No such file found in jenkis pipeline - jenkins

Here is my groovy file
checkout scm
stage('Read the file') {
def PWD = pwd()
withEnv(["prj_option=${params.project}"]) {
def response =sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'sh \'jenkins/security/\'')
This is my file
echo "The project option is:" $prj_option
prj_name=$(echo "$prj_option" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
echo "The project option is:" $file_name
ls -la
chmod 775 jenkins/security/$file_name
ls -la
get_input_values() {
while read line
if [ `echo ${line} | grep -E -c -w "NAME_SPACE" ` -gt 0 ]; then
NAME_SPACE=$(echo " ${line}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
echo "The name space value is $NAME_SPACE"
elif [ `echo ${line} | grep -E -c -w "IMAGE_NAMES" ` -gt 0 ]; then
values=$(echo " ${line}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
echo "Please provide input for namespace and docker images to be scanned by VA_TOOl"
done < ${file}
images=$(get_input_values ${file_name})
so here my text file is under jenkins/security folder of gitrepo but unfortunately I am getting this error:
16:05:28 + sh jenkins/security/
16:05:28 jenkins/security/ 16: jenkins/security/ cannot open va_input_file_icp.txt: No such file```

Unfortunately, there is a ticket for this in Jenkins ( which was closed as a duplicate of this ticket: (
JENKINS-27413 was raised in 2015, and is still open. The File Parameter appears not to work in Jenkins Pipeline. It does however work when used in a Freestyle project. While not ideal, I would recommend changing your job to be a Freestyle project if that's feasible.


Jenkins pass a shell script variable to a down stream job

I'm new to Jenkins.
I have a job with an "Execute Shell" Build trigger, and in that shell script i initiate some variables with values i take from some source.
I need to pass these values to a downstream job.
The values i want to pass are $IMG_NAME and $IMG_PATH from this shell script:
#!/bin/bash -x
declare -A BRANCHES
for i in $(echo $BRANCHES_LIST | tr ',' '\n'); do BRANCHES[$i]= ; done
echo 'user' | sudo -S umount -rf /mnt/tlv-s-comp-prod/drops/
echo 'user' | sudo -S mount.nfs -o nolock,nfsvers=3 tlv-s-comp-prod:/export/drops /mnt/tlv-s-comp-prod/drops
ls /mnt/tlv-s-comp-prod/drops/
echo "cleanup workspace"
rm ${WORKSPACE}/*.txt &> /dev/null
while [ $i -lt 6 ]
if [[ ${BASE_PATH} == *"Baseline"* ]]; then
unset BRANCHES[#]
declare -A BRANCHES
for BRANCH in "${!BRANCHES[#]}"; do
if [ $BRANCH == "Baseline" ]; then BRANCH=; fi
img_dir=$(ls -td -- ${BASE_PATH}/${BRANCH}/*/ | head -n 1)
echo "img_dir: $img_dir"
IMG_PATH=$(ls $img_dir*.rpm)
cd $img_dir
IMG_NAME=$(ls *.rpm) >
if [ ! -z "$IMG_NAME" ]; then
if [ $(( $(date +%s) - $(stat -c %Z $IMG_PATH) )) -lt 10000800 ]; then
echo "IMG_NAME: ${IMG_NAME}"
echo "BRANCH_NAME=$BRANCH" >> ${WORKSPACE}/${BRANCH}_branch.txt
echo "$IMG_NAME is out dated"
echo "IMG_NAME is empty"
echo "TEMP: $TEMP"
if [ $(ls ${WORKSPACE}/*_branch.txt | wc -l) == $(echo ${#BRANCHES[#]}) ]; then break; fi
#for i in $(ls *_branch.txt); do i=$(echo $i | awk -F '_branch.txt' '{print $1}'); if [ $(echo ${!BRANCHES[#]} | grep $i | wc -l) == 0 ]; then state=1 break; fi done
sleep 1800
This is the "Trigger parameterized build on other projects" configuration:

Why is wc -l returning 0 in a sh step subshell in Jenkins/groovy

I have a Jenkins script that looks like this
stage ("Build and Deploy") {
steps {
script {
def statusCode = sh(script:"""ssh ${env.SERVER_NAME} << EOF
cd ${env.LOCATION}
git clone -b ${env.GIT_BRANCH} ${env.GIT_URL} ${env.FOLDER}
cd ${env.FOLDER}
... some other stuff goes here but isnt relevant ..
sudo docker-compose up -d --build
if [ ! \$(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*" | wc -l ) -eq 4 ]
exit 1
""", returnStatus:true).toString().trim()
if (statusCode == "1") {
error("At least one container failed to start")
What I want is to exit with error code 1 in the script if the number of running containers is not equal to 3 (wc -l == 4 including the header), but the if statement is evaluating true and exiting with error code 1 even though i know that the containers are successfully running.
I have tried
echo sh(script: """ssh ${env.SERVER_NAME} << EOF
echo \$(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*" | wc -l)
""", returnStdout:true).toString()
echo sh(script: """ssh ${env.SERVER_NAME} << EOF
echo \$(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*")
""", returnStdout:true).toString()
The latter outputted 4 lines within jenkins showing all of the running containers, as expected, but the former which includes "| wc -l" returned and printed out 0 in jenkins.
I have reproduced the steps of this script line by line manually from start to finish and it works as intended when not run from within jenkins.
Additionally, manually running the command:
[ ! $(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*" | wc -l ) -eq 4 ] && echo failed
echoes nothing, and the following command returns an output of 4, which is expected.
echo $(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*" | wc -l )

jenkins Post Build if statement

Doing Jenkins Declarative Pipeline,
So I'm looking for "Post" action that will send e-mail only if there is 1 file which exists and is biggger then 0kb.
Very similiar to bash function : if [-s]
I can do that in a bash script, but how is done in jenkins for POST BUILD:
See how is made in bash:
if [ -s "$file" ]
/usr/bin/mutt -s "Master Failed 3Days" $emails -a $file < /dev/null
exit 1
echo "$file is empty."
/usr/bin/mutt -s "Master Success 3Days" $emails_success -a $file < /dev/null
exit 0
This approach is working:
1. You are doing a global variable with your shell script in stage
result = sh(script: '''
if [ -s "$file" ]
/usr/bin/mutt -s "Master Failed 3Days" $emails -a $file < /dev/null
echo 'found'
echo "$file is empty."
/usr/bin/mutt -s "Master Success 3Days" $emails_success -a $file < /dev/null
echo 'not'
''', returnStdout: true).trim()
You are adding post definitions
post {
always {
script {
if (result.contains('found')) {
<your logic to sending email>

Sed command not working in Jenkins Pipeline

I have a file 'README.txt' which contains the line -
"version": "1.0.0-alpha-test.7"
Using a Jenkins Pipeline, I want to replace this line with
"version": "1.0.0-alpha-test.{BUILD_NUMBER}"
The following sed command works when I try it on a linux cluster
sed -i -E "s#(\"version\"[ ]*:[ ]*\".+alpha-test\.)[0-9]+\"#\1${BUILD_NUMBER}#g" README.txt
The same command does not work using a Jenkins Pipeline.
Tried with the following query but it doesn't work -
sh """
sed -i -E "s|([\"]version[\"][ ]*:[ ]*[\"].+alpha-test\\.)[0-9]+\"|\1${BUILD_NUMBER}|g" README.txt
cat README.txt
Syntax error: ")" unexpected
Best to use perl command instead...
old_version = (sh (returnStdout: true, script:'''old_version=`cat version.cfg |grep VERSION=|cut -d "=" -f2`
echo $old_version''')).toString().trim()
sh """
if [ "$old_version" != $new_version ]; then
perl -pi -e "s,$old_version,$new_version,g" version.cfg
##-- git push operation --##

Jenkins Groovy pass variables to parallel runs

I am having problems figuring out how to pass some variables into the parallel runs in the Jenkins groovy script below:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def call(version, project) {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
[[ ! -e ${WORKSPACE}/target/rpm/${project}/RPMS/ ]] && mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/target/rpm/${project}/RPMS/
(( $(ls ${WORKSPACE}/target/rpm/${project}/RPMS/*.rpm | wc -l) != 0 )) && rm ${WORKSPACE}/target/rpm/${project}/RPMS/*.rpm
cd ${WORKSPACE}/scripts/fpm_requirements && bundle install && bundle show fpm
parallel (
"package foo": {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin:~/.gem/ruby/gems
cd ${WORKSPACE}/scripts/fpm_requirements
echo Project is ${project}
echo Version is ${version}
echo Iteration is $(echo ${version} | cut -d . -f 3)
"package bar": {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin:~/.gem/ruby/gems
cd ${WORKSPACE}/scripts/fpm_requirements
echo Project is ${project}
echo Version is ${version}
echo Iteration is $(echo ${version} | cut -d . -f 3)
So the version and project variables are populated in the first shell that is called but when they hit the two parallel runs they are not being pulled in.
I have tried a few different options to pass them in but none have worked.
Does anyone have any relevant ideas that might help?
You should change the ''' to """. In Groovy, string inside single/triple quote won't trigger string interpolation, but string inside single/triple double quote will do that.
So the ${version} and ${project} in your Shell script will be treated as variable from Shell context, but actually they are exist in Groovy context.
More about Groovy String at here, Below option 2 more suitable for your issue.
Option 1) using "" or """
"package foo": {
sh """#!/bin/bash
export PATH=\$PATH:~/bin:~/.gem/ruby/gems
cd \${WORKSPACE}/scripts/fpm_requirements
echo Project is ${project}
echo Version is ${version}
echo Iteration is \$(echo ${version} | cut -d . -f 3)
"package bar": {
sh """#!/bin/bash
export PATH=\$PATH:~/bin:~/.gem/ruby/gems
cd \${WORKSPACE}/scripts/fpm_requirements
echo Project is ${project}
echo Version is ${version}
echo Iteration is \$(echo ${version} | cut -d . -f 3)
Attention: need to escape the $ ahead of ${WORKSPACE} and $(echo ..), because we hope $ be kept after interpolation.
Option 2) using ' or ''' and inject version and project into Environment Variables of Shell context.
def call(version, project) {
// Groovy env api used to inject groovy value into environment variable
// so that you can refer groovy value later in shell script
// still use ''' in following code, no need to change
