Generate an internal alarm that propagates through the thingsboard instance - thingsboard

I have a customized map widget and I allow the user to create customized geofence in the shape of a polygon. I also do some processing to determine if the latest coordinates, lat and lng fall within this polygon and output a boolean result.
I would like to be able to trigger an alarm within thingsboard that propagates into a thingsboard alarm widget.
Currently I have tried to look into server attributes to change the state of a flag, but in the thingsboard rule chain we only have client attributes which come through and according to my reading and understanding alarms are generated within the rule chain.
How can I create an alarm from a server attribute change? Or is there any alternate option I can use

I have managed to figure this out by using the server attribute and then checking the attribute updated messages from the input node and then generating an alarm based on some check of the state of my server attribute.


How to enable Watson conversation service to use your own database for serving user's request

I want to build a smart search agent which would use Watson conversation to process the request and give response but will use my own database say SQL server to search the desired output.
In Short Instead of writing intents and dialogues manually or importing from a csv file, I want to write my won code in .net in such a way that all the request and responses are influenced by my own data stored in my database. I only intent to use watson's processing and interpreting capability. But the processing must happen on my data.
E.g If the user searches for a word say "Dog", the Watson conversation service must search in my database and give relevant answers to the user based on the search.
Take a look at the solution architecture in the Watson Conversation documentation. Your database would be one of the depicted backend systems. Your application would be, as you mentioned, written in .NET and would use WCS to process the user input. It would return a response with all the associated metadata. Instead of having complete answers configured in a dialog, you would use something I have described as "replaced markers" in my collection of examples. Those markers are kind of hints to your application of which database query or which action to perform.
Note that WCS requires some intents and entities to work on. If you want to rely just on the detected intents and entities, you could work with one or two generic dialog nodes. As another technique you could use data from your database to generate intents and entities as an initial setup. In my "Mutating EgoBot" I use the Watson Conversation API to add intents and entities on the fly.
I believe you should use the standard trick:
instead of defining resposnses in the node of your diaglog, define an action on the output object of the node and let your applicatation take care of providing response (see

How to update Relay store without pushing to server

I have a form in my React/Relay app that I am using to modify some fields. I don't want to send a server update every time a new letter is typed into an input. How can I use Relay to support the application state without always pushing to the server? Having read through most of the Relay docs it seems to me that I have to basically copy the Relay state either to the local state of my form or to some other Flux store, deal with changing it in there, and then commit it into Relay. That seems like a lot of extra work though just to keep a local state.
Relay current version is a glue between graphQL and React, it only handles the data from server. seems to me that I have to basically copy the Relay state either
to the local state of my form...
I fail to see the problem. The way React works, requires you to store state for the whole form or for each input separately anyway.
If you add edit functionality (render form and fetch data to populate inputs for user to change them), all the Relay data is available as this.props.RelayFragmentName on form level anyway.
You pass it down to inputs where you assign it to state and circle is complete. You could also feed inputs directly from props (without assigning data to input state) and change form state from inputs via methods.
Now when user makes the changes and confirms it, you'll just collect all the state again to make a mutation.
I see it as a complete circle that is basically unbreakable if all the defaults are set.
Relay has imperative API to get, add or update cache directly but it's relatively dirty and rarely used (especially for local state). It's used for features like WebSockets where you want to push updates from server to client and update cache manually.
Current Relay is meant to work with server data only. Relay 2 has a local cache but it's not out yet.
If we're talking about different things or you could use some code samples, let me know.
In relay modern you can use commitLocalUpdate to do that.
For example
onEmailChange = (email) => {
commitLocalUpdate(environment, (proxy) => {
const userProxy = proxy.get(this.props.user.__id);
userProxy.setValue(email, 'email');

How to hide value from Firebase in multi part request iOS

I'm using Firebase in my iOS app but I want to ensure a value is never sent from the server to the client.
Users in the app are shown to each other based on a score they have. So a user with a score of 5 will see other users who have a score of 5. I don't want to include this value in the request/response to Firebase.
Where I can manage the server I can have server side logic handle this by looking up the user on the server then calling a function that determines who has the same score and returning the relevant users without the client ever receiving the user score.
With Firebase my understanding is I'd have to send the value to Firebase in a query i.e. get all users with this user's score.
How can I do this without exposing the user's score? I want something along the lines of a node user_scores where I can query the current users score and then using this query another node users to return me the relevant users without having to nest the query on the client and thus expose the score in the request/response?
Many thanks!
Your understanding is pretty much on point, there is no way to make a "dynamic" query like this without actually exposing the varying parameter to the client.
Here are two ideas you could try to use as a workaround:
A variation of "security by obscurity": instead of exposing a single number, obfuscate that value in a way that makes guessing its purpose and other values an unpleasant experience; and share that with the client.
If you keep your users grouped by this key, not just as a flat list where this is a child node, you can use security rules to enforce that the user cannot read any other group than theirs.
(Note that this is also true for numerical values. Security rules are not filters.)
In a much more involved strategy, you could make the query static. Store and maintain a list of matching users per user, so the clients can load their own personal list without any varying parameters sans the UID.
(This is probably not really feasible if there is a lot of movement involved. But it might work in some edge cases.)

Write in the Database from within the database

Hopefully the title is clear, I couldn't find a better name but if someone can improve it please update it, thanks.
I would like the Firebase database to write on a node if a certain condition is met. For example, if one node receives an input from a client (say an angular app) then another node in the database should write certain data, something like a callback that is fired when a node receives some data.
I know there are 4 rule types (.read .write .validate .indexOn), what I am thinking of is some kind of .callback rule that is fired and writes on a node after some other node has received an input.
Obviously this can be achieved via a server side script but Firebase is about a server-less approach so I am trying to understand what are its current limits and what I can do with it.
Thanks for your responses
firebaser here
Running the multi-location update client-side or on a server-side process that you control are currently the only ways to accomplish this.
There is currently no way to trigger updates based on modifications to the database on Firebase servers. It is no big secret that we've been working on such functionality for a while now, but we have made no announcement as to when that will be available.
Also see Can I host a listener on Firebase?, which (I realize now) is probably a duplicate.

City/Country text field validation

I need to keep track of the users lat/lng/city/country for my application with the following two requirements:
1) Get the users lat/lng/city/country automatically. (This is easy, I can use the ip or if they have a browser that supports geolocation, even better).
2) The user is allowed to customize this location (maybe the ip address lookup didn't give an accurate city). The location is a freeform text field (not a dropdown). When the user enters a new location it should be validated against available cities/countries. If it validates against any one of them, select it and then retrieve the latlng for the new location. (This is what I'm having trouble with)
Also to clarify, this is a Rails 3 app using MongoDB. I am looking for either a single API or database that would allow me to do both (1) and (2). Has anyone done anything similar? Looking for some ideas as to how others have done this.
Your question isn't entirely clear as to what problem you are having. In general terms, I would do it like this:
have a Location model that stores location name and coordinates
when the user enters a location, send an Ajax request to look it up
if it's found, set the location in the session
if it isn't found, return a list of similarly named locations (in case there was a typo) and let the user choose one or stick to their input
when they are done with the input, insert a new location if required and store User.location_id.
You could use Google's Geocoding API to look up the coordinates of unknown locations.
I would recommend the Geokit Gem, it does a very nice job of providing a front end for several Geocoding APIs. I highly recommend sticking with Yahoo or Google, just for sheer data integrity issues.
There is a rails plugin, that adds some nice helpers to Activerecord. At the moment the main project is not rails 3 compatible, but there is at least one fork that has updated for rails 3.
