Google Assistant - Sign in to Strava - oauth-2.0

Apologies if this is a newbie question but I'm hoping someone can offer some advice.
I am fulfilling my Google Assistant intents via an Express app. I would like for users of my action to be able to get and modify data from their Strava account. Strava supports Google Authentication and I wondered if I could use node libraries such as Passport ( to allow users to sign in to their strava account so that my action can make calls for their data?
I have a welcome intent that gets some Google profile data so wondering if I can pass through some details from this response?
googleApp.intent('Default Welcome Intent', (conv) => {
conv.ask(new Permission({
context: 'Hi, can I get your details from your Google account?',
permissions: 'NAME'

Yes, but probably not in the way you're looking at.
The Permission helper requests access to specific types of information - name and location. You're looking to establish more of an identity relationship (using their email address or Google account).
You can do this using Account Linking.
If you're sure you're using Google Sign In on the Strava side then things are even easier and you can take advantage of Google Sign In for Assistant. With this, once they sign in, your Action will get an Identity Token which you can use to get information including their Google ID and the email address associated with the signed-in Google account. They only need to sign-in once - afterwards, you'll be given an Identity Token whenever they connect.
If your Strava project and your Action are both using the same Google Cloud Project, things get even easier for your users. Once they have signed in on either client, they're signed in on the other one. So you'll know who they are immediately through the Identity Token.


OAuth consent screen not showing permissions

I have a google login in my app when I try to click on sign in with google I do not see the permission it needs to access
My app uses users contacts and so I have added it to scope in consent screen settings but it do not show any permission. Can someone help me if there is anything else that needs to be configured as I need to verify my app from google
I want permission to display like this(sample image)
Scopes that I am using
this is the api
Lets use the Google Oauth Playground to test a little.
test 1 requesting authorization to Oauth2 scopes.
I am going to select Google contacts really there is not much point in selecting this one using google People api is a much better choice.
And everything under Google People API
This is the consent screen shown me
test two authenticating with open id connect
I am going to only request
Now profile and email are special they are related to Open Id connect, which is out side of the Oauth2 because of that i was not actually shown a consent screen. Because i am Authenticating to Google that this is me logging in.
I am not Authorizing any Oauth2 scopes because none were really requested. Now this make confuse you because by requesting profile you are automatically given access to the users profile data which means that you can access the Google people api and do people/me and get the information about the person.
Only Oauth2 scopes appear to the user requesting access. not open id scopes.

Is it possible to add a callback URL to Create Google Account flow?

Our app requires Google OAuth2. When a user, with an existing Google account, authenticates with Google then we use a callback to return users to our App. This is what we want.
The issue is, for those users who do not have a Google account we ask them to create a Google account (gmail address) or connect their existing email address to Google. A user who has to follow either of these flows ends up on the "Thanks for creating a Google account page" and not back at our App.
This is supposed to work as you are expecting. There is a continue button on that page and that should bring the user back.
If that is not working, can you tell us more (about OS, client id, urls and the exact steps) or give us a link to test/reproduce? Is this on the web or on mobile app?

What Google Account is associated with an OAuth Client ID?

We have some old configurations which make use of an OAuth Client ID, and we're trying to determine which Google Developer account created it.
We have both the client ID and secret. Is is possible for us to determine which Google account they're associated with? We'd prefer to not have to switch to a new account. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Is this client ID still used on some website for sign-in? If so, you could try to sign-in with an account that hasn't authenticated yet, and in the auth window click on the App name to get the developer info including the email address, which should match the Google account you are looking for.

Do I need OAuth2.0 to create a google account through the Admin SDK API?

Currently using the Provisioning API that is being depreciated April 20.
This is the current flow:
user (University Alumni) gets to our site
they click on Create My Account
they authenticate through our university WIND system using what we call their UNI
they land on a page mentioning that an email account is ready to be created. They can pick an alias to UNI. They also need to enter a password to use the Chat and POP-mail features of Gmail.
they confirm the creation of the account. At this point the API is being called using, some data (email address, name, id) being saved in our database.
To log in, they come through our site, click on the login button, this will use the SSO and they get logged in.
Based on the flow above, do I need to use OAuth2.0?
Yes, you will need to authenticate with OAuth using the Installed Applications approach to do this. Instead of step 5 the way you currently have it, you'll need to call the API from a process on your server with an account that has (limited) admin credentials that can create the account with the Directory API. To do this, you'll need to persist the OAuth token information that the account will use to connect, and handle the code to refresh the token when it has expired.
The first time you run your code you'll need to manually authenticate that account to get your application the appropriate permissions so that they can be stored.
If you're hoping to not go too crazy with handling the authentication side of things and you're using .Net, I'd recommend checking out my project gShell that acts as a wrapper for the authentication and handles the token storing and refreshing for you. It's still a young project but it should fit your needs. Alternately, feel free to browse the code for an example on what to do.
If you plan on using Python, check out Google Apps Manager by jay0lee which is also a wonderful resource.

Sending hidden request to oAuth

I wanted to show GA data to each one client on my website. Each one of them has create own GA profile, I store in database profile_id.
Credentials to GA data are my personal, the same for all profiles, all profiles are in my account. For settings oAuth I used this article:
Clients don´t know my credentials and I don´t want to create them permissions to see the stats. I need the only login into my website (login data are URL|password). After they logged into the client section, I select from database their profile ID and need to show them their stats (without showing Google login dialog). I´d like to pass my credentials directly somewhere in the PHP script.
So, question is:
Is possible to show GA data using oAuth directly without showing Google login dialog? To login in app´s backend?
Yes, if you do the OAuth 2 flow correctly, you will get an access token. Once you have that access token you can use it to query any Google Analytics view (previously called profile) to which you have access.
To do the query, simply append the access token as a query parameter when making your request to the Core Reporting API. This reference shows how to add the access token to the request:
If you don't want to build the charting yourself, you should also look into using the Embed API. You can use the Embed API's serverAuth option when authorizing to avoid having to have your users log in with their Google accounts:
