"Got a result missing the "id" property" - Zapier - zapier

I want to make an app on zapier. Every process I have done clearly according to zapier request. My each process got success by zapier like API authentication and all. When I run my app on zapier I get authenticate, but at last it gives an error
" Got a result missing the "id" property ".
What should I do? I think zapier want id property in the front position of the array, but during authentication my element in array got fluctuate and I got id in below position.

There's more info about that message here: https://zapier.com/developer/documentation/v2/ZDE009/
Basically, you need to return an array of objects from your trigger, and each item in the array must have an "id" property.
in the front position of the array
the order doesn't matter, since all of the objects need one.


Graph Bookings API - List appointment returning empty customers array

When invoking either
GET /solutions/bookingBusinesses/{id}/calendarView
GET /solutions/bookingBusinesses/{id}/appointments
the returned bookingAppointment object has an empty customer array. However the customers appear in the UI. Any idea why this may be the case?
Looks like a bug in Graph API.
According to the documentation the customers property is optional. Sometimes you have to specify optional property in $select statement.
GET solutions/bookingBusinesses/{id}/calendarView?start=2018-04-30T00:00:00Z&end=2018-05-10T00:00:00Z&$select=customers
Another option is trying beta version instead of v1.0
GET beta/solutions/bookingBusinesses/{id}/calendarView?start=2018-04-30T00:00:00Z&end=2018-05-10T00:00:00Z

Issue with nested array in Zapier Trigger Response

Hi I'm having issues building my Zap with SignNow. I'm trying to extract the email of the Signer from the response data, but because the Signers portion of the response data is a nested array Zapier appears to just flatten the values into the key Name.
So instead of getting a consistent Key named 'Signers' to reference I instead get key = 'Signers FIRSTNAME LASTNAME' which varies each instance of the zap and causes it to break.
I only need the email that is stored in this section to be able to lookup their account via our CRM but can't get it to run consistently because of this key naming issue. Is there some way I can parse through the raw response data of this trigger?
Screenshot of Response Array
Screenshot of Zapier Object with Flattened Key Name

Acumatica OpenAPI can not search stock item by barcode in cross references

I'm trying to use OpenAPI to fetch data from Acumatica.The filter is barcode in CROSS-REFERENCEEimage.
It's unable to fetch data(before change) because
"The parent value for a property access of a property 'AlternateID' is not a single value. Property access can only be applied to a single value."
I did some research and find a same question(OData $filter with items in a $expand).
I changed(after change) my request but still get
"exceptionMessage": "The method or operation is not implemented." error.
I really know nothing about OData and C#.I use JAVA/NODEJS to fetch data. Can someone give me any suggestion? Thanks a lot.
You can't do it this way.
Acumatica doesn't support filtration over the detail records.
Instead, you can create a new GI that will contain the information from the Inventory Item and corresponding Alternate IDs and request the records from that GI.

How to check the result from AWSTask

I am calling an API from AWS, whose model isn't with me right now, I want to know what JSON it returns in response to a request so that I can build the model and use it. Is there a way to print the JSON ? I tried printing result property of task but its empty ( may be its obvious), is there a way to do this ?

Cloud Code Parameters and Results

I'm making an iOS app using swift and am using a cloud backend for the first time, namely Parse.com. I am curious what I can pass as parameters to cloud code functions and then receive as a return value. I want to send an array of PFObjects and also return an array of them, but I get the error Caught "NSInternalInconsistencyException" with reason "PFObjects are not allowed here." I am thinking of instead sending an array of dictionaries of the values I need to send and then return the same way. Can I do it this way, or is there another, better way to do this?
