gitlab running inside docker container - docker

I have a machine with ssh running on it. Now, I wanted to run the gitlab inside the docker container. So, followed the instructions mentioned here The instruction says bind the container ssh port 22 with host machine's ssh port(22). I was unable to do this because port was already binded with openssh server in the host machine. So I binded the container's ssh port to some other port say 222 or so. Doing so gitlab got set-up but when I try to clone the project using ssh way I am not able to do.
Is there a way to fix this issue? what could be reason, I suspect it's because of the port mapping. I want to have the ssh running on my host machine, run the gitlab inside the container and should be able to use ssh way for code commit,clone and push.

Docker port mapping is one thing but you also need to adapt the gitlab rails configuration in gitlab.rb to specify the custom ssh port :
gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 222
and restart the container


Jenkins container is not getting connecting to remote using ssh?

I have two docker container one with Jenkins and one is remote container. I want to Run a Jenkins job on remote container.
For that I have given the private keys in credentials, but still connection is not successful.
I am able to ping remote container using Jenkins container also I am able to ssh to remote container using Jenkins container.
See the screenshot below.
How are you connecting with remote host ?? Can you please share the ssh command ?
Can you please share output of below command from your Jenkins container :
cat /etc/hosts
There might be possibility that Jenkins container is able to connect using IP but not using the host_name. Try updating the the /etc/hosts file with remote container host name and then connect.
eg: remote_host local_host
Also If you have used port forwarding, then you can simply connect with base server IP and different ports assigned to those containers.

Nifi install using Docker - CanĀ“t access the webserver

I'm new to both docker and Nifi, I found this command that installs via docker and used it on a virtual machine that I have in GCP but I would like to access this container via webserver. In docker ps this appears to me:
What command do I need to execute to gain access to the tool via port 8080?
The container has already exposed port 8080 on the host, as evidence by the output>8080/tcp. You read that as {HOST_INTERFACE}:{HOST_PORT}->{CONTAINER_PORT}/{PROTOCOL}.
Navigate to http://SERVER_ADDRESS:8080/ (or maybe http://SERVER_ADDRESS:8080/nifi) using your web browser. You may need to modify the firewall rules applied to your VM to ensure that you can access that port from your local machine.

GitLab-Runner cannot clone from local GitLab

This is my setup:
I run GitLab using Docker an expose it on port 10080 to my machine.
I have a gitlab-runner on my machine that is configured to use the Docker executor.
When I connect the runner to my GitLab instance, I use localhost:10080 as the URL which works fine.
When the runner runs a job inside a Docker container, it tries to clone the code from localhost:10080 which obviously fails since it's inside a container and localhost does not refer to my local machine.
Now what are my options? Docker for Mac has a host.docker.internal DNS entry that refers to the host machine when inside a container but I can't use it when I register the runner because the runner runs directly on my machine.
I found a solution that works for me but could depend on the system.
In ~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml under the [runners.docker] config, I just needed to add extra_hosts = ["localhost:"] to override the IP for localhost. The IP might vary on other peoples machine.

How to access a docker container through SSH?

I am currently thinking of building a docker image for my ipython parallel nodes. Because its a pain to configure each manually with commands. Will i be able to access this image (located on a different PC on my LAN) simply by typing ssh user#ip on my laptop (Master Node)? How do i get the ip of the docker image running on my Node?
Will i be able to access this image (located on a different PC on my LAN) simply by typing ssh user#ip on my laptop (Master Node)?
You cannot ssh into a container unless you arrange to run sshd inside that container. Normally that's not necessary; as this answer explains you can simply use docker exec to access a running container.
How do i get the ip of the docker image running on my Node?
First, a note about nomenclature: an image is just a collection of files. A container is what you get when you start services from an image. In other words, it doesn't make sense to ask questions about accessing or getting the ip address of an image.
You can get the ip address of a container using the docker container inspect command, which will show you a variety of information about your container. However, this may not be what you want: the ip address of the container will be a private ip address on a docker internal network that is only accessible from the host where you're running docker.
You provide remote access to services by using port forwarding (the -p flag to docker run). For example, if you're running a webserver on port 8080 inside a container, you could make that available on port 80 on your host doing something like:
docker run -p 80:8080 mywebserver
This document describes in more detail some of the options related to port forwarding.

Access docker remote API from container

I'm trying to access Docker remote API from within a container because I need to start other containers.
The host address is, so I'm using to get the list of images (from host, http://localhost:2375/images/json works as expected.
The connection is refused, I guess because Docker (for Windows) listens on and not on
I've tried to change configuration (both from UI and daemon.json) adding the entry:
"hosts": ["tcp://"]
but the daemon fails to start. How can I access the api?
You can set DOCKER_OPTS in windows as below and try. In Windows, Docker runs inside a VM. So, you have to ssh into the VM and make the changes.
DOCKER_OPTS='-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock'
Check if it works for you.
Update :- To ssh into the VM (assuming default is the VM name you have created using Docker toolbox), enter the following command in the Docker Quickstart Terminal,
docker-machine ssh default
You can find more details here.
You could link the host's /var/run/docker.sock within the container where you need it. This way, you don't expose the Docker Remote API via an open port.
Be aware that it does provide root-like access to docker.
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
You should use "tcp://host.docker.internal:2375" to connect to host machine from container. Please make sure that you can ping the "host.docker.internal" address
