Why "requireSSL='true'" was throwing IIS error - asp.net-mvc

I am working on MVC framework in ASP.NET where, I was trying to access the application but I was not able to go past the login screen, after which it kept throwing the not found IIS error. After workaround i found that i had this line : httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="true" in my web.config file which was stopping the access. Can anyone help me understand the problem and concept here?
Thanks already.
I was able to access the site after removing the requireSSL part only.
httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="true"
Global.asax's Application Start :
if (ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol.HasFlag(SecurityProtocolType.Tls12) == false)
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol =
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
I think the part of code in global.asax's Application Start might be causing the problem, but I'm not sure about it.

Websites use cookies to store information between page requests or browsing sessions.
The callback from an external provider to your site contains security tokens(httpCookies) that allow access to your site and contain user information.
If someone manage to steal other's authentication cookie for a website, he could carry out all the actions that they are capable of.
Transmitting this information over HTTPS to prevent interception while this information travels over the Internet is important
You can stop script access to all cookies in your site by adding a simple flag: HttpOnly. You can set
this flag in the web.config, as follows:
<httpCookies domain="" httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="false" />
So If you write requireSSL="true" in your Web.config It Enforcing the external provider to make their callbacks to your site using HTTPS only.
#Vishesh Pandita In your case you are trying to access site using HTTP only. So faced "HTTP Error 403 - 403.4 Forbidden: SSL required" error.It means the page you are trying to access is secured with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
To view the page, you must enable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) by typing "https://" instead of "http://" at the beginning of the address you are attempting to reach. The "s" in "https" specifies a secure site.
Migration for HTTP to HTTPs
source : Professional ASP.NET MVC 5


Authenticate all Subdomains in Multitenant Application

I have built a Multitenant SAAS application. In this application the User can pick his preferred subdomain name during signup. When user logins to the main application i.e. app.example.com, I validate his credentials and then redirect him to his preferred domain i.e. client1.example.com
I am using Forms Authentication and trying to authenticate the user over the domain "example.com" by making following changes in the web.config.
<forms loginUrl="~/Login/Home/AuthenticateLogin" timeout="2880" protection="All" domain=".domain.com"/>
My understanding is that once authenticated over "example.com" user will be able to access any subdomain of (domain.com). But it seems this does not happen as expected. After successful login to app.example.com when I redirect him to client1.example.com it again shows the login page.
What am I missing here?
You need to configure the same machineKeyfor all applications that share the authentication cookie. See Generate a Machine Key for a Web Farm (IIS 7).
Also verify that the cookie is set when you log in, and that it flows to all the applications.
Okay, So after trying for so long I got to know what the real problem was.
Actually even after allowing subdomains to share authentication cookie it did not work because the SessionId was not being shared between the subdomains. My Application had outproc Session Configuration (Sql Server). To share SessionId between subdomains I had to make following entry in my web.config :
<httpCookies domain=".domain.com"/>
After this it worked like a charm.
Hope this helps someone in need.

STS Authentication - MVC Site

I have two servers: STS and Web. On the STS server, I call:
FormsService.SignIn(model.UserName, false);
The next line, I check:
This is set to TRUE. Then I redirect back to my Web server and in the controller I hit, I check:
This is set to FALSE.
What could cause this?
UPDATE: I also just tried moving the STS web site to the Web server. I get the same error/issue
UPDATE: I forgot to mention that our DEV server works just fine. The configuration there is identical (except for the server name and cert thumbprints). The only thing different between these two servers is that one (DEV) is using a self-signed cert and is inside our firewall. The other (QA) is using an official (thawte) cert and is ourside our firewall. This cert's common name does not match the server name (so it can be shared in our farm). So when we access the site, we do so using https://[commonname].com/web as opposed to https://[servername]/web. I tried the latter approach (I get cert errors that there is a name mismatch) but still have the same result.
Also, I can access the STS site directly and login fine there.
ASP.NET authentication is based on cookie by default. Cookie lives inside web domain.
So if you have two servers installed like this:
WEB server cannot read cookie set by STS
There are two possible solutions:
Implement both servers as sub-domains
Store authentication ticket in URL instead of cookie
For option 1
Move servers as follows:
Update web.config to scope cookie to yourdomain.com:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms domain=".yourdomain.com"/>
For storing ticket in url check this article - http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/2796/Cookieless-ASP-NET-forms-authentication
Update: Seems that I did not get that STS stands for Security Token Service. My answer is not relevant. :(
While redirecting from your STS server you will have to redirect using the AutoPostform which will submit the token to the Relying party.
And when Relying party will receive the token it will create the cookie against that user.
So next time whnen you will check User.Identity.IsAuthenticated at Relying party it will return you True.
Go throung the following link to know more,
We had the same issue when moving the RP to a different server. It turns out that we needed to go into the application pool -> advanced settings -> Set 'Load User Profile' = true.
After that, everything worked as it should on the new server and User.Identity.IsAuthenticated was returning 'true' after it came back from the STS.

Redirect after Session timeout (Grails, Spring Security Core, Tomcat)

I have an application developed in Grails (v1.3.7) and we used Spring Security Core (v1.2.6) plugin for authentication. After building .war file, I have deployed the application in a standard tomcat server (v7.0.22). The application runs fine.
I know that I can configure Session timeout period in web.xml either before building the application or in the tomcat server itself. But, I want (additionally) to redirect any page to the log-in page automatically whenever the Session is timed out. Because, if the Session times out and users click on any links or simply refresh the current page, they get a tomcat error.
Can anyone suggest a way to resolve it easily? Is there any configuration (like expired-session-url) in Tomcat or Spring Security Core that does the job?
I have search in the plugin doc site, plugin blog site but nothing found. This site suggest that I would require to add a listener in code and I would hate to do that and would like to use a simple configuration like this. Can anyone guide anything?
Thanks in anticipation
Http is stateless protocol, and session is just a marker stored on client cookies (+ local db), and you can't handle this as an event. 'new client' and 'session expired' is the exactly same, it just means that you can't identify browser for current request. For most cases it means also that user is not authenticated (for raw Spring Security Core, at least)
For you case, you already have session expired handler, it's when you're getting this tomcat error. Just handle this error, and redirect user to login page.
Btw, if you have proper Spring Security configuration, it must redirect all non-authorized users to login page. And seems that you have made something wrong with your app architecture, if you have authenticated user, but still having some user datails in standard tomcat session. There at least two ways: avoid your own user session, or make some kind of session-based Spring Security authentication config.

WIF passive federation with custom load balancer in place

I'm implementing a simple load balancer - it's an http listener which parses incoming requests from browser and routes them to appropriate ASP.NET application. It listens on a certain port (8801) and when routing it preserves the original URI and changes only port number, e.g. https://machine.domain.com:8801/testsite/Default.aspx could be routed to https://machine.domain.com:8811/testsite/Default.aspx
With no security routing works just fine. The problem emerges when I try to apply WIF federation to the ASP.NET apps. I use ADFS 2.0. Here are two scenarios I tried:
scenario 1
relying party's WS-Federation passive endpoint is set to ASP.NET app URI
When load balancer URI is accessed through browser, load balancer routes to the ASP.NET app and the page gets loaded, however, the RequestSecurityTokenResponse from STS is redirected directly to the ASP.NET app (not the load balancer), according to the passive endpoint set up. So it works but since I want the entire communication towards ASP.NET app to be handled through the load balancer, this scenario doesn't meet my requirement.
scenario 2
relying party's WS-Federation passive endpoint is set to load balancer URI
When load balancer URI is accessed through browser, load balancer routes to the ASP.NET app, which returns Unauthorized response, browser redirects to STS, RequestSecurityTokenResponse is redirected back to the load balancer, but when further routed to the ASP.NET app, I get a response of 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. That's due to the URI mismatch I believe, as the saml token is issued for load balancer URI. I tried various combinations of audience uris and realms, but no success.
So my question is whether there exists a workaround that would enable load balancer handle all necessary federation communication, as my ASP.NET apps can only be accessed from the load balancer.
I hope I explained my problem clearly enough.
Help much appreciated
Eventually the problem was somewhere else. What my load balancer actually does is to transform an incoming HttpListenerRequest to a new HttpWebRequest, which is then forwarded to the appropriate ASP.NET app. However, I didn't disable the auto redirect on the forwarded request so there were happening redirections from ASP.NET app to ADFS.
This code did the magic:
HttpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
In your relying party application web.config, can you confirm that your federatedAuthentication section looks something like this (the realm below should have your NLB port specified):
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="https://mysts.com/v2/wsfederation" realm="https://machine.domain.com:8801/testsite/Default.aspx" requireHttps="false" />
<cookieHandler requireSsl="false" />
Also, another problem you should be aware of is the session cookie. WIF uses DPAPI by default to encrypt it, so you'll have to use RsaEncryptionCookieTransform instead. The same problem problem exists when using WIF in Azure. Here's an article that demonstrates how this is done:

What is wrong with my Basic Authentication in my Browser?

i'm trying to goto the following url :-
nothing to complex. Notice how i've got the username/password in the url? this, i believe, is for basic authentication.
When I do that, the Request Headers are MISSING the 'Authorize' header. Er... that's not right :(
I have anonymous authentication only setup on the site. I don't want to have anon off and basic turned on .. because not all of the site requires basic.. only a few action methods.
So .. why is this not working? Is this something to do with the fact my code is not sending a 401 challenge or some crap?
For What It's Worth, my site is ASP.NET MVC1 running on IIS7 (and the same thing happens when i run it on cassini).
If this is an illegal way of calling a resource using basic auth (ala security flaw) .. then is this possible to do, for an ASP.NET MVC website .. per action method (and not the entire site, per say)?
If you want to use basic authentication, the first request to the resource needs to return a HTTP 401 error code, and set a WWW-Authenticate header. This will instruct the browser to actually send those credentials.
You mentioned you're using ASP.NET MVC. You might be able to do this via the web.config, but I'm not sure on the exact mechanics.
My company makes a product called the Neokernel Web Server (http://www.neokernel.com), it is an ASP.NET web server with support for basic authentication among other features.
You specify protected resources in an apache-style config file so you could put your "protected" actions in a folder requiring authentication and put everything else in the root / unprotected. Look at the "http.authentication" file installed in the Neokernel root directory for an example, or at the authentication samples in the demos.zip file.
