How to grep lines non-repeatedly for same command? - grep

I have a space-separated file that looks like this:
$ cat in_file
GCF_000046845.1_ASM4684v1_protein.faa WP_004920342.1 Chal_sti_synt_C
GCF_000046845.1_ASM4684v1_protein.faa WP_004927566.1 Chal_sti_synt_C
GCF_000046845.1_ASM4684v1_protein.faa WP_004919950.1 FAD_binding_3
GCF_000046845.1_ASM4684v1_protein.faa WP_004920342.1 FAD_binding_3
I am using the following shell script utilizing grep to search for strings:
$ cat
grep "GCF_000046845.1_ASM4684v1_protein.faa WP_004920342.1" Pfam_anntn_temp.txt
grep "GCF_000046845.1_ASM4684v1_protein.faa WP_004920342.1" Pfam_anntn_temp.txt
The problem is that I want each grep command to return only the first instance of the string it finds exclusive of the previous identical grep command's output.
I need an output which would look like this:
$ cat out_file
GCF_000046845.1_ASM4684v1_protein.faa WP_004920342.1 Chal_sti_synt_C
GCF_000046845.1_ASM4684v1_protein.faa WP_004920342.1 FAD_binding_3
in which line 1 is exclusively the output of the first grep command and line 2 is exclusively the output of the second grep command. How do I do it?
P.S. I am running this on a big file (>125,000 lines). So, is mostly composed of unique grep commands. It is the identical commands' execution that is messing up my downstream analysis.

I'm assuming you are generating automatically from the contents of in_file. If you can count how many times you'll repeat the same grep command you can just use grep once and use head, for example if you know you'll be using it 2 times:
grep "foo" bar.txt | head -2
Will output the first 2 occurrences of "foo" in bar.txt.
If you have to do the grep commands separately, for example if you have other code in between the grep commands, you can mix head and tail:
grep "foo" bar.txt | head -1 | tail -1
Some other commands...
grep "foo" bar.txt | head -2 | tail -1
head -n displays the first n lines of the input
tail -n displays the last n lines of the input
If you really MUST always use the same command, but ensure that the outputs always differ, the only way I can think of to achieve this is using temporary files and a complex sequence of commands:
cat 2>&1 | xargs -I xx echo "| grep -v \\'xx\\' " | tr '\n' ' ' | xargs -I xx sh -c "grep 'foo' bar.txt xx | head -1 | tee -a"
So to explain this command, given foo as a search string and bar.txt as the filename, then is a unique name for a temporary file. The temporary file will hold the strings that have already been output:
cat 2>&1 : outputs the contents of the temporary file. If none is present, will output an error message to stdout, (important because if the output was empty the rest of the command wouldn't work.)
xargs -I xx echo "| grep -v \\'xx\\' " adds | grep -v to the start of each line in the temporary file, grep -v something excludes lines that include something.
tr '\n' ' ' replaces newlines with spaces, to have on a single string a sequence of grep -vs.
xargs -I xx sh -c "grep 'foo' bar.txt xx | head -1 | tee -a" runs a new command, grep 'foo' bar.txt xx | head -1 | tee -a, replacing xx with the previous output. xx should be the sequence of grep -vs that exclude previous outputs.
head -1 makes sure only one line is output at a time
tee -a appends the new output to the temporary file.
Just be sure to clear the temporary files, rm *.tmp, at the end of your script.

If I am getting question right and you want to remove duplicates based on last field of each line then try following(this should be easy task for awk).
awk '!a[$NF]++' Input_file


Grep redirection is pulling more information that I want in log.txt

I want the output of the sed file edit to go into my log file name d_selinuxlog.txt. Currently, grep outputs the specified string as well as 3 other strings above and below in the edited file.
{ getenforce;
sed -i s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled /etc/selinux/config;
grep "SELINUX=*" /etc/selinux/config > /home/neb/scropts/logs/d_selinuxlog.txt;
setenforce 0;
getenforce; }
I want to be seeing just SELINUX=disabled in the log file
All the lines with the lines SELINUX are going to match, even the commented ones, so, you need to omit that ones, and the * from the match.
grep "SELINUX=" /etc/selinux/config | grep -v "#"
This is my output
17:52:07 alvaro#lykan /home/alvaro
$ grep "SELINUX=" /etc/selinux/config | grep -v "#"
17:52:22 alvaro#lykan /home/alvaro

Why is xargs' exit code different based on the presence of "-I" option?

After reading the xargs man page, I am unable to understand the difference in exit codes from the following xargs invocations.
(The original purpose was to combine find and grep to check if an expressions exists in ALL the given files when I came across this behaviour)
To reproduce:
(use >>! if using zsh to force creation of file)
# Create the input files.
echo "a" >> 1.txt
echo "ab" >> 2.txt
# The end goal is to check for a pattern (in this case simply 'b') inside
# ALL the files returned by a find search.
find . -name "1.txt" -o -name "2.txt" | xargs -I {} grep -q "b" {}
echo $?
123 # Works as expected since 'b' is not present in 1.txt
find . -name "1.txt" -o -name "2.txt" | xargs grep -q "b"
echo $?
0 # Am more puzzled by why the behaviour is inconsistent
The EXIT_STATUS section on the man page says:
xargs exits with the following status:
0 if it succeeds
123 if any invocation of the command exited with status 1-125
124 if the command exited with status 255
125 if the command is killed by a signal
126 if the command cannot be run
127 if the command is not found
1 if some other error occurred.
I would have thought, that 123 if any invocation of the command exited with status 1-125 should apply irrespective of whether or not -I is used ?
Could you share any insights to explain this conundrum please?
Here is evidence of the effect of -I option with xargs with the help of a wrapper script which shows the number of invocations:
cat ./
echo "I am being invoked at $(date +%Y%m%d_%H-%M-%S)"
grep $#
(the actual command being invoked, in this case grep doesn't really matter)
Now execute the same commands as in the question using the wrapper script instead:
❯ find . -name "1.txt" -o -name "2.txt" | xargs -I {} ./ -q "b" {}
I am being invoked at 20190410_09-46-29
I am being invoked at 20190410_09-46-30
❯ find . -name "1.txt" -o -name "2.txt" | xargs ./ -q "b"
I am being invoked at 20190410_09-46-53
I have just discovered a comment on the answer of a similar question that answers this question (complete credit to for his wisdom):
Also, unquoted blanks do not terminate input items; instead the separator is the newline character. — this is central to understanding the behavior. Without -I, xargs only sees the input as a single field, since newline is not a field separator. With -I, suddenly newline is a field separator, and thus xargs sees three fields (that it iterates over). That is a real subtle point, but is explained in the man page quoted.
-I replace-str
Replace occurrences of replace-str in the initial-arguments
with names read from standard input. Also, unquoted blanks do
not terminate input items; instead the separator is the
newline character. Implies -x and -L 1.
Based on that,
find . -name "1.txt" -o -name "2.txt"
# ./1.txt
# ./2.txt
xargs -I {} grep -q "b" {}
# interprets the above as two separate lines since,
# with -I option the newline is now a *field separator*.
# So this results in TWO invocations of grep and since one of them fails,
# the overall output is 123 as documented in the EXIT_STATUS section
xargs grep -q "b"
# interprets the above as a single input field,
# so a single grep invocation which returns a successful exit code of 0 since the pattern was found in one of the files.

grep is not working inside while loop

I have two files
area a
area b
area a :aaaa
area b:bbbb
while read -r line
grep -w ^line File2 | cut -d ":" -f2
done < File1
Desired output
actual output
grep: can't open a
area a
grep: cant open b
but when i run grep -w ^"area a" File2 | cut -d ":" -f2 it is giving the correct output :
Please assist me on this. i tried for loop also. no success. grep is not working inside loop.
Your variable line might contain "special characters". For example, a space that might be interpreted as a separator by the shell. Or some characters that might be interpreted as pattern metacharacter by grep.
You both need to use fgrep and to quote your variable (I'm not sure -w add anything to that command -- why do you feel the need of it?):
fgrep -w "$line"
But doing so you loose the ability to locate "the first character"
An other option if the "start of line" match is required is to escape the search string:
while read -r line
line=$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^|[]/\\&/g')
grep -w "^$line" File2 | cut -d ":" -f2
done < File1
You can achieve the same result without a loop, since grep can read patterns from a file via the -f option. This will be more robust:
grep -f input1 input2 | cut -d: -f2

How to grep and execute a command (for every match)

How to grep in one file and execute for every match a command?
I want to execute to execute for example date for every match on foo.
Following try doesn't work:
grep file foo | date %s.%N
How to do that?
grep file foo | while read line ; do echo "$line" | date %s.%N ; done
More readably in a script:
grep file foo | while read line
echo "$line" | date %s.%N
For each line of input, read will put the value into the variable $line, and the while statement will execute the loop body between do and done. Since the value is now in a variable and not stdin, I've used echo to push it back into stdin, but you could just do date %s.%N "$line", assuming date works that way.
Avoid using for line in `grep file foo` which is similar, because for always breaks on spaces and this becomes a nightmare for reading lists of files:
find . -iname "*blah*.dat" | while read filename; do ....
would fail with for.
What you really need is a xargs command.
grep file foo | xargs date %s.%N
example of matching some files and converting matches to the full windows path in Cygwin environment
$ find $(pwd) -type f -exec ls -1 {} \; | grep '\(_en\|_es\|_zh\)\.\(path\)$' | xargs cygpath -w
grep command_string file | sh -
There is an interesting command in linux for that: xargs, It allows You to use the output from previous command(grep, ls, find, etc.) as the input for a custom execution but with several options that allows You to even execute the custom command in parallel. Below some examples:
Based in your question, here is how to print the date with format "%s.%N" for each "foo" match in file.txt:
grep "foo" file.txt | xargs -I {} date +%s.%N
A more interesting use is creating a file for each match, but in this case if matches are identical the file will be override:
grep "foo" file.txt | xargs -I {} touch {}
If You want to concatenate a custom date to the file created
grep "foo" file.txt | xargs -I {} touch "{}`date +%s.%N`"
Imagine the matches are file names and You want to make a backup of them:
grep "foo" file.txt | xargs -I {} cp {} "{}.backup"
And finally for xargs using the custom date in the backupName
grep "foo" file.txt | xargs -I {} cp {} "{}`date +%s.%N`"
For more info about options like parallel execution of xargs visit: and for date formats:
Extra I have found also a normal for command useful in this scenarios It is simpler but less versatile below are the equivalent for above examples:
for i in `grep "foo" test.txt`; do date +%s.%N; done
for i in `grep "foo" test.txt`; do touch ${i}; done
for i in `grep "foo" test.txt`; do touch "${i}`date +%s.%N`"; done
for i in `grep "foo" test.txt`; do cp ${i} "${i}.backup2"; done
for i in `grep "foo" test.txt`; do cp ${i} "${i}.backup2`date +%s.%N`"; done
Have Fun!!!
grep may need --line-buffered option to emit each matching line when it matches it, otherwise it buffers up to 4K byte before printing match lines, which defeats the goal here, e.g.
tail -f source | grep --line-buffered "expression | xargs ...
grep search_string files_to_search | sh

Determining word count using grep (in cases where there are multiple words in a line)

Is it possible to determine the number of times a particular word appears using grep
I tried the "-c" option but this returns the number of matching lines the particular word appears in
For example if I have a file with
some words and matchingWord and matchingWord
and then another matchingWord
running grep on this file for "matchingWord" with the "-c" option will only return 2 ...
note: this is the grep command line utility on a standard unix os
grep -o string file will return all matching occurrences of string. You can then do grep -o string file | wc -l to get the count you're looking for.
I think that using grep -i -o string file | wc -l should give you the correct output, what happens when you do grep -i -o string file on the file?
You can simply count words (-w) with wc program:
> echo "foo foo" | grep -o "foo" | wc -w
> 2
