I can't access my Docker container on GCP Compute Engine - docker

I have my Docker container running on GCP Compute Engine. The CE server is running on CentOS 7. My Docker container has the application being served by Nginx with port 80 exposed. For some reason, I can't access it from the external IP address on my browser.
I ran the container with this command:
sudo docker run --name myapp -p 80:80 -d myapp:1.0.0
When I do sudo curl <internal_ip>:80 or sudo curl <localhost>:80 it will show that the application is running and returns back the content, but if I try to access in my browser with <external_ip>:80, it doesn't load anything. What can I do to make this accessible through the external IP address?

It seems I had to configure the firewall to open up port 80.


Networking using the host network, for docker not working

I am trying to run the demonstration for docker, and host networking using:
docker run --rm -d --network host --name my_nginx nginx
When inspecting the running container using Docker Desktop, it show port 80 as not bound. Also, when navigating to http://localhost:80, I am not able to see the default nginx welcome. I am only able to see any application when I manually bind ports to the host machine; i.e -p 80:80. I did give myself a custom local IP address and DNS options (Windows 10). Do I need to modify my hosts file on my system?

Docker Desktop created container do not have access to macos [duplicate]

Running docker for Mac 17.06.0 I have created a docker file that creates an image of Apache server. Notice it exposes port 80.
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y apache2
ADD index.html /var/www/html/
CMD /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND
In the same folder of the Dockerfile I have created a simple index.httml file.
Then I built and ran it using
docker build -t webserver .
docker run -d webserver
I took the IP address of the running container using
docker inspect [container_name] | grep -i IPAddress
and when I curl
I get no answer.
I do get an answer when running -p 80:80 and using localhost in the curl command.
curl localhost
But I want to understand why can't I curl the container IP.
How can I get an answer for my curl?
I understand I can't ping my container when using docker for Mac (link).
Can I telnet it just to verify that the port is exposed?
Can I SSH it?
On Docker for Mac the Docker engine is running inside a small VM using Hyper-V. As consequence, the ip is valid only inside that VM and not on your host system. See https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/docker-toolbox/#the-docker-for-mac-environment for more details and comparison to other VM concepts like Docker Machine.
When you run your Docker container, you need to bind a local port to the container like so:
docker run -d -p 80:80 webserver
where the first 80 is the port on the localhost and the second is the port on the container that is exposed. Just having the port exposed in the dockerfile is not enough to access it from the localhost.

Run docker but get This site can’t be reached refused to connect

I unable to access docker exposed port on windows machine. In details I do the following:
$ docker build -t abc01 .
$ docker run -d -p 80:4000 abc01
Then I try to reach docker container in browser:
and get annoying result:
This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
What is the issue?
You are exposing the right ports, however, you need to access the website at: 80 instead of 4000, given that 4000 is the port on which your application is listening.
The way exposing ports in Docker works is as follows:
docker run -p 80:4000 myImage
80[is the outside port]
The one is exposed on your host and you will use it in your browser
4000 [is the inside port]
The port that is used inside the container by the application

Can't access service running in docker

I'm unable to access a nodejs based service via http://localhost:8000 running in a docker image. I'm using Docker for Mac (https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/)
I'm following the tutorial here https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/nodejs-docker-webapp/.
The server runs on port 8000. I start the docker image with the following:
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 -d geuis/node-server:latest
If I run docker ps I see:
9fa2e446918b geuis/node-server:latest "npm start" 6 seconds ago Up 5 seconds>8000/tcp unruffled_lewin
If I docker exec -it 9fa2e446918b /bin/bash I can access the docker vm and I can curl http://localhost:8000 and access the server from inside the container.
However, I try the same curl http://localhost:8000 from my system terminal and its not accessible.
Not sure what I need to do next.
Try the following listen statement:
app.listen(PORT, '');
From reading the tutorial you mention it looks like express is listening on localhost. This is fine if you're running locally but inside of a container, localhost is not the same localhost that's outside of the container. is the unspecified IPv4 address and so Express will bind on any IP it can find, which will be the IP that your requests are coming in from outside the container.

docker for windows how to access docker daemon from container

Im running Docker Desktop for Windows (hyper V) and I need to access docker daemon from the container via tcp. It is possible to connect to it from the host like:
curl -v but not possible to access it from a container using my host IP address. Maybe someone knows how to do that or at least how to ssh to that docker vm, for example it is possible to ssh in to it on mac by executing:
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
I've figured how to do that using socat tool which takes docket.socket and proxy TCP calls to it.
So I've launched container with a socat which mount docker.sock since it is available inside of a VM and expose 2375 port:
docker run -p 2375:2375 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock codenvy/socat -d -d TCP-L:2375,fork UNIX:/var/run/docker.sock
With that now, I'm able to access docker daemon API through socat container.
