How to get textbox to show fraction format - textbox

How to get Me.TextBox15 to show 3/4" not 0.75? Can we change the format of a textbox?
If Me.ComboBox15.Text = "CARBON" And Me.ComboBox16.Text = "150" Then
Me.TextBox15.Value = Sheets("SHEET2").Range("F56")
End If

This should get you close.
Me.TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Text(Me.TextBox1.Value, "?/?") & Chr(34)
However, this will likely show you whole numbers like "4" as "4/1". It is the same, but not really as aesthetically pleasing. Another thing to consider is that fractions like .33333 repeating will not show up as 1/3, rather they will show as 33333/100000. I doubt there is an easy method to get a repeating decimal into a "nice" fraction. The Chr(34) at the end will add the single quote to the end of the string.
Good Luck!


Printing a number with either one decimal place or none

Is there a simple way to print a number with either one decimal place or none?
I've searched the net for a method to do that but all of them try to always have a zero after the decimal point..
I want 3.0 to be printed as just 3, and 3.5 to be printed as 3.5.
I tried print('{:.1f}'.format(num)) but this prints 3.0
You have not specified the programming language, so I will provide an answer in pseudocode.
Using if-else
if (isNumberInteger(n))
return round(n) == n
The method round(n) should round the number, for example 2.4 to 2. Because 2.4 != 2, isNumberInteger(2.4) would return false and the else statement is exectuted.
Now you can define different formats for printing numbers with or without decimal in printNumberWithOneDecimal and printWithoutDecimals.
Using “right trim” or “right strip”
Another way to achieve the result is to first make the number a string (maybe formatting it to have one decimal) and then “trimming” or “stripping” it from the right, first “all” zeros (in your case at most one) and then the decimal point (if any on the right). Note: trim or strip methods do not give an error if there’s nothing to trim/strip.
I guess that in Python it would be:
Happy coding, good luck!

Rails: Split text including dollar end euro

I'm using Rails and Nokogiri and I'm trying to parse some website.
This is where I'm stuck:
doc.css('#example > li:nth-child(1)').each do |node|
money = node.xpath('//*ul/li/div/span').text
It returns something like:
I want to split those items, save them to the database and finally hand them to the view.
So, in the view, I want it to appear like:
I tried to split those items by this code below.
money = node.xpath('//*ul/li/div/span').text.split(/[$€£]/)
but the result looks like this:
["", "100,000", "230,000", "40,000", "9,000", "600", "800,000"]
And I don't know which item is in Dollar, Euro, or Pond.
Is there any good way to solve this problem?
you're almost there,
just use the positive lookahead :)
irb(main):005:0> "$100,000£230,000$40,000$9,000€600$800,000".split(/(?=[$£€])/)
=> ["$100,000", "£230,000", "$40,000", "$9,000", "€600", "$800,000"]
It needs a regular expression. This works:
=> [["$100,000"],
The regex contains these parts:
[^\d]: A character class matching a single non-digit. This will match the currency symbol.
`[0-9,]+': Another character class, this time repeating (the '+'). It matches the numeric part (0-9) plus the thousand's separator.

Isolating/removing Characters from string using rails

I am using ruby on rails
I have = 509969989168Q000475601
I would like the output to be = 68Q000475601
basically want to get rid of all before it gets to 68Q
the numbers in front of the 68Q can be various length
is there a way to remove up to "68Q"
it will always be 68Q and Q is always the only Letter
is there a way to say remove all characters from 2 digits before "Q"
I'd use:[/68Q.*/]
Which will return everything from 68Q to the end of the string.\z/)[0]
You can do this easily with the split method:
'68Q' +'68Q')[1]
This splits the string into an array based on the delimiter you give it, then takes the second element of that array. For what it's worth though, #theTinMan's solution is far more elegant.

Rails: Currency to Number

I have some forms on my site where after a user enters currency values those inputs are put into a calculator.
The input needs to be either floats or integers but I want it so that if they enter '$200,000' or '200000' it will both result in '200000.0' after clicking submit. (sort of the opposite of number_to_currency)
I was thinking something like
text = text.gsub(/[$,]/, '').to_f
or better yet take out all non digit characters but this will result in an unintentional zero in the output.
I also would like to format the result in the view so that if the resulting float has nothing after the decimal eg 200.00 then it will round up to 200. Otherwise it will round to 2 decimal place
Most preferably I would like it to work like the presence validator before the form actually submits.
What's the best way to go about implementing this? I'm thinking there is something obvious I've missed.
For the second part, you could do this:
# after converting text to a float
text.modulo(1) == 0 ? text.to_i : sprintf("%.2f", text)
For example, if text = 200000.0, we get 200000 using the above.
On the other hand, if text = 200000.1, we get 200000.10 using the above.

How to convert Float to String with out getting E in blackberry

Any way to convert Float to string with out getting E (exponent).
String str = String.valueOf(floatvalue);
and i am using NumericTextFilter.ALLOW_DECIMAL in my textField which allow decimal but not E.
i am getting like this 1.3453E7 but i want it something like 1.34538945213 due to e i am not able to set my value in edit text.
so any way to get value with out e.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what number you're trying to format. In the US (my locale), the number 1.3453E7 is not equal to the number 1.34538945213. I thought that even in locales that used the period, or full stop (.) to group large numbers, you wouldn't have 1.34538945213. So, I'm guessing what you want here.
If you just want to show float numbers without the E, then you can use the Formatter class. It does not, however, have all the same methods on BlackBerry that you might expect on other platforms.
You can try this:
float floatValue = 1.3453E7f;
Formatter f = new Formatter();
String str = f.formatNumber(floatValue, 1);
Which will show
The 1 method parameter above indicates the number of decimal places to show, and can be anything from 1 to 15. It can't be zero, but if you wanted to display a number without any decimal places, I would assume you would be using an int or a long for that.
If I have misunderstood your problem, please post a little more description as to what you need.
I'll also mention this utility class that apparently can be used to do more numeric formatting on BlackBerry, although I haven't tried it myself.
Try this:
Double floatValue = 1.34538945213;
Formatter f = new Formatter();
String result = f.format("%.11f", floatValue);
Due to the floating point presentation in java, the float value 1.34538945213 has not the same representation as the double value 1.34538945213. So, if you want to get 1.34538945213 as output, you should use a double value and format it as shown in the example.
