ARKit image detection - many images - machine-learning

I need to make an app that detects images and their position, and displays AR content on them. These images will change during the lifetime of the app, and there can be many of them. I'm wondering how to design this kind of app. ARKit can provide this functionality - detect image and it's orientation, and display AR content on it. But the problem is that ARKit can detect only a limited number of images at a time. If I have for example 300 images, then there can be problem. Maybe I could prepare some ML dataset to pre-detect image, and then assign it as an ARKit trackable on the fly? Is this the right approach? What else could I do to make such an app with dynamic and large set of images to detect?

Regarding a ML approach, you can use just about any state-of-the-art object detection network to pull the approximate coordinates of your desired target and extract that section of the frame, passing positives to ARKit or similar. The downside is that training will probably be resource-intensive. It could work, but I can't speak to its efficiency relative to other approaches.
In looking to extend this explanation, I see the ARKit 2.0 handles (what seems to be) what you're trying to do; is this insufficient?
To answer your question in the comments, CoreML seems to offer models for object recognition but not localization, so I suspect it'd be necessary to use their converter after training a model such as these. The input to this network would be frames from camera, and output would be detected classes with probabilities of detection, and approximate coordinates; if your targets are present, and roughly where they are.
Again, though, if you're looking for 2D images rather than 3D+ objects, and especially if it's an ARKit app anyway, it really looks like ARKit's built-in tracking will be much more effective at substantially lower development cost.

At WWDC '19 ARKit 3 was touted to support up to 100 images for image detection. Image tracking supports a lower number of images, which I believe is still under 10. You have to recognize images yourself if you want more than that, currently.
As an idea, you can identify rectangles in the camera feed and then apply a CIPerspectiveCorrection filter to extract a fully 2D image based on the detected rectangle. See Tracking and Altering Images sample code which does something similar.
You then compare the rectangle's image data against your set of 300 source images. ARKit stopped at 100 likely due to performance concerns, but it's possible you can surmount those numbers with a performance metric that's acceptable to your own criteria.


Computer Vision: "Inverse" Structure From Motion

Note: I am not asking for code just the name of some algorithms I can research
I'm trying to do a 3D reconstruction from multiple images where the subject is rotating.
I don't have a lot of experience in the CV field and my mathematics is not particularly good so I am reliant on either simply worded papers or existing libraries/tools.
Where I'm At
I have been researching and testing using Structure from Motion (with VisualSFM) to generate a 3d point cloud and Multi View Stereo (with CMPMVS) to reconstruct the scene.
Obviously these algorithms are designed to process images where the camera (or cameras) moves and the scene is stationary so the reconstructions fail for a number of reasons.
Example: I've been working with short videos of a person rotating around a marker on the floor, see below. I've tried removing the background but this seems to make it harder for SfM to build pairs, probably because of the lack of intformation.
Does anyone know the name of an algorithm/pipeline that will be able to reconstruct a series of images with a static background and a rotating object?
Or is it not possible to do a 3d reconstruction in this way?

How to match images with unknown rotation differences

I have a collection of about 3000 images that were taken from camera suspended from a weather balloon in flight. The camera is pointing a different direction in each image but is generally aimed down, so all the images share a significant area (40-50%) with the previous image but at a slightly different scale and rotated an arbitrary (and not consistent) amount. The image metadata includes a timestamp, so I do know with certainty the correct order of images and the elapsed time between each.
I want to process these images into a single video. If I simply string them together it will be great for making people seasick, but won't really capture the amazingness of the set :)
The specific part I need help with is finding the rotation of the image from the previous image. Is there a library somewhere that can identify regions of overlap between two images when the images themselves are rotated relative to each other? If I can find 2-3 common points (or more), I can do the remaining calculations to determine the amount of rotation and the offset so I can put them together correctly. Alternately, if there is a library that calculates both of those things for me, that would be even better.
I can do this in any language, with a slight preference for either Java or Python. The data is in Hadoop, so Java is the most natural language, but I can use scripting languages as well if necessary.
Since I'm new to image processing, I don't even know where to start. Any help is greatly appreciated!
For a problem like this you could look into SIFT. This algorithm detects local features in images. OpenCV has an implementation of it, you can read about it here.
You could also try SURF, which is a similar type of algorithm. OpenCV also has this implemented, you can read about that here.

Sparse Image matching in iOS

I am building an iOS app that, as a key feature, incorporates image matching. The problem is the images I need to recognize are small orienteering 10x10 plaques with simple large text on them. They can be quite reflective and will be outside(so the light conditions will be variable). Sample image
There will be up to 15 of these types of image in the pool and really all I need to detect is the text, in order to log where the user has been.
The problem I am facing is that with the image matching software I have tried, aurasma and slightly more successfully arlabs, they can't distinguish between them as they are primarily built to work with detailed images.
I need to accurately detect which plaque is being scanned and have considered using gps to refine the selection but the only reliable way I have found is to get the user to manually enter the text. One of the key attractions we have based the product around is being able to detect these images that are already in place and not have to set up any additional material.
Can anyone suggest a piece of software that would work(as is iOS friendly) or a method of detection that would be effective and interactive/pleasing for the user.
Sample environment:
The environment can change substantially, basically anywhere a plaque could be positioned they are; fences, walls, and posts in either wooded or open areas, but overwhelmingly outdoors.
I'm not an iOs programmer, but I will try to answer from an algorithmic point of view. Essentially, you have a detection problem ("Where is the plaque?") and a classification problem ("Which one is it?"). Asking the user to keep the plaque in a pre-defined region is certainly a good idea. This solves the detection problem, which is often harder to solve with limited resources than the classification problem.
For classification, I see two alternatives:
The classic "Computer Vision" route would be feature extraction and classification. Local Binary Patterns and HOG are feature extractors known to be fast enough for mobile (the former more than the latter), and they are not too complicated to implement. Classifiers, however, are non-trivial, and you would probably have to search for an appropriate iOs library.
Alternatively, you could try to binarize the image, i.e. classify pixels as "plate" / white or "text" / black. Then you can use an error-tolerant similarity measure for comparing your binarized image with a binarized reference image of the plaque. The chamfer distance measure is a good candidate. It essentially boils down to comparing the distance transforms of your two binarized images. This is more tolerant to misalignment than comparing binary images directly. The distance transforms of the reference images can be pre-computed and stored on the device.
Personally, I would try the second approach. A (non-mobile) prototype of the second approach is relatively easy to code and evaluate with a good image processing library (OpenCV, Matlab + Image Processing Toolbox, Python, etc).
I managed to find a solution that is working quite well. Im not fully optimized yet but I think its just tweaking filters, as ill explain later on.
Initially I tried to set up opencv but it was very time consuming and a steep learning curve but it did give me an idea. The key to my problem is really detecting the characters within the image and ignoring the background, which was basically just noise. OCR was designed exactly for this purpose.
I found the free library tesseract ( easy to use and with plenty of customizability. At first the results were very random but applying sharpening and monochromatic filter and a color invert worked well to clean up the text. Next a marked out a target area on the ui and used that to cut out the rectangle of image to process. The speed of processing is slow on large images and this cut it dramatically. The OCR filter allowed me to restrict allowable characters and as the plaques follow a standard configuration this narrowed down the accuracy.
So far its been successful with the grey background plaques but I havent found the correct filter for the red and white editions. My goal will be to add color detection and remove the need to feed in the data type.

Feature Detection in Noisy Images

I've built an imaging system with a webcam and feature matching such that as I move the camera around; I can track the camera's motion. I am doing something similar to here, except with the webcam frames as the input.
It works really well for "good" images, but when taking images in really low light lots of noise appears (camera high gain), and that messes with the feature detection and matching. Basically, it doesn't detect any good features, and when it does, it cannot match them correctly between frames.
Does anyone know a good solution for this? What other methods are used for finding and matching features?
Here are two example images with very low features:
I think phase correlation is going to be your best bet here. It is designed to tell you the phase shift (i.e., translation) between two images. It is much more resilient (but not immune) to noise than feature detection because it operates in frequency space; whereas, feature detectors operate spatially. Another benefit is, it is very fast when compared with feature detection methods. I have an implementation available in the OpenCV trunk that is sub-pixel accurate located here.
However, your images are pretty much "featureless" with the exception of the crease in the middle, so even phase correlation may have some trouble with it. Think of it like trying to detect translation in a snow storm. If all you can see is white, you can't tell that you have translated at all, thus the term whiteout. In your case, the algorithm might suffer from "greenout" :)
Can you adjust the camera settings to work better in low-light conditions. Have you fully opened the iris? Can you live with lower framerates? Setting a longer exposure time will allow the camera to gather more light, thus giving you more features at the cost of adding motion blur. Or, if low-light is your default environment you probably want something designed for this like an IR camera, but those can be expensive. Other than that, a big lens and long exposures are your friend :)
Histogram equalization may be of interest in improving the image contrast. But, sometimes it can just enhance the noise. OpenCV has a global histogram equalization function called equalizeHist. For a more localized implementation, you'll want to look at Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization or CLAHE for short. Here is a good article on it. This page has some nice examples, and some code.

What is the best method for object detection in low-resolution moving video?

I'm looking for the fastest and more efficient method of detecting an object in a moving video. Things to note about this video: It is very grainy and low resolution, also both the background and foreground are moving simultaneously.
Note: I'm trying to detect a moving truck on a road in a moving video.
Methods I've tried:
Training a Haar Cascade - I've attempted training the classifiers to identify the object by taking copping multiple images of the desired object. This proved to produce either many false detects or no detects at all (the object desired was never detected). I used about 100 positive images and 4000 negatives.
SIFT and SURF Keypoints - When attempting to use either of these methods which is based on features, I discovered that the object I wanted to detect was too low in resolution, so there were not enough features to match to make an accurate detection. (Object desired was never detected)
Template Matching - This is probably the best method I've tried. It's the most accurate although the most hacky of them all. I can detect the object for one specific video using a template cropped from the video. However, there is no guaranteed accuracy because all that is known is the best match for each frame, no analysis is done on the percentage template matches the frame. Basically, it only works if the object is always in the video, otherwise it will create a false detect.
So those are the big 3 methods I've tried and all have failed. What would work best is something like template matching but with scale and rotation invariance (which led me to try SIFT/SURF), but i have no idea how to modify the template matching function.
Does anyone have any suggestions how to best accomplish this task?
Apply optical flow to the image and then segment it based on flow field. Background flow is very different from "object" flow (which mainly diverges or converges depending on whether it is moving towards or away from you, with some lateral component also).
Here's an oldish project which worked this way:
This vehicle detection paper uses a Gabor filter bank for low level detection and then uses the response to create the features space where it trains an SVM classifier.
The technique seems to work well and is at least scale invariant. I am not sure about rotation though.
Not knowing your application, my initial impression is normalized cross-correlation, especially since I remember seeing a purely optical cross-correlator that had vehicle-tracking as the example application. (Tracking a vehicle as it passes using only optical components and an image of the side of the vehicle - I wish I could find the link.) This is similar (if not identical) to "template matching", which you say kind of works, but this won't work if the images are rotated, as you know.
However, there's a related method based on log-polar coordinates that will work regardless of rotation, scale, shear, and translation.
I imagine this would also enable tracking that the object has left the scene of the video, too, since the maximum correlation will decrease.
How low resolution are we talking? Could you also elaborate on the object? Is it a specific color? Does it have a pattern? The answers affect what you should be using.
Also, I might be reading your template matching statement wrong, but it sounds like you are overtraining it (by testing on the same video you extracted the object from??).
A Haar Cascade is going to require significant training data on your part, and will be poor for any adjustments in orientation.
Your best bet might be to combine template matching with an algorithm similar to camshift in opencv (5,7MB PDF), along with a probabilistic model (you'll have to figure this one out) of whether the truck is still in the image.
