HTL Sightly for passing param and specifying a bundle - sightly

Is it possible to pass a variable to the data-sly-use statement using HTL Sightly Use API while also specifying a bundle?
For example
<sly"${'' # myVar='hello!'}"></sly>
with the helper
import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUsePojo;
public class Helper extends WCMUsePojo {
public void activate() throws Exception {
String myVar = getProperties().get("myVar", String.class);
// why is myVar is null?
If it makes a difference, this is in AEM

When extending WCMUsePojo you need to use the get (,%20java.lang.Class) ) method to be able to obtain the obiects passed as expression options.
Also have a look at the Passing Parameters section in


How to Dispatch Action types in Struts 2

I am trying to find the replacement for org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction.types in Struts2.
Below code snippet:
if(types != null)
if(types.length == forward.length)
The forward is a string type object and select is a list type array.
The documentation for DispatchAction.types:
protected java.lang.Class[] types
The set of argument type classes for the reflected method call. These are the same for all calls, so calculate them only once.
There's not the same thing in Struts2. You should refresh your mind to understand that struts2 works differently than struts-1.
For example you can map your actions directly to the method. You can use SMI for method call like in this answer
You should place the annotation directly on the method. Because if you put it on the class the default method execute() is used for the mapping.
public class UserAction {
#Action(value = "userAction")
public String test() {
// your code
rerurn Action.SUCCESS;
or use wildcard mapping like this answer.
The action name is overridden if used in the same package. The action name maps to a specific method or execute.
You can use wildcard mapping to put a method name in the action.
<action name="*product" class="com.DispatchAction" method="{1}">

Dart extension: don't access members with 'this' unless avoiding shadowing

I'm learning to use the new Dart extension methods.
I'm doing this:
extension StringInsersion on StringBuffer {
void insertCharCodeAtStart(int codeUnit) {
final end = this.toString();
int codeUnitAt(int index) {
return this.toString().codeUnitAt(index);
So that I can do something like this:
int value = myStringBuffer.codeUnitAt(2);
However, I get the following lint warning:
Don't access members with this unless avoiding shadowing.
Should I be doing something different?
The warning you received means the following:
There is no need to reference the current instance using keyword this. Everything will work without reference to the current instance because the static extension method itself acts as an instance method of extensible type.
Simply put, just remove the reference to the current instance from your code.
From this:
final end = this.toString();
To this:
final end = toString();
It's a style thing, based on Dart's guide. There are examples in
You can find more about style in
I turn off this rule globally by changing "analysis_options.yaml"
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
unnecessary_this: false

Should subclasses inherit private mixin variables in Dart?

Should I get the following error:
class.dart:11:11: Error: The getter '_privateID' isn't defined for the class 'Y'.
- 'Y' is from 'class.dart'.
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named '_privateID'.
From the following code?
class Mixin {
static int _nextID = 0;
int publicID = _nextID++; // I only need one of these lines
int _privateID = _nextID++; // but this variable is inaccessible
import 'mixin.dart';
class X with Mixin {
void run() {
print(publicID); // no error here
class Y with Mixin {
void run() {
print(_privateID); // Error: _privateID not defined
void main() {
Or is this a bug? If it's not a bug, I'd like to understand why this behavior is reasonable.
When I instead define the mixin in the same file as the above classes, I get no error.
(Dart SDK 2.4.1.)
It is not a bug.
The private field is inherited, but you cannot access it because its name is private to a different library.
Dart's notion of "privacy" is library private names.
The name _privateID in the mixin.dart library introduces a library private name. This name is special in that it can only be written inside the same library.
If someone writes _privateID in a different library, it is a different name, one unique to that library instead.
It is as if private names includes the library URI of the library it is written in, so what you really declare is a name _privateID#mixin.dart.
When you try to read that field in class.dart, you write ._privateID, but because it is in a different library, what you really write is ._privateID#class.dart, a completely different name, and the classs does not have any declarations with that name.
So, if one class needs to access a private member of another class (or mixin, or anything), then the two needs to be declared in the same library, because otherwise they cannot even write the name of that variable.
That is why the code works if you write the mixin in the same library.
If you want to move the mixin to a separate file, but not necessarily a separate library, you can use a part file.

Access side input in a non - anonymous DoFn

How to access the elements of a side input if I have my class extend DoFn?
For example:
Say I have a ParDo transform like:
PCollection<String> data = myData.apply("Get data",
ParDo.of(new MyClass()).withSideInputs(myDataView));
And I have a class:-
static class MyClass extends DoFn<String,String>
//How to access side input here
c.sideInput() isn't working in this case.
In this case, the problem is that the processElement method in your DoFn does not have access to the PCollectionView instance in your main method.
You can pass the PCollectionView to the DoFn in the constructor:
class MyClass extends DoFn<String,String>
private final PCollectionView<..> mySideInput;
public MyClass(PCollectionView<..> mySideInput) {
// List, or Map or anything:
this.mySideInput = mySideInput;
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws IOException
// List or Map or any type you need:
List<..> sideInputList = c.sideInput(mySideInput);
You would then pass the side input to the class when you instantiate it, and indicate it as a side input like so:
p.apply(ParDo.of(new MyClass(mySideInput)).withSideInputs(mySideInput));
The explanation for this is that when you use an anonymous DoFn, the process method has a closure with access to all the objects within the scope that encloses the DoFn (among them is the PCollectionView). When you're not using an anonymous DoFn, there is no closure, and you need another way of passing the PCollectionView.
So although the answer above is correct, it is still a little incomplete.
So once you finish implementing the above answer, you need to execute your pipeline like this:
p.apply(ParDo.of(new MyClass(mySideInput)).withSideInputs(mySideInput));

How to override Grails' default (binding) conversion of parameter values with commas to String array?

I'm using Grails 2.3.7 and have a controller method which binds the request to a command class. One of the fields in the command class is a String array, as it expects multiple params with the same name to be specified - e.g. ?foo=1&foo=2&foo=3&bar=0.
This works fine most of the time. The one case where it fails is if the param value contains a comma - e.g. ?foo=val1,val2&foo=val3,val4. In this case I'm getting an array with 4 values: ["val1","val2","val3","val4"], not the intended output of ["val1,val2","val1,val2"]. URL escaping/encoding the comma does not help and in my cases the param value is surrounded by quote characters as well (foo=%22a+string+with+commas,+etc%22).
I had a similar problem with Spring 3.x which I was able to solve: How to prevent parameter binding from interpreting commas in Spring 3.0.5?. I've attempted one of the answers by adding the following method to my controller:
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(String[].class, new StringArrayPropertyEditor(null));
However this didn't work.
I also tried specifying a custom conversion service, based on the comment in
beans = {
conversionService ( {
converters = [new CustomStringToArrayConverter()]
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils
class CustomStringToArrayConverter implements Converter<String, String[]> {
public String[] convert(String source) {
return StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(source, ";");
but I couldn't get this to work either.
For now, I've come up with a work around. My Controller method has an extra line to set the troublesome field explicitly with: = params.list('foo') as String[]
I'm still open to suggestions on how to configure grails to not split on a comma...
