% Desc: Predictor.m uses logistic regression
% to predict when economic recessions will occur
% in the United States. The data it uses is from the past 50 years.
% In particular, it uses dates and their corresponding economic leading
% indicators to learn a non-linear hypothesis function to fit to the data.
LI_Data = dlmread("leading_indicators_formatted.csv"); %Get LI data
RD_Data = dlmread("recession_dates_formatted.csv"); %Get RD data
%our datapoints of interest: Dates and their corresponding
%leading Indicator values.
%We are going to increase the number of parameters per datapoint to allow
%for a non-linear hypothesis function. Specifically, let the 3rd, 4th
%5th, and 6th columns represent LI^2, LI^3, LI^4, and LI^5 respectively
X = LI_Data; %datapoints of interest (row = 1 datapoint)
X = [X, X(:,2).^2]; %Adding LI^2
X = [X, X(:,2).^3]; %Adding LI^3
X = [X, X(:,2).^4]; %Adding LI^4
X = [X, X(:,2).^5]; %Adding LI^5
%normalize data
X(:,1) = normalize( X(:,1) );
X(:,2) = normalize( X(:,2) );
X(:,3) = normalize( X(:,3) );
X(:,4) = normalize( X(:,4) );
X(:,5) = normalize( X(:,5) );
X(:,6) = normalize( X(:,6) );
%What we want to predict: if a recession happens or doesn't happen
%for a corresponding year
Y = RD_Data(:,2); %row = 1 datapoint
%defining a few useful variables:
nIter = 4000; %how many iterations we want to run gradient descent for
ndp = size(X, 1); %number of data points we have to work with
nPara = size(X,2); %number of parameters per data point
alpha = 1; %set the learning rate to 1
%Defining Theta
Theta = ones(1, nPara); %initialize the weights of Theta to 1
%Make a cost history so we can see if gradient descent is implemented
costHist = zeros(nIter, 1);
for i = 1:nIter
costHist(i, 1) = cost(Theta, Y, X);
Theta = Theta - (sum((sigmoid(X * Theta') - Y) .* X));
% Function: Cost
% Author: Hasec Rainn
% Parameters: Theta (vector), Y (vector), X (matrix)
% Desc: Uses Theta, Y, and X to determine the cost of our current
% hypothesis function H_theta(X). Uses manual loop approach to
% avoid errors that arrise from log(0).
% Additionally, limits the range of H_Theta to prevent Inf
function expense = cost(Theta, Y, X)
m = size(X, 1); %number of data points
hTheta = sigmoid(X*Theta'); %hypothesis function
%limit the range of hTheta to [10^-50, 0.9999999999999]
for i=1:size(hTheta, 1)
if (hTheta(i) <= 10^(-50))
hTheta(i) = 10^(-50);
if (hTheta(i) >= 0.9999999999999)
hTheta(i) = 0.9999999999999;
expense = 0;
for i = 1:m
if Y(i) == 1
expense = expense + -log(hTheta(i));
if Y(i) == 0
expense = expense + -log(1-hTheta(i));
% Function: normalization
% Author: Hasec Rainn
% Parameters: vector
% Desc: Takes in an input and normalizes its value(s)
function n = normalize(data)
dMean = mean(data);
dStd = std(data);
n = (data - dMean) ./ dStd;
% Function: Sigmoid
% Author: Hasec Rainn
% Parameters: scalar, vector, or matrix
% Desc: Takes an input and forces its value(s) to be between
% 0 and 1. If a matrix or vector, sigmoid is applied to
% each element.
function result = sigmoid(z)
result = 1 ./ ( 1 + e .^(-z) );
The data I used for my learning process can be found here: formatted LI data and recession dates data.
The problem you're running into here is your gradient descent function.
In particular, while you correctly calculate the cost portion (aka, (hTheta - Y) or (sigmoid(X * Theta') - Y) ), you do not calculate the derivative of the cost correctly; in Theta = Theta - (sum((sigmoid(X * Theta') - Y) .* X)), the .*X is not correct.
The derivative is equivalent to the cost of each datapoint (found in the vector hTheta - Y) multiplied by their corresponding parameter j, for every parameter. For more information, check out this article.

Understanding code wrt Logistic Regression using gradient descent

I was following Siraj Raval's videos on logistic regression using gradient descent :
1) Link to longer video :
2) Link to shorter video :
In the videos he talks about using gradient descent to reduce the error for a set number of iterations so that the function converges(slope becomes zero).
He also illustrates the process via code. The following are the two main functions from the code :
def step_gradient(b_current, m_current, points, learningRate):
b_gradient = 0
m_gradient = 0
N = float(len(points))
for i in range(0, len(points)):
x = points[i, 0]
y = points[i, 1]
b_gradient += -(2/N) * (y - ((m_current * x) + b_current))
m_gradient += -(2/N) * x * (y - ((m_current * x) + b_current))
new_b = b_current - (learningRate * b_gradient)
new_m = m_current - (learningRate * m_gradient)
return [new_b, new_m]
def gradient_descent_runner(points, starting_b, starting_m, learning_rate, num_iterations):
b = starting_b
m = starting_m
for i in range(num_iterations):
b, m = step_gradient(b, m, array(points), learning_rate)
return [b, m]
#The above functions are called below:
learning_rate = 0.0001
initial_b = 0 # initial y-intercept guess
initial_m = 0 # initial slope guess
num_iterations = 1000
[b, m] = gradient_descent_runner(points, initial_b, initial_m, learning_rate, num_iterations)
# code taken from Siraj Raval's github page
Why does the value of b & m continue to update for all the iterations? After a certain number of iterations, the function will converge, when we find the values of b & m that give slope = 0.
So why do we continue iteration after that point and continue updating b & m ?
This way, aren't we losing the 'correct' b & m values? How is learning rate helping the convergence process if we continue to update values after converging? Thus, why is there no check for convergence, and so how is this actually working?
In practice, most likely you will not reach to slope 0 exactly. Thinking of your loss function as a bowl. If your learning rate is too high, it is possible to overshoot over the lowest point of the bowl. On the contrary, if the learning rate is too low, your learning will become too slow and won't reach the lowest point of the bowl before all iterations are done.
That's why in machine learning, the learning rate is an important hyperparameter to tune.
Actually, once we reach a slope 0; b_gradient and m_gradient will become 0;
thus, for :
new_b = b_current - (learningRate * b_gradient)
new_m = m_current - (learningRate * m_gradient)
new_b and new_m will remain the old correct values; as nothing will be subtracted from them.

What does the distance in machine learning signify?

In Neural networks, we regularly use the equation:
w1*x1 + w2*x2 + w3*x3 ...
We can interpret this as equation of a line with each x as a dimension. To make things more clearer, lets take an example of a simple perceptron network.
Imagine a single layer perceptron with 2 ip's/features (x1 & x2) and one output (y). (Sorry stackoverflow didn't allow me to post an additional image)
R = w1*x1 + w2 * x2
y = 0 if R >= threshold
y = 1 if R < threshold
Scenario 1:
Threshold = 0
w1 = 2, w2 = -1
The line separating class 0 and 1 has the equation 2*x1 - x2 = 0
Suppose we get a test sample
P = (1,1)
R = 2*1 - 1 = 1 > 0
Sample P belongs to class 1
My questions is what is this R?
From the figure, its horizontal distance from the line.
Scenario 2:
Threshold = 0
w1 = 2, w2 = 1
The line separating class 0 and 1 has the equation 2*x1 + x2 = 0
P = (1,1)
R = 2*1 + 1 = 3 > 0
Sample P belongs to class 1
From the figure, its vertical distance from the line.
R is supposed to mean some form of distance from the classifying line. More the distance, more farther away from the line and we are more confident about the classification.
Just want to know what kind of distance from the line is R?

Is an admisible heuristic always monotone (consistent)?

For the A* search algorithm, provided an heuristic h, supose h is admisible.
That is:
h(n) ≤ h*(n) for every node n, where h* is the real cost from n to goal.
Does this ensure the heuristic is monotone?
That is:
f(n) ≤ g(n') + h(n') for every sucesor n' of n, where f(n)= h(n) + g(n) and g(n) is the accumulated cost.
Assume you have three successor states s1, s2, s3 and a goal state g so that s1 -> s2 -> s3 -> g.
s1 is the starting node.
Consider also the following values for h(s) and h*(s) (i.e. true cost):
h(s1) = 3 , h*(s1) = 6
h(s2) = 4 , h*(s2) = 5
h(s3) = 3 , h*(s3) = 3
h(g) = 0 , h*(g) = 0
Following the only path to the goal we can have that:
g(s1) = 0, g(s2) = 1, g(s3) = 3, g(g) = 6, coinciding with the true cost above.
Although the heuristic function is admissible (h(s) <= h*(s)), f(n) will not be monotonic. For instance f(s1) = h(s1) + g(s1) = 3 while f(s2) = h(s2) + g(s2) = 5 with f(s1) < f(s2). Same holds between f(s2) and f(s3).
Of course this means you have a quite uninformative heuristic.

Gradient in continuous regression using a neural network

I'm trying to implement a regression NN that has 3 layers (1 input, 1 hidden and 1 output layer with a continuous result). As a basis I took a classification NN from class, but changed the cost function and gradient calculation so as to fit a regression problem (and not a classification one):
My nnCostFunction now is:
function [J grad] = nnCostFunctionLinear(nn_params, ...
input_layer_size, ...
hidden_layer_size, ...
num_labels, ...
X, y, lambda)
Theta1 = reshape(nn_params(1:hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1)), ...
hidden_layer_size, (input_layer_size + 1));
Theta2 = reshape(nn_params((1 + (hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1))):end), ...
num_labels, (hidden_layer_size + 1));
m = size(X, 1);
a1 = X;
a1 = [ones(m, 1) a1];
a2 = a1 * Theta1';
a2 = [ones(m, 1) a2];
a3 = a2 * Theta2';
Y = y;
J = 1/(2*m)*sum(sum((a3 - Y).^2))
th1 = Theta1;
th1(:,1) = 0; %set bias = 0 in reg. formula
th2 = Theta2;
th2(:,1) = 0;
t1 = th1.^2;
t2 = th2.^2;
th = sum(sum(t1)) + sum(sum(t2));
th = lambda * th / (2*m);
J = J + th; %regularization
del_3 = a3 - Y;
t1 = del_3'*a2;
Theta2_grad = 2*(t1)/m + lambda*th2/m;
t1 = del_3 * Theta2;
del_2 = t1 .* a2;
del_2 = del_2(:,2:end);
t1 = del_2'*a1;
Theta1_grad = 2*(t1)/m + lambda*th1/m;
grad = [Theta1_grad(:) ; Theta2_grad(:)];
Then I use this func in fmincg algorithm, but in firsts iterations fmincg end it's work. I think my gradient is wrong, but I can't find the error.
Can anybody help?
If I understand correctly, your first block of code (shown below) -
m = size(X, 1);
a1 = X;
a1 = [ones(m, 1) a1];
a2 = a1 * Theta1';
a2 = [ones(m, 1) a2];
a3 = a2 * Theta2';
Y = y;
is to get the output a(3) at the output layer.
Ng's slides about NN has the below configuration to calculate a(3). It's different from what your code presents.
in the middle/output layer, you are not doing the activation function g, e.g., a sigmoid function.
In terms of the cost function J without regularization terms, Ng's slides has the below formula:
I don't understand why you can compute it using:
J = 1/(2*m)*sum(sum((a3 - Y).^2))
because you are not including the log function at all.
Mikhaill, I´ve been playing with a NN for continuous regression as well, and had a similar issues at some point. The best thing to do here would be to test gradient computation against a numerical calculation before running the model. If that´s not correct, fmincg won´t be able to train the model. (Btw, I discourage you of using numerical gradient as the time involved is much bigger).
Taking into account that you took this idea from Ng´s Coursera class, I´ll implement a possible solution for you to try using the same notation for Octave.
% Cost function without regularization.
J = 1/2/m^2*sum((a3-Y).^2);
% In case it´s needed, regularization term is added (i.e. for Training).
if (reg==true);
% Derivatives are computed for layer 2 and 3.
% Theta grad is computed without regularization.
% Regularization is added to grad computation.
% Unroll gradients.
grad = [Theta1_grad(:) ; Theta2_grad(:)];
Note that, since you have taken out all the sigmoid activation, the derivative calculation is quite simple and results in a simplification of the original code.
Next steps:
1. Check this code to understand if it makes sense to your problem.
2. Use gradient checking to test gradient calculation.
3. Finally, use fmincg and check you get different results.
Try to include sigmoid function to compute second layer (hidden layer) values and avoid sigmoid in calculating the target (output) value.
function [J grad] = nnCostFunction1(nnParams, ...
inputLayerSize, ...
hiddenLayerSize, ...
numLabels, ...
X, y, lambda)
Theta1 = reshape(nnParams(1:hiddenLayerSize * (inputLayerSize + 1)), ...
hiddenLayerSize, (inputLayerSize + 1));
Theta2 = reshape(nnParams((1 + (hiddenLayerSize * (inputLayerSize + 1))):end), ...
numLabels, (hiddenLayerSize + 1));
Theta1Grad = zeros(size(Theta1));
Theta2Grad = zeros(size(Theta2));
m = size(X,1);
a1 = [ones(m, 1) X]';
z2 = Theta1 * a1;
a2 = sigmoid(z2);
a2 = [ones(1, m); a2];
z3 = Theta2 * a2;
a3 = z3;
Y = y';
r1 = lambda / (2 * m) * sum(sum(Theta1(:, 2:end) .* Theta1(:, 2:end)));
r2 = lambda / (2 * m) * sum(sum(Theta2(:, 2:end) .* Theta2(:, 2:end)));
J = 1 / ( 2 * m ) * (a3 - Y) * (a3 - Y)' + r1 + r2;
delta3 = a3 - Y;
delta2 = (Theta2' * delta3) .* sigmoidGradient([ones(1, m); z2]);
delta2 = delta2(2:end, :);
Theta2Grad = 1 / m * (delta3 * a2');
Theta2Grad(:, 2:end) = Theta2Grad(:, 2:end) + lambda / m * Theta2(:, 2:end);
Theta1Grad = 1 / m * (delta2 * a1');
Theta1Grad(:, 2:end) = Theta1Grad(:, 2:end) + lambda / m * Theta1(:, 2:end);
grad = [Theta1Grad(:) ; Theta2Grad(:)];
Normalize the inputs before passing it in nnCostFunction.
In accordance with Week 5 Lecture Notes guideline for a Linear System NN you should make following changes in the initial code:
Remove num_lables or make it 1 (in reshape() as well)
No need to convert y into a logical matrix
For a2 - replace sigmoid() function to tanh()
In d2 calculation - replace sigmoidGradient(z2) with (1-tanh(z2).^2)
Remove sigmoid from output layer (a3 = z3)
Replace cost function in the unregularized portion to linear one: J = (1/(2*m))*sum((a3-y).^2)
Create predictLinear(): use predict() function as a basis, replace sigmoid with tanh() for the first layer hypothesis, remove second sigmoid for the second layer hypothesis, remove the line with max() function, use output of the hidden layer hypothesis as a prediction result
Verify your nnCostFunctionLinear() on the test case from the lecture note
