Tool for edit lvm.conf file - parsing

is there any lvm.conf editor?
I'm trying to set global_filter, use_lvmtad and some other options, currently using sed:
sed -i /etc/lvm/lvm.conf \
-e "s/use_lvmetad = 1/use_lvmetad = 0/" \
-e "/^ *[^#] *global_filter/d" \
-e "/^devices {/a\ global_filter = [ \"r|/dev/drbd.*|\", \"r|/dev/dm-.*|\", \"r|/dev/zd.*|\" ]"
but I don't like this too much, is there any better way?
I found only lvmconfig tool, but it can only display certain configuration sections, and can't edit them.

If you using Ubuntu variant then you can use the LVM GUI to configure and manage the LVM. Refer this link

It seems that augtool is exactly what I was looking for.
These two packages should be enough to proper processing lvm.conf file:
apt install augeas-tools augeas-lenses
Example usage:
augtool print /files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf
And you should get the whole parse tree on stdout.
If the parser fails you won’t get any output, print the error message using:
augtool print /files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/error
The augtool equivalent for the sed command from the original question:
augtool -s <<EOT
set /files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/global/dict/use_lvmetad/int "0"
rm /files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/devices/dict/global_filter
set /files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/devices/dict/global_filter/list/0/str "r|^/dev/drbd.*|"
set /files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/devices/dict/global_filter/list/1/str "r|/dev/dm-.*|"
set /files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/devices/dict/global_filter/list/2/str "r|/dev/zd.*|"


using grep command to get spectfic word [LINUX]

I have a test.txt file with links for example:
and this code
xargs -0 -n1 -a FUZZvul.txt -d '\n' -P 20 -I % curl -ks1L '%/?=DarkLotus' | grep -a 'DarkLotus'
When I type a specific word, such as DarkLotus, in the terminal, it checks the links in the file and it brings me the word which is reflected in the links i provided in the test file
There is no problem here, the problem is that I have many links, and when the result appears in the terminal, I do not know which site reflected the DarkLotus word.
How can i do it?
Try -n option. It shows the line number of file with the matched line.
Best Regards,
I'm not sure what you are up to there, but can you invert it? grep by default prints matching lines. The problem here is you are piping the input from the stdout of the previous commands into grep, and that can lack context at grep. Since you have a file to work with:
$ grep 'DarkLotus' FUZZvul.txt
If your intention is to also follow the link then it might be easier to write a bash script:
for line in `grep 'DarkLotus FUZZvul.txt`
link=# extract link from line
echo ${link}
curl -ks1L ${link}
Then you could make your script accept user input:
for line in `grep ${word} FUZZvul.txt`
and then
$ my_link_getter "DarkLotus"
And then you could make the txt file a parameter.

JQ adds single quotes while saving in environment variables

OK, this might be a silly question. I've got the test.json file:
"timestamp": 1234567890,
"report": "AgeReport"
What I want to do is to extract timestamp and report values and store them in some env variables:
export $(cat test.json | jq -r '#sh "TIMESTAMP=\(.timestamp) REPORT=\(.report)"')
and the result is:
1234567890 'AgeReport'
The problem is that those single quotes break other commands.
How can I get rid of those single quotes?
NOTE: I'm gonna leave the accepted answer as is, but see #Inian's answer for a better solution.
Why make it convoluted with using eval and have a quoting mess? Rather simply emit the variables by joining them with NULL (\u0000) and read it back in the shell environment
IFS= read -r -d '' TIMESTAMP
IFS= read -r -d '' REPORT
} < <(jq -r '(.timestamp|tostring) + "\u0000" + .report + "\u0000"' test.json)
This makes your parsing more robust by making the fields joined by NULL delimiter, which can't be part of your string sequence.
From the jq man-page, the #sh command converts its input to be
escaped suitable for use in a command-line for a POSIX shell.
So, rather than attempting to splice the output of jq into the shell's export command which would require carefully removing some quoting, you can generate the entire commandline inside jq, and then execute it with eval:
eval "$(
cat test.json |\
jq -r '#sh "export TIMESTAMP=\(.timestamp) REPORT=\(.report)"'

what's means of the sysctl_apply in rpm's spec

rpm spec
%sysctl_apply openstack-keystone.conf
What is the meaning of sysctl_apply? Where can I find this document?
Lets expand it:
$ rpm --eval '%sysctl_apply foo'
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl foo >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
Now see man systemd-sysctl for more informations and you will learn that is sets kernel parameters using sysctl.
For more informations and similar macros see:

What is the truly correct usage of -S parameter on weka classifier A1DE?

So I'm using weka 3.7.11 in a Windows machine (and runnings bash scripts with cygwin), and I found an inconsistency regarding the AODE classifier (which in this version of weka, comes from an add-on package).
Using Averaged N-Dependencies Estimators from the GUI, I get the following configuration (from an example that worked alright in the Weka Explorer):
weka.classifiers.meta.FilteredClassifier -F "weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize -F -B 10 -M -1.0 -R first-last" -W weka.classifiers.bayes.AveragedNDependenceEstimators.A1DE -- -F 1 -M 1.0 -S
So I modified this to get the following command in my bash script:
java -Xmx60G -cp "C:\work\weka-3.7.jar;C:\Users\Oracle\wekafiles\packages\AnDE\AnDE.jar" weka.classifiers.meta.FilteredClassifier \
-t train_2.arff -T train_1.arff \
-classifications "weka.classifiers.evaluation.output.prediction.CSV -distribution -p 1 -file predictions_final_multi.csv -suppress" \
-threshold-file umbral_multi.csv \
-F "weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize -F -B 10 -M -1.0 -R first-last" \
-W weka.classifiers.bayes.AveragedNDependenceEstimators.A1DE -- -F 1 -M 1.0 -S
But this gives me the error:
Weka exception: No value given for -S option.
Which is weird, since this was not a problem with the GUI. In the GUI, the Information box says that -S it's just a flag ("Subsumption Resolution can be achieved by using -S option"), so it shouldn't expect any number at all, which is consistent with what I got using the Explorer.
So then, what's the deal with the -S option when using the command line? Looking at the error text given by weka, I found this:
Options specific to classifier weka.classifiers.bayes.AveragedNDependenceEstimators.A1DE:
Output debugging information
-F <int>
Impose a frequency limit for superParents (default is 1)
-M <double>
Specify a weight to use with m-estimate (default is 1)
-S <int>
Specify a critical value for specialization-generalilzation SR (default is 100)
Specify if to use weighted AODE
So it seems that this class works in two different ways, depending on which method I use (GUI vs. Command Line).
The solution I found, at least for the meantime, was to write -S 100 on my script. Is this really the same as just putting -S in the GUI?
Thanks in advance.
I've had a play with this Classifier, and can confirm that what you are experiencing on your end is consistent with what I have here. From the GUI, the -S Option (subsumption Resolution) requires no parameters while the Command Prompt does (specialization-generalization SR).
They don't sound like the same parameter, so you may need to raise this issue with the developer of the third party package if you would like to know more information on these parameters. You can find this information from the Tools -> Package Manager -> AnDE, which will point you to the contacts for the library.

parse maven output in real time using sed

I am trying to parse my mvn verify output to only show lines with INFO tags. Please note that maven outputs line to stdout in real time and not by batch. I do not think that it is a problem with maven.
At first I tried to do it with grep:
$ mvn verify | grep INFO
but didn't seem to output lines in real time, as I understand grep buffers its lines before outputting, so I have to wait a few seconds between each flush and then I have tens of lines being printed at the same time, not very convenient. Then I thought I would try with sed.
According to this link, the following command:
sed -n '/PATTERN/p' file
// is equivalent to
grep PATTERN file
and according to this link, the -l option should force sed to flush its output buffer after every newline. So now I am using this command:
$ mvn verify | sed -ln -e '/INFO/p'
but I'm still getting the same result as before, I get a ton of output flushed every 30s or so and I don't know what I've done wrong. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Try this, if your grep supports it:
mvn verify | grep --line-buffered INFO
If you're doing this in a terminal and still seeing buffered results, it would probably be something earlier than grep doing the buffering, but I'm not familiar with mvn. (And, yes, the -l option to sed should have done the same thing, so the problem may be upstream.)
try this line:
mvn verify | while read line; do echo $line|grep INFO; done
I found what was the problem, I was using a script to colorise maven output (see here) and in fact it was that script that was buffering the output down the pipe. I forgot about it as I was using it as an alias, I guess this is a good lesson, I won't alias as easily in the future. Anyway here is the fix, I changed -e to -le in the last line of the sed call:
mvn $# | sed -e "s/\(\[INFO\]\ \-.*\)/${TEXT_BLUE}${BOLD}\1/g" \
-e "s/\(\[INFO\]\ \[.*\)/${RESET_FORMATTING}${BOLD}\1${RESET_FORMATTING}/g" \
-e "s/\(\[ERROR\].*\)/${BOLD}${TEXT_RED}\1${RESET_FORMATTING}/g" \
-le "s/Tests run: \([^,]*\), Failures: \([^,]*\), Errors: \([^,]*\), Skipped: \([^,]*\)/${BOLD}${TEXT_GREEN}Tests run: \1${RESET_FORMATTING}, Failures: ${BOLD}${TEXT_RED}\2${RESET_FORMATTING}, Errors: ${BOLD}${TEXT_RED}\3${RESET_FORMATTING}, Skipped: ${BOLD}${TEXT_YELLOW}\4${RESET_FORMATTING}/g"
In effect this is telling sed to flush its output at every new line, which is what I wanted. I am sorry I didn't find another workaround that is more generic. I tried playing around with empty (see man page) and script but none of these solutions worked for me.
