How to concisely control a spriteNode's movement with swipes - ios

I am building a spriteKit game in Xcode 10.2.1 with swift 5, where the player has to reach the end of a large background (avoiding enemies, obstacles etc.) in order to complete the level. The camera is tied to the player spriteNode's position.x and the player can move the spriteNode in any direction with swipes.
I am using a cobbled together UIPanGestureRecognizer to enable this movement, and this seems to work reasonably well.
#objc func handlePan(recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let transformerX = 1024/self.view!.frame.size.width
let transformerY = 768/self.view!.frame.size.height
if recognizer.state == .began {
lastSwipeBeginningPoint = recognizer.location(in: self.view)
} else if (recognizer.state == .ended) {
if scrolling { // this is controlls whether player can be moved - scrolling is set to true once introductory elements have run
if playerDamage < 4 { //player cannot be controlled and falls off screen if it has 4 damage
let velocity = recognizer.velocity(in: self.view)
player.physicsBody?.applyImpulse(CGVector(dx: velocity.x * transformerX / 5.4, dy: velocity.y * transformerY * -1 / 5.4)) //-1 inverts y direction so it moves as expected
This does allow movement around the level, but not in as precise and controlled a way as I would like. The player moves off at the set speed but any further swipes (to change direction/avoid obstacles) seem to multiply the speed and generally make it difficult to control accurately.
Is there a way of choking off the speed, so that it starts off at the set speed but then starts to lose momentum, or is there a better way altogether of controlling multi-direction movement?


How do I alter the touch location when handling a pinch and a pan gesture recognizer at the same time?

I'm trying to recreate an interaction similar to the photos app where you can pinch and pan a photo at the same time. Adding or removing a touch mid pan works perfectly.
In my code I'm using the location of touch to move the view. When I drag with two fingers, the pan gesture recognizers puts the point between the two fingers (as it should), but when I lift a finger it changes the point to that of that one finger, causing the view to jerk to a new position.
Setting the maximumNumberOfTouches to 1 does not solve my problem since you can touch with finger1, pan, touch with finger 2, pan, lift finger 1 and the view will jerk to the position of finger 2. Plus, I want to allow 2 finger panning since they can pinch to zoom and rotate the image as well.
I also cannot use UIScrollView for this for other reasons, but I know it doesn't have that problem.
The only solution I can think of is to get the initial touch location, then every time a finger is added or removed, offset the new location based on the old location. But I'm not sure how to get that information.
Is there an API for this? Is the above way the only way, and if so, how do I do it?
As I understand it, the issue is that your code for responding to a pan (drag) doesn't work if the user changes the number of fingers in mid-drag, because the gesture recognizer's location(in:) jumps.
The problem is that the entire basic assumption underlying your code is wrong. To make a view draggable, you do not check the location(in:). You check the translation(in:). That's what it's for.
This is the standard pattern for making a view draggable with a pan gesture recognizer:
#objc func dragging(_ p : UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let v = p.view!
switch p.state {
case .began, .changed:
let delta = p.translation(in:v.superview)
var c =
c.x += delta.x; c.y += delta.y = c
p.setTranslation(.zero, in: v.superview)
default: break
That works fine even if the user starts with multiple fingers and lifts some during the drag.
Ok, so here's how I solved it.
Inside the gesture function I have a global variable being given the touch location.
self.touchInView.x = sender.location(in: superview).x - frame.origin.x
self.touchInView.y = sender.location(in: superview).y - frame.origin.y
self.touchInParent = sender.location(in: superview)
In state == .began I have a variable called OriginalTouch which I set the location of touch.
if gesture.state == .began {
originalTouch = self.touchInView
Then in state == .changed I detect if the number of touches changed and calculate the offset:
//Reset original touch position if number of touch changes so view remains in the same position
if sender.numberOfTouches != lastNumberOfTouches {
originalTouch.x += (touchInView.x - originalTouch.x)
originalTouch.y += (touchInView.y - originalTouch.y)
lastNumberOfTouches = sender.numberOfTouches
Now I can set the view's location based on the originalTouch
self.frame.origin = touchInParent - originalTouch

How do I find out which direction a user is panning with UIPanGestureRecognizer?

So I am using UIPanGestureRecognizer in my project which I added to a view. I would like to know when a user either goes up, down,left or right. I am using the left and right feature to scrub through video. The up and down gesture is still to be determined. I have used the following code but I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks for the help!
#IBAction func panVideo(_ recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let vel = recognizer.velocity(in: self.videoView)
if vel.x > 0 {
// user dragged towards the right
else {
// user dragged towards the left
EDIT: Using Slider
if let duration = avPlayer?.currentItem?.duration {
let totalSeconds = CMTimeGetSeconds(duration)
let value = Float64(scrubberSlider.value) * totalSeconds
let seekTime = CMTime(value: Int64(value), timescale: 1)
avPlayer?.seek(to: seekTime, completionHandler: { (completedSeek) in
//perhaps do something later here
Joe's answer is close, but it won't take into account direct vertical or horizontal pans. (I'd comment on his answer except the formatting won't take.) Try this:
let vel = recognizer.velocity(in: self.videoView)
if vel.x > 0 {
// user dragged towards the right
else if vel.x < 0 {
// user dragged towards the left
if vel.y > 0 {
// user dragged towards the down
else vel.y < 0 {
// user dragged towards the up
In essence, you are getting the CGPoint of the gesture (x,y) and determining the velocity of the movement. You have an alternative to this - taking the starting and ending point:
var startingPoint =
#IBAction func panVideo(_ recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
if recognizer.state == .began {
startingPoint = recognizer.location(in: self.videoView)
if recognizer.state == .ended {
let endingPoint = recognizer.location(in: self.videoView)
[ do the same comparing as above]
The advantage of the second option is you aren't doing unnecessary calculations during the pan. The disadvantage is that there are certain scenarios (like animating view movements) that are not conducive to it.
EDIT: I'm adding a bit more verbiage after reading your comment. It sounds to me that you may not be fully understanding what a pan gesture really is.
Like most (all?) gestures, it has a beginning, an in-between, and and end.
It is a two-dimensional drag with two components, both x and y.
There are actually SEVEN possible states, but FOUR of them (cancelled, failed, possible, recognized) do not happen with a pan gesture, leaving THREE states (began, changed, ended) that trigger.
I threw out one example - moving a view with a pan gesture - earlier. Now I'll try a second one - tracing an outline of, say, the Statue of Liberty in an image.
Here you want all THREE states, in order to know when to being tracing, when the path changes, and when it ends. And restricting this to the change state, I think you can see where both the X and the Y coordinate changes.
So yes, a logging of "left, up, left, up, left" is quite possible.I would think that if you traced a completely vertical line across the entire screen you might expect all "up" or "down" values in your log, but the odds of any human being panning that perfect is unlikely, so sure, a few "left" or "rights" may happen.
My tweak to Joe's code was to eliminate those moments of perfection. If vel.x == 0 you would have "left", and where bel.y == 0 you would have "down".
Again, if you simply want to know what the "result" of the pan is, use .began and .ended and ignore .changed - do not use recognizer.velocity but recognizer.state.
The "if" statements both of us gave you are really frameworks. If you understand both state and the two-dimensional nature of things, and you need to use .changed, then adapt those "if" statements - maybe compare the velocity of X to Y and take the greater, or eliminate those changes where the change in X or Y was under a threshold.
Try this code: tested in Swift 3.
Updated Answer: Below code will give you a starting and end location of your view when touch began.
if recognizer.state == .began {
let vel = recognizer.velocity(in: view) // view is your UIView
if vel.x > 0 {
} else {
if recognizer.state == .ended {
let vel = recognizer.velocity(in: view)
if vel.y > 0 {
} else {
Note : Your answer actually hidden in your code ?
#IBAction func panVideo(_ recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let vel = recognizer.velocity(in: self.videoView)
if vel.x > 0 {
// user dragged towards the right
else {
// user dragged towards the left
if vel.y > 0 {
// user dragged towards the down
else {
// user dragged towards the up
hope this helps...
Okay, now I'm getting the correct mental picture. You want scrub control. This is something very different, and I would recommend a UISlider over working with gestures - highly recommend it. For starters, they have the pan gesture already built in! Here's what I think apps like YouTube, QuickTime, etc. do.
(1) Let's take a specific example of having a video that is 1:53:22 in length, or (1*60*60)+(53*60)+22 = 6802 seconds in length.
(2) Add a "scrubber" subview to your main screen. You'll probably want a UISlider, two UILabels (one to each side of the slider), and anything else you think for a polished look.
(3) The UISLider will have a minimumValue of 0 seconds and a maximumValue of 6802 seconds. Of course, you'll want that max value to be calculated on each change of source.
(4) A question you'll want to answer for your app is whether to go the route of iTunes (where this scrubber view is always visible) or YouTube (where it is overly visible when the user or mouse cursor hovers over an area). For the former, you just need to position this scrub view in a position on the screen. For the latter though, you may wish to use a pan gesture - but only for visibility. Hold that thought.
(5a) You need two, maybe three more things on you UISlider. First is an automatic value update. Again it will depend on the visibility of the entire scrub view. You want to update, once a second, both the left hand UILabel and the UISLider value if it's always visible. For a disappearing one you probably can get away with only updating it once a second when it's visible.
(5b) The second thing you need to do with the UISlider is track changes the user makes to it (the "scrubbing") while it's visible. The event you are looking for is UIControl.valueChanged(). It will trigger anytime the user works with the slider, giving you the new seconds value to "scrub" the video to.
(5c) The third thing you might want to do with the UISlider is customize it a few ways - change the thumb image and the slider itself. My app changes the thumb image. These can only be done in code, there are no IB properties available.
Back to #4. All of the above doesn't need a pan gesture, unless you want the scrub view to appear only when needed.
If you have a mental picture of what I've described above, all you want to know is if a pan gesture has happened. No regards for direction. You might wish to have some regards for screen area - do want this scrub view to appear when a user pans over an area where the scrub view will not appear?
Wire up a CALayer (or the entire video view) with the pan gesture. Then code for a state of UIGestureRecognizer.began. Make the scrub view visible by changing it's alpha state from 0 to 1, or "sliding" it into view by changing it's origin or height. Add a UIView.animate(withDuration:) to it for a good effect.
Now, all that's left is setting the scrub view back to it's natural state. You'll need to code the reverse of whatever you did, and attach it to a timer set for however many seconds you want it visible.
My app uses 4 UISliders that change various things (height, width, saturation, grill thickness) of of a photo effect that uses CoreImage. Performance is very tight, about 5/100 of a second to grab the new values of all 4 sliders and update the image.
These sliders are always visible today, but my next update (about 2 weeks away) will feature a "sliding control board" - think a keyboard with sliders and other controls on it. (There's limitations on the alpha value for a custom keyboard that forced me to write my own, but that's a separate discussion.)
So I know a "sliding scrub view" is possible. What I don't know for you is if you set the alpha value to a view to zero, will it detect pan gestures? I don't know, thus a CALayer may be needed.

Jumping with Sprite Kit and Swift

I am creating an app in Sprite Kit and Swift and want to create a sprite that jumps upwards while the screen is pressed, therefore jumping higher as the screen is pressed higher. I have achieved that effect, but gravity in the physics engine is not being applied until after the screen is released. Therefore the jumps are infinite (increasing exponentially) rather than levelling off at a certain point (like a quadratic equation / parabola).
How does one apply gravity actively during the motion of a sprite?
Here is my basic movement code:
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
// Called before each frame is rendered
// touched is true while screen is touched
if touched {
nodeLeft.physicsBody?.applyImpulse(CGVector(dx: -5, dy: 0))
NOTE: The object is jumping right and left rather than up and down
The gravity should be working constantly, and probably is. As you apply an impulse on every tick however, this force is much stronger than the gravity.
What you need to do is to decrease the effect of the impulse over time.
This can be achieved in a number of ways, for instance by using the position of the sprite as a base for the impulse: The higher the sprite position, the lower the impulse.
if touched {
let minX: CGFloat = 200 // some suitable value
let multiplier: CGFloat = 10
let force = max(0, (nodeLeft.position.x / minX - 1) * multiplier)
nodeLeft.physicsBody?.applyImpulse(CGVector(dx: -force, dy: 0))
The minX value in the above example probably makes no sense. But the logic is fairly sound I believe. You obviously need to experiment and tweak this (and the multiplier) to suit your needs.

SpriteKit move physics body on touch (air hockey game)

I'm trying to make an air hockey game using SpriteKit. I trying to make the pucks draggable but I can't make them continue to move after the touch has ended. Right now I am binding the touch and the puck and setting it's position when the touch moves.
using the physics system:
override func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
for (touch, node) in draggingNodes {
let targetPosition = touch.locationInNode(self)
let distance = hypot(node.position.x - targetPosition.x, node.position.y - targetPosition.y)
var damping = sqrt(distance * 100)
if (damping < 0) {
damping = 0.0
node.physicsBody!.linearDamping = damping
node.physicsBody!.angularDamping = damping
let translation = CGPointMake(targetPosition.x - node.position.x, targetPosition.y - node.position.y)
node.physicsBody!.velocity = CGVectorMake(translation.x * 100, translation.y * 100);
You're likely going to need to do a lot more reading. Either you'll use the physics system:
In which case you'll impart an impulse onto the puck on the touch end event, having calculated the speed based on a delta in position and delta in time from last frame to current frame (or some type of average over more than 1 frame).
You'll manually set velocity on the puck (not using the physics system), and then manually update the puck's position per frame based on that velocity, then recalculate its vector when it comes into contact with another object based on angle of of incidence.

Enforce single-axis velocity

I'm trying to build a game, using SpriteKit, in which there's a ball that bounces up and down. Now I want to let the player control the balls movement in the X axis and let the physics engine control the Y velocity.
For example, when the ball hits a corner it starts moving sideways on it's own. I would like it to bounce of the corner and then quickly stabilize and stop moving side-ways. Is there anyway of doing this without trying to counteract any sideways movement by applying an impulse? Would it be easier to just manually control the ball's movement up and down?
I've tried applying a counteracting force without much success (the ball freaks out):
override func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
let ballDx = ball?.physicsBody?.velocity.dx
if let ballVelocityX = ballDx {
if ballVelocityX != 0 {
ball?.physicsBody?.applyForce(CGVectorMake(ballVelocityX * -1, 0))
Sounds like you need to apply linear damping in the x direction. Here's an example of how to do that:
// Adjust this value as needed. It should be in [0,1], where a value of 1 will
// have no effect on the ball and a value of 0 will stop the ball immediately.
let xAlpha:CGFloat = 0.95
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
/* Apply damping only in x */
let dx = sprite.physicsBody!.velocity.dx * xAlpha
let dy = sprite.physicsBody!.velocity.dy
sprite.physicsBody?.velocity = CGVectorMake(dx, dy)
