I want to insert emojis in latex table and for this I have followed all steps as done in http://www.thetawelle.de/?p=5539
But the size of emoji is very small. I need help as to how to increase size of emoji in the table.
In the the table I have used: \emojif60d.
You do not need scalerel. It is mostly useful for scaling text, math, etc.
There is all that is required in the \includegraphics macro.
either scale=<scale_factor>
or width=<desired_width> (or height=<desired_height>)
To scale all occurrences of the emoji, you could include the scale in the definition, e.g.
If it should only be scaled sometimes, you could use \scalebox from the graphicx package or use a bigger font size, e.g.
The latter approach will have the advantage that you will still be able to use the emoji inside of normal text and the size will be adapted to the font size.
came across FontAwesome icon package. When shifting through the documentation I cam across:
{\color{color-name} text and/or icon }
However, this does not seem to work for me. Anyone know what is the correct format for changing the colour of icons?
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.275\textwidth} % 27.5% of the page width for the first row of icons
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
{\color{Blue} \icon{Globe}{12}{\href{someAddress}{someAdd}}}\\
if you want to use \href, you must load the hyperref package
you are opening one more { than you are closing
if you want to use an icon from fontawsome5, either use \fa<insert name here> or \faIcon{<insert name here>}, e.g. \fGlobe in your case.
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.275\textwidth} % 27.5% of the page width for the first row of icons
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
{\color{Blue} \faGlobe \faIcon{globe} \href{someAddress}{someAdd} }\\
I'm a beginner to latex, I was writing an article. At the end when adding references. I did:
Some bibitems here
After compiling, the word "Reference" appears in pdf, and it is too big in size. I want its font size to be 12pt. How can I do that?
Using the titlesec package, you can temporarily change the size of section headings:
Some bibitems here
need of a small guidance here.
I am using report class, and I do not need chapter numbers for every chapter, just the chapter names.
Is there a way to increase just the font size of the chapter names?
Chapter number is to be removed. I would really appreciate any guidance to increase the font size of the chapter name.
I tried the following to remove chapter numbers. But font size is causing a little concern
You can control the font size of the chapter title with the third argument of \titleformat. In your example, this was \normalsize, change this to whatever size you like:
I want the captions of my figures and table to have the same size as \footnotesize. Is there something to put in the preambule of my document to do this?
Use the caption package to set the font key-value to footnotesize:
Some regular text set in \verb|\normalsize|.
\caption{A table using \texttt{\string\footnotesize}.}
\caption{A figure using \texttt{\string\footnotesize}.}
It is also possible to adjust the label and text formats individually for figures and tables separately. However, consistency is a better option here.
In a simple latex .tex file, how can i colorize an hline?
I've tried
...but they don't work
Similarly, how can i increase the thickness (width) of the hline?
You need to use colortbl to colour the default tabular rules (horizontal or vertical):
a \\
I inserted hlines outside of the tabular environment and could simply color them by using the xcolor package and then {\color{green} \hline}.