when click back button navigated to every pages I visit - dart

I have 5 screens.
The 5th screen has a button go to the 1st screen.
I clicked the 1st screen and 2nd screen and 3rd screen and 4th screen and 5th screen again clicked the 1st screen and 2nd screen and 3rd screen and 4th screen and 5th screen. (1>2>3>4>5>1>2>3>4>5)
I clicked back button again and again.not stopping in 1st page. go to I visited every page. (5<4<3<2<1<5<4<3<2<1)
I used WillPopScope

When you are going from 5th screen to 1st screen, you should not push the 1st screen. Instead, you should use popUntil to pop until you get back to 1st screen.
For this, you're going to have to add a named route to 1st screen, so that you can use something like ModalRoute.withName('/login') as shown in the example here.
This question seems to be closely related: Flutter Navigation pop to index 1


How to build a popup workflow in iOS

Please refer the flow below:
What I would like is for the first screen to launch a screen where View A is shown and a button that can close the screen. Clicking on "X" gets the view back to the main screen. On clicking on a button in View A, View B should be shown. But, View B should be shown within the same region as View A, so that the lower view with the "X" button is visible. View B can then probably segue to other view controllers. But anytime the "X" button is pressed, we should go back to the screen that launched view A (the main controller in this case).
I got the first three screens working. But when I segue from View A to View B, it covers the entire screen. Any ideas on how I can just replace View A with View B. When View B is shown, I also want to be able to add a Back button to go back to View A.
This is very similar to how Quora iOS app shows specific answers.
Any ideas on how to implement this?

Change presenting viewcontroller

Right now I've got an app that presents a menu screen that partially covers the original screen, and can be used to navigate to other screens. This is done using a modal segue.
To get to another screen the from the base page the menu is presented, the user selects the next screen in the menu, the menu is dismissed, and THEN the segue to the next screen is preformed.
What I've spent a few weeks trying to figure out, however, is how to dismiss this menu DIRECTLY to a viewcontroller OTHER than the one that's presenting it.
I'm thinking I've got to figure out how to change a presenting view, but I haven't had any luck.
Currently I'm completely at a loss, and any recommendations/fixes would be great!

How to get something show up in all tabs of a tab bar

I am making a game. When this game first starts up it shows the title screen, and on this screen there is a shop button. When that button is clicked the shop scene shows up. I want this screen to have three tabs at the bottom, themes, costumes, and coins (and possible power-ups). In all of those screen I want there to a back button at the top and a label showing the amount of coins the play has. I am using a tab bar controller and I do not know how to make it so that there something shows up in all of the tabs.

Return to same view after pressing home button

When I am in someViewController, I press the iPhone home button and it takes me to the iPhone home screen. Then I re-enter my app by tapping its icon. It does not take me to the view where I left. Instead, it takes me to homeViewController which is first view of my app.
How do I make it so that the user will be returned to the view that they left, rather than the initial view controller?
Go to "info" in Xcode project and check into supported interface orientations.
If its having Application does not run in background is YES then do it NO. It will then take you to the same controller from where you left.
Have a look on the screen shot below

ios app screen messed up when back button is hit

I have this scroll view problem.I have 2 screens in my app, Screen A and Screen B. I have 10 buttons on my first Screen A. They all are placed on a scroll view. I also have 2 UITextViews at the bottom right corner of the screen. When i click in the textivew to enter value it brings up the keyboard. Now without closing/hiding the keyboard i am clicking a button on my app.This takes me to a different screen, screen B. There i have a textfield and an add button. I click in the textfield and a keyboard shows up. I enter the value.Click the add button. It adds the entered value to a tableview i have on that screen.Now without closing/hiding the keypad on this screen as well i hit back button.So i am back in screen A. But now the screen is distorted. All fields are scrolled way up to the screen.There is a white space about 50-60% of screen at the bottom.
I followed this link http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Writing_iOS_5_Code_to_Hide_the_iPhone_Keyboard
It worked in the morning for screen B.I hit back and it brought me to screen A and without any abnormal screen. Why is it happening?Doing the steps in that link will suffice? Or is it not that simple and i have to do somemore steps?Please help .Thanks..
EDIT: So i noticed a pattern.I enter value in UItextview.Click button on screen A, move to screen B .Add value here also .Click back then brought back to screen A and view is all messed up.
So i did this testing
1.Change UITextview value (keyboard pops up),just click button ->screen B.Do nothing on screen B.Hit back.Screen A is fine.
2.Hit button on screen A without changing anything on UItextview (no keypad pops up).Move to screen B.Do nothing here and hit back to screen A. Screen A appears and is perfect.
3.Hit button Screen A without changing anything on UITtextview (no keypad pops up).Move to screen B. Enter value in textfield. Click add button.Hit back.Come back to screen A. Screen A is fine.
4.Change value of TextView(Keypad pops up).Without hiding/closing this, hit button.Screen B appears.Enter value in textfield(keypad pops up).Click Add Button. Click back. Come back to screen A. Screen A is messed up.
In summary when i change values/ or when keypad appears in both screens screen A is messed up. Can someone help me out?
[self.view endEditing:YES]; does the trick. I added this in viewWillDisappear like this on both the screens.
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
[self.view endEditing:YES];
