Install ios-webkit-debug-proxy on Bitbar real device - ios

I am trying to test an iOS application using appium on a Bitbar real device.
I start my test by executing an appium test and after the login I need to switch to WEB_VIEW context to continue testing. I did some research and found that I need to have ios-webkit-debug-proxy installed on the device to switch the context from NATIVE to WEB_VIEW.
Found this doc : on the same
But how do I install ios-webkit-debug-proxy and run those commands mentioned in the doc in a Bitbar device.

It is installed in virtual machines. You just have to set startIWDP to true in desired capabilities.


How to run Appium with an iOS app

How do you use Appium with iOS? I know this question seems ridiculously simple, but actually you'd be surprised. There is apparently no documentation online that explains how to do this, except for perhaps youtube videos, which I can't watch anyway because my workplace disallows it.
I have a Mac. I have an app that is loaded in Xcode. I have the Appium desktop app running.
What do I do now?
BTW, I am already very familiar with Appium, as I have created tests for the Android version of the app.
install homebrew: to install and update the required packages easily
install Node.js
install Appium
install libimobiledevice: required to run our tests on real
install ios-deploy: required to deploy our apps to our devices
you also need WebDriverAgent: to opens the apps when it is downloaded to the device
Visit IOS Mobile Test Automation Using Appium and JAVA to learn how to install and run appium with an ios app. Hope this will help you.

Problems by setting up Appium

I want to set up an Appium test automtion framework on Mac OS (El Capitan).
First, I want to run test automation by iOS simulator and the Appium test app UICatalog.
Currently I ran into some problems. Also I have to mention that I'm quite new to testing stuff...
What I have installed so far:
xCode 7.2.1
Appium GUI
Java JDK 1.8.0_51
When I run the Appium Doctor by GUI there are no problems listed!
Question so far:
Is the Appium GUI the same as the npm installation like this
npm install -g appium
npm install wd
appium &
Do I still need the selenium package? Or does it come with the Appium GUI?
When I start Appium server by GUI I receive the following state:
Why does it get locked? What is missing?
Do I have to run xCode besides Appium server when I want to test an app?
How do I grant Appium access to the iOS simulator? Is this still necessary? I haven't get an authentification like this.
I hope anyone can give me some hints :).
I see your appium port is running on 4723. When you run your appium test scripts, which has port 4723 mentioned on your script itself. Your automated test cases would automatically run on the 4723.
Appium requires backend server port to be running. This way it communicates with your device.
The appium GUI is the Server GUI which shows what all happens in the back end when u trigger your script. All you need to do is , use the same port no in ur script while running,
iosDriver driver=new iosDriver(new URL(""), capabilities);
I have done automation using Appium+Cucumber+Java so I had the same questions you had. Here are some answers for you based on my experience-
Appium Gui is not the same as npm. They are 2 separate components. Appium uses node.js framework. So you need to install Appium and node.js (npm) separately. The command you mentioned
npm install -g appium
would install the Appium server. To install the Appium GUI you need to download and install it from this link -
Follow these instructions where I give step by step instructions on how to set up Appium -
If you follow the above steps you should be able to run tests via the iOS Simulator.
Also the state you mentioned in the screenshot with the Appium GUI is the normal expectations. It is just saying the Appium server started via the GUI and also gives you details on what simulator configuration has been selected.

Is it possible to run Appium iOS automated tests on Ubuntu?

I know that it's impossible to code the test on ubuntu since I need apple's xCode, but I would like to know if, once coded, it is possible to run the automated tests on Ubuntu.
No, appium needs xCode to use UiAutomation and instruments to perform testing on iOS unfortunately.
I did follow with success the following tutorial: Appium on Raspberry-Pi
My current setup is as follows:
iOS devices connected to Raspberry-Pi 4 (Ubuntu)
Appium server on RPi + Quamotion tools
Inspect/Run automation scripts from remote computer.
I tried this on RPi but I guess this works on any Ubuntu computer/server.

How do you run DalekJS on iOS?

I've got DalekJS running really well on WinLin, but am interested to know exactly what the process is for running it on iOS.
When running on Windows, for example, I install the DalekJS npm globally, and then install the IE web-driver, before executing my test suite.
On iOS am I expected to do the same thing? Can you install NodeJS on an iPhone? Is there a difference in doing it on the actual device, vs doing it through the emulator?
Also, what are the current obstacles in making it run on iPad?
Dalek will not run on the IPad/Iphone etc. itself (neither will or must NodeJS), it uses the native debugging tools that come with the dev environment through Appium.
Unfortunately, due to some changes that happened in MacOS 10.8 & 10.9 (Changes in the user rights management, etc.) it can only do this in the simulator. We are working on bringing back support for "real" devices with the next version of DalekJS.

how to get setup using XCode/Appium using

I am trying to automate the test cases in real apple device using appium but not able to do so.
Need help to setup the appium from not from terminal to test real apple devices.
There are currently issues with the current release of (1.2.0). You cannot use alone to run Appium.
You need to install Appium via Source or Appium-version-manager
You need to install XCode
You need to install XCode's command line tools
Follow these setup instructions.
Then follow these instructions to get the application ready for testing.
After that, run a simple test in your language of choice. Examples here
Once you get that working on the simulator, you need to prepare your application for testing on a real device by archiving the Application into an .ipa file signed with a Development certificate that contains your target device's UDID.
THEN, you can supply the udid and deviceName arguments to Appium server/desired_capabilities as defined in the desired_caps document.
