App Icons from MakeAppIcon didn't successfully appear - ios

I went to MakeAppIcon and made them. Posted over there and deleted an icon called "App-Icon-76x76#2x.png". But when I launched on my iPad, the icon didn't appear. By the way, the other app is successfully appearing icon so I think this is not the iPad problem.

The icon 76x76#2x is used for Retina display on iPads, so if you delete it, you'll not see the icon.
So you need to create one from your original that makes 152px x 152px, it will normally avoid the yellow error.


AppIcon not being shown

May app has two storyboards, where the default Main.storyboard is used for iPad, and another one named iPhone.storyboard is used for iPhone build. The storyboard to be used by the app is chosen in AppDelegate, in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions after detecting which device is running the app.
For me, this two storyboard approach is very much simpler than working with adaptive layout, because of my app characteristics. But there is one side effect I couldn't overcome until now: when the app is installed on iPhone, the app icon is not being shown, even though I have the icon images for iPhone in Assets.xcassets. On iPad the icon is being shown correctly. Any ideas?
I have just discovered that I was using a wrong sized image for the icon. I had two separate projects for iPhone and iPad before. Funny that I made the same mistake then, but the iPhone app icon was shown anyway. I also made this mistake for iPad in this new joint project, but, as I mentioned before, I had no problem with the iPad icon. Sorry for bothering with this silly question.

Xcode launch images and full screen issues

I'm testing my app on a physical device (using a provisioning profile). The device is an iPad Air 2 with iOS version 8.1.
My App wasn't appearing full screen, so I managed to get it full screen following the advice to add Default-568h#2x.png to the project, as per this thread:
Why [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds] is not returning full screen size?
However, upon adding it to images.xcassets, I see this:
Question 1) Why is Xcode complaining about a Missing Default-568h#2x.png launch image when it's clearly there?
So anyway, this made my app start full screen but the launch image was not appearing. Instead, just a plain black screen was showing up during app load.
Question 2) Why wasn't the launch image showing up?
I deleted all the launch images that were eventually added in an attempt to get something working (because this is iOS and trial and error seems to work way more than a logical process). So at the moment, no launch images exist in images.xcassets. However, my app still runs full screen. I removed the already installed app from the device (by making the icon wiggle and tapping the 'X'), selecting Product>Clean from Xcode and building again. No luck. App still appears full screen on future runs. I then attempted to follow the answer by EliSKoren on this thread:
Launch image doesn't update
However, the only reference I could find to launch images were for simulators, not physical devices.
Question 3) Trying really hard not to loose it ... What's happening!? Why is my app still appearing full screen even though I've removed launch images?
This is because Xcode provides placeholders for different devices and respective to them being retina or non retina and device sizes.
As you can see your image is on a placeholder as "unassigned", So xcode cant figure it out which device it is for, hence the image is not showing.
To correct this here is a screenshot --
Please migrate to get the launch image assigned to the assets from here
Click on Launch Image Sources -- Use assets catalogue and the pop up will show and then click on migrate.
As you can see in the attribute inspector, you can choose which device launch image you want and it will give you that.
Check by clicking the place holder what image size or resolution it requires and then you just drag and drop those images from finder.
Hope this helps
Edit Final
As it turned out OP was using cMake for the xcode project and by default xcode had already a launch image asset JSON installed which had a wrong configuration, Thus creating another Launch Image wasnt overriding the existing JSON as for cmake the earlier config was being loaded. And by default Universal devices was selected but the Device orientation was totally unchecked.
Checking device orientation after getting a clean version of the project and letting Xcode decide its default Launch Image assets and filling up images in that JSON fixed the issue with OP. Further discussions are mentioned in the link in the comments.

What icon size is used for iTunesConnect

I submitted an App to Testflight. I uploaded the 1024x1024 icon file, and the application itself contains several other icon file sizes. I receive no errors on submission or warnings about missing icon files.
When I view the App in TestFlight, the icon appears.
However, when I view the App in the iPhone app "Connect" (which is iTunesConnect), the icon is blank in the "Recent Activity" or "Favorites" list. If I select the App to go to its "details" page, the icon shows.
What icon size/resolution do I need to add to my project, and is there a particular place I need to add it?
All you have to do is go the Application Setting -> General tab and add the AppIcon or in Images.xcast set the icon set and add the relavent icon sizes to the Images.xcast as in the Attached image
Further you can select different devices for the icon from the right side of the screen . just drag and drop the specific icons to there desire places is a very nice and simple site to convert your icons and launchImage in all different sizes available for iOS devices. I tried it several times.
Disclaimer: I'm not associated with them in any way.

I have no images showing, launch screen, app icon etc, any ideas as to why?

Hi I have an app that is almost ready and I am trying to add my launch screen , app icon and background image, and none of these work, all my images are the right size and format but they just dont show up when I run the app, I have no errors showing up and my background image works on the simulator but not on a real device ( the other images dont work at all ).
Any ideas as to why? thanks a lot
For your Launch screen and the app icon you need to put the images into the correct boxes in the images.xcassets area. The icon goes into the AppIcon asset, and the launch screen image goes into the LaunchImage asset. Below are screenshots taken from Xcode.
Launch Screen
App Icon image
If you haven't used assets before, all you do is drag the image that you imported into your project and drop it into the corresponding box in the asset.

iPhone app loading

When I load my iPhone app it always loads a black screen first then pops up the main window. This happens even with a simple empty app with a single window loaded.
I've noticed that when loading, most apps zoom in on the main window (or scale it to fit the screen, however you want to think about it) and then load the content of the screen, with no black screen (see the Contacts app for an example).
How do I achieve this effect?
Add a Default.png to your project. This should be the image you want shown instead of the black launch screen.
Also just to save you some time, there is no way to change this image during the runtime of your application. If you look at Apple's Clock application you can see how depending on the last state of the application, the Default.png changes. You cannot do this in your own app because of permission limits. Also, make sure to read the iPhone HIG for best practices on Default.png use, in short, dont use it as a splash screen like Twitteriffic.
You can also take a screenshot of your app as an aid to creating the Default.png - while holding the Home button, press and release the Lock Sleep/Wake button. The screenshot can be find in your Camery Roll library in the Photos app and can be synced back to your desktop.
When the app transitions from the launch image to the actual app content, it should not be jarring to a user - content (text/images) can be added to the screen, but content should never change. If all this leaves you with is an empty blue header, a white body, and a blue footer - then that's all you should have. If you have a persistent tab bar on the bottom & a localized app (different text descriptions), then then launch image should appear with icons but no text. (See & for examples.)
Screenshots can also be taken in XCode using the Screenshot tab in the Organizer window and a plugged-in device.
