How to pass option tags to a custom element as distributed nodes (aka <slot></slot>) - shadow-dom

I have a web component custom element defined like so.
<template id="dropdown-template">
class Dropdown extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
let template = document.getElementById('dropdown-template');
customElements.define("drop-down", Dropdown);
When trying to use it, I try and pass option tags with values into the custom element.
This doesn't work. The select element is shown to have a <slot> element as its direct child, and it doesn't render the options. Is this not possible to do with the <select> tag?

It not possible to do it like that because the parent element of an <option> tag must be a <select> tag. So you can use with Shadow DOM because the <slot> element will break the parent/child hierachy.
Solution 1 : move elements
A workaround is to move the content of the light DOM inside the <select> element in the template.
class Dropdown extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow( {mode: 'open'} )
let template = document.getElementById( 'dropdown-template' )
shadowRoot.appendChild( template.content.cloneNode(true) )
const select = shadowRoot.querySelector( 'select' )
shadowRoot.addEventListener( 'slotchange', ev => {
let node = this.querySelector( 'option' )
node && select.append( node )
} )
customElements.define("drop-down", Dropdown);
<template id="dropdown-template">
Solution 2: customized <select>
Another possibility is to avoid Shadow DOM and define your drop-down list as a customized built-in <select> element. Maybe this won't fit your needs if you want to customize the layout.
<select is="drop-down">


Why are shadow DOM events in a setTimeout re-targeted?

A custom element with a shadow DOM that listens for events on itself will (may?) have its events retargeted if those events are read from within a setTimeout:
class Widget extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
attachShadowDom() {
let shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
let templateClone = document.querySelector("#widget-template").content.cloneNode(true);
registerListener() {
this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#my-input").addEventListener("input", (event) => {
setTimeout(() => console.log(, 0);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
customElements.define("my-widget", Widget);
<template id="widget-template">
<input type="text" id="my-input">
Each character entered into the input element above logs 2 separate event targets to the console: the input element, and the my-widget element. I am wondering if this is by design?
Yes, it is by design.
As explained in
The idea behind shadow tree is to encapsulate internal implementation details of a component [...]
So, to keep the details encapsulated, the browser retargets the event.
And from Google presentation of Shadow DOM:
When an event bubbles up from shadow DOM its target is adjusted to maintain the encapsulation that shadow DOM provides. That is, events are re-targeted to look like they've come from the component rather than internal elements within your shadow DOM.

TextArea Resizing in Dart during DOM Initialization

I'm trying to make a text area that resizes dynamically in Dart based on the height of its contents.
I have a textarea element defined in a polymer element in Dart like so:
<polymer-element name="page-content">
<template repeat="{{element in elist | enumerate}}">
<li value={{element.index}}><textarea class="{{element.value.type}}" resize="none" on-keypress="{{resize}}" on-change="{{updateDatabase}}">{{element.value.content}}</textarea><div on-click="{{deleteElement}}">X</div></li>
When any text is entered into the textarea, the resize method is called and properly resizes the text-area to adjust its height appropriately.
I am not sure how to call the resize method right when the element is loaded into the DOM. I have tried adding on-load="{{resize}}" to the textarea or even querying all the textareas and adjusting their sizes. Nothing seems to be working. My intutition tells me there should be an easy way to do this.
If it helps, my resize method in dart looks like this:
void resize(Event event, var detail, var target) {
Element element =;
print(element.scrollHeight); = "1px"; = "${element.scrollHeight}px";
This is an interesting question.
I think the best approach would be to wrap the textarea in some autosize-textarea and there add
<polymer-element name="autosize-textarea">
<textarea id="inner" class="{{element.value.type}}" resize="none"
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
class AutosizeTextarea extends PolymerElement {
AutosizeTextarea.created() : super.created();
Element element;
void attached() {
resize(null, null, null);
void resize(Event event, var detail, var target) {
Element textarea $['inner'];
print(textarea.scrollHeight); = "1px"; = "${textarea.scrollHeight}px";
and the use it like
<link rel="import" href="autosize_textarea.html">
<polymer-element name="page-content">
<template repeat="{{element in elist | enumerate}}">
<li value={{element.index}}>
<autosize-textarea on-change="{{updateDatabase}}" element="{{element}}></autosize-textarea>
<div on-click="{{deleteElement}}">X</div>
I'm not sure if I understand your code correctly because you named the item created from template repeat element and also the element you got from I'm not sure if/how they are related.
Not tested but I think it should work.
The code that I worked out is very similar to what Günter Zöchbauer suggested. It queries the shadow DOM (something I did not think to do) to get all the text areas at once (instead of just one) and update their heights accordingly.
The method could be in attached() or after any place where the content is dynamically fetched from the database in my case.
void updatePageSizes() {
var items = shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("textarea");
var j = items.iterator;
while (j.moveNext()) { = "${element.scrollHeight}px"; = "blue";
Also, I figured out that, to my knowledge, it is not possible to call a function in Dart from each element added in an enumerated list in a polymer element. I guess this is just a limitation of Dart.

.Net MVC and Kendo - conditionally bind div based on selected option

I am almost there!
I would like to show a specific div based on the selected value.
For example, if selected value = "Option1" is chosen, then show corresponding div.
I've tried the following in the data-bind:
data-bind="if"selectedValue() === 'Option1'"
I am successfully able to use data-bind="visible" selectedValue" to toggle, but both divs show. I would like to get at the object property itself.
Here's the code:
<select data-bind=", options: availableValues, optionsText: 'Name', value: selectedValue, optionsCaption: 'Select One'"></select>
<div data-bind="if:selectedFieldType() === 'Option1' ">
#Html.Partial("_Edit" + this.Model.Type)
<div data-bind="if:selectedFieldType() === 'Option2' ">
#Html.Partial("_Add" + this.Model.Type)
$(function () {
var testModel = {
availableValues: ko.observableArray(#Html.Json(Model.SelectedValueOptions)),
selectedValue: ko.observable(null))
testModel.value= ko.dependentObservable(function () {
if (this.selectedValue()) {
return this.selectedValue().Val;
}, testModel);
var tryGetValue = $.grep(testModel.availableSelectedValues(), function (item) {
return item.Val === '#Model.Value';
})[0] || null;
ko.applyBindings(testModel, $('#general-section')[0]);
Thanks to Artem's comment, I was able to fix it - I was referencing if:value()...and needed to reference the value referenced in the model as opposed to the name I used in the binding parameters (e.g. testModel.value - value was what I needed to reference (in my case that was xyzType as opposed to the generic term "value" that was used in the data-bind options.

How to remove a child component with a delete button in the child itself

I have an email component (email-tag.html) that consist of a label, a select and a delete button element.
The email-tag.html component is hosted in its parent email-view-tag.html. email-view-tag contains an add-email-button that adds the email-tag element to the DOM each time it is clicked.
I need help in removing an added email-tag component when its delete-button is clicked. It is the compnoent that contains the delete-button that should be removed.
The two components are shown below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<polymer-element name='email-tag'>
flex-flow:row wrap;
<div id='email' class='main-flex-container'>
<section id='col1' class='col'>
<input id=emailTxt
<datalist id='_emails'>
<template repeat='{{email in emails}}'>
<option value='{{email}}'>{{email}}</option>
<section id='col2' class='col'>
<button id='delete-email-btn' type='button' on-click='{{deletePhone}}'>Delete</button>
<script type="application/dart">
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart' show CustomTag, PolymerElement;
import 'dart:html' show Event, Node;
#CustomTag( 'email-tag' )
class EmailElement extends PolymerElement
EmailElement.created() : super.created();
List<String> emails = [ '', 'Home', 'Personal', 'Private', 'Work', ];
void deletePhone( Event e, var detail, Node target)
//shadowRoot.querySelector('#new-phone' ).remove();
//print( 'Current row deleted' );
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="import" href="email-tag.html">
<polymer-element name='email-view-tag'>
flex-flow:row wrap;
<div id='email-view' class='main-flex-container'>
<section id='row0' >
<button id='add-email-btn' type='button' on-click='{{addPhone}}'>Add Phone</button>
</section >
<section id='rows' class='col'>
<!-- <epimss-phone-header-tag id='col1' class='col'></epimss-phone-header-tag> -->
<script type="application/dart">
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart' show CustomTag, PolymerElement;
import 'dart:html' show Event, Node, Element;
#CustomTag( 'email-view-tag' )
class EmailViewElement extends PolymerElement
EmailViewElement.created() : super.created();
void addPhone( Event e, var detail, Node target )
$[ 'rows' ].children.add( new Element.tag( 'email-tag' ) );
void attached() {
$[ 'add-email-btn' ].click();
The application does execute normally and clicking the add button does add the email component. The delete button does not work - it is here I am asking for help.
The child component, <email-tag> should not be in the business of deleting itself. Instead, it should delegate that responsibility to the the parent component, email-view-tag, by dispatching a custom event.
Here is the code for dispatching a custom event from deletePhone:
void deletePhone( Event e, var detail, Node target){
dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('notneeded'));
Then, in the parent, <custom-view>, change your code for adding <email-tag>s like so:
void addPhone( Event e, var detail, Node target ) {
$['rows'].children.add( new Element.tag('email-tag'));
$['rows'].on["notneeded"].listen((Event e) {
( as Element).remove();
Also, I would change the name of deletePhone, since the method no longer deletes the record but merely informs the parent that it is not needed. Call it 'notNeeded' or something similar.
#ShailenTuli is right about encapsulation should not be broken.
But also JS Polymer elements access the parent in their layout elements because it's still convenient in some scenarios.
This works now in PolymerDart too.
(this.parentNode as ShadowRoot).host
You can fire an event and make the email-view-tag listen to this tag and the event handler can remove the event target from it's childs.
I had a similar question a while ago:
How to access parent model from polymer component
This was actually the question I wanted refer to
How can I access the host of a custom element
but the first one may be of some use too.
PolymerJS FAQ - When is the best time to access an element’s parent node?
attached() currently still named enteredView() in Dart, but will be renamed probably soon.

Icons in Custom jQuery Mobile Select Menu

I'm using a custom select menu from jQuery Mobile, and I'd like to put icons into the custom pop-up menu to accompany each option. I'm applying the data-icon attribute to each option, like so:
<select name='mySelect' id='mySelect' data-icon='gear'>
<option value='0' data-icon='star'>Option 0</option>
<option value='1' data-icon='star'>Option 1</option>
<option value='2' data-icon='star' selected="selected">Option 2</option>
FWIW, I've already verified that my custom icons work in the select button itself. Am I just completely wrong in expecting icons to appear in the custom menu?
This is not supported by default but here is a quick piece of code to make it possible:
//wait for the correct page to initialize
$(document).delegate('#home', 'pageinit', function () {
//loop through each of the SELECT elements in this page
$.each($(this).find('select'), function () {
//get the ID of this select because it's menu's ID is based off of it
var currentID =;
//iterate through each of the OPTION elements for this SELECT element
$.each($(this).find('option'), function (index, element) {
//if the OPTION element has the `data-icon` attribute
if ($(element).attr('data-icon') != undefined) {
//update the menu for this SELECT by adding an icon SPAN element
//to each of the OPTION elements that has a `data-icon` attribute
$('#' + currentID + '-menu').children().eq(index).find('.ui-btn-inner').append('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-' + $(element).attr('data-icon') + ' ui-icon-shadow" />');
Here is a demo:
