Problem with multibranch pipeline jobs with branches that have a slash in their name - jenkins

There has been many stackoverflow questions about various issues related to multibranch pipeline with slash in their branch name. I have even created a Jenkins JIRA for my specific situation (latest Jenkins + plugins and config file provider plugin). However I would like to get some clarification. I tried looking at the source code but I got lost because the pipeline plugin used to be called the workflow plugin and now the source code project is called workflow-aggregator (I think) but when I look at this plugin I cannot understand how it relates/include the other plugins in the list of plugins. Here are my observations(I am on Windows if that matters):
It used to be that Jenkins would use the three characters %2F in folder names in place of / in branches.
Then this was changed to _ instead of %2F
Now it is back to %2F (with all latest plugins)
So here are my questions:
Is there somewhere documented why %2F was re-instated?
Could someone point me to which plugin and what version last used _ instead of %2F as this is causing me grief and I would like to work around this?
Is there some code I could put to configure this behaviour with the existing latest plugins? I saw this post but it does not provide me with an example for declarative pipelines and with SVN as the SCM. The issue with declarative pipelines is that the code in this post requires you to disable the declarative SCM checkout step (using the skipDefaultCheckout() option) and I do not know how to configure the branch folder path name. I do not want the remote URL to be specified in the Jenkins file but rather in the Jenkins job configuration.
Any help is truly appreciated

There is an answer for your 3rd question.
Is there some code I could put to configure this behaviour with the existing latest plugins?
The idea is to, get the BRANCH_NAME built in variable, and replace everything that is not an alphanumeric character.
Later, use this folder instead of the default workspace.
In the Jenkins file:
buildFolder =, "UTF-8");
// Replace nasty chars
buildFolder = buildFolder.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'my_project'
customWorkspace "W:\\workdir\\${buildFolder}"
// or customWorkspace "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/${buildFolder}"


Jenkins: Access job/plugin configuration values inside pipeline

I am trying the access the values set on a job's configuration page from within my pipeline. These values are not made available as params, nor are they injected as envvars.
Jenkins, v2.263.1
GitLab Branch Source plugin, v1.5.3 (link)
Multibranch pipeline job which is pointed to a Gitlab repo
Remote Jenkinsfile Provider, v1.13 (link)
Ordinarily, one would have a Jenkinsfile in the root of the repo and therefore the scm would be associated with the repo we want to checkout and build. However, in my case the code I want to build is in a different repo to the Jenkinsfile (hence the Remote Jenkinsfile Provider plugin).
This means that I need to checkout the code I wish to build as an explicit step in the pipeline, and to do that I need to know the repo. This repo is, however, already defined in the job config.
The Branch Source plugin does export things like the branch name or merge request number/branch/target into appropriate envvars, but NOT the actual repo.
As this is a multibranch pipeline, I cannot use something like envInject either (multibranch jobs do not provide the option to 'Prepare an environment for the run' as with other jobs)
I would like to be able to access the server, owner and project fields set in the job config page. Ultimately I could manage with just the project's ssh/http address even.
Is there some clever way of accessing a job's config from within the pipeline?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Reference images
Within the gitlab branch source plugin (and the documentation) you have a lot more information, than just with the normal branch source plugin. there are environment variables for the project like GITLAB_PROJECT_GIT_SSH_URL/GITLAB_PROJECT_GIT_HTTPS_URL for the git source and many more. So far i did not see one for the server, but that would be parse-able our of the URLs.
Within this information, it should be fairly easy to checkout the repository and build it.
As through the process it came clear, that it is needed to also trigger the pipeline manually, and this is normally also possible with variables (not sure about the Remote File plugin). I assume your Jenkinsfile is a groovy script, which opens up a lot of possibilities. You can define variables and use some logic to determine if the env variable or the parameter is used.
pipeline {
parameters {
string(name: 'projectUrl', defaultValue: "")
stages {
stage('Prepare') {
steps {
def projectUrl = env.GITLAB_PROJECT_GIT_SSH_URL ?: params.projectUrl
// DO Checkout with projectUrl
The only critical thing you have to take into account, is that the multibranch pipeline, has to run once, for each branch or mr - so they detect the variables. Afterwards you can easily trigger it, manually by providing your values.
This allows you, to utilize webhooks for automatic actions, and also allows you to trigger the build manually when ever you like.
Sidenote: if you use the centralized jenkinsfile, for reducing duplication, you might also want to checkout Shared libraries for jenkins.
For completeness, here is a list of all current environment variables added by the jenkins gitlab branch source plugin version 1.5.3 (and only for Push Events - but they are pretty similar in the other event types too)

Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline: script / jenkinsfile as svn external

I have a multibranch pipeline in Jenkins. I want to include my script file (jenkinsfile) as svn file external into my development branches to organize the script centralized for all branches. Unfortunately the scan of the multibranch pipeline isn't able to find the script file as it is only looking inside the declared branch and not in the included svn external locations.
Has anyone an idea how can I fix this?
Below is an example of my svn structure, job config and further information.
SVN external property for branchX, branchY, etc.
Local path: jenkinsfile
URL: ^/scripts/jenkinsfile
Revision Peg: 12345
Multibranch job configuration:
Project Repository Base: http://.../root/code/
Include branches: version1/branchX, version11/branchY
Build configuration
Mode: by Jenkinsfile
Script path: jenkinsfile
Log message of scan in multibranch pipeline:
Checking candidate branch /code/version1/branchX#HEAD
‘jenkinsfile’ not found
Does not meet criteria
I already tried to disable the lightweight checkout of the subversion scm plugin according to this advice:
Multibranch pipeline with jenkinsfile in svn:external
(I've added -Djenkins.scm.impl.subversion.SubversionSCMFileSystem.disable=true under <service><arguments>... in jenkins.xml)
But jenkins is still not able to find the script. And in fact if I put my script directly in e.g. branchX the disabled lightweight checkout leads to a double checkout into my workspace (first one to read the script file and second one as it's my first stage in the script itself).
Maybe my whole setup is wrong too or not the ideal way of doing?
I would be pleased about your help and tips. Thanks and Greetings!
If you are working on a linux or bsd(osx) system, you could create a hard-link from root/scripts/jenkinsfile to root/code/version#/branchX/jenkinsfile for each active branch
That way, each branch will have its own jenkinsfile available locally, enabling you to use the lightweight checkout, and any change you introduce to the jenkinsfile in any location will be available to all other branches (the file system will keep a single copy of the file, regardless of being accessible form many different locations).
The bash command to create such link will be
ln root/scripts/jenkinsfile root/code/version#/branchX/jenkinsfile
You will need to remember to create a new link each time a branch is created, or automate that using hooks

Jenkins multibranch pipeline only for subfolder

I have git monorepo with different apps. Currently I have single Jenkinsfile in root folder that contains pipeline for app alls. It is very time consuming to execute full pipeline for all apps when commit changed only one app.
We use GitFlow-like approach to branching so Multibranch Pipeline jobs in Jenkins as perfect fit for our project.
I'm looking for a way to have several jobs in Jenkins, each one will be triggered only when code of appropriate application was changed.
Perfect solution for me looks like this:
I have several Multibranch Pipeline jobs in Jenkins. Each one looks for changes only to given directory and subdirectories. Each one uses own Jenkinsfile. Jobs pull git every X minutes and if there are changes to appropriate directories in existing branches - initiates build; if there are new branches with changes to appropriate directories - initiates build.
What stops me from this implementation
I'm missing a way to define commit to which folders must be ignored during scan execution by Multibranch pipeline. "Additional behaviour" for Multibranch pipeline doesn't have "Polling ignores commits to certain paths" option, while Pipeline or Freestyle jobs have. But I want to use Multibranch pipeline.
Solution described here doesnt work for me because if there will be new branch with changes only to "project1" then whenever Multibranch pipeline for "project2" will be triggered it will discover this new branch anyway and build it. Means for every new branch each of my Multibranch pipelines will be executed at least once no matter if there was changes to appropriate code or not.
Appreciate any help or suggestions how I can implement few Multibranch pipelines watching over same git repository but triggered only when appropriate pieces of code changed
This can be accomplished by using the Multibranch build strategy extension plugin. With this plugin, you can define a rule where the build only initiates when the changes belong to a sub-directory.
Install the plugin
On the Multibranch pipeline configuration, add a Build strategy
Select Build included regions strategy
Put a sub-folder on the field, such as subfolder/**
This way the changes will still be discovered, but they won't initiate a build if it doesn't belong to a certain set of files or folders.
This is the best approach I'm aware so far. But I think the best way would be a case where the changes doesn't even get discovered.
Edit: Gerrit Code Review plugin configuration
In case you're using the Gerrit Code Review plugin, you can also prevent new changes to be discovered by using a custom query:
I solved this by creating a project that builds other projects depending on the files changed. For example, from your repo root:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent any
options {
triggers {
stages {
stage('Build project A') {
when {
changeset "project-a/**"
steps {
build 'project-a'
stage('Build project B') {
when {
changeset "project-b/**"
steps {
build 'project-b'
You would then have other Pipeline projects with their own Jenkinsfile (i.e., project-a/Jenkinsfile).
I know that this post is quite old, but I solved this problem by changing the "include branches" parameter for SVN repositories (this can possibly also be done using the property "Filter by name (with wildcards)" for git repos). Instead of supplying only the actual branch name, I also included the subfolder. So instead of only supplying "trunk", I used "trunk/subfolder". This limits scanning to only that specific directory. Note that I have not yet fully tested this solution.

Jenkins: how to trigger pipeline on git tag

We want to use Jenkins to generate releases/deployments on specific project milestones. Is it possible to trigger a Jenkins Pipeline (defined in a Jenkinsfile or Groovy script) when a tag is pushed to a Git repository?
We host a private Gitlab server, so Github solutions are not applicable to our case.
This is currently something that is sorely lacking in the pipeline / multibranch workflow. See a ticket around this here:
If you're not opposed to using release branches instead of tags, you might find that to be easier. For example, if you decided that all branches that start with release- are to be treated as "release branches", you can go...
if( env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release-") ) {
// groovy code on release goes here
And if you need to use the name that comes after release-, such as release-10.1 turning into 10.1, just create a variable like so...
if( env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release-") ) {
def releaseName = env.BRANCH_NAME.drop(8)
Both of these will probably require some method whitelisting in order to be functional.
I had the same desire and rolled my own, maybe not pretty but it worked...
In your pipeline job, mark that "This project is parameterized" and add a parameter for your tag. Then in the pipeline script checkout the tag if it is present.
Create a freestyle job that runs a script to:
Run git describe --tags --abbrev=0 to get the latest tag.
Check that tag against a running list of builds (like in a file).
If the build hasn't occurred, trigger the pipeline job via a url passing your tag as a parameter (in your pipeline job under "Build Triggers" set "Trigger builds remotely (e.g. from scripts) and it will show the correct url.
Add the tag to your running list of builds so it doesn't get triggered again.
Have this job run frequently.
if you use multibranch pipeline, there is a discover tag. Use that plus Spencer solution

Jenkins workflow job: Use parameter as branch specifier

I want to migrate our old free style dev builds, in which we use the branch name as a build parameter, to workflow builds.
This works fine so far, the only thing we are really missing is the ability to use the parameter, e.g. "branch_name", as the branch specifier for the Workflow script from SCM section.
On a free style build this works fine.
Any ideas how this could be achieved? We don't want a dev to change the configuration all the time before starting a build.
Try to disable "Lightweight checkout" checkbox.
This behavior is noted when clicking the help question mark for the "Lightweight checkout" option:
Also build parameters will not be substituted into SCM configuration in this mode.
Found that in latest comments of JENKINS-28447
Sounds like JENKINS-28447:
When selecting the "Groovy CPS DSL from SCM" option for a worflow job,
the SCM plugins do not appear to resolve build parameters or
environment variables. I am using the git plugin and when I use it
from other jobs I can specify a build parameter, like "BuildBranch",
and use that when specifying what branch should be built
The workaround would be to use an inline bootstrap script that calls load after checkout, as described in the tutorial.
Alternately, go further by creating a multibranch workflow project, so that each branch is built automatically with its own history.
I have a workflow DSL script described here:!msg/jenkinsci-users/jSKwSKbaXq8/dG2mn6iyDQAJ
In that script, I have a build parameter called FREEBSD_SRC_URL , which is
passed down to the workflow. Based on different parameters in that URL,
a different branch can be checked out.
If you are using git, you can still use the same technique for passing a build parameter down to the script, but you would need to do things slightly differently. For example, you could define a parameter BRANCH_NAME in your job and do something like this in your workflow script:
String checkout_url = ""
String branch_name = "master"
if (getBinding().hasVariable("CHECKOUT_URL")) {
// override default URL from build parameter
checkout_url = CHECKOUT_URL
if (getBinding().hasVariable("BRANCH_NAME")) {
// override default branch from build parameter
branch_name = BRANCH_NAME
node {
// Do the git checkout
git branch: "${branch_name}", url: "${checkout_url}"
