I am using Zapier to write an email based on a field.
I have a field that has two values "ig" and "fb". I'd like to replace them respectively by "Instagram" and "Facebook".
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
There are two main ways to do that:
You can write a simple code block that, given ig or fb as input, return the full value you want to use
If you're not comfortable writing code, you can instead use a "Lookup Table" in "Formatter by Zapier", which produces a similar result. There's a step-by-step for that here: https://zapier.com/apps/formatter/help#using-the-lookup-table
Lookup table basic example. This is the same basic functionality as a lookup table
// inputData is set up in the UI
const table = {
ig: 'Instagram',
fb: 'Facebook'
return {result: table[inputData.someFieldName] || 'Default Value'}
I'd like to create collections based on logic other than 'tags' frontmatter:
We use frontmatter to mark our articles with a status. I'd like to use this to provide collections for all the different statuses. Then I can easily show all posts 'in review' for example.
We have a yearly review policy, so I'd like a nightly build to pick up all articles within a month of this review date and add them to another collection.
So, is there a way to programmatically create a collection in 11ty?
Sometimes I must be word blind...
I've found the answer in the docs:
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
// Filter source file names using a glob
eleventyConfig.addCollection("posts", function(collectionApi) {
// Also accepts an array of globs!
return collectionApi.getFilteredByGlob(["posts/*.md", "notes/*.md"]);
In this article they have provided a great example of creating collection of unique categories, similar you can apply for status in your code. Please check if that helps.
I am writing my first Wireshark dissector. I am writing it in Lua, using this as an example. My communication protocol embeds a command ID in the response header, followed by well-defined payloads that differ based on the command ID. So far, I've been structuring the ProtoFields such that the Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters) follows a naming convention like this
Some commands have similar fields, like in the following example
where, per the protocol, an update command must be acknowledged with a update_ack command with the same updateId payload. Ideally, i would like to create a wireshark filter such that I can see all packets pertaining to the updateId field. I tried creating a filter like
myproto.*.updateId == 0x1234
but that appears to be invalid wireshark filter syntax. I don't want to make the filter explicit like
myproto.cmd_update.updateId == 0x1234 or myproto.cmd_update_ack.updateId == 0x1234
because in my actual protocol there are many more commands with similar/related fields. Is there a filter syntax I can use? Or perhaps, should I structure my dissector's ProtoField abbreviations differently?
There doesn't appear to be a wildcard syntax for the filter line, so I wound up solving this in the dissector itself. In addition to the myproto.*.updateId fields, I also added another field called myproto.updateId (note the lack of the wildcard in the middle). Its value is set to the same thing as the full blown field name, which means that I now have just one field name to search against. I also set this field as hidden = true to hide it from view.
It's a bit of a hack, but gives me what I want.
You could try using a Wireshark display filter macro.
I'd like to manipulate the input fields of a trigger form dynamically:
I have a trigger 'hidden' with a combo-box in a form
Each time I update the combo, it should add one or more combo-boxes in the same form depending on the value
I couldn't find any way to access the operation.inputFields somewhere for doing an update on this list dynamically, whether via the bundle or else...
Here is the small example: https://github.com/nuxeo-sandbox/nuxeo-zapier/blob/spikes-NXP-26085-zapier/nuxeo-zapier-app/triggers/project.js#L8-L16
Thank you for your help!
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
It sounds like you're looking for Custom Fields: https://github.com/zapier/zapier-platform-cli#customdynamic-fields
In addition to a static list of input fields, you can provide a function that will run and provide a dynamic set of fields. It's how we get inputs for each column in a google sheet:
Is that what you're asking? Modifying the inputFields array at runtime probably doesn't do what you want.
Is it possible to access all the fields from a previous step as a collection like json rather than having to explicitly setting each one in the input data?
Hope the screenshot illustrates the idea:
The idea is I have a step that lookup responses in a google form and I wish to parse the result to display all the Questions and Answer into an email.
Hope this is possible
David here, from the Zapier Platform team. Unfortunately, what I believe you're describing right now isn't possible. Usually this works fine since users only map a few values. The worst case is when you want every value, which it sounds like you're facing. It would be cool to map all of them. I can pass that along to the team! In the meantime, you'll have to click everything you're going use in the code step.
If you really don't want to create a bunch of variables, but you could map them all into a single input and separate them with a separator like |, which (as long as it doesn't show up in the data), it's easy to split in the code step.
Hope that helps!
The simplest solution would be to create an additional field in the output object that is a JSON string of the output. In a Python code step, it would look like
import json
output = {'id': 123, 'hello': 'world'}
output['allfields'] = json.dumps(output)
or for returning a list
import json
output = [{'id': 123, 'hello': 'world'},{'id': 456, 'bye': 'world'}]
for x in output:
x['allfields'] = json.dumps(output[output.index(x)])
Now you have the individual value to use in steps as well as ALL the values to use in a code step (simply convert them from JSON). The same strategy holds for Javascript as well (I simply work in Python).
Zapier Result
Fields are accessible in an object called input_data by default. So a very simplistic way of grabbing a value (in Python) would be like:
my_variable = input_data['actual_field_name_from_previous_step']
This differs from explicitly naming the the field with Input Data (optional). Which as you know, is accessed like so:
my_variable = input['your_label_for_field_from_previous_step']
Here's the process description in Zapier docs.
Hope this helps.
I have a datetime value which comes from the API in this format: 2015-07-07T17:30:00+00:00. I simply want to split it up between the date and time values at this point. I am not using an Active Record model and I prefer not to use an sql database if I can.
The way I have set up the app means that the value is "stored" like this in my view: #search.dining_date_and_time
I have tried two approaches to solving this problem:
Manually based on this previous stackoverflow question from 2012: Using multiple input fields for one attribute - but the error I get is the attribute is "nil" even though I put a "try"
Using this gem, https://github.com/ccallebs/split_date_time which is a bit more recent and seems to be a more elegant solution, but after closely following the doc, I get this error, saying my Search model is not initalized and there is no method: undefined method dining_date' for #<Search not initialized>
This is when instead I put #search.dining_date in the view, which seems to be the equivalent of the doc's example (its not that clear). The doc also says the method will be automatically generated.
Do I need to alter my model so I receive the data from the API in another way? ie. not get the variable back as #search.dining_date_and_time from the Search model for any of this to work?
Do I need an Active Record model so that before_filter or before_save logic works - so i can (re)concatenate after splitting so the data is sent back to the API in a format it understands. Can I avoid this - it seems a bit of overkill to restructure the whole app and put in a full database just so I can split and join date/time as needed.
Happy to provide further details, code snippets if required.
As I am not using a conventional Rails DB like MySql Lite or Postgresql, I found that the best solution to the problem was by using this jQuery date Format plugin: https://github.com/phstc/jquery-dateFormat to split the date and time values for display when I get the data back from the API.
The Github docs were not too expansive, but once I put the simply put the library file in my Rails javascript assets folder, I just had to write a few lines of jQuery to get the result and format I wanted:
$(function() {
var rawDateTime = $('#searchDiningDateTime').html();
// console.log(rawDateTime);
var cleanDate = $.format.date(rawDateTime, "ddd, dd/MM/yyyy");
// console.log(cleanDate);
var cleanTime = $.format.date(rawDateTime, "HH:mm");
// console.log(cleanTime);
Next challenge: rejoin the values on submit, so the API can read the data by sending/receiving a valid request/response. (The values can't be split like this when sent to the remote service).