How to fetch GlobalObjectId using List Calendar View Graph API call? - microsoft-graph-api

I understand the recommended way to uniquely identify an Outlook meeting is to use the GlobalObjectID (or CleanGlobalObjectId), rather than iCalUID. I am struggling to find a way to extract this value when using Microsoft Graph's CalendarView endpoint
I've read through this page here, and that is what drives my question - MSDN Question on iCalUID vs GlobalObjectId
At present, I am using Microsoft Graph's List CalendarView view date range query params, and $select and $filter OData attributes

While it's true that you should rely on the Event's id, I'm not sure where the concern over iCalUId stems from. Regardless, GloablObjectID is not a property returned from the Outlook APIs.
There is a preview of immutable identifiers for Outlook resources on the beta endpoint but keep in mind that this is not suitable for production use yet.


List channels of a team including FilesFolder relationship

I want to use the 'List channels' API call to list all channels belonging to a team and also retrieve the 'filesFolder' relationship in a single request. I'm using the code below with the dot net SDK and v1.0 API endpoint.
await graphClient.Teams[team.Id].Channels.Request().Expand("filesFolder").GetAsync();
When this code executes, it causes an exception: "Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException: 'Message: The query specified in the URI is not valid. Query option 'Expand' is not allowed. To allow it, set the 'AllowedQueryOptions' property on EnableQueryAttribute or QueryValidationSettings.",
but the help states that the $expand parameter is supported: .
I'd like to use the $expand parameter to potentially avoid many extra calls. Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?
So I forgot about this question and I eventually contacted Microsoft Support directly. They informed me that the List Channels API method does not support the $expand parameter and that there are no plans to add support for it and that the help page would be corrected. Looks like the help page still hasn't been corrected yet.

Microsoft Graph API/ EWS not return order of child folders list as Outlook app

I want to get child folders of Inbox which have same order as Outlook app.
Now Graph API and EWS return same result but not same order as Outlook app.
Does Graph API or EWS support that?
I used both the APIs. but none of them return the way as you're expecting above. Rather, i have a suggestion here, get the folder values, tabulate or implement you custom logic and show the folders as you wish. Instead of these two, you may want to check with legacy MAPI (or play with MFCMAPI utility) to see if it works as you look.

Is there any way to get the list of joined teams details of members?

Is there any way to get the list of joined teams details of members except graph API? Using graph API of below link we can get the list of joined teams details of any members. Similarly, is there any other way to get the list of joined MS teams group details? I want to use these details in Microsoft bot framework.
Due to some security concern I can not use graph API as of now.
I am also exploring below link but I am not getting anything here... Looking for any REST API like graph API where I can provide the users name and I can get details.
It's not a security concern, rather it's part of the requirement. If i am in your place, i would set Graph API as prerequisite for my app to work, explain the benefits that you're going to get with Graph/application permissions. Apart from Microsoft Graph API you can try with Powershell, CLI.

Microsoft Graph: reportRoot: getMailboxUsageDetail. Filter on lastActivityDate property?

My use case is to get all mailboxes which are not being used actively. So that we can take appropriate action like removing O365 license and free up licenses.
For this, I am using the graph API getMailboxUsageDetail
I am trying to filter out based on lastActivityDate property but not getting expected result. I have 2 questions on this.
Is this the correct way to find all not actively used mailboxes? If not, please let me know what is the correct way?
If yes, is this filter property supported?

checkout status of a onedrive file using microsoft graph api

I am trying to check wether a onedrive file has been checked out using microsoft-graph. According to the documentation , there is a publication property of a DriveItem. But this property is not returned by default. But the documentation does not mention how to retrieve this property.
I recommend you review the Use query parameters to customize responses documentation page. You can use $select to choose which properties are returned in the API response.
I believe your query would look something like:
GET{ITEM ID}?$select=publication
You can try this query in the Graph explorer with our demo account at$select=publication&method=GET&version=v1.0&GraphUrl=
