bucketing in non equi join in hive - join

Currently hive does support non equi join.
But as the cross product becomes pretty huge, I was wondering what are the options to tackle a large fact(257 billion rows, 37 tb) and relatively smaller(8.7 gb) dimension table join.
In case of equi join I can make it work easily with proper bucketing on the join column/columns . (using same number of buckets for SMBM practically converting to a map join). But if we think this wont be of any advantage when its a non equi join, because the values will be there in other buckets, practically triggering a shuffle i.e. a reduce phase.
If any one has any thoughts to overcome this, please suggest .....

If the dimension table fits in memory, you can create a Custom User Defined Function (UDF) as stated here, and perform the inequi-join in memory.


Dimension with two surrogate keys or two seperate dimensions?

im looking for some guidance for dimensional modeling.
I'm looking at some search data that is stored in a database in a star schema. There is one dimension for queries and one dimension for landing pages. Both dimensions have a surrogate key that are stored in the fact table as foreign keys.
The fact table has about 100 million rows and the dimensions each have about 100k rows.
As the joins of these tables are taking very long lately i'm wondering if it would be a good idea to combine the two dimensions into one so it only joins to one table. The two dimensions are M:N so the new dimension would be very huge.
There isn't a "right" answer for your question without knowing more about your data (like do you have more dimensions in your fact table? how many combinations of Queries and Landing pages do you have?), but few comments:
You current design (for what I can understand from here) is not bad, you have a lot of data, you have to deal with it, but combine two dimensions with 100K elements to avoid a join doesn't seems right to me
Try to optimize your queries, build indexes if you don't have them, parallelize your queries (if your db engine allows you to do so), try to avoid like in your where if possible, last resource think about more hardware or a different database engine.
If you usually query using only one of these dimensions maybe you can think about aggregated tables to reduce the number of rows, you will use more space but your query will have a single join and a smaller fact table
Can query be child of landing page? (i.e. stackoverflow.com is parent of queries like "Guru Meditation error message" and "stackcareers.com" is parent of "pool boy for datalake jobs") Of course you will end with the same query for multiple landing pages, you will need to assign different foreign keys in that case. But this different model can lead to a different solution, you will have only 1:M relationships and can build an aggregated table by landing page dimension, but this will require to change your queries to extract data. And again I don't know your data, maybe it will make more sense Queries parent of Landing Pages...
Again this are just my "thoughts" no solutions.

Does bucketing two *large* tables in Hive *in the same way* help perform much more efficient joins?

Imagine the following situation I am planning:
Have two rather large tables stored in Hive, both containing different types of customer related information (say, although this is not exactly the case, a record of customer transactions in one and customer owned data in the other). Let's call the tables A and B.
Tables are large in the sense that none of the tables fits completely in memory. (There are 10 million customers and theres is a few kilobytes of info associated to each of them in each of the two tables)
Be careful enough to bucket both tables in exactly the same way, by a field present in both tables (customer_id, which is a bigint), and using the same number of buckets 100.
I wonder whether this setup will, in any way, guarantee that a join (by customer_id) between both tables will be efficient, in the sense that very little shuffling of information between nodes will be required. I imagine this could the case, if for instance, there were a guarantee that the physical files corresponding to the same bucket in both tables are physically stored in the same (sets of nodes), i.e. if for every bucket i (in [0,99]) the file A/part_0_000i and the file B/part_0_000i were physically stored in the same nodes and the same held for their replicas.
I am aware that partitioning and bucketing are different and that the first essentially determines the structure of subdirectories, whereas the second on determines which file each record goes too. This question is about bucketing only
Also, by number 2, map-side joins are not an option here, since, as far as my understading goes, they require loading one of the tables completely within each mapper and doing the join completely there.
Bucketing is used when there are too many levels in your data in which you want to partition by, or there are no good candidate partitions.
A concrete example would be partitioning on customerID in sales data. You may have 20 thousand customers. Partitions would contain small amounts of data which is inefficient and have too many partitions also inefficient. However you can hash the customerID and partition into 50 buckets for example. Then when you are merging on customerID the job will only have to scan against what is in a bucket rather than the entire sum of all your data.
With ideal bucketing your buckets should contain some multiple of the file system block size. Remember also that too many buckets or buckets that are built over varialbes not used as keys can be detrimental for other queries.
I have used them when I need to execute large jobs repeatedly. My queries time has been reduced significantly. I tend to only use when my data is very big. And big is relative to cluster size and capacity.
One great thing about bucketing is that they help ensure the bucketed partitions are of similar size. If you partition over State for example, California will have huge partitions while other states are very small.
Bucketing is tactical and not an appropriate for all use cases. Happy bucketing!
Yes, it will definitely help.
Bucketed tables are partitioned and sorted the same way, so they will be mergesorted, which works in linear time (n), otherwise the tables have to be sorted the same way first, which is usually nlog(n)

Redshift performance tuning on a JOIN query

I'm having trouble with performance on the following query:
If I remove the join, leaving only the select the query takes seconds. With the join, it takes 30 minutes.
Table sizes are A (844,082,912) & B (1,540,379,815) rows.
Distribution and sort keys are equivalent to the join KEYS.
Looking on AWS graphs, I see (attached) one node with has some 100% CPU utilisation for a short time.
Looking on system table (svv_diskusage) I am not sure what I see (attached), as it does not indicate (as far as I can tell) if one node has much more data than the others.
if the issue is faulty distribution, how can I see it?
is it something else?
Here https://aws.amazon.com/articles/8341516668711341 (Uneven Distribution) you can see an example of the same graph style: one node is working harder than the others, which indicates your data is not evenly distributed.
Regarding svv_diskusage, it describes the values stored in each slice. If the slices are not relatively evenly used, that's an indicator for a bad distribution key. Try the following query to get a higher abstraction over distribution amooung nodes and not slices:
select owner, host, diskno, used, capacity,
(used-tossed)/capacity::numeric *100 as pctused
from stv_partitions order by owner;
set search_path to '$user', 'public', 'ic';
select * from pg_table_def where tablename = '{TableNameHere}';

What is the default MapReduce join used by Apache Hive?

What is the default MapReduce join algorithm implemented by Hive? Is it a Map-Side Join, Reduce-Side, Broadcast-Join, etc.?
It is not specified in the original paper nor the Hive wiki on joins:
The 'default' join would be the shuffle join, aka. as common-join. See JoinOperator.java. It relies on M/R shuffle to partition the data and the join is done on the Reduce side. As is a size-of-data copy during the shuffle, it is slow.
A much better option is the MapJoin, see MapJoinOpertator.java. This works if you have only one big table and one or more small tables to join against (eg. typical star schema). The small tables are scanned first, a hash table is built and uploaded into the HDFS cache and then the M/R job is launched which only needs to split one table (the big table). Is much more efficient than shuffle join, but requires the small table(s) to fit in memory of the M/R map tasks. Normally Hive (at least since 0.11) will try to use MapJoin, but it depends on your configs.
A specialized join is the bucket-sort-merge join, aka. SMBJoin, see SMBJoinOperator.java. This works if you have 2 big tables that match the bucketing on the join key. The M/R job splits then can be arranged so that a map task gest only splits form the two big tables that are guaranteed to over overlap on the join key so the map task can use a hash table to do the join.
There are more details, like skew join support and fallback in out-of-memory conditions, but this should probably get you started into investigating your needs.
A very good presentation on the subject of joins is Join Strategies in Hive. Keep in mind that things evolve fast an a presentaiton from 2011 is a bit outdated.
Do an explain on the Hive query and you can see the execution plan.

Reducers stopped working at 66.68% while running HIVE Join query

Trying to join 6 tables which are having 5 million rows approximately in each table. Trying to join on account number which is sorted in ascending order on all tables. Map tasks are successfully finished and reducers stopped working at 66.68%. Tried options like increasing number of reducers and also tried other options set hive.auto.convert.join = true; and set hive.hashtable.max.memory.usage = 0.9; and set hive.smalltable.filesize = 25000000L; but the result is same. Tried with small number of records (like 5000 rows) and the query works really well.
Please suggest what can be done here to make it work.
Reducers at 66% start doing the actual reduce (0-33% is shuffle, 33-66% is sort). In a join with hive, the reducer is performing a Cartesian product between the two data sets.
I'm going to guess that there is at least one foreign key that is appearing frequently in all of the data sets. Watch for NULL and default values.
For example, in a join, imagine the key "abc" appears ten times in each of the six tables (10^6). That's a million output records for that one key. If "abc" appears 1000 times in one table, 1000 in another, 1000 in another, then twice in the other three tables, you get 8 billion records (1000^3 * 2^3). You can see how this gets out of hand. I'm guessing there is at least one key that is resulting in a massive number of output records.
This is general good practice to avoid in RDBMS outside of Hive as well. Doing multiple inner joins between many-to-many relationships can get you in a lot of trouble.
For debugging this now, and in the future, you could use the JobTracker to find and examine the logs for the Reducer(s) in question. You can then instrument the reduce operation to get a better handle as to what's going on. be careful you don't blow it up with logging of course!
Try looking at the number of records input to the reduce operation for example.
