Can I integrate my app onto instagram and publish in the app store? - ios

I'm currently working on an app that allows some feature to be displayed when a user clicks on another instagram user's pictures, ie, when the picture and the provision to comment on the comment section displays. This is a simple feature that in a way overlays over this page. M question is, does instagram or any other photo sharing app allow this?
Once the user downloads my app, he/she will be allowed to integrate my app with instagram and have this feature enabled.

Not sure I understand your question right or not. But there is no way to overlay your view to other application. There is a way to display part of your application in other application, which called extension but Instagram needs to design their application to add that feature which likely impossible.
Other way you can think of is checking if Instagram has API to see if a photo is liked/commented then you can response to that action.


How to download a 3D model from a website and load content into ios app using Swift

Can someone explain the process involved to allows users of my app to visit a website using Safari to download 3D models and subsequently launch the app for the users to view the models. I am currently working with Scenekit to visualise 3D models that have been pre-loaded at build time, however I would like users to be able to access 3D files dynamically after they have uploaded them to my website. After some initial research, I believe Universal links may direct me in the right direction, however I cannot find a suitable source that supports downloading files using these links. An example of the desired functionality is below (screenshot taken from another app).
The user visits the website and downloads the 3D model.
After pressing the download button, an alert pops up and allows the user to launch the app. In doing so, the 3D model is downloaded into the app.
Thank you in advance.
You can use for it Universal Links, or Deeplink. iOS will detect this action and offer to you open in app. But remember, app MUST be installed on your device, otherwise it goes to AppStore to find your app.
So u can put into download URL your 3D model and send it by Universal Link.
Here is documentation from Apple how to use it.

Link to a specific section of my app, or the app store if it hasn't been downloaded?

I'm in the process of updating my iOS app, and one feature that I'd love to add would be the ability to create links (to send via email, or for social media) that would allow users who have downloaded the app to be taken to a certain section of the app, and users who haven't to be taken to the app store page for my app. I also want it to take desktop users to the itunes page for my app.
Now, I've been looking into url schemes as I think this is the way forward, and have managed to create a custom url scheme that will indeed take users to different parts of my app. However, I'm struggling to find a way to check if the app has been installed, and what device the user is on etc.
Would I need to use a server to redirect them to the correct place?
I found out the best way to do it is with universal links, introduced in iOS 9.

How to share image to instagram within app in iOS?

I have seen many questions related to my question and also got answer that there is no public api to share image to instagram within app. but my problem is that if i am opening instagram app from my app then there is no way to return back to my app and i also want to get username of logged in user before sharing image to instagram but can't get because as per my knowledge can't transfer data from one aap to another.

How to prevent auto-launching of our iOS app from links in FB iOS app?

We have an iOS app that publishes certain activity to Facebook that contains links to pages on our domain. Our intention is for friends to click on those links and view them as webpages.
However, when you click on links in these published stories in the FB iOS app, it's auto launching our app instead of going to an embedded Web View or kicking out to safari.
Note: We still want to have single sign on (SSO), so just want to change the behavior of clicking links in published stories.
To clarify, this is what I'm talking about:
My app is able to publishes into the FB newsfeed for a particular user that opts in.
That person's friends see the link, but when they click it, it just goes to in the browser instead of launching my FOO app. This is because my app doesn't yet handle incoming context from FB iOS app.
I still want FB SSO to work from my FOO app. That is, when clicking on FB sign in in my FOO app, it jumps out to the FB iOS app (if installed) and does a single sign on and redirects back to my app. IOW, I don't want to break this authentication scenario that currently works.
What setting in the FB developers App Settings controls this? It's not clear from the documentation. I see sections for Native iOS app and Website which I currently have set but it's unclear which sub-setting affects the behavior in question. Also, it's not clear even if I was to find the setting, can I affect it without affecting SSO.
The setting you want in the Facebook App dialog is under the iOS Native section (see the screenshot below) - set both the highlighted sections to Disabled.
This won't affect Facebook login/SSO in the app, so you'll still be able to do the OAuth dances.

iOS TWTweetComposeViewController - Posting in background

I'm trying to integrate twitter in iOS5 app.
Using Twitter framework in my app, can I post the message in the background?
I know that using TWTweetComposeViewController, it will show a view and then it will post.
Is this possible?
The answer is no. The whole point of having the View Controller is to allow the User to see and dictate what exactly will be posted without interference from the App apart from the initial text which the user also has the option to change. It stops apps abusing the Twitter accounts from posting spam etc.
The Apple Documentation clearly states:
Although you may perform Twitter requests on behalf of the user, you cannot append text, images, or URLs to tweets without the user’s knowledge. Hence, you can set the initial text and other content before presenting the tweet to the user but cannot change the tweet after the user views it.
You can't do this using TWTweetComposeViewController. You can do this using TWRequest provided the user authorizes your app to access their Twitter account(s).
