Error when submit spark application in datastax enterprise - datastax-enterprise

I got this bug when trying to submit app from master node:
dse -u abc -p abc spark-submit --confpark.cassandra.auth.username=abc --conf spark.cassandra.auth.password=abc --conf spark.debug.maxToStringFields=10000 --conf spark.executor.memory=4G
Im using 3 dse analytics node, 1 datacenter, 4 core/16gb ram node and submit app from master node. When I go to check tasks/stages I saw this bug:
Does everybody have even seen this bug?

You have a problem with your application that writes data into your tables - either it deletes a lot of data, or (most probably) it inserts nulls as part of "normal" inserts - in this case the tombstones are generated, and if you have a lot of them, the query are starting to fail.
What you can do:
stop inserting nulls as part of data. If you're using Spark to write data, maybe run job with --conf spark.cassandra.output.ignoreNulls=true - this will prevent writing nulls, but this may not work very well with overwriting existing data. If you're using other driver(s), use unset for fields that have null value;
don't delete data by individual columns, but delete by rows/ranges/partitions
expire tombstones much faster - if you can, maybe use lower gc_grace_period, but this comes with its own challenges - I recommend to read this article for better understanding of the problem.


Solr7 and zookeeper behavior leading to deleted data directories, how to research/prevent

During testing, I came across the following situation:
I had set up 3 VMs, all Ubuntu 18.04.
The first 2 machines had a solr7 instance. All 3 machines had a zookeeper. All of these are in Docker containers, the entire config deployed via Ansible.
Solr 7.5, Zookeeper 3.14.3
There's a frontend that acts as interface to insert stuff.
The zookeeper machines were set up to create an ensemble, which they properly did. They all had their id, a leader was elected, solr7 instances could connect and received their settings properly.
Inserting a bunch of data all worked fine.
Then I took down 2 of the VMs, leaving 1 with both a solr7 and zookeeper and redeployed the new config, without a zookeeper ensemble.
This did not work, the interface refused to come up, it all took too long so I decided to go back to 3 VMs.
While I could once again connect, I noticed all data was gone.
Even worse, when looking at the location of the solr data directories, those were all gone. Every single collection/core was gone.
I've been trying to google this issue, but there seems to be no documentation of anything like this.
My current working theory is that solr started and asked the zookeeper ensemble for its configuration. Zookeeper either was not in sync or lost its settings and sent an empty reply or did not reply at all. To which solr decided to remove the existing data folders, as the received config specified nothing/not receiving a config at all.
That's just guesswork though. I'm at a complete loss even finding information about this
I'm not even sure what to search for. All results I get are "how to delete solr cores" or "how to remove collections".
Any help or pointing in the right direction would be appreciated.
EDIT: After talking about it on the solr mailing list, a ticket was made for this:
After asking about it on the solr mailing list, a bug ticket was made:
So answering my own question so this can be closed.

Neo4j query monitoring / profiling for long running queries

I have some relly long running queries. Just as abckground information: I am crawling my graph for all instances of a specific meta path. for example, count all instances of a specific metha path found in the graph.
MATCH (a:Content) - [:isTaggedWith]-> (t:Term) <-[:isTaggedWith]-(b:Content) return (*)
In the first place, I want to measure the runtimes. is there any possibility to do so? especially in the community edition?
Furthermore, I have the problem that I do not know, whether a query is still running in neo4j or if it was already terminated. I issue the query from a rest client but I am open to other options if necessary. For example, I queried neo4j with a rest client and set the read timeout (client side) on 2 days. The problem is, that I can't verify whether the query is still running or if the client is simply waiting for the neo4j answer, which will never appear because the query might already be killed in the backend. is there really no possibility to check from the browser or another client which queries are currently running? maybe with an option to terminate them as well.
Thanks in advance!
Measuring Query Performance
To answer your first question, there are two main options for measuring the performance of a query. The first is to use PROFILE; put it in front of a query (like PROFILE MATCH (a:Content)-[:IsTaggedWith]->(t:Term)...), and it will execute the query and display the execution plan used, including the native API calls, number of results from each operation, number of total database hits, and total time of execution.
The downside is that PROFILE will execute the query, so if it is an operation that writes to the database, the changes are persisted. To profile a query without actually executing it, EXPLAIN can be used instead of PROFILE. This will show the query plan and native operations that will be used to execute the query, as well as the estimated total database hits, but it will not actually run the query, so it is only an estimate.
Checking Long Running Queries (Enterprise only)
Checking for running queries can be accomplished using Cypher in Enterprise Edition: CALL dbms.listQueries;. You must be logged in as an admin user to perform the query. If you want to stop a long-running query, use CALL dbms.killQuery() and pass in the ID of the query you wish to terminate.
Note that besides manual killing of a query and timeout of it based on the configured query timeout, unless you have something else set up to kill long-runners, the queries should, in general, not be getting killed on the backend; however, with the above method, you can double-check your assumptions that the queries are indeed executing after sending.
These are available only in Enterprise Edition; there is no way that I am aware of to use these functions or replicate their behavior in Community.
For measuring long running queries I figured out the following approach:
Use a tmux (tmux crash course) terminal session, which is really very easy. Hereby, you can execute your query and close the terminal. Later on you can get back the session.
New session: tmux new -s *sessionName*
Detach from current session (within session): tmux detach
List sessions: tmux ls
Re-attach to session: tmux a -t *sessionName*
Within the tmux session, execute the query via the cypher shell. Either directly in the shell or pipe the command into the shell. The ladder approach is preferable because you can use the unix command time to actually measure the runtime as follows:
time cat query.cypher | cypher-shell -u neo4j -p n > result.txt
The file query.cypher simply conatins the regular query including terminating semicolon at the end. The result of the query will be piped into the result.txt and the runtime of the execution will be displayed in the terminal.
Moreover, it is possible to list the running queries only in the enterprise edition as correctly stated by #rebecca.

mnesia files damaged need to forensically dump everything

I have damaged my Mnesia database beyond repair as a result of overestimating the fragility of the implementation. When I try Mnesia API the records I need are not visible even though they keys are visible in the file. Even though the documentation indicates that Mnesia artifacts are DETS files they cannot be opened with or identified as DETS artifacts. PS: dump_to_textfile() does not work either.
Eventually I was able to dump my DB. It did not end my Mnesia problems but it gave me options I did not have before.
Originally I had implemented a master-master mnesia cluster. (read the docs). It turns out that not even the most seasoned Erlang programmer uses Mnesia replication as there are to many flaws. In fact I come to this information from the Erlang inner circle and a few L1 teams too. In my case, however, the work was already in production. And that's when problems started.
We started getting DB consistency errors and, my favorite, network or DB partition errors. It takes a very highly skilled and knowledgeable individual to recover as well as a lot of planning and code in advance; which I did not have.
Ultimately I took two steps. (a) removed the second app so that even though the DB was in a master-master cluster; one was a slave because it was never used as a master. (b) In a second implementation I split the cluster so that the app ran on a single node with a single DB. #a was in production and #b was the warm standby. Replication was manual as writes were very rare.
In the single node deployment there are two nodes. The first node is the application; app#ks and on the same hardware was an "erl" node when I needed to rpc into the app and see how things were going.
when I posted this question I was trying to dump the contents of my Mnesia DB. I was having a number of problems because I was trying to access the DB from the admin node as the application node was operational.
Because I was trying to access the mnesia lib from the erl node the DB was not LOCAL to the erl node and so dump_to_textfile produced an empty file. I eventually had success when I used rpc to tell the app#ks node to dump.
When I launched the admin node I set the mnesia dir parameter to the same folder as the app#ks node. I have a vague memory that this is undesirable.
There are many more Mnesia issues to solve but none that refer to the problem I reported. But I still do not know how to extract the raw data from the various DB files.

neo4j broken/corrupted after ungraceful shutdown

I'm using Neo4j over windows for testing purposes and I'm working with a db containing ~2 million relations and about the same amount of nodes. after I had an ungraceful shutdown of neo4j while writing a batch of relations the db got corrupted.
it seems like there are some broken nodes/relations in the db and whenever I try to read them I get this error (I'm using py2neo):
Error: NodeImpl#1292315 not found. This can be because someone else deleted this entity while we were trying to read properties from it, or because of concurrent modification of other properties on this entity. The problem should be temporary.
I tried rebooting but neo4j fails to recover from this error. I found this question:
Neo4j cannot read certain nodes. Throws NotFoundException. Corrupt database
but the answer he got is no good for me because it involved in going over the db and redo the indexing, and I can't even read those broken nodes/relations so I can't fix their index (tried it and got the same error).
In general I've had many stability issues with neo4j (and on multiple platforms, not just windows). if no decent solution is found for this problem I will have to switch to a different database.
thanks in advance!
I wrote a tool a while ago that allows you to copy a broken store and keeps the good records intact.
You might want to check it out. I assume you used the 2.1.x version of Neo4j.
For 2.0.x check out:
To verify if your datastore is consistent follow the steps mentioned in
Are you referring to batch inserter API when speaking of "while writing a batch of relations"?
If so, be aware that batch inserter API requires a clean shutdown, see the big fat red warning on
Are the broken nodes schema indexed and are you attempting to read them via this indexed label/property? If so, it's possible you may have a broken index following the sudden shutdown.
Assuming this is the case, you could try deleting the schema subdirectory within the graph store directory while the server is not running and let the database rebuild the index on restart. While this isn't an official way to recover from a broken index, it can sometimes work. Obviously, I suggest you back up your store before trying this.

Temporarily stop mnesia replication

I have an erlang application that uses mnesia to store some basic state that defines users and roles of our system. We have a new feature that we need to roll out that requires an extension of the record schema stored in one our mnesia tables.
Our deployment plan was to take one node out of the cluster (just by removing from network), deploy the code, run a script to upgrade the record schema on that node. Bring it back into service. However, once I upgrade the records on this node, it replicates to the other nodes and certain operations begin failing on those nodes because of the mis-matched record schema. Obviously a BIG PROBLEM for zero-down-time deployments.
Is there a way to isolate my schema changes so that the schema upgrade can be run on each node as they are upgraded? Preferably for only the table being upgraded, allowing the other tables to keep replicating. However, I could live with shutting-of replication between all nodes for the few minutes it takes for use to deploy to all nodes.
I had this exact problem. The only way I was able to solve it was to take all nodes out of the cluster and leave only one live, upgrade that "master" node's schema and code, which can hopefully be done while live, then for each remaining node, delete its database files, upgrade the code, and bring the node up (creating the tables with the correct new schema) and back into the cluster.
I used an escript I wrote that adds and removes nodes from a cluster to make this easier, and an Ansible playbook to orchestrate it. I really don't want to do that again any time soon.
The essential problem is that Mnesia doesn't have schema versioning, otherwise this could be done in a much better way.
