clear cached TFS client credentials - tfs

Please help me to clear TFS cached credentials using c# code. I'm using TFS API to access source code hosted by the Dev ops TFS server at
sometimes (after domain password is changed) it raises 401 error when access the source code server. Please find code sample used to connect below:
var u = "";
var vssCred = new VssClientCredentials();
if (cacheCred)
vssCred.Storage = new VssClientCredentialStorage(); // tried with storage and without
Logger.Debug("getting vsts collection for url:{0}", u);
TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(u, vssCred);
it uses Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.ExtendedClient.15.131.1 and Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client.15.131.1 packages.
I've tried to clear cached credentials using the code like below:
IEnumerable<string> ClearCachedTokens(VssCredentials cred, Uri address)
if (cred == null) return null;
var res = new Collection<string>();
foreach (VssCredentialsType enumValue in Enum.GetValues(typeof(VssCredentialsType)))
var token = cred.Storage.RetrieveToken(address, enumValue);
if (token != null)
var tokenData = string.Join(";", token.Properties.Select(_ => string.Format("{0}={1}", _.Key, _.Value)));
Logger.Debug("got token {0} {1}", enumValue, tokenData);
cred.Storage.RemoveToken(address, token);
catch (Exception ec)
Logger.Warn("can't clear token type:{0} error:{1}", enumValue, ec.Message);
return res;
but it does not return any entry and the error still persist.
However error is gone when I delete %appdata%Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\7.0\Cache content and run tf.exe get command. It asks me for login and password and then 401 error is not shown any more when tpc.Authenticate(); is executed.
How can I clear cached credentials in the Cache folder using the TeamFoundationServer.Client or TeamFoundationServer.ExtendedClient API?

The credential might have been saved in the Credential Manager store (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Credential Manager) in the Generic Credentials group.


Get Authorization code for Azure PowerBI capacity for PowerBI Embedded

I'm programatically start/stop Azure PowerBI capacity for PowerBI Embedded.
On button click , resume/suspend the powerbi embed service in Azure. I followed below link to do this.
How to get authorization code dynamicallly each time i click the button.
You can get an access token for Power BI using Azure Active Directory Authentication Libraries. The easiest way to get it is to install Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory NuGet package. Then to obtain an access token you need to call AcquireTokenAsync method. Here is how you can do this:
private static string redirectUri = "";
private static string resourceUri = "";
private static string authorityUri = "";
// Obtain at
private static string clientId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
private static AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUri, new TokenCache());
private async void btnAuthenticate_ClickAsync(object sender, EventArgs e)
var authenticationResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceUri, clientId, new Uri(redirectUri), new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Auto));
if (authenticationResult == null)
MessageBox.Show("Call failed.");
The last parameter is PromptBehavior.Auto. This means that you will be prompted for credentials, unless your identity is saved on this computer. Also, when there is no consent for access is given this app, the user will be prompted too. The authentication is performed in an interactive way - it expect that there will be a human, who will enter credentials in case they are needed. If you want to obtain an access token in non-interactive way, you can use user name and password in your code. In this case the method for obtaining the access token should look like this:
private void btnAuthenticate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = null;
// First check is there token in the cache
authenticationResult = authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(resourceUri, clientId).Result;
catch (AggregateException ex)
AdalException ex2 = ex.InnerException as AdalException;
if ((ex2 == null) || (ex2 != null && ex2.ErrorCode != "failed_to_acquire_token_silently"))
if (authenticationResult == null)
var uc = new UserPasswordCredential("", "<EnterStrongPasswordHere>"); // Or parameterless if you want to use Windows integrated auth
authenticationResult = authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceUri, clientId, uc).Result;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ex.InnerException == null ? "" : Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException.Message);
if (authenticationResult == null)
MessageBox.Show("Call failed.");
Please note, that this call may fail, if no consent is given to your app. To do this, go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> App registrations and locate your app. Then open your app's settings and in Required permissions select Power BI Service and click Grant permissions:
At this point you can use this access token to perform REST API calls or to embed elements in your app. This token gives access to everything which the user can access and it has been allowed to be accessed when you registered your app in the portal. If you want however to generate a token for one particular report (or tile, or dashboard), then you can call some of the Embed Token methods, e.g. GenerateTokenInGroup (using the ADAL access token to authenticate yourself in the headers of the request for generating the embedded token).

Azure notification hub installation c#

Can anyone help me with Azure notification hub, how to set up device installation form c# code. I have problem with the Installation object. How to set it to pass it as parameter to CreateOrUpdateInstallation method of hub client instance. It's not clear to me.
I have a hub on azure that works with device registration like charm in local, but uploaded on azure are not working. Now I wanna try with istalation.
update: after 4 days, I figured out, that you can't send notification to yourself. Azure somehow knows that you are sending notification to yours phone, and that's why my welcome message never delivered to my phone.
update: this is how now I install the device i my backend code:
public async Task<IActionResult> NotificationInstalationTest()
string connectionString = "{{my connection string}}";
string hubName = "{{my hub name}}";
string token = "{{tokne}}";
NotificationHubClient hubClient = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, hubName);
string notificationText = $"Test message for Azure delivery for Atila at: {DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}";
var alert = new JObject
new JProperty("aps", new JObject(new JProperty("alert", notificationText))),
new JProperty("inAppMessage", notificationText)
IList<string> tags = new List<string>();
IDictionary<string, string> pushVariables = new Dictionary<string, string>();
pushVariables.Add( "email", "" );
Installation installation = new Installation();
installation.InstallationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
installation.Platform = NotificationPlatform.Apns;
installation.PushChannel = token;
installation.Tags = tags;
installation.PushVariables = pushVariables;
await hubClient.CreateOrUpdateInstallationAsync(installation);
NotificationOutcome result = await hubClient.SendAppleNativeNotificationAsync(alert);
return Ok("Success");
Now when I hit this endpoint with Postman it works, if the same endpoint call comes from iOS it not works!
How to set it to pass it as parameter to CreateOrUpdateInstallation method of hub client instance. It's not clear to me.
Based on my understanding, you are registering the notification hub from your backend using the installation model. For your WebAPI project, assuming your method for create/update an installation as follows:
//PUT api/installation
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Put(DeviceInstallation deviceUpdate)
Installation installation = new Installation();
installation.InstallationId = deviceUpdate.InstallationId;
await hub.CreateOrUpdateInstallationAsync(installation);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
For your mobile client, you could refer to the following method:
private async Task<HttpStatusCode> CreateOrUpdateInstallationAsync(DeviceInstallation deviceInstallation)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
//TODO: set your authorization header
var putUri =$"{your-backend-endpoint}/api/installation";
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deviceInstallation);
var response = await httpClient.PutAsync(putUri, new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
return response.StatusCode;
Moreover, for more details you could refer to Registration management and here for building backend with the registration model to build your backend using the installation model.

MVC accessing external Web API using login credentials

In need of some help accessing an external Web API passing along credentials in order to access the methods available. I have included the code below that i use in order to attempt to access the Web API. However, i receive the following error every time i attempt to access it:
"The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel."
What am i missing or what am i doing wrong? I have been circling around this for a couple days and have tried a couple different techniques but continue to get the same error. Here is one technique that i used.
private static async Task<string> GetAPIToken(string userName, string password, string apiBaseUri)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
//setup client
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(apiBaseUri);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
//setup login data
var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
new KeyValuePair<string,string>("username",userName),
new KeyValuePair<string,string>("password",password),
//send request
HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await client.PostAsync("Token", formContent);
//get access token from response body
var responseJson = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var jobject = JObject.Parse(responseJson);
return jobject.GetValue("access_token").ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is a little bit of a difference when using HTTPS vs HTTP. This question should give you the information you need to fix your problem.
Make Https call using HttpClient

Azure Mobile Services LoginAsync method not working with Microsoft Auth Token

I have successfully been able to get an access_token (or authenticationToken for Microsoft tokens) using the client side authentication in my Xamarin forms App. I am able to get further user information (email, name, etc.) using the same access token. Now, when I try to pass that token to my Azure Mobile Service backend, I get a 401 error.
Here is my code:
private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string> MSGetUserInfo(Account account)
// Reference:
// Note that Microsoft don't recognize the access_token header entry, but rely instead on an Authorization header entry
var client = new HttpClient();
var userInfoRequest = new HttpRequestMessage()
RequestUri = new Uri(""),
Method = HttpMethod.Get,
// Add acccess Bearer
userInfoRequest.Headers.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", account.Properties["access_token"]);
using (var response = await client.SendAsync(userInfoRequest).ConfigureAwait(false))
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Models.User user = new Models.User();
var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
var jobject = JObject.Parse(responseString);
var userName = (string)jobject["userPrincipalName"];
// Check username is valid
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
throw new Exception("Username was not set for authenticated user");
user.ProviderLoginId = userName;
var userDisplayName = (string)jobject["displayName"];
// Replace display name if invalid
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userDisplayName))
userDisplayName = userName;
user.Name = userDisplayName;
var userEmail = (string)jobject["mail"];
// Replace email if invalid
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userEmail))
userEmail = userName;
user.Email = userEmail;
Valufy.App.currentUser = user;
throw new Exception("OAuth2 request failed: " + await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
return "success";
The above code snippet works in getting my user details. Now when I try to use the same token in the subsequent call, I get a 404:
public async Task<bool> Authenticate(string token)
string message = string.Empty;
var success = false;
JObject objToken = new JObject();
//objToken.Add("access_token", token); //for facebook and google
objToken.Add("authenticationToken", token); //for microsoft
// Sign in with Facebook login using a server-managed flow.
if (user == null)
user = await syncMgr.CurrentClient
.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.MicrosoftAccount, objToken);
if (user != null)
success = true;
message = string.Format("You are now signed-in as {0}.", user.UserId);
catch (Exception ex)
message = string.Format("Authentication Failed: {0}", ex.Message);
// Display the success or failure message.
// await new MessageDialog(message, "Sign-in result").ShowAsync();
return success;
Is there something that I am doing wrong? Any and all assistance is appreciated.
According to your description, I followed this Git sample about Microsoft Graph Connect Sample for UWP (REST). I could get the access_token and it could work as expected with Microsoft Graph API (e.g. Get a user). But when I use this access_token as the authenticationToken token object for MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync, I could also get 401 Unauthorized.
Then I checked the managed client for Azure Mobile Apps about Authenticate users. For Client-managed authentication flow, I found that the official code sample about using Microsoft Account is working with Live SDK as follows:
// Request the authentication token from the Live authentication service.
// The wl.basic scope should always be requested. Other scopes can be added
LiveLoginResult result = await liveIdClient.LoginAsync(new string[] { "wl.basic" });
if (result.Status == LiveConnectSessionStatus.Connected)
session = result.Session;
// Get information about the logged-in user.
LiveConnectClient client = new LiveConnectClient(session);
LiveOperationResult meResult = await client.GetAsync("me");
// Use the Microsoft account auth token to sign in to App Service.
MobileServiceUser loginResult = await App.MobileService
Note: As LiveConnectSession states about AuthenticationToken:
The authentication token for a signed-in and connected user.
While check the authentication with Microsoft Graph, I could only find the access_token instead of AuthenticationToken.
I have checked LiveLogin for WP8 and Microsoft Account Authentication for Mobile Apps via Fiddler to capture the authorize requests. I found that MS account authentication has the similar authorize request as Live SDK.
I assumed that you need to leverage Live SDK to authenticate the user when using client side authentication with Microsoft account. I found the Live SDK download page is not exist, you could follow the Live SDK for WP8 to get started with Live SDK.
For the client-flow authentication (Microsoft Account), you could leverage MobileServiceClient.LoginWithMicrosoftAccountAsync("{Live-SDK-session-authentication-token}"), also you could use LoginAsync with the token parameter of the value {"access_token":"{the_access_token}"} or {"authenticationToken":"{Live-SDK-session-authentication-token}"}. I have tested LoginAsync with the access_token from MSA and retrieve the logged info as follows:

How to get an ACS app-only access token for Project Online

I'm trying to get an AppOnly access token for use in the Authorization Bearer header of my request to a REST endpoint in Project Online (SharePoint). Following is a snippet of the code that I was using to retrieve the access token.
private OAuth2AccessTokenResponse GetAccessTokenResponse()
var realm = TokenHelper.GetRealmFromTargetUrl([[our_site_url]]);
var resource = $"00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/[[our_site_authority]]#{realm}";
var formattedClientId = $"{ClientId}#{realm}";
var oauth2Request = OAuth2MessageFactory.CreateAccessTokenRequestWithClientCredentials(
oauth2Request.Resource = resource;
var client = new OAuth2S2SClient();
var stsUrl = TokenHelper.AcsMetadataParser.GetStsUrl(realm);
var response = client.Issue(stsUrl, oauth2Request) as OAuth2AccessTokenResponse;
var accessToken = response.AccessToken;
catch (WebException wex)
using (var sr = new StreamReader(wex.Response.GetResponseStream()))
var responseText = sr.ReadToEnd();
throw new WebException(wex.Message + " - " + responseText, wex);
I keep getting 403 Forbidden as the response from the server, even if I include site collection admin credentials with my request. Does anyone out there have any ideas?
After creating a support ticket with Microsoft to figure this out we eventually decided to move away from using app permissions for console application authorization.
Our workaround was to create SharePointOnlineCredentials object using a service account, and then get the Auth cookie from the credentials object to pass with our WebRequest. This solution came from scripts found here:
