How to change an existing alias in Thingsboard - thingsboard

I was wondering if there is a way to change an entity alias. I can only add new aliases when I am setting a new data source to any chart. However, I can't find those aliases to change them.
Thanks for your help!

I found the solution:
Just right-click on the dashboard background - there I found the contex-menu "entity aliases".


How to add custom room option in mod_muc_room.erl for opts table field (muc_room) in ejabberd

I need to add new custom option in opts in muc_room table field in ejabberd db, but i also need to modify the mod_muc_room erl files and other related file. please help proper way to modify it.
Define the new option in include/mod_muc_room.hrl and add it in mod_muc_room.erl like all the other options. The best way is to copy code already written for another option.

Issues with multiple build template (xaml files) in project

I'm having trouble with my TFS Build project. I'm following the example from here as far as setting up the project in VS.
I have a project just for the custom activities and a separate project for just the templates. The issue I have is that the Templates project can only contain one xaml file. If I copy and and paste it in the same project it wont build. I get the following error:
Error 102 The item "obj\Debug\TfsBuild_Process_BeforeInitializeComponentHelper.txt" was specified more than once in the "Resources" parameter. Duplicate items are not supported by the "Resources" parameter.
But if I remove it, it'll build just fine. Everything works, meaning it'll build if I queue a build.
I have also tried the solution suggested on here, but it doesn't seem to resolve my issue.
Renaming the form name in the solution explorer.
Change the class name in the .cs and Designer.cs file.
Change the constructor and destructor name (which is same as class name)
Change the name space name (if needed).
Here is the link to download the project.
I can't seem to figure out why. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I don't know if you still have this problem but I also had the problem today. I found a resolution that (if you still facing the problem) can help you or others.
When you copy a Build Process template it automaticly gets the x:Class property set to TfsBuild.Process. When you have multiple process templates with the same value then you will get this error when building the project.
<Activity mc:Ignorable="sads sap sap2010" x:Class="TfsBuild.Process" this:Process.BuildNumberFormat="$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r)" this:Process.AgentSettings="[New Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.AgentSettings() With {.MaxWaitTime = New System.TimeSpan(4, 0, 0), .MaxExecutionTime = New System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), .TagComparison = Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.TagComparison.MatchExactly}]" this:Process.Verbosity="[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.BuildVerbosity.Normal]" this:Process.OutputFullHistory="True" this:Process.OutputBranchOrigin="True" this:Process.OnlyOutputChangedFiles="True" this:Process.StartChangeset="0"......
I solved the problem by replacing TfsBuild.Process with another name for every template (ex. TfsBuild.ProcessLabDefault). Please note you should also change all the instances of this:Process because the two are linked together (ex. this:ProcessLabDefault).
<Activity mc:Ignorable="sads sap sap2010" x:Class="TfsBuild.MyProcess" this:MyProcess.BuildNumberFormat="$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r)" this:MyProcess.AgentSettings="[New Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.AgentSettings() With {.MaxWaitTime = New System.TimeSpan(4, 0, 0), .MaxExecutionTime = New System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), .TagComparison = Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.TagComparison.MatchExactly}]" this:MyProcess.Verbosity="[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.BuildVerbosity.Normal]" this:MyProcess.OutputFullHistory="True" this:MyProcess.OutputBranchOrigin="True" this:MyProcess.OnlyOutputChangedFiles="True" this:MyProcess.StartChangeset="0"......
I didn't find a way to change this by using the interface, View Code & Find and replace works. Hope it helps.
I used the following approach and it worked very well. All that needs replaced is TfsBuild in two locations on the first line of the raw xaml.
From the link:
1 Right-click your Copy of DefaultTemplate.xaml in Source Control and select View With… to open it in Notepad (you can also right-click the template in VS and select 'View Code').
2 Then in the first line change:
**x:Class="TfsBuild.Process"** to **x:Class="YourProcessTemplateName.Process"**
**xmlns:this="clr-namespace:TfsBuild"** to **xmlns:this="clr-namespace:YourProcessTemplateName"**
I ran in to this problem and wanted to add the solution I found to it. If you check the properties of the XAML files, when you link them to your project they're assigned a BuildAction of XamlAppDef. Changing this to 'Content' will resolve the error.
To find the properties screen you need to edit just highlight the XAML file in Solution Explorer and either hit F4 or Right-Click on the file and choose 'Properties' from the context menu.
Hope this helps.

Attributes from MvxBindingAttributes are not added with MvvmCross

I have the MvxBindingAttributes.xml in my UI.Droid/Resources/Values but everytime I try to use the bindings in my layouts I get
Warning attribute is not declared.
No resource identifier found for attribute 'MvxBind' in package
so for some reason it cannot find those attributes. I have tried to close/reopen/clean/rebuild with no luck, tried removing the layouts and then building (Hoping it would add them at build) and then try to add them again, but nothing seems to work
Have you checked that the MvxBindingAttributes.xml file is marked in properties as an AndroidResource?
VisualStudio likes marking the xml files as content or none instead - especially if you've added the MvxBindingAttributes.xml file as a link.
As an update to this, you can also now use a special 'auto' xml scheme:
In the project properties, add a Android Manifest file and add a package name that contains at least two periods, for example:
In the axml file, type the package name instead of the namespace:
Fixed it for me.
First, thanks for the answer. I had the same problem.
But in my case, attempting to use the suggestions above failed. or at least that is what i thought.
When i used local:MvxItemTemplate=#layout/My_Manifest while i had the My_Manifest.axml file correctly placed in Layout folder, and correct xml schemas, it still had problems.
But, when i changed My_Manifest to my_manifest while leaving the actual file name as My_Manifest.axml, everything was working.
just wanted to share
In my case for some reason the MvxBindingAttributes.xml file existed, but hadn't been included in the project. Right-clicking on MvxBindingAttributes.xml and choosing "Include in Project" sorted the problem for me.
Just in case: You might also have rubbish (in my case, it were dots) in some of your XML. But the error pointed "Maybe there's something wrong with the auto-generated XML lol" so it took me half an hour to notice it... Sigh!

Create column in TEasyListView

I use TEasyListView from I'd like to create a combobox in a column. I can't find any sample to do this from the component demo. If I use TListView, I could follow a trick from but I need to use TEasyListView. Please, give me some guides.
I am not sure but I would guess TEasyListView is a descendant of TListView since pretty much everyone creates new components based on lower level components. Try checking back into the components and you will more then likely find a way to use the "trick" you named above.

add a new Color scheme to the Rad Studio

It's possible modify or change a color scheme (Color SpeedSetting) in the Rad-Studio?
There is an entry in the Windows Registry? or must edit some file?
Thanks in advance.
It doesn't look easy at first glance.
I found the following under then HKCU path:
with the following sub-keys
List item
Each key has what appear to be color constants but there doesn't appear to be enough constants to make it the right section.
The list of values under each key:
EditForegroundColor IsOEM
UntranslatedItemColor UnusedItemColor
That's all I've got, with out spending a lot more time from the looks of it.
It's probably stored in a BPL as a Opentools API object.
Take a look at OP's, it supplies thousands of themes. Yes, the OP makes one himself.
Thanks for the OP's awesome project.
Thanks for #Nicholas point out this for me.
