Using ARKIT Image recognise app publish issue on app store - ios

I have uploaded My App to Appstore but they rejected with this reason (AR Camera View Image Detection).
Application Functionality
- detect image and play video
- image are store in AR Resource asset
From Apple
- we were still unable to locate a method of obtaining the AR markers in your app.
so can you help me for that and what is the AR Marker?.

Apple is very strict with regard to apps that use marker recognition, because Apple wants to make sure the end user has an optimal experience. If AR experience requires a marker image, it is important to inform the user how to and from where to obtain the marker image.
There are two main things to to do:
It's important to include the marker image when submitting your app
to the store.
Within your app's UI you have to inform the user what
marker image to use and how to obtain the marker.
Please note: From my experience Apple will also reject apps that force the user to purchase a physical product in order to unlock content. Any paywall/purchase requirement would have to be through an in-app purchase

There is two type marker and markless . markless mean some animation image will show the camera . marker means if you target something means you will show the marker image inside the target image .


How can I use ARKit while using Slide Over/Split Screen on iPadOS?

I have an app that uses ARKit to detect faces and send over the network the coordinates of interest, which works well. I would like this app to run in background, still sending the data over the network, while I would be using another app (almost) fullscreen.
The option 'Enable multiple windows' is activated in info.plist, but as soon as I launch my other app, the ARKit app stops sending information (the app actually probably stops).
Is there a simple way to do this, and at least is this feasible? Thanks!
This is not possible at this point. Camera and AR stuff is disabled at a system level in apps when they are displayed in Slide Over or Split View.
I'd recommend displaying a warning message when Slide Over/Split Screen is being used saying that you should use the app in full screen mode. See this answer under a different question for details.

How to use camera in background in iOS

I need to use the camera in background mode for continuous taking images.but as per apple documentation, we could not use the camera in background mode. Is there any alternate solution for fetching camera without opening application.My task is that When user clicked one button, app should be close and taking images continuously.Could you please any one guide me to do this task?
As the apple documentation say it, it's not possible:
Camera usage is prohibited while in the background.
And I don't think there is any way to do that.
It's good that apple doesn't allow because it increases risk of apps capturing your moments from background without making you notice. Thus risk to privacy.

iOS check if camera is obscured or not

I need to check periodically if the camera is obscured or not.
I was thinking of doing this by taking pictures periodically and checking them for brightness, if there is any way to let an App take pictures while the App is in background. Apple does this within it's Find my iPhone system, as I've read (taking randomly/secretly photos of the thief). Is there any way of achieving this within an own App?
Or do you have any other idea how to achieve this?
Not in any way while your app is in the background. Here's a list of services allowed while the app is in the background.
You can only, sort of, check the luminosity while your app is active by calculating it from the images you take. Apple does not allow access to the light sensor to apps yet.

ALAssetsLibrary ask user for permission when saving to an album? Why?

I have a game where users can take a screen shot and it will save it to a custom album named after the game. When I try and do this, iOS asks the user if the App can have access to their location information, if they say no, then the screen shot is not saved in the custom album, but rather the default album.
Why is it asking permission to use location information? I'm just taking a screen shot. It has nothing to do with the camera. I'm just copying the opengl surface and making a UIImage out of it.
This is how I'm saving the UIImage:
- (void)writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:(CGImageRef)imageRef orientation:(ALAssetOrientation)orientation completionBlock:(ALAssetsLibraryWriteImageCompletionBlock)completionBlock;
Is location information being put into the screen shot? If so, can I disable that so this warning doesn't come up? My game has no need for location information and I'd hate for users to think I'm tracking them.
This seems like a crazy warning since it's completely factually wrong.
As shown in the following link,
This method will fail with error
ALAssetsLibraryAccessGloballyDeniedError if the user has not enabled
Location Services (in Settings > General).
However, we have found that there is not location permission request in iOS 6. Maybe iOS 6 has other privacy control on Photos. So you don't need to asking location permission. Our solution is check the [[UIDevice currentDevice]systemVersion] and only save to custom album while iOS >= 6.

iPhone/iPad wallpaper image monotouch

is there a way to setup an image as a device wallpaper? Originally I want to download an image, save it somewhere in a picture roll and set it up as a wallpaper programmatically.
google doesn't give me any answer on how could it be done.
Unfortunately this API is not exposed to developers. There is also no URL scheme exposed for developers to launch the Photos app.
You're only option is to display a prompt that tells the user to manually go to the Photos application to set their wallpaper, and indicate how they would set the wallpaper there.
