Detect if Airpods are connected to my iPhone without using name matching? - ios

I am able to go through all of my available audio inputs but I need a way to identify which inputs in the bluetoothHFP category are airpods. I can't key off of "Airpods" in the name since that can be changed by the user.
for input in AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().availableInputs!{
if convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(input.portType) == convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(AVAudioSession.Port.bluetoothHFP) {
//How do I tell here that it is airpods and not another HFP device?


Switch to default audio input device when it's connected in js

I'm using twilio sdk to implement web calling app. Let's say I'm making a call to someone with my laptop devices (mic and speakers). During the call I plugged-in my headset. In the system both audio input and output devices are changed. The call audio output signal is transferred fine (I can here my counterpart through my headphones). But the audio input device stays the same - app doesn't start to use the mic on my headset.
It there any way to update audio input track to switch to a headset once it's connected?
First of all, get local praticipant tracks and filter audio track.
const publications = Array.from(this.participant.tracks.values());
const audioPublication = publications.find(item => item.kind === 'audio');
Then set the deviceId like this.
const constraints = { deviceId: { exact: deviceId } };

how to detect what bluetooth device audio is coming out of

I have two BluetoothHFP bluetooth devices connected to my iPad(bluetoothA2DP and bluetoothLE) and I need to detect which one is currently getting the audio. Below is the code I am using to detect what bluetooth is available :
let currentRoute = audioSession.currentRoute
for description in currentRoute.outputs {
if convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(description.portType) == convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(AVAudioSession.Port.bluetoothA2DP) {
//Do Something
}else if convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(description.portType) == convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(AVAudioSession.Port.bluetoothHFP) {
//Do Something
}else if convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(description.portType) == convertFromAVAudioSessionPort(AVAudioSession.Port.bluetoothLE){
//Do Something
What can I use to find out what one of the BluetoothHFP devices is currently getting audio?
You can distinguish between ports of the same type using description.portName and description.uid. Note that the name is not promised to be unique (it comes from the device). The UID is system-assigned and is not promised to be stable. It's only promised to be consistent with the owningPortUID property, and will be unique at any given time.
It happens to be true currently (iOS 13) that the UID is based on the hardware MAC address, and is stable. It's in the format aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff-tacl (the MAC address followed by -tacl). This has been true for a long time. I've been using this fact since at least iOS 8, and it's very likely it's been true as long as AVAudioSession has been around. But it's not promised, and is exactly the kind of thing that Apple has been known to change without notice.

Audio outputs callkit ActionSheet - possible to start from code?

I am looking for a way of showing a list of available audio outputs like callkit does - it shows ActionSheet with devices listed - see photo (normal call with audio button touched while bluetooth speaker and headphones connected).
Is there any possibility to show this action sheet using piece of code? Right now my searchings about enumerating and showing audio outputs gets me to enumerate inputs and map it in some way or user multiRoute category (see List available output audio target AVAudioSession). Maybe there is some more native/easy way ?
I tried to do this but with no luck.
The closest solution I figured is to detect if a headphone is connected using the following:
extension AVAudioSession {
static var connectedHeadphones: AVAudioSessionPortDescription? {
return sharedInstance().currentRoute.outputs.first(where: { $0.isHeadphones })
extension AVAudioSessionPortDescription {
var isHeadphones: Bool {
return portType == AVAudioSession.Port.headphones || portType == AVAudioSession.Port.bluetoothA2DP
and then set it to the AVAudioSession:
try session.setPreferredInput(connectedHeadphones)
OK, after some time I can answer for my question - unfortunately it is not possible. The only option is to deal with AVAudioSession.availableInputs to get a list of inputs, build and UIAlertController with it and using combination of setPreferredInput and overrideOutputAudioPort set the user's choice.

AVAudioEngine recording music from external microphone

I have set up a simple graph, using AVAudioEngine, to simply take the default input node's data and put it in the headphones (audio monitoring) - this should simply make your headphones replicate whatever it hears through the microphone and it does, the background noise is redirected right into your ears, when running this app, however, there is one problem: it will always take the built-in mic's input, even if an external mic is plugged into the iPad.
AVAudioSession tells me, that the input should be using the external microphone (through [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] currentRoute]) and if I record audio with AVAudioRecorder, it does use that input, however not AVAudioEngine, it sticks to the built-in mic. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting I missed?
Try setting the preferred Input to the external mic:
//get all avaialable Inputs
var listOfInputs = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().availableInputs
//pick which one you want (change index)
var availableInput: AVAudioSessionPortDescription = listOfInputs[0] as AVAudioSessionPortDescription
//set the Preffered Input
AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setPreferredInput(availableInput, error: nil)
Careful though, this is without error handling for simplicities sake. You will want to offer a default option if your external mic is unplugged or not available.

Detect attached audio devices iOS

I'm trying to figure out how to detect which if any audio devices are connected on iphone/ipad/ipod. I know all about the audio route calls and route change callbacks but these don't tell me anything about what's attached. They only report where the audio is currently routing. I need to know, for instance, if headphones and/or bluetooth are still attached while audio is routed through the speakers. Or, for instance, if a user plugs in the headset while using bluetooth then decides to disconnect bluetooth, I need to know that the bluetooth is disconnected even as audio is still routing through headphones.
Unfortunately, as of iOS11, it seems there's no API to reliably get the list of the output devices that are currently attached - as soon as the current route changes, you only see 1 device (currently routed) via AVAudioSession's currentRoute.outputs, even though multiple devices may still be attached.
However, for the input, and that includes Bluetooth devices with HFP profile, if the proper Audio Session mode is used (AVAudioSessionModeVoiceChat or AVAudioSessionModeVideoChat for example), one can get the list of the available input via AVAudioSession's availableInputs, and those inputs are listed there even when that device is not an active route - this is very useful when a user is doing a manual override via MPVolumeView from Bluetooth to the speaker, for example, and since HFP is a 2-way IO (has both input and output), you can judge whether output HFP Bluetooth is still available by looking at the inputs.
BOOL isBtInputAvailable = NO;
NSArray *inputs = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] availableInputs];
for (AVAudioSessionPortDescription* port in inputs) {
if ([port.portType isEqualToString:AVAudioSessionPortBluetoothHFP]) {
isBtInputAvailable = YES;
In case of iOS 5 you should use:
CFStringRef newRoute;
size = sizeof(CFStringRef);
XThrowIfError(AudioSessionGetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRoute, &size, &newRoute), "couldn't get new audio route");
if (newRoute)
if (CFStringCompare(newRoute, CFSTR("HeadsetInOut"), NULL) == kCFCompareEqualTo) // headset plugged in
colorLevels[0] = .3;
colorLevels[5] = .5;
else if (CFStringCompare(newRoute, CFSTR("SpeakerAndMicrophone"), NULL) == kCFCompareEqualTo)
You can get from AudioSession properties a list of InputSources and OutputDestinations.
Check out these Session Properties:
And to query the details of each, you can use:
