XML to retrieve TxnID - quickbooks

Unable to query TxnID from an invoice
Can't find the exact tag to return the requested element.
For example, lets assume the following;
Customer: Main Corp
Invoice: 500001
Amt: 50,000.00
what xml script would I use to retrieve this specific invoice TxnID
Thank you


Is there a way to Bulk extract contact details out of Oracle Eloqua's API?

I am trying to extract a large amount of details out of our Eloqua system using it's API and got this API to work perfectly for single IDs: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/marketing/eloqua-rest-api/op-api-rest-1.0-data-contact-id-get.html
The problem is that I need to run this for a large number of IDs and it will require alot in order to run it for the entire population. Is there any bulk APIs that can extract all of the following details out of Eloqua/Contact for the entire population? I don't see any on that pages documentation that meet this need under the Bulk section.
contactid, company, employees, company_revenue, business_phone, email_address, web_domain, date_created, date_modified, address_1, address_2, city, state_or_province, zip_or_postal_code, mobile_phone, first_name, last_name, title
It's a multi-step process with the Bulk API, typically in the following fashion:
Get a list of the current internal field names - useful for creating your export definition
Create an export definition and post it here. There is a useful example on the page, you do not need a filter criteria. Store the export ID somewhere
Using your export definition id, create a sync. It will gather the data in the background and prepare it for you. Take note of the sync ID provided in the initial response.
Check on the sync status with your sync ID here. It should only take a couple of minutes - and there is a callback url option as well in the previous step, if you don't want to keep polling.
Once your data is ready, use that sync id and request the data. Depending on how many rows were retrieved, you might need to paginate through the results using the offset query param. By default it will give you JSON, but I usually choose CSV (specify in the header).
If you need updated data, feel free to create a new sync using the same export definition id. You do not need to create a new export definition each time.

Using XML spreadSheet to get the price of an item

I want to get the price of an item which is market in steam. I tried to use this formula but it is not working it tells me that the value is too big. and I did not know what to do. I want to get the price of an item which is on market on steam.
Blockquote =VALUE(REGEXEXTRACT(REGEXEXTRACT(CONCATENATE(IMPORTXML("https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Clutch%20Case", "//script[2]")),".*]]"), "[0-9]+.[0-9]+"))
The main problem here is that the prices in the Steam page are generated by Javascript and IMPORTXML cannot retrieve dynamically generated data. It seems that you're trying to get around this by importing a <script> section, but this will not execute the script, you're just grabbing a bunch of code.
According to this answer, Steam has some endpoints that you can use to get market data. These return a simple JSON string with the item information. The endpoint looks like this:
http://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?currency=1&appid=[ID]&market_hash_name=[Item name]
The appid is the game's ID, and the market_hash_name is the URL-encoded name of the item. Conveniently you can already find these in the URL that you are already using, https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Clutch%20Case. The game ID is 730 and the name is Clutch%20Case. So you can plug these in to the endpoint to get this URL:
The endpoint's JSON looks like this:
Since you only care about the median price, we can use a formula with REGEXEXTRACT to extract only that part:
Here's a sample pasting the URL in A1.
=REGEXEXTRACT(JOIN("", IMPORTDATA(A1)), "median_price:""(\$[0-9]+.[0-9]+)")
Edit: As mentioned in the answer I linked, you can test the currency parameter in the URL with different numbers to get other currencies. In your case you can try currency=2for pounds (£). You'll also have to edit the REGEXEXTRACT to account for this change:
URL: http://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?currency=2&appid=730&market_hash_name=Clutch%20Case
Formula: =REGEXEXTRACT(JOIN("", IMPORTDATA(A1)), "median_price:""(£[0-9]+.[0-9]+)")

Query string parameters are not working to slice the data after publishing report

I have created a report where I created one calculated column which holds the value of dynamic URL. It has ID as parameter and I want to slice the data based upon that after publishing. When I am publishing this report to powerbi.com and I am using this URL to filter out the data, it shows me all the data. The filters through URL is not working.
I just went through a blog and when publishing through query string parameter it says that it has a limitation that it doesn't work when it will be published to web. What does it mean?
Below is the calculated column:
https://app.powerbi.com/groups/ce347380-637d-4700-838f-f7b00294256c/reports/374c3b7b-18f0-46f6-b5ec-2c97cbb01611/ReportSection?filter=Append1/Append1[SIMPrjReqID] eq '"&Append1[SIMPrjReqID]&"'
where Append1 is table and SIMPrjReqID is a column on which I want to filter out the data dynamically.
Please advise!
it has a limitation that it doesn't work when it will be published to web. What does it mean?
This means that passing URL query string parameters to filter data works only when applied on the report's URL, as you see it in the browser's address bar when you open it in powerbi.com, and not on the URL that you get when you use Publish to web option to make it public:
This filter does not work, because you didn't specified the field name correctly:
?filter=Append1/Append1[SIMPrjReqID] eq '"&Append1[SIMPrjReqID]&"'
As noted in the official documentation, the filter is passed in this format URL?filter=Table/Field eq 'value', where Field is the name of the field. So your query string parameter should look like this:
?filter=Append1/SIMPrjReqID eq '"&Append1[SIMPrjReqID]&"'

How to get to invoice link in invoices api

I am interested to have a invoice link/pdf from the api which returns the invoice using new freshbooks api endpoint https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/account/<accountid>/invoices/<invoiceid>
Even including direct_links I am unable to get the link to the invoice. With direct_links it returns json with fields id, contactid, created_date, type, userid, objectid, token.
I currently work at FreshBooks.
Unfortunately these direct link tokens will only work with old FreshBooks, which isn't mentioned in the documentation -- I'll see if we can fix that.
Poking through, it doesn't look like we've has exposed a way to access a PDF version of the invoice through the public API just yet. But I'll pass that on to the appropriate channels and I'll update this answer if that changes.

How to Query Sales Order by Order Number?

I've gotten frustrated with the .NET DevKit and am now considering switching my app over to XML. But I'm still having trouble figuring out how to perform very basic queries.
How can I retrieve a QBD Sales Order by the order number? This is the "Sales Order Number" in the QBD UI, "RefNumber" in the SDK, and "DocNumber" in IPP.
Just in case somebody needs me to explain the use case for looking up a record by the human-readable unique ID: I'm integrating with a system where we don't have the luxury of storing a QB transaction ID after importing a sales order. So if that system wants to query QB later to check the status of a sales order, it needs to do so by that system's unique order #.
I already have links to all the documentation; thanks. I just need to know how to perform this query. Similarly, I need to do it for Invoices and POs.
I need the same thing for Items, the use case being that if we're importing items from another system, we need to query the QB item list by name to see if we already have that item in QB.
For ITEMS, you can use ItemConsolidated and a NameContains filter. For example, the XML would look something like:
POST https://services.intuit.com/sb/itemconsolidated/v2/<realmID>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ItemConsolidatedQuery xmlns="http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/v2"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/v2 RestDataFilter.xsd ">
<NameContains>Your item name goes here</NameContains>
It won't be perfect, because Intuit only supports "NameContains" (the item name contains the string you specify) rather than "NameEquals", but you can then loop through what you get back and filter it client-side from there.
For SALES ORDERS, unfortunately, Intuit Data Services doesn't support querying by DocNumber at this time.
Instead, a work-around for your situation might be to query for all sales orders, and then cache the Id and DocNumber value of each in your application. When you need to look something up, look up the Id in the cache, and then query by Id value. It's not pretty... but it's really the only way you can do what you're describing.
