How to calculate the real length of lines in the image? - image-processing

I want to calculate the size of square flooring tiles in the image. But nearer lines in the image are longer than further lines. Are there any methods to calculate the real length of red lines?
I have known the angle between smartphone and ground.
Flooring tiles image :


Where exactly does the bounding box start or end?

In OpenCV or object detection models, they represent bounding box as 4 numbers e.g. x,y,width,height or x1,y1,x2,y2.
These numbers seem to be ill-defined but it's fine when the resolution is big.
But it causes me to think when the image has very low resolution e.g. 8x8, the one-pixel error can cause things to go very wrong.
So I want to know, what exactly does it mean when you say that a bounding box has x1=0, x2=100?
Specifically, I want to clear these confusions when understood well:
Does the bounding box border occupy the 0th pixel or is it surrounding 0th pixel (its border is at x=-1)?
Where is the exact end of the bounding box? If the image have shape=(8,8), would the end be at 7 or 8?
If you want to represent a bounding box that occupy the entire image, what should be its values?
So I think the right question should be, how do I think about bounding box intuitively so that these are not confusing for me?
OK. After many days working with bounding boxes, I have my own intuition on how to think about bounding box coordinates now.
I divide coordinates in 2 categories: continuous and discrete. The mental problems usually arise when you try to convert between them.
Suppose the image have width=100, height=100 then you can have a continuous point with x,y that can have any real value in the range [0,100].
It means that points like (0,0), (0.5,7.1,39.83,99.9999) are valid points.
Now you can convert a continuous point to a discrete point on the image by taking the floor of the number. E.g. (5.5, 8.9) gets mapped to pixel number (5,8) on the image. It's very important to understand that you should not use the ceiling or rounding operation to convert it to the discrete version. Suppose you have a continuous point (0.9,0.9) this point lies in the (0,0) pixel so it's closest to (0,0) pixel, not (1,1) pixel.
From this foundation, let's try to answer my question:
So I want to know, what exactly does it mean when you say that a bounding box has x1=0, x2=100?
It means that the continuous point 1 has x value = 0, and continuous point 2, has x value = 100. Continuous point has zero size. It's not a pixel.
Does the bounding box border occupy the 0th pixel or is it surrounding 0th pixel (its border is at x=-1)?
In continuous-space, the bounding box border occupy zero space. The border is infinitesimally slim. But when we want to draw it onto an image, the border will have the size of at least 1 pixel thick. So if we have a continuous point (0,0), it will occupy 0th pixel of the image. But theoretically, it represents a slim border at the left side and top side of the 0th pixel.
Where is the exact end of the bounding box? If the image have shape=(8,8), would the end be at 7 or 8?
The biggest x,y value you can have is 7.999... but when converted to discrete version you will be left with 7 which represent the last pixel.
If you want to represent a bounding box that occupy the entire image, what should be its values?
You should represent bounding box coordinates in continuous space instead of discrete space because of the precision that you have. It means the largest bounding box starts at (0,0) and ends at (100,100). But if you want to draw this box, you need to convert it to discrete version and draws the bounding box at (0,0) and end at (99,99).
In OpenCv the bounding rectangle can be defined in many ways. One way is its top-left corner and bottom-right corner. In case of constructor Rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) it defines those two points. The rectangle starts exactly on that pixel and coordinate. For subpixel rectangles there are also variants holding the floating point coordinates.
So I want to know, what exactly does it mean when you say that a bounding box has x1=0, x2=100?
That means the top-left corner x-coordinate starts at 0 and bottom-right x-coordinate
starts at 100.
Does the bounding box border occupy the 0th pixel or is it surrounding 0th pixel (its border is at x=-1)?
The border starts exactly on the 0-th pixel. Meaning that rectangle with width and height of 1px when drawn is just a signle dot (1px)
Where is the exact end of the bounding box? If the image have shape=(8,8), would the end be at 7 or 8?
The end would be at 7, see below.
If you want to represent a bounding box that occupy the entire image, what should be its values?
Lets have an image size of 100,100. The around the image rectangle defined by two points would be Rect(Point(0,0), Point(99,99)) by starting point and size Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
The basic is to know that image of size X,Y has a minimum top-left coordinate at (0,0) and maximum at bottom-right (X-1,Y-1)

Determine pixel coordinates of real world coordinates projected to image

I'm using OpenCV and python.
Let's assume a coordinate system where x axis is to the right, y to the top and z up.
I have a camera at a given position in UTM coordinates(x,y) (+ height (z)).
The camera faces north ('along' the y axis) and is rotated around the x axis by alpha degrees (down facing the surface/ground).
I also know the focal length, the pixel width, the image shape - width, height in pixels. I was able to calculate the real world boundary of a captured image.
So now I have an rectangular image with img_w times img_h pixel.
But the image that was taken has a perspective transformation. I was able to determine the real world corners of the image. I guess in a very clumsy way, but at least I did it completely on my own.
The image has the image corners 0,0 w,0 w,h 0,h.
The real world coordinates are not rectangular however due to the perspective transformation and are - as an example:
Now my question is.
Given a real world coordinate in UTM and height, how do I calculate the pixel coordinate of the image given the information above?

How does meanshift tracking work? (using histograms)

I know, that the Meanshift-Algorithm calculates the mean of a pixel density and checks, if the center of the roi is equal with this point. If not, it moves the new ROI center to the mean center and checks again... . Like in this picture:
For density, it is clear how to find the mean point. But it can't simply calculate the mean of a histogram and get the new position by this point. How can this algorithm work using color histogram?
The feature space in your image is 2D.
Say you have an intensity image (so it's 1D) then you would just have a line (e.g. from 0 to 255) on which the points are located. The circles shown above would just be line segments on that [0,255] line. Depending on their means, these line segments would then shift, just like the circles do in 2D.
You talked about color histograms, so I assume you are talking about RGB.
In that case your feature space is 3D, so you have a sphere instead of a line segment or circle. Your axes are R,G,B and pixels from your image are points in that 3D feature space. You then still look where the mean of a sphere is, to then shift the center towards that mean.

Determining pixel coordinates across display resolutions

If a program displays a pixel at X,Y on a display with resolution A, can I precisely predict at what coordinates the same pixel will display at resolution B?
The 2 display resolutions are:
A-->1366 x 768
B-->1600 x 900
Dividing the max resolutions in each direction yields:
X-direction scaling factor = 1600/1366 = 1.171303075
Y-direction scaling factor = 900/768 = 1.171875
Say for example that the only red pixel on display A occurs at pixel (1,1). If I merely scale up using these factors, then on display B, that red pixel will be displayed at pixel (1.171303075, 1.171875). I'm not sure how to interpret that, as I'm used to thinking of pixels as integer values. It might help if I knew the exact geometry of pixel coordinates/placement on a screen. e.g., do pixel coordinates (1,1) mean that the center of the pixel is at (1,1)? Or a particular corner of the pixel is at (1,1)? I'm sure diagrams would assist in visualizing this--if anyone can post a link to helpful resources, I'd appreciate it. And finally, I may be approaching this all wrong.
Thanks in advance.
I think, your problem is related to the field of scaling/resampling images. Bitmap-, or raster images are digital photographs, so they are the most common form to represent natural images that are rich in detail. The term bitmap refers to how a given pattern (bits in a pixel) maps to a specific color. A bitmap images take the form of an array, where the value of each element, called a pixel picture element, correspond to the color of that region of the image.
When measuring the value for a pixel, one takes the average color of an area around the location of the pixel. A simplistic model is sampling a square, and a more accurate measurement is to calculate a weighted Gaussian average. When perceiving a bitmap image the human eye should blend the pixel values together, recreating an illusion of the continuous image it represents.
Raster dimensions
The number of horizontal and vertical samples in the pixel grid is called raster dimensions, it is specified as width x height.
Resolution is a measurement of sampling density, resolution of bitmap images give a relationship between pixel dimensions and physical dimensions. The most often used measurement is ppi, pixels per inch.
Scaling / Resampling
Image scaling is the name of the process when we need to create an image with different dimensions from what we have. A different name for scaling is resampling. When resampling algorithms try to reconstruct the original continuous image and create a new sample grid. There are two kind of scaling: up and down.
Scaling image down
The process of reducing the raster dimensions is called decimation, this can be done by averaging the values of source pixels contributing to each output pixel.
Scaling image up
When we increase the image size we actually want to create sample points between the original sample points in the original raster, this is done by interpolation the values in the sample grid, effectively guessing the values of the unknown pixels. This interpolation can be done by nearest-neighbor interpolation, bilinear interpolation, bicubic interpolation, etc. But the scaled up/down image must be also represented over discrete grid.

Pixel-Milimeter Proportion

I have a digital image, and I want to make some calculation based on distances on it. So I need to get the Milimeter/Pixel proportion. What I'm doing right now, is to mark two points wich I know the real world distance, to calculate the Euclidian distance between them, and than obtain the proportion.
The question is, Only with two points can I make the correct Milimeter/Pixel's proportion, or do I need to use 4 points, 2 for the X-Axis and 2 for Y-axis?
If your image is of a flat surface and the camera direction is perpendicular to that surface, then your scale factor should be the same in both directions.
If your image is of a flat surface, but it is tilted relative to the camera, then marking out a rectangle of known proportions on that surface would allow you to compute a perspective transform. (See for example this question)
If your image is of a 3D scene, then of course there is no way in general to convert pixels to distances.
If you know the distance between the points A and B measured on the picture(say in inch) and you also know the number of pixels between the points, you can easily calculate the pixels/inch ratio by dividing <pixels>/<inches>.
I suggest to take the points on the picture such that the line which intersects them is either horizontal either vertical such that calculations do not have errors taking into account the pixels have a rectangular form.
