Sharing a created Google form with linked sheet for others to use - google-sheets

I have created several systems with Google Forms (and linked sheets) to log services provided and timekeeping. I would like to share these systems with other people to use as a template for their own data. Is there a way to easily do this keeping my formula's intact?
Successfully: I have found a way to share the form only as a template by copying the URL into an emailed hyperlink changing the ending from edit to copy.
Cumbersome but ok Migrant Service Log: This method does not seem to work entirely for spreadsheets. It still asks me to give them access to the original document. I can set access on the original to view only and limit the time to one day.
Unsuccessful Clock In/Out: The new "copy" of the spreadsheet is not automatically linked with new "copy" of the Forms so it does not update when a new response is added. I must link it in form. This becomes more of an issue with my sheets that have formulas based on these responses. It is now necessary for each new user to manually link and rename the sheets to make them function correctly.
Clock In/Out System (attendance purposes)
Clock In Form
Clock Out Form
MSA Sheet
Attendance Office Sheet
Migrant Service Log (team communication purposes)
Migrant Service Log Form
Migrant Service Log Sheet
I would like for them to all be user-friendly and easily shared while keeping everything confidential to the user.

if you want to keep your formulas as a secret you can set up the 2nd spreadsheet and use IMPORTRANGE formula to get data over and then just simply link the 2nd spreadsheet somewhere on the end of the form.


Permissions issues with publishing Google Sheets worksheets on Google Sites

I have a Google spreadsheet comprising of several worksheets and I am trying to publish the worksheets individually on separate webpages, preferably using embed. This is to provide access to users within a Google Workspace domain. The first published worksheet works fine and is duly visible to users allowed to view the Google Sites webpage. Subsequent worksheets are also published successfully but the previously published worksheets are no longer accessible. I get the following message:
"*You need permission to access this published document.
You are signed in as, but you don't have permission to access this published document. You may need to sign in as a different user. "
The above email address is an editor of the spreadsheet as well as being able to edit/view the Google Sites. I have tried everything by only using Incognito windows only, logging out of all accounts, checked settings, etc: I am always unable to publish more than one worksheet from the same spreadsheet at a time.
What am I doing wrong???
Following iansedan suggestion I have anonymised and simplified the spreadsheet. There are 2 tabs I want to publish to web: Group T and Group S.
I publish Group T to the web: works as expected in the browser (Chrome).
I publish Group S to the web and view it in another tab in the browser (Chrome)
It duly shows the published version of Group S but when I click on the other tab (to view the Group T which was OK before) I get the following message:
"You need permission to access this published document.
You are signed in as [my workspace email address], but you don't have permission to access this published document. You may need to sign in as a different user."
This is the link to the spreadsheet. I'm afraid I don't know how to share this better, the only way I could find is if you try to access the spreadsheet I will get a notification and will add your email address so you can view/edit it.
PS-2 Additional info
The respective links for the published are as follows:
Group T This one comes up with the "You need permission to access this published document." message
Group S This one shows the published worksheet correctly (as it was the last published!).
It looks like a caching mechanism somewhere is causing the issue but I have no idea where and how to prevent it! I've cleared the cache in the browser...
To publish individual sheets of a spreadsheet, use the Published Content and Settings button instead of the Publish button.
Uncheck the All Document checkbox and select the Group T and Group S sheets. After that click Escape and Start Publishing.
I had the same problem.
What youre doing is pausing one publication to start another one. Then, the first one is canceled.
Basically, there are two fields on the web publishing tab: one above another.
On the upper one, you chosse wich part of your sheet you will publish. That is, here if Jonh need to see "X", you select "X" and take note of the link to send to John.
On the lower one, you confirm all parts of the sheet that are being published at til that time. In other words, there will be more than one part in this fild. That is, if you havd alredy done the process to John (X), Anna (Y) and Floyd (Z), you will visualize X, Y and Z
Got it?

data entry form in google sheet for multiple users not working when accessed simultaneously

I've created form in google sheet, so that multiple users can add data, modify & delete.
However, it is not working properly when multiple users are working on it simultaneously.
For an example, two people are working on the sheet. User A and User B. If user A is typing something user B is also able to see and user B will be able to enter the detail, but it will change the details which are being entered by user A. Technically same sheet is opened for both the users and details keeps on changing what users are changing.
Ideally, if user A is entering some details user B should not be able to see it and form should be blank or unique for user B, so that both the data won't clash. I want it to be like the way google form is there wherein form will be blank when any user is opening it. (I have tried google form for my work, but as there are too many drop downs google form takes time to load and work gets slow that the reason I am trying to find the option in google sheet).
google sheet link
Above is the google sheet which you can open and check the form and coding. Also, please test it with a different id to test for multiple users.
Let me know if there is any workaround for this. Also, let me know if you need any other details.
This just isn't possible. Sheets is meant to be a collaborative tool; what's edited by one person will always show up for others. You need to use a different tool, for example like a Google form for data entry, but having data not being edited in other open versions is just not workaroundable.

Restricting a certain individual with Editor permissions from seeing data entered by others in a shared Google Sheet

I have a scenario where a fixed number of individuals (say 4-5) will be entering data to the same Google Sheet. So basically I will be the owner of the Google Sheet and will be sharing it with 4-5 individuals. What I need is; a certain individual A should only see data entered by him and not by rest of the individuals. How can I achieve this? All the individuals will need to enter their data to this sheet so all of them will have 'Editor' permissions. But then a specific individual A should not have access to what others are entering. It's ok if A can see data entered by himself.
this issue is recommended to be handled by series of IMPORTRANGEs and individual spreadsheets for each person where you as "administrator" will gather data from each minion into your master spreadsheet. this way no one will get access to sensitive data apart from you. in case there is a subset of the dataset you need to share you can export it into each spreadsheet from your master sheet.

Update Google sheet from forms

I have data of client lookup information in a google sheet. This is tied to a Google Data Studio Viz to allow the team working with the data to see only the relevant information to each team member easily.
The only way this data is updated is when the team member asks questions to the client "Has you address changed, is the IP address the same, etc. etc"
I created a Google Form that has a simple series of questions allowing for the team member to record the changes. This is stored in the same workbook in another sheet. I want a formula/function that checks the unique ID (SiteID) for a match and then updates the cells where there is new data.
A sample is below:
Here is the Forms updated document
Here is the source document
Another complication is at some times there is a whole new site added. So a SiteID that is not present in the source, I would need these to be appended to the source.
Try the following in C2:
Source document (Sheet2 here)
Column A is formatted as Plain Text
Form submissions (Sheet1 here)

How to write a script to create and populate new spreadsheets from a master document?

I would like to create a pupil progress sheet for each of my pupils that is held in my gdrive and is owned by me (Teacher).This spreadsheet would use import range to pull test data from the 'Class sheet'. The pupil would be able to view their file but not make changes, or make a copy of the file so that they can make changes!).
This I can do manually but doing this for a class of 30 (let alone the 10 classes I have!) would be tedious in the extreme. I would imagine that a script might be able to automate much of this and I was wondering if there are any showstoppers in the list of requirements below before investigating further.
Is it possible to create a script that does the following from a MASTER SHEET (below):
2 1 sample
3 2 sample2
1) Run through the list above and create a duplicate of a separate template Google Sheets file for each person in Column C.
2) Rename the sheet to their name using column C
3) Populate a single cell (A1) within the new spreadsheets with their ID (Column B)
4) Share with the email (Column D) allowing VIEWING only and disabling copying the file etc.
Yes, you can create a "Master" document, only readable and not editable by anyone else but you. That document can be accessible to all your students after you share it with a "public link" to view (not to edit).
With the help of Google's SpreadSheet, you can create a file with different questions for instance, and run a script to generate different types of tests, but this might require a little of knowledge of Javascript. You can learn how to make Google drive scripts from tutorials.
For me, the creation of automatic named files for every student, and send emails automatically is not a great idea, but yes you can do it and there are tutorials on how to send emails from a Spreadsheet.
The best option is to just give a link to your students.
Preferably, after you create a sharing link from Google Drive, you should make the link as short as possible, by using a free service like the site where any huge and hard to remember old link, can be shortened to something more easy to use like
You can also consider to use Khan Academy if it fits your needs, since you are a teacher. This is definitely one good platform to evaluate students progress, with a lot of free content (if not everything).
