attempt to index field 'LocalPlayer' (a nil value) - lua

i have been trying to fix this problem in my game:
"attempt to index field 'LocalPlayer' (a nil value)"
but nothing i tried to do worked
here is the code:
please do not mind the extremely un-efficient lines of code
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.PuzzlePieces.Value = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.PuzzlePieces.Value + 1
and this is the error message i get:
attempt to index field 'LocalPlayer' (a nil value)

LocalPlayer can only be used in localscripts, and if you are changing leaderstats, you would need to use remotefunctions if your using the localplayer way, or you could use a script and then detect is a player dies and give them a leaderstat value.
PS. If your into roblox I very well recommand, it is a great roblox scripting Q&A.


attempt to index nil with 'Character' Error Roblox Studio

Hello i am trying to get the position of the HumanoidRootPart but it says attempt to index nil with 'Character' also the FollowPlrbox has the players name.(This not a local script)
local fwbox = script.Parent.Parent.FollowPlrbox.Text
local player = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(fwbox)
local plrpart = player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local plrposx = plrpart.Position.X
attempt to index nil with 'Character'
Your error is telling you that player doesn't exist. This could mean that whatever you have typed for the player's name is misspelled, incorrect capitalization, or there's simply no player with that name.
Anyways, you need to account for the fact that the player might not exist before trying to access properties on it. Also, since you are searching the Workspace, you are not looking for a Player, you are looking for that player's character model.
So to fix your issue, you simply need to add safety checks.
local fwbox = script.Parent.Parent.FollowPlrbox.Text
local character = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(fwbox)
if character then
local rootPart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if rootPart then
local rootPartPosX = rootPart.Position
The reason we add if character then and if rootPart then is because it's possible that the FindFirstChild() function won't find anything. So we say, only do the rest of this code if character exists.

What does "attempt to index function with 'Connect'" mean in Roblox?

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerCash = Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("Strength")
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
local amount = 50
script.Parent.Activate:Connect(function() = + amount
I am trying to make a code to give Strength when you click. When I press 'Play' it doesn't work. All it says in the output is
'attempt to index function with 'Connect'.'
The error "attempt to index [type] with [field name]" means that you are incorrectly using something like an object, and you are trying to access some field on it.
In your case, this error is pointing at the line : script.Parent.Activate:Connect.This says that script.Parent.Activate is a function and not a table, and you cannot call Connect on a function. This is just to help us figure out what is wrong with our code.
Since you working with Tools, there is a simple fix. Instead of using the Activate function, you are looking for the Activated event. So just change update that line like this :
It connects a function to an event that happened, like this:
local tool = script.Parent
-- It connects the event (the tool being equipped) to a function.
Also, the answer above is how you can fix your problem and here's a shortcut: You have defined "Player" and you could've used it inside the function. Have a great day and God bless everyone here.

Problem with script in lua, Error nil value (local 'xPlayer')

so when i try to buy something in shop it's just drop me this error.How to fix this?
AddEventHandler('esx_shops:buyItem', function(itemName, amount, zone)
local _source = source
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
local sourceItem = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(itemName)
amount = ESX.Round(amount)
-- is the player trying to exploit?
if amount < 0 then
print('esx_shops: ' .. xPlayer.identifier .. ' attempted to exploit the shop!')
SCRIPT ERROR: #esx_supermarket/server/main.lua:68: attempt to index a nil value (local 'xPlayer')
xPlayer is a nil value. nil values may not be indexed. Doing so causes an error.
So anything like xPlayer[something], xPlayer.something or xPlayer:something() is not allowed.
In your first example
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
local sourceItem = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(itemName)
xPlayer is nil because ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source) did not return a player. Most likely because _source is nil. At least there is nothing in your code that would indicate that source is not nil.
Befor you try to index possible nil values, check wether they are nil.
Please read the Lua manual and do a beginners tutorial.

attempt to index global 'message' (a nil value) Lua Message script

Currently, I'm working on a simple Lua Roblox script that is supposed to turn the parent part blue when "/blue" is entered in the chat by ANY player. When run, it returns the error "attempt to index global 'message' (a nil value)" in the output. Also, when I hover my cursor over "message" it says "unknown global 'message'". I am sure I'm doing something terribly wrong as I am new to the language. I have tried moving the script into Workspace and Chat (of course changing local part when I do) but those don't help. I'm confident it's a code issue specifically defining a global variable.
local part = script.Parent
local function scan()
if message:sub(1,5) == "/blue" then
part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Blue()
First, you didn't define "message" because "message" is supposed to be an argument of
So instead of just running scan(), make multiple functions, here is the revised code:
local part = script.Parent
message = string.lower(message)
if message == "/blue" then
part.BrickColor ="Blue")
Let me know if you need me to elaborate, I understand that sometimes this stuff can be confusing.

Roblox How to detect a player's team

I am making a Roblox game, and I need to detect a player's team somehow.
My code currently looks like this:
local plr = part.Parent.Name
if (game.Players:FindFirstChild(plr).Team == "Police") then
And when I touch that part (it's an invisible wall), it gives me an error: Workspace.Part.Script:3: attempt to index a nil value
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: I found out it can't find my name in game.Players, because now I tried:
local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
if (plr.Team == "Police") then
And now I get Workspace.Part.Script:3: attempt to index local 'plr' (a nil value)
Edit2: Now I tried printing plr (game.Player:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)) and it was ' Miniller', not 'Miniller', and now I didn't get any errors, but the code below also did nothing..
I solved it by not using variables AND not "Police", it's game.Teams.Police, so code:
if (game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name).Team = game.Teams.Police
