Xcode missing constraint warning for y position but it's set - ios

I have in the same view controller two UITableView. Both UITableView cells have an UIImageView, a top UILabel with top and lead constraints, a bottom UILabel with lead and bottom constraint. Cells are set the same for constraints but on the second UITableView cell Xcode gives me a missing constraint warning for y position on bottom UILabel , when it actually has a bottom constraint. If I add a top constraint for the bottom label in the second UITableView cell the warning goes away, but it's not needed for the first UITableView. What am I doing wrong?
As always many thanks.

At Storyboard at this case maybe will be better embed your labels at Stack View? And this will make your Cell more changeable and you should better to maintain it?


Layout errors when pinning UIView edges to UITableViewCell contentView

Got a problem here which is driving me crazy.
In a storyboard I have a table view in a layout and I'm trying to pin the leading, top, trailing and bottom constraints of a UIView to the prototype cell's content view. Straightforward enough.
Whenever I do this I get these layout errors for the UIView in Xcode:
"Need constraints for: X position, width"
"Need constraints for : Y position, height"
Constraints on that view (Superview is contentView):
In the storyboard I have the following set on the table view:
Row Height: automatic
Estimate (row height): 50
And on the table view cell:
Row Height: 50
I've seen a few SO posts and other walkthroughs that state that pinning the edges is what to do, and as I understand Auto Layout, I've provided the necessary constraints and info.
How can I fix this?
(BTW: I'm running Xcode 11.3.1.)
Update: The cells of this table view will be fixed height. I'm looking for the cell to provide the height for its content.
UIView by itself has no intrinsicSize - so you are telling the cell's contentView to pin to a frame of 0 x 0.
If you are going to add content to the UIView, set the constraints on the content to control the size of the view and the errors will go away.
In the meantime, give the view a height constraint and that will resolve the issue.
For fixed-height cells... try starting fresh.
Add a table view - give it desired constraints
Add a table view cell prototype
Add a UIView to that cell (give it a background color to make it easy to see)
Constrain the view at Zero on all 4 sides (constrain to margins)
Set the cell Row Height to 50 (un-check Automatic)
Here's how it looks for me:
It turns out I had the table view and cell constraints and settings configured properly; the problem was further up the view hierarchy.
The table view was placed in a vertical stack view, and that stack view's Alignment property was set to center (for the benefit of other views in the stack). This was causing issues for Auto Layout in calculating the width of the table view.
The solution here was to add an Equal Widths constraint from the table view to the stack view. Et voila! The errors on the UIView within the table view cell's content view disappeared.

lateral cell space tableview Swift

I have a UITableView with various cells and I want to insert lateral space (to the right and to the left) between the cell and the View, but I am not able to do that.
Can anyone help me with this?
You should use a UICollectionView instead.
With UICollectionView, you can set the Cell's Width and Height, and add custom spacing between each cells. You can also configure the space between the cell and the border of the CollectionView.
If you really need a UITableView, try to add a Leading Space To Container Margin and a Trailing Space To Container Margin contraint between your UITableView and its Superview.
Here is an example : my tableview has a grey background, my cell has a yellow background and the superview has a blue background. Thank to the two constraints, there is a space on the left and the right of my cell
Is that what you need ?
One way is to make the TableView's width shorter that the controller's view width and add constraints to keep the space exactly as you want it.
Another way is to design your cell with an "internal container" with spacings to edge of the cell's content view.
You can easily do this in a storyboard using a container view…
Add a container view to your view controller, set the left and right constraints to the inset you need, add a UITableViewController and then drag from the container to the table view controller and embed it

UITableViewCell dynamic constraints

I am making filling a UITableView with custom cells of dynamic heights. I am using the methodology as described here.
For the purposes of simplicity, say my cell contains 2 UILabels as shown below.
The purple UILabel will remain the same height for all cells in the UITableView. In this case, the purple UILabel is taller than the green UILabel. I would like the constraint between the bottom of the purple UILabel and the bottom of the contentView to be 8.
However, there is a second scenario that is possible as shown below.
In this case, the purple UILabel is still the same size as the first case (even though it looks smaller, but since the overall cell height is larger, relatively, it looks smaller), however the green UILabel is much larger. In this case, I would like the constraint between the bottom of the green UILabel and the bottom of the contentView to be 8.
Now my dilemma is that I can set either one or the other (I am using storyboard). But I cannot think of a way to make both possible at the same time. My guess is that you would need to adjust constraints programmatically during runtime depending on the size of the green UILabel.
Any thoughts?
I am using XCode 6.1.1 in Swift.
Thank you.
If the purple label is always the same height, then you should just set the height constraint of the element, rather than setting its bottom constraint to superview as 8.
For the green element, perhaps you could select both that element and the contentview and set them as having equal heights from the "add new constraint" pane at the bottom of the storyboard window. Then, select that constraint and edit its multiplier value in the attributes inspector to some value less than 1. That would make the element's height always be some percentage of the parent view's height. You could tweak that around until it gets you close to the desired 8px from the view below it.

Autolayout TableView Issue

I'm having a strange issue with my tableview, debugging the view hierarchy i'm getting this
I've tried a lot of constraints with no result, how should I setup my tableview to avoid that kind of misplacement ?
I've a custom cell with an image view, actually set just this 5 constraints
Top, bottom, leading and trailing values are 0
You just need to set Your UITableView constraint to Leading,Trailing, Top and Bottom. and also for your UIImageView set same constraint. so your imageview will show fit to cell as per table width. no need to set Align Center X constraint.

Adding UIButton to custom cell with auto layout

I am trying to add a button through IB in a custom cell at top right corner of the cell. I am using auto layout to position it correctly but in simulator I don't know why the button wont show up.
But if i create it programmatically then it shows up perfectly.
So my question is how can achieve it using IB and where i am doing it wrong.
I have added four constraints on my button leading and trailing space to superview and fix width and height.
Remove leading space constrain and add fix to top space constrain. I mean there will be total 4 constrains Fixed width, height and fixed trailing, top space to super view and it will work. If it is not working means you have not set your tableView constrains. For tableView fix it from top,bottom,left and right space from super view.
