Remove duplicate entries in UITextField - ios

I have to remove duplicate entries while entering values in UITextField.
Is there a way to check for duplicates while entering in a UITextField ? Suppose I enter some text in a UITextField separated by a single space " ". I need to check "dynamically" if duplicates are entered. In other words is there a way to disable duplicates in a UITextField ?

You should implement UITextField action .editingChanged:
textField.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.textFieldEditingChanged(_:)), for: .editingChanged)
And check the text:
func textFieldEditingChanged(_ sender: UITextField) {
guard let text = sender.text else { return }
var finishedWords = text.components(separatedBy: " ").filter({ $0 != "" })
var endOfResult = ""
if text.last == " " {
endOfResult = " "
} else if !finishedWords.isEmpty {
if finishedWords.count > 1 {
endOfResult += " "
endOfResult += finishedWords.last ?? ""
var seen = [String]()
let uniqueWords = finishedWords.filter({ word in
if seen.contains(word) {
return false
} else {
return true
let result = uniqueWords.joined(separator: " ") + endOfResult
sender.text = result


How to go about multiple textfields in a tableview cell swift

I want to save some values into an array from multiple textfields in a tableview cell. I realized my current implementation only will work if data is entered in a very specific way. This is what I've tried:
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
if(textField.tag == 1){
self.weight = textField.text!
} else if(textField.tag == 2){
self.reps = textField.text!
if(self.reps != "" && self.weight != ""){
let set = ExerciseSet(weight: self.weight, reps: self.reps, RPE: "")
self.setsArray[setsArray.count - 1] = set
self.weight = ""
self.reps = ""
But this implementation would only work if data is entered, then the next cell is added, then entered. How can I save all the data into the array by accessing each textfield in each tableview cell?
You can create a function to loop table,get data and append ExerciseSet,
func getTableData(){
for i in 0..<tbl.numberOfRows(inSection: 0) { //tbl--> your table name
let cell = tbl.cellForRow(at: IndexPath(row: i, section: 0)) as! TableViewCell. //TableViewCell--> your tableview custom cell name
let set = ExerciseSet(weight: cell.txtWeight.text ?? "", reps: cell.txtReps.text ?? "", RPE: "") //txtWeight,txtReps your 2 text field names
self.setsArray[setsArray.count - 1] = set

Issue with emojis in TextView in Swift

I’m using the below code to get the cursor position when the user types something in the textView.
func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
inputChar = text
inputRange = range
inputIndex = inputRange?.upperBound
if(text == "\n") {
toggleTableView(toggle: true)
return false
let str = (textView.text + text)
if str.utf16.count <= MediaPostViewController.descCharacterLimits {
return true
let numberOfChars = str.utf16.count
lbbbl_DescCount.text = "\(textView.text.utf16.count)/\(MediaPostViewController.descCharacterLimits)"
return (numberOfChars <= MediaPostViewController.descCharacterLimits) || (str.utf16.count < textView.text.utf16.count)
func textViewDidChange(_ textView: UITextView) {
var indexPosition : Int?
self.mainScrollView.isScrollEnabled = false
if textView.text != "" {
inputIndex = (String(textView.text.utf16) as NSString?)?.substring(with: NSRange(location: 0, length: inputRange!.location)).count
cursorPosition = inputIndex! + 1
inputText = textView.text!
textViewEndIndex = textView.text.unicodeScalars.endIndex.utf16Offset(in: textView.text)
if #available(iOS 10.2, *) {
inputText = textView.text.replaceEmoji(with: "#")
} else {
//Fallback on earlier versions
if inputChar == "" || inputChar == " "{
indexPosition = cursorPosition!-2
else {
indexPosition = cursorPosition!-1
guard let enteredText = inputText?.utf16.subString(from: 0, to: indexPosition!) else { return }
guard let lastdelimiterposition = enteredText.lastIndexPosition(of: "#") else { return }
hashwordstartIndex = lastdelimiterposition
checkhashinword = inputText?.utf16.subString(from: lastdelimiterposition, to: indexPosition!)
if inputChar == "" || inputChar == " "{
spaceCharactersCheck = 1
if spaceCharactersCheck == 1{
checkhashword = checkhashinword?.components(separatedBy: " ").filter({!$0.contains("#")}).joined(separator: " ")
checkhashedword = checkhashinword?.components(separatedBy: " ").filter({$0.contains("#")}).joined(separator: " ")
if let checkhashinword = checkhashinword {
if checkhashinword.utf16.count > 1 && !(checkhashinword.contains(" ")){
self.presenter.returnHashTagsData((checkhashinword.utf16.subString(from: 1, to: checkhashinword.utf16.count-1))!)
else {
self.toggleTableView(toggle: true)
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let rowSelected = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath)?.textLabel?.text
var textViewValue : String?
textViewValue = textView_Desc.text!
let startIndex = String.Index(utf16Offset: hashwordstartIndex!, in: String(textViewValue!))
let hashwordendIndex = String.Index(utf16Offset: inputIndex!, in: String(textViewValue!))
let range = startIndex...hashwordendIndex
if var strNewText = textViewValue?.components(separatedBy: "#") {
if strNewText.count > 1 {
if let textlabel = rowSelected {
strNewText[strNewText.count - 1] = textlabel
if var rowSelected = rowSelected {
if let checkhashword = checkhashword
if checkhashword != ""
rowSelected = rowSelected.appending(" ").appending(checkhashword).appending(String(checkhashedword!))
if textViewValue != ""{
if textViewEndIndex != inputIndex {
do {
if let result = textViewValue?.replaceSubrange(range, with: rowSelected)
else {
throw RangeException.notaValidRange
catch {
spaceCharactersCheck = 0
checkhashword = ""
checkhashedword = ""
let combinedText = strNewText.joined(separator: "#")//.appending(" ")
if combinedText.count-1 > MediaPostViewController.descCharacterLimits {
if textView_Desc.text.count-1 > MediaPostViewController.descCharacterLimits {
toggleTableView(toggle: true)
if textViewEndIndex != inputIndex {
textView_Desc.text = textViewValue
else {
textView_Desc.text = combinedText.replacingOccurrences(of: "##", with: "#")
lbbbl_DescCount.text = "\(textView_Desc.text.count)/\(MediaPostViewController.descCharacterLimits)"
toggleTableView(toggle: true)
self.hideScrollView.isHidden = false
Use case :
Trying to implement hashtags similar to Instagram.
There is a textView and I’ve added a tableView beneath that. The tableView gets data from API call based on the user input in textView. For instance, if user types #a then I show the tableView and tableView is loaded with suggestions like (#abc,#abcd, etc) from API call. The user can select a row and after selection, I hide the tableView. It works perfectly fine when the user enters hashtags between a text like #abc #insta and say if the user tries to type #ba between this #abc #insta it gets perfectly inserted after user chooses a suggestion from tableView (like #abc#bat#insta)
When I have emojis the text replaces the emoji. For eg: if the user enters emoi#a then it will get a list starting with #a (like #abc,#ab etc) and now if the user selects #abc then it populates the textView like #abc#a and emoji disappears.
I don’t see a solution to this problem in any Github repositories.
Has anyone faced a similar problem?

How to add two numbers in Swift only when both of the text fields are filled in

I'm trying to add two numbers in Swift 5, and I want to add some error checks. I don't want to make it possible for a user to click on the plus button if both of the text fields are not filled in. I tried with the if state below but it did not work.
the whole function:
#IBAction func sum(_ sender: Any) {
let one = input1.text
let oneInt = Int(one!)
let two = input2.text
let twoInt = Int(two!)
let total = oneInt! + twoInt!
label.text = "\(total)"
if(input2.text == nil){
addBtn.isEnabled = false
if(input1.text == nil){
addBtn.isEnabled = false
Try to use guard like this. If your input field does not contain any value that field return blank string and when you try to get integer value from that string it will return nil and your add button will be disable.
#IBAction func sum(_ sender: Any) {
guard let text1 = input1.text, let intValue1 = Int(text1) else {
addBtn.isEnabled = false
guard let text2 = input2.text, let intValue2 = Int(text2) else {
addBtn.isEnabled = false
label.text = "\(intValue1 + intValue2)"
A nice and simple way is to addTarget to your textFiels. This will enable you to handle the events on the text field. In this scenario we'll use .editingChanged and use a single selector to achieve our goal:
What we'll do : We will listen for when someone types something in the textfield. Whenever a text changed was made, we'll check to see if all the textfields was populated and then if it was we enable the sum button.
A small controller sample :: Make sure to read the comments to understand the code faster
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var textfield1: UITextField!
#IBOutlet var textfield2: UITextField!
#IBOutlet var sumButton: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
sumButton.isEnabled = false /// Disable the button first thing
[textfield1, textfield2].forEach {
$0.addTarget(self, action: #selector(editingChanged(_:)), for: .editingChanged) /// add targets to handle the events (in your case it listens for the 'editingChanged' event )
#objc func editingChanged(_ textField: UITextField) {
/// Here we just loop through all our textfields
for each in [textfield1, textfield2] {
if let text = each?.text { /// Just make sure the textfields text is not nil
if text.count < 1 {
// If the textfiels text has no value in, then we keep the button disabled and return
sumButton.isEnabled = false
} else {
/// Else if the text field's text is nill, then return and keep the button disabled
sumButton.isEnabled = false
sumButton.isEnabled = true /// If the code reaches this point, it means the textfields passed all out checks and the button can be enabled
#IBAction func sum(_ sender: Any) {
let one = textfield1.text!
let two = textfield2.text!
guard let oneInt = Int(one), let twoInt = Int(two) else {
print("Whatever was in that text fields, couldn't be converted to an Int")
label.text = "Be sure to add numbers."
let total = oneInt + twoInt
label.text = "\(total)"
textfields are not nil but empty strings. so make your comparison like :
if input1.text == "" {
// do your check here
Seems like you want to start with addBtn.isEnabled = false then update it whenever the user enters two valid integers into the text fields, i.e. Int(input1.text ?? "") != nil && Int(input2.text ?? "") != nil. You can do this by adding a target to your textfields (input1 and input2) for .editingChanged events. For example, if you're doing this in a UIViewController, you can do this in viewDidLoad:
override func viewDidLoad() {
addBtn.isEnabled = false
input1.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidEdit(_:)), for: .editingChanged)
input2.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidEdit(_:)), for: .editingChanged)
Where textFieldDidEdit(_:) action looks like:
#objc func textFieldDidEdit(_ sender: UITextField) {
addBtn.isEnabled = Int(input1.text ?? "") != nil && Int(input2.text ?? "") != nil
Finally your sum function becomes:
#IBAction func sum(_ sender: UIButton) {
guard let oneInt = Int(input1.text ?? ""), let twoInt = Int(input2.text ?? "") else {
let total = oneInt + twoInt
label.text = "\(total)"
As all of the number validation has moved to the textFieldDidEdit(_:) function.

String letter by letter animation get mixed up when retrieving the next text

I have a pop up that is supposed to show the user instructions with letter by letter animation. The problem is whenever the user clicks "next" the letters get mixed up with the previous text.
The animation code:
extension UILabel {
func animate(newText: String, characterDelay: TimeInterval) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.text = ""
for (index, character) in newText.enumerated() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + characterDelay * Double(index)) {
The button action/calling method (as you can see I tried to empty the variable each time the user clicks "next" but it didn't work out)
#IBAction func nextbtt(_ sender: Any) {
var instructions = ["text"]
counter = counter + 1
var w1 = " لكن الوصول إليه يتطلب مواجهة وحل تحديات مختلفة"
var w2 = "هل بإمكانك مساعدتي في الحصول على الكنز؟"
let userId = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "userId") as? String
ref = Database.database().reference()
let userLang = ref.child("users").child(userId!).child("lang")
userLang.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let lang = snapshot.value as? Int
////////////// if user's langague is English
w1 = "But finding it requires confronting and solving different challenges"
w2 = " Could you help me in getting the treasure" }
if(self.intrCounter < 3){
self.mytext.text = ""
var new = instructions[self.intrCounter]
self.mytext.text = new
self.mytext.animate(newText: new ?? "May the source be with you", characterDelay: 0.1)
self.intrCounter = self.intrCounter + 1
if(self.intrCounter == 3){
(sender as AnyObject).setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "engready"), for: UIControl.State.normal)
else {
(sender as AnyObject).setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "ready"), for: UIControl.State.normal)}
if ( counter == 4){
status[0] = true
one: text is showing to the user, user clicks "next" at the middle of the animation
two: when user clicks next before text 1 is complete
The issue occurs because you are calling an asynchronous block for each character and probably each char takes another amount of time.
Just to test this try this change, if it will help change the code accordingly :
var someCounter = 1
extension UILabel {
func animate(newText: String, characterDelay: TimeInterval) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.text = ""
for (index, character) in newText.enumerated() {
someCounter += 1
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() +
someCounter + characterDelay * Double(index)) {
Let me know if this is indeed the issue, if so I will upload a more optimised code.

Update output as user types in textfield

I have code to sum four text fields and output the total in a label. Currently the code sums the fields after finishing editing, that is, selecting another text field. Is there a way to sum the text fields as the user types?
#IBAction func TankFuelChanged(_ sender: Any) {
let leftMainTankQuantityValue = Int(leftMainTankQuantity.text ?? "") ?? 0
let rightMainTankQuantityValue = Int(rightMainTankQuantity.text ?? "") ?? 0
let auxTankQuantityValue = Int(auxTankQuantity.text ?? "") ?? 0
let tailTankQuantityValue = Int(tailTankQuantity.text ?? "") ?? 0
let total = leftMainTankQuantityValue + rightMainTankQuantityValue + auxTankQuantityValue + tailTankQuantityValue
totalFuelLoad.text = "\(total)"
What you are looking for is an event triggered when text field changes. You can drag an action from storyboard or you can add them programmatically by using addTarget similar to UIButton but need to use event editingChanged. Check the following code:
var allTextFields: [UITextField] {
return [leftMainTankQuantity, rightMainTankQuantity, auxTankQuantity, tailTankQuantity]
override func viewDidLoad() {
allTextFields.forEach { $0.addTarget(self, action: #selector(onTextFieldChange), for: .editingChanged) }
#objc private func onTextFieldChange() {
private func updateResult() {
let strings: [String] = allTextFields.compactMap { $0.text } // Will remove all nil texts
let integers: [Int] = strings.compactMap { Int($0) } // Will remove all non-integer texts
let sum = integers.reduce(0, { $0 + $1 }) // Will compute a sum
print(sum) // TODO: update your result here
A method must be marked #objc because of the #selector next to that I hope code speaks for itself.
