NEO4J/Cypher: Use result as condition for new create - neo4j

i want to create a new node based on a return result in cypher. I cant figure out how to use CASE here(I guess thats what i need?)
I shorted the code because the above part is not important. I get a true or false in "result" and want to use this information to create a new node.
RETURN ((sum(r.rooms)+_rooms)<=a.allocation and count(r)>0) as result
If true then:

You should read up on the WITH clause. This is similar to RETURN, except it allows you to continue the query. It's used for cases like this, where you need to aggregate or project out or control what's in scope (only the variables you include in the WITH clause are kept in scope afterwards) and continue the query past it.
WITH ((sum(r.rooms)+_rooms)<=a.allocation and count(r)>0) as result
WHERE result


How do I retrieve values from a filter query within a CosmosDb stored procedure?

I'm struggling to work out how to retrieve the property values from a filter query in a CosmosDb stored procedure. I'm sure this must be relatively simple, but just can't seem to find the right combination.
var result = __.chain()
.filter(function(doc) {
return ==="1stDocId";
.map(function(doc) {
return {
propertyA: doc.propertyA
if(!result.isAccepted) throw new Error("The call was not accepted");
Using the above code, or similar, I'm wanting to retrieve the value of propertyA, and then use it in a second query, and so on.
Using response.setBody to return the value of result at this point, I can see it is sat in an array, but can't work out the correct code to access it.
result[0].PropertyA, result[0][0].PropertyA don't work, can someone point me in the right direction?
I'm able to do this sort of thing using the queryDocuments function, but ultimately my stored procedure needs to execute 5 or 6 select statements, manipulating the retrieved values in between. Utilising nested callbacks seems very messy, and pretty confusing once you're a few levels deep. Is there a better way?
Well I gave in, and wrote the procedure using nested callbacks and 'queryDocuments'. Since at one point my procedure requires a switch statement, which either performs a db lookup, or provides a hard value, I had to duplicate the rest of the queryDocument calls in the db lookup branch callback, which feels plain wrong.
However, whilst not being pretty, my stored procedure now works, returning the correct values in all cases.

PagedResultList .size() and .getTotalCount() return different values in grails gorm

I have the following code
PagedResultList res = myService.getPage(paginateParams, ...)
println res.size() // returns 2
println res.getTotalCount() // returns 1
getPage looks like:
def criteria = MyDomain.createCriteria()
criteria.list(max: paginateParams.max, offset: paginateParams.offset) { // max is 10, offset is 0, sortBy is updatedAt and sortOrder is desc
eq('org', org)
order(paginateParams.sortBy, paginateParams.sortOrder)
why do the two method return different values? The documentation doesn't explain the difference, but does mention that getTotalCount is for number of records
currently on grails 2.4.5
println on res prints out:
res: [
com.<hidden>.MyDomain: 41679f98-a7c5-4193-bba8-601725007c1a,
com.<hidden>.MyDomain: 41679f98-a7c5-4193-bba8-601725007c1a]
Yes, res has a SINGLE object twice - that's the bug I'm trying to fix. How do I know that? I have an primary key on MyDomain's ID, and when I inspect the database, it's also showing one record for this particular org (see my criteria)
edit 2: I found this comment (
listDistinct If subqueries or associations are used, one may end up
with the same row multiple times in the result set. In Hibernate one
would do a "CriteriaSpecification.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY". In Grails one
can do it by just using this method.
Which, if I understand correctly, is their way of saying "list" method doesn't work in this scenario, use listDistinct instead but then they go on to warn:
The listDistinct() method does not work well with the pagination
options maxResult and firstResult. If you need distinct results with
pagination, we currently recommend that you use HQL. You can find out
more information from this blog post.
However, the blog post is a dead link.
Related: GORM createCriteria and list do not return the same results : what can I do?
Not related to actual problem after question edited but this quote seems useful
Generally PagedResultList .size() perform size() on resultList property (in-memory object represent database record), while .getTotalCount() do count query against database. If this two value didn't match your list may contain duplicate.
After viewing related issues (GORM createCriteria and list do not return the same results : what can I do?) I determined that there were several approaches:
Use grails projection groupBy('id') - doesn't work b/c i need the entire object
USe HSQL - Domain.executeQuery - actually this didn't work for my scenario very well because this returns a list, whereas criteria.list returns a PagedResultList from which I previously got totalCount. This solution had me learning HSQL and also made me break up my existing logic into two components - one that returned PagedResultList and one that didn't
Simply keep a set of IDs as I process my PagedResultList and make sure that I didn't have any duplicates.
I ended up going with option 3 because it was quick, didn't require me to learn a new language (HSQL) and I felt that I could easily write the code to do it and I'm not limited by the CPU to do such a unique ID check.

Neo4j indexes and legacy data

I have a legacy dataset (ENRON data represented as GraphML) that I would like to query. In an comment in a related question, #StefanArmbruster suggests that I use Cypher to query the database. My query use case is simple: given a message id (a property of the Message node), retrieve the node that has that id, and also retrieve the sender and recipient nodes of that message.
It seems that to do this in Cypher, I first have to create an index of the nodes. Is there a way to do this automatically when the data is loaded from the graphML file? (I had used Gremlin to load the data and create the database.)
I also have an external Lucene index of the data (I need it for other purposes). Does it make sense to have two indexes? I could, for example, index the Neo4J node ids into my external index, and then query the graph based on those ids. My concern is about the persistence of these ids. (By analogy, Lucene document ids should not be treated as persistent.)
So, should I:
Index the Neo4j graph internally to query on message ids using Cypher? (If so, what is the best way to do that: regenerate the database with some suitable incantation to get the index built? Build the index on the already-existing db?)
Store Neo4j node ids in my external Lucene index and retrieve nodes via these stored ids?
I have been trying to get auto-indexing to work with Gremlin and an embedded server, but with no luck. In the documentation it says
The underlying database is auto-indexed, see Section 14.12, “Automatic Indexing” so the script can return the imported node by index lookup.
But when I examine the graph after loading a new database, no indexes seem to exist.
The Neo4j documentation on auto indexing says that a bunch of configuration is required. In addition to setting node_auto_indexing = true, you have to configure it
To actually auto index something, you have to set which properties
should get indexed. You do this by listing the property keys to index
on. In the configuration file, use the node_keys_indexable and
relationship_keys_indexable configuration keys. When using embedded
mode, use the GraphDatabaseSettings.node_keys_indexable and
GraphDatabaseSettings.relationship_keys_indexable configuration keys.
In all cases, the value should be a comma separated list of property
keys to index on.
So is Gremlin supposed to set the GraphDatabaseSettings parameters? I tried passing in a map into the Neo4jGraph constructor like this:
Map<String,String> config = [
'node_keys_indexable': 'emailID'
Neo4jGraph g = new Neo4jGraph(graphDB, config);
but that had no apparent effect on index creation.
Rather than configuring the database through Gremlin, I used the examples given in the Neo4j documentation so that my database creation was like this (in Groovy):
protected Neo4jGraph getGraph(String graphDBname, String databaseName) {
boolean populateDB = !new File(graphDBName).exists();
println "creating database";
println "opening database";
GraphDatabaseService graphDB = new GraphDatabaseFactory().
newEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder( graphDBName ).
setConfig( GraphDatabaseSettings.node_keys_indexable, "emailID" ).
setConfig( GraphDatabaseSettings.node_auto_indexing, "true" ).
setConfig( GraphDatabaseSettings.dump_configuration, "true").
Neo4jGraph g = new Neo4jGraph(graphDB);
if (populateDB) {
println "Populating graph"
return g;
and my retrieval was done like this:
ReadableIndex<Node> autoNodeIndex = graph.rawGraph.index()
def node = autoNodeIndex.get( "emailID", "<2614099.1075839927264.JavaMail.evans#thyme>" ).getSingle();
And this seemed to work. Note, however, that the getIndices() call on the Neo4jGraph object still returned an empty list. So the upshot is that I can exercise the Neo4j API correctly, but the Gremlin wrapper seems to be unable to reflect the indexing state. The expression g.idx('node_auto_index') (documented in Gremlin Methods) returns null.
the auto indexes are created lazily. That is - when you have enabled the auto-indexing, the actual index is first created when you index your first property. Make sure you are inserting data before checking the existence of the index, otherwise it might not show up.
For some auto-indexing code (using programmatic configuration), see e.g. (this is working with Neo4j 1.8
Have you tried the automatic index feature? It's basically the use case you're looking for--unfortunately it needs to be enabled before you import the data. (Otherwise you have to remove/add the properties to reindex them.)

Rails difference in object created from a .find(:id) and .where() methods

What is the difference in the objects created with these 2 methods:
tec = Technique.find(6)
tec2 = Technique.where(:korean => 'Jok Sul')
The data returned for each is exactly the same, yet the first object will respond perfectly to an inherited method like update_attributes while the second object will give an error of method not found.
When I do tec.class and tec2.class one is an ActiveRecord::Relation and the other doesn't give me a class at all, it just prints out the content of the object.
Maybe when you use the .where method you get an array, even if there is only one match and therefore you always have to issue the .each method to get at the contents? But that makes it hard to deal with when you want to update records, etc.
Can someone clarify this for me? Specifically, how to deal with matches found through the .where method.
tec2 = Technique.where(:korean => 'Jok Sul').first
Good question.
tec_scope = Technique.where(:korean => 'Jok Sul') # create an internal query
Remember, here only the query is created, it is not executed. You can programmatically build on top of this query if you so wished. The scope (or query if you so wish) will be executed in 2 ways. "Implicit" or "Explicit". Implicit way of running the query happens for example in the console, which invokes a method on the scope which automatically runs the query for you. This wont happen in your controllers unless you run it explicitly for .e.g
tec_scope.all # returns array
tec_scope.first # retuns one element
Scopes are just adding where clauses/predicates to your query. It's query building and delaying the execution till it is needed.
tec_objects = Technique.find(6) # explicitly runs a query and returns one object (in this case)
This will explicitly run the query there and then. It is a question of the timing of execution of the query.
The difference is subtle but very important.
This hasnt got anything to do with whether you get one result or an array.
Technique.find([4,5]) # will return an array
Technique.find(4) # will return one object
Technique.where(:some_key => "some value").all # will return an array
Technique.where(:id => 5).first # will return one object
The difference is in timing of the execution of the query. Don't let the console fool you into believing there is no difference. Console is implicitly firing the query for you :)
The find(6) returns a single object, because you're specifying the object ID in the database, which is guaranteed to be unique by convention.
The where call returns a collection, which may be only 1 item long, but it still returns a collection, not a single object.
You can reveal this difference. Using your example code, if you call tec.class vs. tec2.class I think you'll find that they aren't the same class of object, as you expect.
That is, the methods available to a collection of objects is different than the methods available on an instance of that object.

Grails PagedResultList

Is there any way to get a PagedResultList in grails without using criteria? I would like to avoid criteria as they are slightly more complex and make unit testing rather annoying. Code Below
def pagedResultList = MyDomainClass.createCriteria().list(max:10, offset:0)
{ order("id", "asc") }
//Below does not return pagedResultList
def aList = MyDomainClass.list(sort:"id", order:"asc", max:10, offset: 0)
PagedResultList is just used to wrap the results of Criteria-based queries (you can see its use in the source here). If you really want to use it, you could always just invoke the constructor directly, since it will handle any list. Of course the totalCount property (which is probably what you are interested in) will then be unset.
If the idea is to get both the paged results list and the total number of results, I'm not aware of any magic that can get both in one query (even the use of PagedResultList in the source linked above issues two queries).
This seems to break in Grails 2.x because there is no costructor that just takes a list. Compare and
