Imagemagick how to apply gravity and extent to only short images - ruby-on-rails

I have a web page where I list images that should be 600px by 600px (width & height). So I resize all big images to 600x600 using imagemagick, which works fine.
However, some images, when I resize them (in order to keep their aspect ratio), get resized to a size smaller than 600px in height (for example 600x450). So I tried to fill the needed height by using imagemagick options (gravity, background, and extent) like so :
image.combine_options do |img|
img.resize '600x600'
img.background 'white'
img.extent '600x600'
img.gravity 'center'
That gave me what I want for these kind of images (short images). However, this effect of centering is applied to the other images (bigger ones) as well ! Is there any way to prevent that ?
Just to show you what I mean, I made up this example... if I don't add extent and gravity the image will start from the top left corner
but if I add extent and gravity (center) the image will start from the center, something like this :
I want only images that result on resized images smaller than 600x600 to be centered, but in the example as you see even an image that get resized to exact 600x600 get centered !! that's not what I want
the solution :
I end up using shell command using system function in ruby
system "convert #{image.path} -crop 1024x1024+0+0 -resize 600x600 -background white -gravity center -extent 600x600 output.png"
and that worked fine! I don't know why minimagick wasn't working correctly, but I just get rid of that gem from my gemfile which is fine too.

Here is your command in command line Imagemagick with proper resetting of the virtual canvas after the crop.
convert image -crop 1200x1200+0+0 +repage -resize 600x600 -background white -gravity center -extent 600x600 result
Here are two results with slightly different resize arguments. It looks like your commands are using the equivalent of the ^ flag set on the resize argument.
Proper result without the ^ flag: (Note padded with white)
convert wiki.png -crop 1200x1200+0+0 +repage -resize 600x600 -background white -gravity center -extent 600x600 result1.png
Result with the ^ flag: (Note cropped)
convert wiki.png -crop 1200x1200+0+0 +repage -resize 600x600^ -background white -gravity center -extent 600x600 result2.png
The above is Unix syntax. For Windows double the ^ to ^^, since ^ is an escape character in Windows.
Perhaps your issue is with minimagick and not Imagemagick. You can check by testing my command line.


Can I refer to the image width and height in an argument?

I want to convert multiple images into square format, filling any empty space with black. Assuming the images have a width of 1000 and a height of less than 1000 (or vice versa), I can do it like this (using PowerShell):
magick.exe convert -background black -gravity center `
-resize 1000x1000 -extent 1000x1000 `
-set filename:original '%t' '.\*.jpg' './%[filename:original]-resized.jpg'
However, I want this to work for arbitrarily sized images. I need to do something like this, which is not an actually supported syntax:
-resize 'max(%w,%h)xmax(%w,%h)' -extent 'max(%w,%h)xmax(%w,%h)' `
# ...
Is there an Imagemagick syntax for what I'm trying to do?
In Imagemagick 7, use magick, not magick convert and move the input parameter to the first parameter position, i.e. magick '.\*.jpg'.
Then, to do what you want change
-resize 'max(%w,%h)xmax(%w,%h)' -extent 'max(%w,%h)xmax(%w,%h)'
-resize "%[fx:max(w,h)]x%[fx:max(w,h)]" -extent "%[fx:max(w,h)]x%[fx:max(w,h)]"

How to resize an image in imagemagick but keep an aspect ratio constant

I am trying to resize an image (using imagemagick) to keep it's current aspect ratio but fit it into a 4/3 container.
This is the command I have so far:
magick convert ./horse.jpeg -background white -gravity center -extent 4/3 ./hourse_output.jpeg
This is what I'd like: . As you can see, the image is "put into" a 4/3 container.
My error. The aspect ratios such as 4:3 in ImageMagick -extent will only crop and not pad.
See my bash unix script "aspectpad" at, which does what you want I think.
Nevertheless, here is a partial solution for how to do it. But this only works for landscape mode input. Also only with ImageMagick 7 due to the use of inline arguments for -extent. You would have to modify it for portrait mode.
Input (aspect 2:1 = 2/1 = 2):
magick barn_2to1.jpg -set option:wd "%[fx:(4/3)>(w/h)?(4/3*h):w]" -set option:ht "%[fx:(4/3)>(w/h)?h:(w/(4/3))]" -gravity center -background black -extent "%[wd]x%[ht]" result.jpg
Output (aspect 4:3 = 4/3 = 1.33):
Note, that I used background of black so that it was visible here. Change to any other color you want.
If the input landscape aspect is larger than 4:3 (4/3), it will pad on top/bottom. If the input landscape aspect is smaller than 4:3, it will pad on left/right.
Input (aspect=1:1 = 1/1 = 1):
magick lena.jpg -set option:wd "%[fx:(4/3)>(w/h)?(4/3*h):w]" -set option:ht "%[fx:(4/3)>(w/h)?h:(w/(4/3))]" -gravity center -background black -extent "%[wd]x%[ht]" result2.jpg
Use 4:3 not 4/3. But you have not specified any -resize. In ImageMagick 7, use magick only, not magick convert and not convert. For other tools, use magick identify, magick mogrify, etc. But not for convert. See for the 4:3 issue.
Here is one other way to do it in ImageMagick, if you know the picture is in landscape mode and the image w/h aspect is larger then 4/3. Just pad the top and bottom with plenty of room and then use -extent 4:3 to crop it. This way no computations are needed, so it should work in ImageMagick 6 or 7. If ImageMagick 6, change magick to convert. (If the w/h is less than 4/3 landscape, then pad the left and right.)
magick barn_2to1.jpg -gravity center -bordercolor black -border 0x100 -background black -extent 4:3 result3.jpg

ImageMagick crop keeping the height

I'm trying to crop image by height with this command line:
convert 1053257.png -gravity South -crop 2910x3312+0+0 -background black +repage image-cropped-top.png
The generated image is not cropped correctly, as the dimensions after running the command are 2791 x 3312.
The width is cropped as well!
Can anyone help with this?
The general form is:
convert input.jpg -crop WIDTHxHEIGHT+0+0 result.jpg
If you want to crop to a specific width, say 1024, leaving the height unaffected:
convert image.jpg -crop 1024x+0+0 result.jpg
If you want to crop to a specific height, say 768, leaving the width unaffected - note the height is after the x:
convert image.jpg -crop x768+0+0 result.jpg
If you want to crop to a maximum width and height, say 1024 wide by 768 tall without distorting the aspect ratio:
convert image.jpg -crop 1024x768+0+0 result.jpg
If you want to crop to a specific width and height, say 1024 wide by 768 tall and are happy to allow gross distortions:
convert image.jpg -crop 1024x768+0+0\! result.jpg
Think of the exclamation mark as meaning "just do it!". Note that the backslash is only needed on Linux/Unix/macOS to escape the exclamation mark, you omit the backslash on Windows.
Note, if you are saving the cropped image in PNG format, you probably want to reset the page afterwards so the image "forgets" it used to be part of a larger image:
convert input.jpg -crop 1024x768+0+0 +repage result.png
With ImageMagick a problem like that can occur if you've done a "-trim" to the image before the crop. When you "-trim" an image it can still remember the original page dimensions from before the trim, then when you crop it, it uses those page dimensions as the starting reference for the crop. You probably need to "+repage" before the crop to start with fresh paging information. Try something like this...
convert 1053257.png -gravity South +repage -crop 2910x3312+0+0 +repage image-cropped-top.png

Convert image from 4500x5400 to 4050x4200 keeping aspect ratio

I have an image of 4500x5400, I want to resize it for the height 4200 keeping the width ratio, however the width of the image needs to be 4050, leaving the sides transparent.
I have this ImageMagick command:
convert file.png -resize 4500x5400 -gravity center -background transparent -extent 4050x4200 out.png
However it's cutting the top and the bottom, while it needs to appear.
Do you guys have any idea of how I can make it work?
Appreciate your time!
Try this...
convert input.png -resize 4050x4200 -background none -gravity center -extent 4050x4200 output.png
The "-resize" fits your input image within a container of that size. The "-extent" makes sure the total canvas is that size. The "-background" and "-gravity" make sure extra space is filled with transparent and that the input image is located in the center of the output canvas.

How can I overlay a larger watermark/frame image on a smaller one?

I have an overlay image, which is like a watermark/logo, which needs to be overlayed on top of the source image (while preserving alpha channel, etc)
When overlay is the same or smaller dimension as the source image - things are easy:
composite.exe -alpha on -gravity center logo.png in_image.jpg out_image.jpg
However, when logo.png is larger than in_image.jpg - above call truncates the logo, and out_image.jpg has the same dimensions as in_image.jpg
I would like the resulting image to be the largest of either the logo.png or in_image.jpg so I can do things like artistic frames around the photos.
Below image demonstrates the end result I want to be able to get this:
Desired Result
Note, here, the png with skulls has larger dims than the kiddo's image. The alpha channel needs to be preserved.
Edit: more clarity through examples
Here is another desired result
Here, the png file is opaque on the sides, has a clear window in the middle, and half-translucent bubbles. the JPG file is just a regular JPG from a camera.
Would love to add original and logo files that result in it, but lack reputation to add more than 2 links (or to add images)
Updated Answer
If you have v7 of ImageMagick, you can get it to do the maths for you all in one line using -fx to determine the dimensions of the larger of the two images:
magick background.jpg overlay.png -background none -gravity center -extent '%[fx:u.w>v.w?u.w:v.w]x%[fx:u.h>v.h?u.h:v.h]' -composite result.png
That basically says... "Extend the two images as follows. If the width of the first image (u.w) is greater than that of the second image (v.w), then use the width of the first, else use that of the second. Same for height.".
Original Answer
I believe you want this. Get width of whatever is wider of background and overlay. Get height of whatever is taller of background and overlay. Extend both background and overlay with transparent pixels to new dimensions. Overlay.
So, if we start with this as background (300x50):
And this as overlay (122x242) - which is a tall blue rectangle surrounded with transparency then that is bordered in black to show the extent of it:
You would run this, which is actually very simple but it is full of comments and debug output so you can see what is going on:
# Get background width and height
read wb hb < <(convert background.jpg -format "%w %h" info: )
echo "Background: " $wb $hb
# Get overlay width and height
read wo ho < <(convert overlay.png -format "%w %h" info: )
echo "Overlay: " $wo $ho
# Get wider of the two
[ $wo -gt $w ] && w=$wo
# Get taller of the two
[ $ho -gt $h ] && h=$ho
echo "New dimensions: " $w $h
convert background.jpg overlay.png -background none -gravity center -extent ${w}x${h} -composite result.png
Here is how it looks running:
Background: 300 50
Overlay: 122 242
New dimensions: 300 242
Presumably, when you have done your overlay, you would add -trim as the final part of the command line to remove any extraneous stuff that has been added.
Try using convert rather than composite. It is more flexible than composite.
convert logo.png in_image.jpg -gravity center -compose over -composite out_image.jpg
But if you insist on using composite, then
composite in_image.jpg logo.png -gravity center -compose src_over out_image.jpg
Note sure exactly what you mean by preserving the alpha channel, since jpg does not support transparency. Perhaps you can post a pair of inputs and your desired output, if what I have posted does not do what you want.
