Unit testing private variables in Swift - ios

I have a hard time to grasp how to implement unit tests in a class where all my fields are private.
The class is calculating a user's position with BLE and CoreLocation - not that important. I have a protocol, which when a new location is found I'm calling it and all the classes which conform to that protocol will receive a room id and room name. So, what that means is that literally all the fields in my class are private, because yeah, there's no reason any outside class should access them right? But that also means I can literally test nothing in that class, even though there are quite a few functions which I would like to test. I mean, I could just make the variables internal instead of private, but it just seems wrong to do that just to unit test. I've heard about dependency injection, but it just seems like so much effort.
For example I have this function:
private var beacons: [AppBeacon] = []
private var serverBeacons:[Beacon] = []
private func addBeacons(serverBeacons: [Beacon]){
for beacon in serverBeacons {
let beacon = AppBeacon(id: beacon.id, uuid: beacon.uuid, building: beacon.building, name: beacon.name)
there's no way I can test whether the beacons array was actually filled up as I wanted to or not for example. The public features of my class are basically a function called startLocating and the result which is the room id and name and I know in black box testing which unit testing imitates (right?) I should not care about the intermediate steps, but honestly, with this much functionality should I just say, doesn't matter? And assume i did populate the beacons with some rssi values of my choice, the actual location algorithm is executed on a node.js server, so I honestly don't know what to test client side?
It's classic MVC and there's no way I can change it architecture until the deadline that I have, so I don't know what's the best way to go from here? Just don't test the functionalities? Make the fields internal instead of private? We do testing of the algorithm itself server side, so testing whether the the room id is the expected room id, is already tested.
I read on another post the following:
"Unit testing by definition is black box testing, which means you don't care about the internals of the unit you test. You are mainly interested to see what's the unit output based on the inputs you give it in the unit test.
Now, by outputs we can assert on several things:
the result of a method
the state of the object after acting on it,
the interaction with the dependencies the object has
In all cases, we are interested only about the public interface, since that's the one that communicates with the rest of the world.
Private stuff don't need to have unit tests simply because any private item is indirectly used by a public one. The trick is to write enough tests that exercise the public members so that the private ones are fully covered.
Also, one important thing to keep in mind is that unit testing should validate the unit specifications, and not it's implementation. Validating implementation details adds a tight coupling between the unit testing code and the tested code, which has a big disadvantage: if the tested implementation detail changes, then it's likely that the unit test will need to be changed also, and this decreases the benefit having unit test for that piece of code."
And from that I essentially understand it as that I should just not unit test this?

If you have a private var that would help you write unit tests, change it to private(set) var so that it can be read (but not changed).
Revealing the innards may bother you. If it does, it's possible that there's another type waiting to be extracted from the view controller.

First, the definition of 'unit-test' you have quoted is quite unusual: All definitions from the literature that I am aware of consider unit-testing a glass-box/white-box testing method. More precisely, unit-testing as such is actually neither black-box or white-box - it is the method used for designing the test cases that makes the difference. But there is no reason not to apply white-box test design techniques for unit-testing. In fact, some white-box test design techniques make only sense when applied for unit-testing. For example, when you investigate on unit-testing, you will encounter a lot of discussions about different code coverage criteria, like, statement coverage, branch coverage, condition coverage, MC/DC - for all of which it is essential to know the implementation details of the code and consider these implementation details during test case design.
But, even taking that into account, it does not change much for your particular case: The variables in your code are still private :-) However, you are approaching the testing problem in a too restrictive way: You try to test the function addBeacons for itself, in total isolation even from the other functions in that component.
To test addBeacons, your test cases should not only contain a call to addBeacons, but also some other function call, the result of which would show you if the call to addBeacons was successfull. For example, if you also have a function to find a beacon by name or position, you would first call addBeacon and, to check that this has succeeded, call one of these function to see if your added beacon will be found. These two calls would be part of the same test case.


Should I write tests first (following TDD) for the view layer or only do only manual testing and add snapshot tests when finished?

As expected, I normally have difficulties when following TDD (i.e. writing the tests first) with the view layer.
Namely, in order to observe or trigger certain visible changes (layout or styling) I would need to make the view's internals public. This breaks encapsulation and allows for client code do some thing like myView.label.text = "User".
To avoid this, I either add getter methods to UIView class:
var userName: String{ return label.text }
Or do some extensions that are added only to the test framework:
extension MyView{
//avoids making a getter just for the sake of testing, while keeping it private and interchangeable
var userName : String{
return (viewWithTag(someLabelTage) as! UILabel).text
A different approach is to skip the TDD work flow (i.e. test manually after the feature is done) and add snapshot testing (see https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing) to the increase coverage and have a safety net when refactoring.
Considering all this, I was wondering if there are any other patterns or approaches, that I can use to be more efficient while keeping my confidence in the code.
Not an expert in Swift, but regardless of the language/framework, something tells me you're actually making your task harder.
I normally have difficulties when following TDD with the view layer.
This is expected. The View support to be simple and have no behavior (i.e domain logic) at all. It should be simple user interaction, and binding data to the controls in the view. So you don't need TDD or to be more precise Unit Tests around the View in my opinion. You're not going to get much value out of trying to write Unit tests for the View.
You View can be tested more effectively using a UI test framework, such as Selenium, or your own UI test framework, which tests User interactions. This way you more return in investment (ROI) than attempting to TDD the View layer.
I don't have much to add to Spock's answer. Tests should be written to help development and maintenance of the code in the future. If they get in the way then either the code is not architected properly or it's code for which the ROI is low.
A pattern that is worth mentioning is the humble view. There are a few ways to approach it, each with different trade offs, but the gist is to have data structures defining how the view should look like, and then let the view read these data structure and set its properties from them.
This allows you to test that the data structure driving the view is generated properly, without having to test the view itself, because it's nothing but an humble object that reads and sets values.

ways of using ninject properly

One of the definition of ninject in internet is;
"Somewhere in the middle of your application, you're creating a class
inside another class. That means you're creating a dependency.
Dependency Injection is about passing in those dependencies, usually
through the constructor, instead of embedding them."
what i want to learn is, where ever we see a creation of a class inside another class should we use ninject or just we should use in some part of program that we want/need to apply loosely coupling for design purposes because maybe we would like to use different approaches in the future?
Sorry if this is a silly question.
It's a perfectly valid question, and there are no absolute right or wrong answers. Ninject and other IoC frameworks are designed to de-couple dependencies.
So the moment you do this:
public class MyClass1
public MyClass1()
MyClass2 mc2 = new MyClass2();
You can categorically say that MyClass1 has a dependency in MyClass2.
For me, my rule is this: do I need to unit test MyClass1, or is it likely I'll need to unit test MyClass1?
If I don't need to unit test it, then I don't find much value in decoupling the two classes.
However, if I do need to unit test MyClass1, then injecting in MyClass2 gives you much better control over your unit tests (and allows you to test MyClass1 in isolation).
You do need to evaluate each case separately though. In the above example, if I need to unit test MyClass1, and MyClass2 is just a basic string formatting class, then I probably wouldn't decouple it. However, if MyClass2 was an email sending class then I would de-couple it. I don't want my unit tests actually sending emails, so I would feed in a fake for my tests instead.
So I don't believe there are any solid rules, but hopefully the above gives you a better idea of when you might decouple, and when you might not decouple.

Shared tests in XCTest test suites

I have a class which can be configured to do 2 slightly different things. I want to test both paths. The class is a descendant of UIViewController and most of the configuration takes place in Interface Builder. i need to verify that both Storyboard Scenes and their Outlets are wired up in the same way, but also need to check for the difference in behavior.
I'd like to use shared XCTest suites for this purpose.
One is aimed for use with the left hand, one for the right. Both appear after another when using the app. The first one (right hand) triggers a segue to the other. The last one (left hand) should trigger a different segue. This is where it differs, for example.
Now I want to verify the segues with tests. I'd like to create a BothHandSharedTests suite which both view controller instance tests use to verify everything they have in common. However, the BothHandSharedTests class is treated as a self-containing test suite, which it clearly isn't.
I came up with these strategies:
inherit from an abstract XCTest descendant, like described above (doesn't seem to be that easy),
write a test auite for the common properties and use one of the two as the Object Under Test, and add two smaller suites for the differences.
How would you solve this problem?
Here's a solution in Swift:
class AbstractTests: XCTestCase {
// Your tests here
override func perform(_ run: XCTestRun) {
if type(of: self) != AbstractTests.self {
I don't have a conclusive answer, but here's what I ended up doing.
I first tried the subclassing route. In the parent test (the "AbstractTestCase") I implemented all the tests that would be executed by the the AbstractTestCase subclasses, but added a macro so they don't get run by the actual parent test:
#define DONT_RUN_TEST_IF_PARENT if ([[self className] isEqualToString:#"AbstractTestCase"]) { return; }
I then added this macro to the start of every test, like so:
- (void)testSomething
... actual test code ...
This way, in the ConcreteTestCase classes which inherit from AbstractTestCase, all those tests would be shared and run automatically. You can override -setUp to perform the necessary class-specific set-up, of course.
However – This turned out to be a crappy solution for a couple reasons:
It confuses Xcodes testing UI. You don't really get to see a live representation of what's running, and tests sometimes don't show up as intended. This makes clicking through to debug test failures difficult or impossible.
It confuses XCTest itself – I found that tests would often get run even when I didn't ask them too (if I were just trying to run a single test) and the so the test output wouldn't be what I would expect.
Honestly it felt a little janky to have that macro – macros which redirect flow control are never really that good of an idea.
Instead, I'm now using a shared object, a TestCaseHelper, which is instantiated for each test class, and has has a protocol/delegate pattern common to all test cases. It's less DRY – most test cases are just duplicates of the others – but at least they are simple. This way, Xcode doesn't get confused, and debugging failures is still possible.
A better solution will likely have to come from Apple, unless you're interested in ditching your entire test suite for something else.

Understanding Mock Unit Testing

am trying to understand using Mock unit testing and i started with MOQ . this question can be answered in General as well.
Am just trying to reuse the code given in How to setup a simple Unit Test with Moq?
public void TestInit() {
List<string> theList = new List<string>();
_mockRepository = new Mock<IRepository>();
//The line below returns a null reference...
_mockRepository.Setup(s => s.list()).Returns(theList);
_service = new Service(_mockRepository.Object);
public void my_test()
var myList = _service.AllItems();
Assert.IsNotNull(myList, "myList is null.");
Assert.AreEqual(3, myList.Count());
Here is my question
1 . In testInitialize we are setting theList count to 3(string) and we are returning the same using MOQ and in the below line we are going to get the same
var myList = _service.AllItems(); //Which we know will return 3
So what we are testing here ?
2 . what are the possible scenarios where the Unit Testing fails ? yes we can give wrong values as 4 and fail the test. But in realtime i dont see any possiblity of failing ?
i guess am little backward in understanding these concepts. I do understand the code but am trying to get the insights !! Hope somebody can help me !
The system under test (SUT) in your example is the Service class. Naturally, the field _service uses the true implementation and not a mock. The method tested here is AllItems, do not confuse with the list() method of IRepository. This latter interface is a dependency of your SUT Service therefore it is mocked and passed to the Service class via constructor. I think you are confused by the fact that AllItems method seems to only return the call from list() method of its dependency IRepository. Hence, there is not a lot of logic involved there. Maybe, reconsider this example and add more expected logic for the AllItems method. For example you may assert that the AllItems returns the same elements provided by the list() method but reordered.
I hope I can help you with this one.
1.) As for this one, your basically testing he count. Sometimes in a collection, the data accumulates so it doesn't necessarily mean that each time you exectue the code is always 3. The next time you run, it adds 3 so it becomes 6 then 9 and so on.
2.) For unit testing, there are a lot of ways to fail like wrong computations, arithmetic overflow errors and such. Here's a good article.
The test is supposed to verify that the Service talks to its Repository correctly. We do this by setting up the mock Repository to return a canned answer that is easy to verify. However, with the test as it is now :
Service could perfectly return any list of 3 made-up strings without communicating with the Repository and the test would still pass. Suggestion : use Verify() on the mock to check that list() was really called.
3 is basically a magic number here. Changes to theList could put that number out of sync and break the test. Suggestion : use theList.Count instead of 3. Better : instead of checking the number of elements in the list, verify that AllItems() returns exactly what was passed to it by the Repository. You can use a CollectionAssert for that.
This means getting theList and _mockRepository out of TestInit() to make them accessible in a wider scope or directly inside the TestMethod, which is probably better anyways (not much use having a TestInitialize here).
The test would fail if the Service somehow stopped talking to its Repository, if it stopped returning exactly what the Repository gives it, or if the Repository's contract changed. More importantly, it wouldn't fail if there was a bug in the real implementation for IRepository - testing small units allows you to point your finger at the exact object that is failing and not its neighbors.

Unit testing private method - objective C

I use GHUnit. I want to unit test private methods and don't know how to test them. I found a lot of answers on why to or why not to test private methods. But did not find on how to test them.
I would not like to discuss whether I should test privates or not but will focus on how to test it.
Can anybody give me an example of how to test private method?
Methods in Objective-C are not really private. The error message you are getting is that the compiler can't verify that the method you are calling exists as it is not declared in the public interface.
The way to get around this is to expose the private methods in a class category, which tells the compiler that the methods exist.
So add something like this to the top of your test case file:
#interface SUTClass (Testing)
- (void)somePrivateMethodInYourClass;
SUTClass is the actual name of the class you are writing tests for.
This will make your private method visible, and you can test it without the compiler warnings.
A little late, but I just got onto the TDD train.
Private methods shouldn't be tested. Because you write private methods to support your public methods, thus testing your public methods indirectly tests the private methods which support them.
The principle "private methods shouldn't be tested" is supported by the principle "when you need to test private methods, it probably means that you should move those methods to the separate class", thus making them public.
If a method is private, you never should test it.
Think about this. You should test behaviour and contract of your methods instead internal implementation
Agreed with #Lord Zsolt
Also please note next (from Test-Driven iOS Development ISBN-10: 0-321-77418-3, ISBN-13: 978-0-321-77418-7 )
Testing Private Methods
I have often been asked, “Should I test my
private methods?” or the related question “How should I test my
private methods?” People asking the second question have assumed that
the answer to the first is “Yes” and are now looking for a way to
expose their classes’ pri- vate interfaces in their test suites.
My answer relies on observation of a subtle fact: You already have tested
your private meth- ods. By following the red–green–refactor approach
common in test-driven development, you designed your objects’ public
APIs to do the work those objects need to do. With that work specified
by the tests—and the continued execution of the tests assuring you
that you haven’t broken anything—you are free to organize the internal
plumbing of your classes as you see fit. Your private methods are
already tested because all you’re doing is refactoring behavior that
you already have tests for.
You should never end up in a situation
where a private method is untested or incompletely tested, because you
create them only when you see an opportunity to clean up the
implementation of public methods. This ensures that the pri- vate
methods exist only to support the class’s public behavior, and that
they must be invoked during testing because they are definitely being
called from public methods.
