Setting up hyperledger sawtooth on aws - hyperledger

I am new to hyperledger sawtooth,I am working on setting up sawtooth in aws using putty but validator and rest api failing to run.
Edited:The above problem is resolved.
I run all the commands of Xo transaction family on Aws using putty,but I am
getting this error
sudo xo show my-game
Error: No such game: my-game

The REST API failed. You can look in files /var/log/sawtooth/rest_api-debug.log /var/log/sawtooth/rest_api-error.log
For more details on AWS and Sawtooth, see the app developer's guide (v1.2.1).
EDIT: To answer you question about playing...
You have to both create players and create a game before you can start playing XO (tic-tac-toe). For example, to create players bob and alice, type:
sawtooth keygen bob
sawtooth keygen alice
To create a game called mygame as player jack, type:
xo create mygame --username jack
For more details, again see the docs (latest version).


IBM Blockchain - Simple Application

Alright, I need to develop a simple application in an IBM Blockchain(starter plan). But I can't get it done, after almost 1 month of trial and error and thousands of tutorials.
So, my case is really simple(I guess):
I have a models.cto file:
namespace com.test.models
* A company asset.
asset Company identified by company_id {
o String company_id
o String document_key
o String document_value
o String name
o String telephone
o String email
* A person_in_charge asset.
asset PersonInCharge identified by person_in_charge_id {
o String person_in_charge_id
o String company_id
o String name
o String document_key
o String document_value
o String email
o String language
o String created_date_time
I tried to make it as participant instead. I tried to make transaction and then do something with .js file but there are only use cases and tutorials about complex examples using assets, participants, etc. I just want to insert "PersonInCharge" and "Company" separately and query (each Company or by id whatever) also separately.
I was able to made a example using Swagger api generator, but it didn't worked as expected, even thought it created all the methods I wanted, like this:
For summarize, I wanted to deploy my chaincode in a peer, inside of a channel at IBM Blockchain. I did deployed a marble example and it did worked perfectly.
Really self describing error, not with a general message:
I am following a "how to" guide for develop locally and deploy to IBM. Therefore, I am creating a bna file composer archive create -t dir -n . and then creating a card with the downloaded connection settings(from IBM) and else using this tutorial Deploying a business network on Starter Plan
and I am failing at this step: composer network start -c adminCard -n bna-blockchain -V 0.0.1 -A admin -C ./credentials/admin-pub.pem -f delete_me.card. perhaps beucause I'm not being able to instantiate my chaincode on IBM Blockchain.
Sorry if it looks confunsing, just ask me if you have any questions about my issue.
Thanks in advance and any help would be awesome!
Before starting the network, you need to install it:
composer network install -c adminCard -a vehicle-manufacture-network.bna
I took a break in the development and came back after a month. In that time, I had help of a person inside IBM who could help me to get it done.
And I'm here so point out, some failures too.
The IBM guy(I won't say his name, of course) itself said that the service to upload a chaincode(channels/chaincode/Install chaincode) is broken and does not work well.
Also, I asked an easy to answer question in the IBM Blockchain paid forum but had no help at all(they did not even answer the question), even after almost 3 months. And you can't find a tutorial(besides marbles samples) that works from start to end.
Sorry if it looks like I'm raging for nothing in here, but I had a really hard time to put it all together to work 100%.
I will not show how to create a model file or transactional scripts(because there are a plenty of it on examples) but the commands you need to execute in order to run the chaincode on IBM and generate a loopback API. With that said...
Let's go to what's important: the code
First things first, Environment settings:
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial
IMPORTANT: IBM Blockchain(until now 2019-03-23) won't run under virtualized machines like virtual box or hyperv because of a couple npm dependencies. But a hardware virtual machine(HVM) like amazon ones will do just fine.
Install node and npm(follow the versions strictly as listed)
node -v
npm -v
curl -O
chmod u+x
npm install -g --unsafe-perm composer-cli#0.20.5
npm install -g --unsafe-perm composer-rest-server#0.20.5
composer-rest-server -v
composer -v
Create a project using hyperledger composer-playground. Export it and navigate through the root directory of the project you just downloaded(the project can be developed locally too).
Download the connection settings file at IBM Blockchain(Overview/Connection Profile/Download) and name it as connection-profile.json. Find the node registrar, you'll use it to create the cards.
Run npm install. If anything goes wrong while installing the dependencies, check if you're using exactly the same versions that I am using. If you're not, uninstall it all and start again from the beginning.
tricky zone
composer card create -f ca.card -p connection-profile.json -u admin -s *your-password*
composer card import -f ca.card -c ca
composer identity request --card ca --path ./credentials -u admin -s *your-password*
You'll see that the credentials folder were generated. Inside this folder, find
the file admin-pub.pem (credentials/admin-pub.pem) copy the whole content of it, and then upload it to IBM Blockchain(Members/Certificates/Add Certificate). You'll be prompted to restart peers, click "yes"
After the peers come back online, in the same Certificates tab, find the certificate you just add, in the ACTION column click at the menu, and then choose the option "Sync Certificate".
composer archive create -t dir -n .
composer card create -f adminCard.card -p connection-profile.json -u admin -c ./credentials/admin-pub.pem -k ./credentials/admin-priv.pem --role PeerAdmin --role ChannelAdmin
composer card import -f ./adminCard.card -c adminCard
composer network install -c adminCard -a bna-name#version.bna
composer network start -c adminCard -n *bna-name* -V *bna-version* -A admin -C ./credentials/admin-pub.pem -f delete_me.card (Output: Successfully created business network card: Filename: delete_me.card)
composer card create -n *bna-name* -p connection-profile.json -u admin -c ./credentials/admin-pub.pem -k ./credentials/admin-priv.pem (Output file: admin#*bna-name*.card)
composer card import -f ./admin#*bna-name*.card (Card file: ./admin#*bna-name*.card Card name: admin#*bna-name*)
Now you'll generate the rest api using (automatically generated using swagger)
composer-rest-server -c admin#*bna-name* -n never -w true -p 8080

hotwords demo segfaults on VM running bionic

Im trying to get the Assistant Python library demos running. I download my client credentials file, run the auth/consent tool as follows:
(env) $ google-oauthlib-tool --scope --scope --save --headless --client-secrets client_secret_XXXXX.json
The tool shows a URL that I visit and click through - the subsequent web shows me an auth string that I copy and paste back into the waiting terminal session.
(the tool tells me that it updated a .config/ file)
OK I then run...
(env) $ googlesamples-assistant-hotword --project-id ${project} --device-model-id ${model-id}
which results in a segfault:
device_model_id: dawnstar-226520-dawnstar-test-rig-jcsgzj
device_id: 4BAE41228DA8890AB0DDE6FD6992F5BF
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
(env) $
I have confirmed the project ID, model ID and that the Assistant API is enabled
Any help appreciated
The problem is related to a change from Google Assistant Library to Google Assistant Service. The Google Assistant Library is deprecated.
As shown in this project page issue, the issue affect to the components still based on Google Assistant Library, like googlesamples-assistant-hotword.
Other resources, like googlesamples-assistant-pushtotalk now are working over gRPC and this is the new way to use this service.
There is also a working task to improve the system over gRPC.

Composer rest server multi user error clarification

I am trying out Composer rest server multiuser mode -
This is my setup:
I have 3 NetworkAdmin users alice,bob and charles
Through these admins i have issued identities to jdoe,dave (for alice
and bob) each with their ACLs as participants .
So alice is an admin with participant/identity - jdoe
bob is an admin with a participant/identity - dave
charles is an admin .
The setup is similar to Using two business cards in the same composer rest server configuration
-> I start the rest server for alice with multiuser mode enabled and add identity jdoe to its wallet . Now when i try to do a rest operation it says :
"message": "Error trying login and get user Context. Error: Error trying to enroll user or load channel configuration. Error: Enrollment failed with errors [[{\"code\":20,\"message\":\"Authorization failure\"}]]"
-> Same for bob - if i try to add dave it gives the same error .
-> Also if i try to add identities dave and jdoe to charles` wallet it gives same error
However the multiuser mode works in the following scenario
1) Through alice who is an admin i create a participant 'restadmin' who is also a NetworkAdmin
composer participant add -c alice#trade-network -d '{"$class":"org.hyperledger.composer.system.NetworkAdmin", "participantId":"restadmin"}'
composer identity issue -c alice#trade-network -f cards/restadmin.card -u restadmin -a "resource:org.hyperledger.composer.system.NetworkAdmin#restadmin"
composer card import -f cards/restadmin.card
composer network ping -c restadmin#trade-network
2) Now i create another participant Jam through alice
composer participant add -c alice#trade-network -d '{"$class":"","tradeId":"trader4", "RepfirstName":"Jam","ReplastName":"J"}'
composer identity issue -c alice#trade-network -f cards/jam.card -u jam -a "resource:org.cdc.MortalityCard.State#state4-ny"
composer card import -f cards/jam.card
composer card export -f cards/jam_exp.card -c jam#trade-network ; rm cards/jam.card
3)Now it works , This is hilarious i have no idea why it didnt work i nthe previous scenario ., now it works only if the identity is set as Jam as default . it doesnt work with jdoe or dave
No idea why . suggestion ?
the difference is in scenario 2, you've exported the cards with credentials (cert/key) - in scenario 1 they're trying to enrol again (because you've only got the secret in the card, no credentials set).
When the Identity is issued by the Fabric Certificate of Authority (CA) server a one-time secret is created (ie part of the Card that is created). When the card is used (eg connect or ping the business network using the card) for the first time, the secret is exchanged for Certificates/Keys (credentials) and then the one-time secret is invalidated. for scenario 1, you need to export it (eg via the Command line with composer card export -c jdoe# -f jdoe-plus-cert.card ) and then import that new .card file in the REST API wallet (eg /Import endpoint) and then it would also work for you in the REST API.

Watson iOS SDK authentication

I've been looking at which attempts to show how to do authentication using Facebook OAuth on iOS and with a NodeJS Backend.
The iOS code is straightforward :
let token: String = FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken().tokenString
let fbAccess = FacebookAuthenticationStrategy(
tokenURL: "",
fbToken: token)
translateService = LanguageTranslation(authStrategy: fbAccess)
The problem is that the server/app.js has
var creds = appEnv.getServiceCreds(/facebook-authentication/) || {}
and the manifest.yml has
- services:
- facebook-authentication
But when you cf push the scripts to your Bluemix account you get:
Could not find service facebook-authentication to bind to xxxxxxx
The problem is nowhere does the author describe what the 'facebook-authentication" service is.
In the server deployment instructions they have
$ cf login
$ cf create-service speech_to_text standard speech-to-text-service
$ cf create-service text_to_speech standard text-to-speech-service
$ cf create-service language_translation standard language-translation-service
$ cf env
$ cd server
$ cf push
Nothing stating what the facebook-authentication service is.
I apologize that the instructions are incomplete. facebook-authentication is supposed to be a user-provided service. You can create it using the cf create-user-provided-service command:
cf create-user-provided-service facebook-authentication -p "APP_SECRET_GOES_HERE"
The idea is that when you register a Facebook application, they give you an App Secret. Since that secret should not be embedded in the source code, you can set it in the environment variables VCAP by creating a custom service that provides that information for you.
Note, I did not finish actually using the app secret to check the legitimacy of the credentials. Although this is a small security vulnerability for man-in-the-middle-attacks, the facebook token checking still works because in the Facebook App settings I made it so that using the App secret is not required. For now, just create the user service and set the value to anything you would like.
Hope this helps!

running multiple instance of mongod as service

i try to start multiple Instance of MongoDB as a Service. Under the commandline i can start more than one Mongo Instances, for the first instance i append "--install" to the Command and now it run as service. But now i try to append "--install" to the second Instance and get a Error:
first command runs well:
c:\data\bin\mongod --nohttpinterface --port 27201 --dbpath c:\data\cluster\db1 --master --logpath c:\var\log\mongodb_db1.log --serviceName MongoDB_1 --install
but the second one gives a error:
c:\data\bin\mongod --nohttpinterface --port 28000 --dbpath c:\data\cluster\db2 --master --logpath c:\var\log\mongodb_db2.log --serviceName MongoDB_2 --install
Creating service MongoDB_2. Error creating service. Der Name wird bereits als Dienstname oder als Dienstinstanzname verwendet. (1078)
I think that MongoDB use an internal Servicename that is always the same and differ to the shown servicename. But i don't know how to fix it?
Any suggestions?
You can do a polite installation of a 2nd instance using the proper command line switches. Just read my answer here
I ran into this same issue. My workaround is kind of hacky, but it seems to work:
Create the first mongod service using monogd --install
Open regedit and navigate to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NameOfMongoService
Export this key
Edit exported reg file in text editor, updating service name and mongod params.
Import into reg (and possibly reboot).
To get mongos running as a service I took a different approach and used instsrv and srvany from the Windows NT Resource Kit:
This kb doesn't mention that after intstalling srvany using instsrv you have to add a Parameters sub-key under the newly created service in the registry. This key should contain a REG_SZ named "Application" with the path to the app to start as a service.
