Unable to get Authorization code for Devops using Postman oAuth2.0 - oauth-2.0

I am trying integrate Devops with another 3rd part system, but i tried to access Devops from postman using oAuth2.0, but it is always failing, throwing me a error {"Error":"invalid_client","ErrorDescription":"Invalid client auth token."}
Does Devops support oAuth? if so what i am missing so i got this error?

The problem is that DevOps is using non standard headers for some reason. This causes the built in postman to not work. The way that I figured out to work around this is to input the Auth url directly into your browser. You can then extract the auth code from the callback URL.
Then with that code, make a post to the token endpoint in postman
Use x-www-form-urlencoded body and fill out the following keys
"client_assertion_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer"
"client_assertion", your app secret
"grant_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"
"assertion", your auth code from previous step
"redirect_uri", your callbackurl

Azure DevOps supports oAuth. If you follow the steps in the link below to get an oAuth token, and type the token directly in Postman, you'll get a successful response:


How to connect custom API using own OAuth2 in Microsoft Power Automate?

I've been trying to connect Microsoft Power Automate to my API. My API has a OAuth2 Code Flow.
According to Power Automate, the connector can make a connection to my API. and execute a test. But the problem is that Microsoft sends a Bearer token that was generated by them, and not the one that I gave to them via OAuth2, resuting on my API giving a 401 Error (Invalid Token) as expected.
In the Power Automate Custom Connector page, in the security tab I have the following:
Authentication type
OAuth2.0 Settings
Identity Provider: Generic OAuth2
Client ID: SomeValue
ClientSecrect: SomeValue
Authorization URL: mydomain.com/auth/authorize
Token URL: mydomain.com/auth/token
Refresh URL mydomain.com/auth/token
Redirect URL: microsoft-flow.com/redirect (Not the real one)
When Microsoft makes a POST request to mydomain.com/auth/token, I return the following body:
access_token: "non JWT token", // simillar to a hash
refresh_token: "non JWT token",
expires_in: 3600
The request above is final request that microsoft before accepting as a valid connection. The token that microsoft sends me is a JWT one, not the one I provided.
I've seen some guys using Azure AD authentication within the APP, but I was trying to implement something simillar to other platoforms(e.g Github, Spotify, e.t.c)
So my question is it possible to connect Power Automate to a custom API with using OAuth2? If yes, how to do it?
It's possible.
In addition to the OAuth2.0 Settings you listed, there is another important property Scope which you have missed.
Since your API is protected in Azure AD, so I assume that you have created an Azure AD app for your API and exposed scopes.
After that, you can get the application ID URI (api://{clientId}) for your API.
You should put this value into the "Scope" in Power Automate, like this:
Then this access token will be considered valid by your API.
I've done two steps to fix this problem.
Step 1
Previously my API returned the body with access_token, refresh_token and expires_in, but then I added scope and token_type. Example:
access_token: "2346ad27d7568ba9896f1b7da6b5991251debdf2",
refresh_token: "4468e5deabf5e6d0740cd1a77df56f67093ec943",
expires_in: 3600,
scope: "none",
token_type: "Bearer"
Step 2
Delete the custom connector and create a new one with the same parameters. When I got to the "Test" section, Power automate finally could make the GET request successfully.
In my case, even if the the API was updated, Power automate was still using its faulty token, so I had to delete that custom connector and create new one.
By updating the API and deleting the old custom connector, I was able to get the connector working.

How to simply get a bearer token to send requests to Azure DevOps API?

I need to create an organizational feed to host nuget packages shared among projects on our Azure DevOps environment.
After several unsuccesful attempts and research, I discovered that the only way to create an organizational feed is, by design from Microsoft mouth, the Azure DevOps API.
Source for the claim : This question on VS dev community
and The MS docs on project-scoped feeds
Basically, I just need to be able to perform a POST here :
with the body :
"name": "{myfeedname}",
"hideDeletedPackageVersions": true,
"upstreamEnabled": true
And of course, a Bearer token to authenticate myself. That's the point where I'm confused.
What is the simplest way to obtain one ? I'm logged in through my company Microsoft AD account on my computer browser on Azure DevOps. I don't see any Bearer token that I can "steal" to use in PostMan in my browser dev tools.
The API docs described some relevant info, but I'm confused on how to use it in Postman :
Security oauth2
Type: oauth2
Flow: accessCode
Authorization URL: https://app.vssps.visualstudio.com/oauth2/authorize&response_type=Assertion
Token URL: https://app.vssps.visualstudio.com/oauth2/token?client_assertion_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer&grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer
Scopes Name Description
vso.packaging_write Grants the ability to
create and read feeds and packages.
Here is the interface in Postman for OAuth2:
Ican see how the info in the docs relates to the fields 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, but then, what callback url should I use ? What credentials ? my Microsoft email + password from AD ?
I tried this, and all I seem to get is this from Postman :
{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&).","typeName":"System.Web.HttpException, System.Web","typeKey":"HttpException","errorCode":0,"eventId":0}
How do I properly proceed to get a token with Postman, or other tool to manually execute my one-time request to Azure DevOps REST API ?
notes :
Following info here : Unable to get Authorization code for Devops using Postman oAuth2.0
, leading here : https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-devops-auth-samples/tree/master/OAuthWebSample , I understand that I have to register and run a whole web application. Am I understanding this correctly ? I there a simpler way ?
I understand that I have to register and run a whole web application. Am I understanding this correctly ? I there a simpler way ?
Yes, you are right. You have to register whole web application.
As the interface in Postman for OAuth2, we need provide the CallbackUrl, ClientID, ClientSecret and so on. Then, we check the document Requesting an OAuth 2.0 token, we could to know the Callback URL is:
The client application callback URL redirected to after auth, and that
should be registered with the API provider.
So, we have to register an OAuth client app in Azure DevOps (https://app.vsaex.visualstudio.com/app/register), then we could get the following information, like:
You could check the document Authorize access to VSTS REST APIs with OAuth 2.0 for some more details.
AFAIK, there is currently no simpler way to get a bearer token to send requests to the Azure DevOps API.
Hope this helps.

How to request access token from Battle.net OAuth with authorization code?

I have a hobby project in mind to use battle.net login. I'm wondering how I can obtain the access token from the API after receiving the authorization code.
This is Oauth flow question rather than a battle.net question.
Currently I can successfully authorize the user for my app which is registered in dev.battle.net and then I try to use the authorization code returned from the battle.net login to obtain the access token by sending a request to https://<region>.battle.net/oauth/token.
However I keep receiving this error:
"error": "unauthorized",
"error_description": "An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext"
I use postman extension to send post requests to that uri. I authenticate my request with my client id and secret. I pass redirect_uri (https://localhost), granty_type (authorization_code), code(the code returned from the previous authorization step). However I keep getting the error above.
I couldn't find much about battle.net online. There are other oauth related help articles but couldn't really find my way.
Wondering if you can help me with this easy stuff. I'm just wondering what I'm skipping here.
Here is the documentation:
https://localhost is added in my mashery dev account's app settings.
Me again, I resolved this problem after trying almost every combination in the universe:)
Steps to apply:
Don't use the same authorization token for different access token trials, they are not valid
Always use https on every domain you test including localhost, you
redirect_uri must be https as well.
You must use the "basic authentication" in the header of your POST request while requesting the token from the authorization code you obtained from the previous step.
This is one of the most important ones: For requesting token, Pass redirect_uri, client key and secret as POST form parameters to the authenticated request. This is interesting because it's already an authenticated request; why would i need to pass my secret again? Anyways, that's how it works.
Here are the full text:
This is working prototype:

Eloqua OAuth2 authentication get token URL inaccessible

I want to use OAuth2 authentication in my application for calling Eloqua APIs using access token.
I'm following instructions given in the link http://docs.oracle.com/cloud/latest/marketingcs_gs/OMCAB/Developers/GettingStarted/Authentication/authenticate-using-oau… and using Resource Owner Password Credentials grant flow for getting access token.
POST https://login.eloqua.com/auth/oauth2/token
Authorization: Basic Q09NUEFOWVhcdXNlcjE6cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=
But I'm getting exception "java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect" while calling get token endpoint https://login.eloqua.com/auth/oauth2/token from java code.
I tried the endpoint using browser but getting similar error. Also tried accessing the endpoint using REST client but again same connection error.
I'm unable to understand that why the endpoint is giving connection timeout exception. I also tried increasing timeout but same error.
Please guide me as I'm stuck.
Is there any other endpoint for getting Eloqua access token?
Below is a POSTMAN Screenshot in case it helps.
Also written out in case someday that screenshot isn't there. Don't use built in Auth in POSTMAN since you need to base64 encode the clientid:clientsecret with the : in the middle. These values are provided when you created an App in Eloqua.
Be sure to include the content type as application/json and the Authorization. Use a double backslash in the Json for the username in between the site and username (clientsite\\username).
JSON body should look like this:
Make sure you are doing a POST to login.eloqua.com/auth/oauth2/token
From the docs:
POST https://login.eloqua.com/auth/oauth2/token
Authorization: Basic Q09NUEFOWVhcdXNlcjE6cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=
From your request, it looks like you are missing the redirect_uri and the code.
Try using the body contract from the docs: http://docs.oracle.com/cloud/latest/marketingcs_gs/OMCAB/index.html#Developers/GettingStarted/Authentication/authenticate-using-oauth.htm

Google OAuth 2 authorization - swapping code for token

I'm trying to implement Google OAuth 2 to get access to Google APIs. I follow this guide, using server-side scenario.
I have no problem with getting the code, server redirects to localhost (which is the only server allowed in redirect URIs for now).
To achieve this, I go to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=whatever.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=http://localhost/&scope=https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/&response_type=code page.
Then, I tried using curl (as in guide) to test, if Google's server responds with access token. However, it seems to fail very hard. Only response I can get is {"error":"invalid_client"}. I'm sure I provide everything Google wants me to provide - code, client ID, client secret, redirect URI (localhost) and grant_type=authorization_code.
Whole curl command line is:
curl https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token -d "code=<code>&client_id=whatever.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=<won't tell!>&redirect_uri=http://localhost&grant_type=authorization_code"
Am I missing something? How can I exchange code for access token?
Did you urlencode your client secret and redirect url? That works for me.
Should be http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost instead of https://localhost.
I had the same error until I realized that I was trying to connect with a client ID which I created for iOS. So for me the solution was to create a new API key-secret pair on the API Console with the platform set to "other".
Now I'm getting other errors but that's another story. ;)
Happens when you use wrong Client secret. Make sure you are using correct Client secret from Google API console. I was using Email address since API console displays the information in the following order:
Client ID
Email address
Client secret
