I have a LED board Models "BX-6Q1", I can change the text via software, but I need Code to control the text by some SDK file
I have gone through the above document. On this, they have given ". We offer you C#, java, SDK, VB, C++; We
also offer you the completed SDK port and technological service." , But I can't find it anywhere
Where do i get the SDK File
Finally, I found the SDK in below URL
can I get some pointers on how to add Text To Speech functionality to a console/CLI app. I have tried packages for Flutter but I get this error 'Error: Not found: 'dart:ui'. I am assuming they expect a user interface.
I am pretty much a novice, would be glad answers do not assume too much on my side. Thanks!
Yes, Flutter is all about UI whereas a command line app has no UI.
They dont have anything to do with eachother except that Dart is the language used by Flutter.
Flutter tts plugins depend on the specific tts implementation embedded in the OS that the plugin will be running on — Android / IOS, etc.
A Dart command line tool runs in a VM and is OS-independent.
So, as far as I know, it is impossible to import a Flutter plugin into a Dart command line app and then compile it.
The only way I can see to get tts functionality in a Dart command line tool is to use a web based (OS-independent) tts service such as the Google text to speech API.
Is there any way how to get something similar like we have for iOS10 https://developer.apple.com/library/content/releasenotes/General/iOS101APIDiffs/index.html
New documentation browser have api diff, but if you want to just get overview what have changes or new features, it's very tiring and slow to click on every single thing...
You didn't specify a language. Someone created a similar diff but only for objc: Apple Platform SDK API Differences
API diff reports for Apple platform SDKs as generated by objc-diff, which has a few limitations:
Objective-C only
Does not detect relocations across frameworks
I want to embed mono into my iOS application. I do not want to use MonoTouch. I want to embed mono manually like this:
I've have done this successfully on windows, using the above guide and various online examples, here's a good Windows one:
However I'm having trouble getting started on iOS. I know it can be done, companies like Unity3d use it to power their game engine tech. I can't work out how to compile and link mono for iOS nor can I find any good instructions to do so. I've not found any help using search engines, they exclusively seem to turn up articles about MonoTouch (Xamarin's own commercial wrapper around embedding mono into iOS).
Here's a few more noteworthy links:
Is there somewhere I can get precompiled libraries and headers for Mono for iOS, so in my C code I can simply link and include?
Could someone provide and example of how to compile mono for iOS ARM CPUs?
MonoTouch provides a great wrapper around all of the iOS Objective C APIs, however you don't necessarily need all of that, as I understand it should be possible to compile and then embed mono yourself and then use pInvoke to call the few native functions you will need.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, ty!
While not exactly what you are asking for, iOS 7 has added support for scripting with JavaScript. Many people finding this post may want to use this new capability to achieve what you are attempting. Link
As Rolf said, you need to read Mono Licensing document first. Embedding mono on iOS requires special permission from Xamarin.
You need to change several build settings from XCode, and here's what I did.
Open (or Create) iOS project
Add libmonoboehm-2.0.a to your project(You can use another version of .a file)
It's in Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/{version}/lib folder
Project -> Build Settings -> Header Search
Add path: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.frameworks/Versions/{version}/include/mono-2.0
Project -> Build Settings -> Library Search
Add path: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.frameworks/Versions/{version}/lib
And, code like this in your iOS application
#include <mono/jit/jit.h>
#include <mono/metadata/mono-config.h>
#include <mono/metadata/assembly.h>
#include <mono/metadata/environment.h>
// ....
const char* dllFile = "ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_DLL_OR_EXE";
domain = mono_jit_init(dllFile);
mAssembly = mono_domain_assembly_open(domain, dllFile);
// ... Do whatever you want :)
Please remember. You need to get license from Xamarin when embedding mono on iOS.
Enjoy :)
I am trying to use iSpeech SDK for iOS.
I am using Free version.
I'm fine with English Text To Speech with following codes.
[ispeech ISpeechSpeak:#"HELLO World"];
But I also want to use multiple language like japanese, korean, etc...
How can I change language in iSpeech?
Check out the following examples which might help you;
DotNet Sample and
Web Examples
From that you should be able to make sense of what you trying to do, as the API is the same across Platform.
You might try:
[ispeech setVoice:#"jpjapanesemale"];
Voices are listed in the ISSpeechSynthesisVoices.h header file
I'm looking for a rich text editor for the iPad. It appears that this was nearly impossible until iPhone OS 3.2 which included the UITextInput protocol, but that still leaves developers a long way from a functioning editor.
The OMNI Framework has started on a text editor (search google for 'omnigroup texteditor'), but it's more of a proof-of-concept.
Does anyone know of an open source or paid library with a complete implementation of UITextInputDelegate?