Google promises that Fusion tables can be imported into Google Sheets but how? - google-sheets

Google states that fusion tables could be imported into sheets and turned into maps but I cannot find any information on how to import Fusion tables nor how to turn them into maps similar as in Fusion Tables. Please help!
Googled for hours...

One option is to download the Fusion Table as CSV. Then import the CSV into Google Sheets.
You can then use this Mapping from a Google Spreadsheet tutorial to learn how to create a map from your data.

Google Fusion Tables will not be available after Dec. 3, 2019. Learn more
Warning: The Fusion Tables API that this service enabled was deprecated on December 11, 2018. You can continue to use the advanced service until December 3, 2019, when the API will be fully shutdown. See the Fusion Tables help center for more details.
Anyway, the above link include code samples. I think that this links will help you on your quest is you still are interested on using Fusion Tables.

You can use the Fusion Table Archive Tool and it copies your selected google fusion tables (to your google drive) into google sheets. I am doing it now. I hope it works. Make sure you download your fusion table in .csv format as a backup.
Also, if you are looking at a map in fusion tables then you can download the fusion table in KML format and then you can open these KMLs in google earth and it will also show the bubble messages that you had in google fusion table maps when you click on the points on your map.
Personally, I am planning to write some python programs to bring up my maps in the future using a library called Folium that looks like it can display maps easily. I will use python to update my data in my .csv files and add new rows (eventually I may migrate to a database of some sort like SQL, still mulling this over.)
There is an add-on for google sheets called "mapping sheets" that can build a map from your data in sheets. It might be useful.


want to update google sheets from a streaming has to be readily available for querying/reporting

querying a student database with columns in google sheets. currently the data is updated overnight but want to change the source to a streaming source so that data is more dynamic, more current reflecting reality versus 'yesterday's news'.
You did not provide enough details for a specific answer. Google Sheets has an API you can use for reading and updating data (Java sample, for example), and depending on your source of data you might have a built-in integration.

Slicer in Google Sheets

I created a dashboard on Excel but want to move it to Google Sheets. How can I implement slicer like Excel on the spreadsheet?
I was using pivot in MS Excel with filters and slicers. I can replace slicer with some filters but in the spreadsheet, the filter isn't as handy as MS Excel and even dicer add-ons aren't functioning well. I am trying to replace it with data validation but that is making my dashboard extremely slow (Maybe because I can't find an efficient way). Can anyone suggest some combination of functions to create a slicer in Google spreadsheet? Any reading material recommendation regarding this?
For those who might land here after the question was originally answered:
Google Sheets now natively supports slicers.
Simply go to "Data" -> "Add a slicer" at the top menu.
See the documentation here:
in Google Sheets, there are no Slicers but you can add an add-on to your Google Sheets called Dicers
see a demo here:

Connecting Sheets to BigQuery

I want to connect a Google Sheets to a new BigQuery table that populates and updates the data automatically from Sheets to BigQuery. I'm using this tutorial from Google itself to do the setup.
My problem: the table connected with spreadsheet was created empty so I had to query it and save the result as another table to see and use the data.
I can't post images yet so I ask you please to check this imgur post, please.
I'm not expert in these things but does not seems to be the best way to do it. I found some spreadsheet add-ons but I'm trying to avoid them.
Any ideas what's the best way to do this kind of setup/connection?
I had to configure each column manually
BigQuery provides a variety of tools which make it pretty simple to connect the external table to BigQuery.
One option is to simply use the WebUi and the Auto Detect option which help you not to enter each column manually
This works perfectly for me also when inserting and adding data to the external table.
You can refer to BigQuery official manual on an external table for more help

Fetch data from Google Spreadsheet

how can I fetch data from a google spreadsheet? It's not something like embedding a google doc on a webpage. Suppose, you have a table consisting of 10 rows and 10 columns at google doc. Now, you created a 10x10 table on a PHP webpage. Now you will show the respective values of the cells from that google doc to your php page. It's just like fetching data from a MySQL database and showing them on your web page. But here instead of using a MySQL database, I want to use Google Doc and do the rest. But how can I do it?
Thank you.
Google has a REST api for spreadsheets and native apis for many languages.
If your data is the typical table layout (rows of data with a header row) - then you might find this python library helpful:
Temboo provides an SDK library that makes it pretty easy to interact with Google Spreadsheets in multiple languages, including Java/Android, PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js, and Objective C. There's also an online tool for experimenting with different Google Spreadsheet API calls. Take a look at
(Full disclosure: I work at Temboo)

Using Google Spreadsheet as DB for apps

I want to use Google spreadsheets to store data online so multiple people can enter and maintain data, then publish or export (csv, xls, ods) the sheet for their application. What is the easiest way to process the sheet? If the data can be accessed as a link the updates could be immediately reflected in the client's app.
This article Data Scraping Wikipedia with Google Spreadsheets discusses using Google spreadsheets as an application platform.
It already has features that allow you to share the spreadsheet with multiple editors, as well as the ability to define forms that you can invite people to fill out who's results will be entered into the spreadsheet as a row.
Just in case its still vaguely of interest 5 months later, there is a SQL-like wrapper language for Google Spreadsheets at:
Its very much an alpha release - but maybe its of some use or perhaps the code could give you some ideas.
I think if I am clear on your requirements, you want to store your data online in a Google Spreadsheet where multiple people can access that right? Then you want an app to use that data? Correct me if I am wrong.
It is possible to have Google spreadsheet as a database and the client app can directly access that data through APIs - spreadsheet APIs . If you want a simple link where people can go and update - you can also have a web app using google apps scripting. very simple to use and would solve your purpose too , why to export your data to ods, xls, csv, make your app directly over Google Spreadsheet. Would be maintainable too.
