Cordova plugin to check support of 'Face Id' and 'Touch Id'? [closed] - cordova-plugins

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there a cordova plugin to check support of 'Face Id' and 'Touch Id'?
And is there a way to use these authentication methods without showing the native popup (to add a custom animation for instance)?

This plugin support Touch ID and Face ID :
Native authentication popup cannot be skipped on hybrid or native app, it not depends on cordova.

I am using this plugin
It works but needs some fixes. I have two pull requests open.
When they get merged, it will meet all of my needs.


Is there third party package repository for Swift? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I came from web development/design (still are) and I started to learn Swift 5 for iOS app development. In web development, there's a lot of sites or repo where I can download pre-written codes for the web like My question is, is there a similar site where I can pull pre-written code in Swift so I can extend the functionality of an iOS app? Thank you!
You can try dependency managers CocoaPods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager.
Here you can use cocoapods, spm

Using Swift Vapor instead of PHP [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need an advise from an experienced Swift developer who have used Vapor framework.
I was planning to use php to create a control panel for an iOS and Android apps, but I was told to use Vapor instead of it.
Can anyone answer this question I have about Vapor? Searching internet didn't give me much answers and created some confusion.
When Vapor is ready, will we have a front end for it? I mean a user interface. Like I would have if the backend was created using php, and it's frontend using Bootstrap?
In Vapor you could render html pages using Leaf
So yeah, you could build some website and/or admin panel using Vapor.

Firebase with F# and Visual Studio [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any way to use Firebase with F# iOS Development in Visual Studio? I have created an iOS app using xCode and Swift which is heavily dependent on a FIrebase backend and need to now translate it into F#, however I am unable to find any information regarding this issue.
Yes there is.
You can use a third party lib to do the job. Some I've tested before are:
There is also a package in nugget called FsFireBase

Crouton equivalence on iOS? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm just restarting out with iOS trying to port an Android app. What would be the most equivalent example of an android crouton on iOS? I couldn't find any third party libraries except one abandoned project: .
Basically, if one wants to show a quick context relevant message that doesn't require user action to dismiss, what would s/he use?
There are actually a few libraries out there.
For example CRToast or JDStatusBarNotification.
I recommend using cocoacontrols to find third party libraries.
I hope this will help you!

Download iOS Twitter Kit [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Quite irritatingly, the documentation for the Twitter Api ( is quite complete with lots of example and all, but in the whole site I wasn't able to find a single "Download" button.
Now, where can I download the TwitterKit? Thanks
You need to download fabric tool, register, choose your project and install TwitterKit from this interface.
Sing up now here:
Fabric Docs:
TwitterKit is part of Fabric, which can be downloaded from
Follow the link that says "Download".
You can sign up for and download Fabric via (which is linked from the Fabric section of as stated in other responses).
