Dockerfile starting container failed: no file or directory - docker

I'm trying to copy my binary file to the container and then execute it on container.
I have the swarm.exe in the same directory as Dockerfile. But I always get the same error: "./swarm: no such file or directory".
My dockerfile:
FROM golang:1.7-alpine
RUN echo >> /etc/apk/repositories
RUN apk update && apk add --update openssl && apk add glide git
RUN mkdir /tools
WORKDIR /tools
RUN wget
RUN tar -zxvf glide-0.10.2-linux-386.tar.gz
RUN mv linux-386/ glide/
ENV PATH /tools/glide:$PATH
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY swarm.exe .
CMD ["./swarm"]
Basically, I'm trying to copy swarm.exe to /usr/src/app (where I am now) and then execute ./swarm
Any ideas?

Alpine images are linux based, they do not recognize .exe files like windows. Either do a CMD ["./swarm.exe"] or use a different image.


Creating a dockerfile for a .deb file

I want to create a dockerfile for a debian file extension which runs on ubuntu 18.04. So far I've written this
FROM ubuntu:18.04 AS ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
WORKDIR /Downloads/invisily
RUN apt-get install ./invisily.deb
All phases run fine except the last one. It shows this error:
E: Unsupported file ./invisily.deb given on commandline
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get install ./invisily.deb' returned a non-zero code: 100
I'm new to docker and cloud so any help would be appreciated thanks!
I solved it by putting the dockerfile and the debian file in the same directory and using COPY . ./
This is what my dockerfile looks like now:
FROM ubuntu:18.04 AS ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
WORKDIR /invisily
COPY . ./
USER root
RUN chmod +x a.deb && \
apt-get install a.deb
A few things,
WORKDIR is the working directory inside of your container.
You will need to copy the file invisily.deb from locally to your container when building your Docker image.
You can pass multiple bash commands in the RUN field combining them with multilines.
Try something like this
FROM ubuntu:18.04 AS ubuntu
WORKDIR /opt/invisily
#Drop the invisily.deb in to the same directory as your Dockerfile
#This will copy it from local to your container, inside of /opt/invisily dir
COPY invisily.deb .
RUN apt-get update && \
chmod +x invisily.deb && \
apt-get install invisily.deb
in your WORKDIR there isn't any invisly.deb file, so if you have it you can copy it the container like this:
FROM ubuntu ...
WORKDIR /Downloads/invisily
RUN apt-get update
COPY ./your invisly file path ./
RUN chmod +x ./invisily
RUN apt-get install ./invisily.deb

Lambda docker image won't start if i overwrite entrypoint from lambda console

I have this Dockerfile
FROM node:10.13-alpine#sha256:22c8219b21f86dfd7398ce1f62c48a022fecdcf0ad7bf3b0681131bd04a023a2 AS BUILD_IMAGE
RUN apk --update add cmake autoconf automake libtool binutils libexecinfo-dev python2 gcc make g++ zlib-dev
ENV NODE_ENV=production
ENV PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2
RUN mkdir -p ${FUNCTION_DIR}
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn --frozen-lockfile
RUN npm prune --production
RUN yarn cache clean
RUN npm cache clean --force
FROM node:10.13-alpine#sha256:22c8219b21f86dfd7398ce1f62c48a022fecdcf0ad7bf3b0681131bd04a023a2
ENV NODE_ENV=production
ENV NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096
RUN apk update \
&& apk upgrade \
&& apk add mongodb-tools fontconfig dumb-init \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
RUN mkdir -p ${FUNCTION_DIR}
COPY --from=BUILD_IMAGE ${FUNCTION_DIR}/node_modules ./node_modules
COPY . .
RUN if [ -f core/config/local.js ]; then rm core/config/local.js; fi
RUN cp core/config/ core/config/local.js
USER node
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "--"]
CMD ["node", "app.js", "--app=search", "--env=production"]
I use this Dockerfile to generate an image (called core-a) that run our application in K8s. I've added some code inside my application to handle the case our application is launched from a lambda function and i've created another Dockerfile like the one above but using custom ENTRYPOINT and CMD setting this values.
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/npx", "aws-lambda-ric" ]
CMD [ "apps/search/index.handler" ]
Than i deployed this image called core-b to ecr using core-b as docker image for a lambda function and everything works as expected.
After that i thought that i can use the possibility to overwrite entrypoint and CMD in order to use the same docker image for both environments, so i modified Lambda function's image pointing to core-a and using the entrypoint and cmd values i used in core-b dockerfile, but doing so i get an error
Couldn't find valid bootstrap(s): [\"/usr/local/bin/npx\"]
Did anyone have any suggestion ?
Try to remove the quotation marks (" ") when entering the override value in this web form.
These AWS docs unfortunately have an uncorrect note that say to use the quotation marks on each string.

Copy a repo clone in dockerfile

I'm trying to clone a repository in my dockerfile and then copy that repository into a specific folder of the docker container.
Here is my dockerfile:
FROM node:11-alpine
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY ./package.json /usr/src/app/
RUN apk --no-cache --virtual build-dependencies add git python make g++ \
&& git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git:// \
&& apk add curl \
&& apk add git bash && git clone \
&& yarn install \
&& yarn cache clean --force \
&& apk del build-dependencies
COPY wait-for-it /usr/src/app
This outputs: ERROR: Service 'exchanges_api' failed to build: COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder416734770/wait-for-it: no such file or directory
However, if I add a RUN ls before the copy I get confirmation the file exists, any idea where I might be going wrong?
From this error '' no such file or directory" you see that is the problem with file path and indeed as you can see there is a mistake in this COPY . /package. json this is not a valid path you either need something like .. /package.json or simply package.json depends on where is the file located in your directory.
COPY is used to copy resource from host machine to your docker image. But in you use case, it looks like you are trying to copy resource from one location to other within the docker image.
Replace COPY wait-for-it /usr/src/app with the following:
RUN cp -a wait-for-it /usr/src/app

Setting up NSCA in Docker Alpine image for passive nagios check

In the Alpine linux package site
NSCA packages are yet to get added. Is there an alternative to setup NSCA in Alpine Linux for passive-check?
If there is no package for it, you can always build it yourself.
FROM alpine AS builder
RUN apk update && apk add build-base build-base gcc wget git
RUN wget$NSCA_VERSION.tar.gz
RUN tar xzf nsca-$NSCA_VERSION.tar.gz
RUN cd nsca-$NSCA_VERSION&& ./configure && make all
RUN ls -lah nsca-$NSCA_VERSION/src
RUN mkdir -p /dist/bin && cp nsca-$NSCA_VERSION/src/nsca /dist/bin
RUN mkdir -p /dist/etc && cp nsca-$NSCA_VERSION/sample-config/nsca.cfg /dist/etc
FROM alpine
COPY --from=builder /dist/bin/nsca /bin/
COPY --from=builder /dist/etc/nsca.cfg /etc/
Since this is using multiple stages, your resulting image will not contain development files and will still be small.

Dockerfile is caching an old version of a generated file

I'm working on a Dockerfile with a multi-stage build. The general idea is to build the binary for the backend, build the javascript bundle for the frontend, and then put these two things in a final container for the app.
Here's the docker file:
# go binary
FROM golang:alpine as build-go
RUN apk --no-cache add git bzr mercurial
ENV D=/go/src/
RUN go get -d -v
RUN go get -d -v
RUN go get -d -v
COPY ./main.go $D/main.go
COPY ./frontend/dist $D/frontend/dist
RUN rm -rf $D/frontend/dist/index.html
RUN rm -rf $D/frontend/dist/index.js
RUN cd $D && go build -o main && cp main /tmp/
# ui
FROM node:alpine AS build-node
RUN mkdir -p /src/ui
COPY ./frontend/package.json /src/ui/
RUN cd /src/ui && yarn install
COPY ./frontend /src/ui
# Replace the dev instance of index.html with the prod version.
RUN rm -rf /src/ui/dist/index.html
RUN mv /src/ui/dist/index-prod.html /src/ui/dist/index.html
RUN cd /src/ui && yarn build
# final
FROM alpine
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
WORKDIR /app/server/
COPY --from=build-go /tmp/main /app/server/
COPY --from=build-node /src/ui/dist /app/server/frontend/dist
CMD ["./main"]
What I've noticed is that when I update the frontend source code and build the docker container, the new version of the container doesn't update with the new bundle. Are there any obvious errors in the Dockerfile that may be the reason for why I'm not seeing any file changes? If I run yarn build locally, the bundle is accurate, but the docker container seems to be caching an older version. Thoughts?
