Callback issue with getSteam iOS sdk - ios

I think something wrong with the iOS SDK of getStream. I m not getting any callback on following , unfollowing and checking if user is following someone.For all these three case callback is not coming.
Even in the sample app given by stream is not working for these case.
Below is the code from ProfileViewController from sample app.
Rest of the sample app working fine.
Url of the sample is :
User.current?.isFollow(toTarget: flatFeedPresenter.flatFeed.feedId) { [weak self] in
button.isEnabled = true
if let error = $2 {
} else {
button.isSelected = $0

It was a bug, inside isFollow the user flat feed is deallocating after the request. Please check the new version v.1.0.11.


migrating project to comply with google sign in requirements for iOS

I'm trying to get a google sign in button to work with my iOS app, but I'm getting this error here:
Cannot find 'presentingViewController' in scope
This is the code segment:
func handleSignInButton() {
with: signInConfig,
presenting: presentingViewController // this is the line with the error,
callback: GIDSignInCallback? = nil) { user, error in
guard let signInUser = user else {
// Inspect error
// If sign in succeeded, display the app's main content View.
I've been told I need to migrate the way I am signing in and I found this here:
but I'm confused about this part here:
Manually connect GIDSignInButton to a method that calls signInWithConfiguration:presentingViewController:callback: using an IBAction or similar.
Can someone show me how to do this properly? I'm a iOS novice :)

iOS 14 StoreKit - SKCloudServiceController's requestusertoken not being called properly

I am trying to play songs on iOS 14 using Apple Music API.
I have the developer's token, and I have asked for the permission for accessing the user's apple music.
However, when I call requestusertoken api, its closure never gets called, so obviously I don't receive anything from the request - not even an error. It's driving me crazy.
Here is my code. What am I doing wrong?
func getUserToken() -> String {
var userToken = String()
let lock = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
SKCloudServiceController().requestUserToken(forDeveloperToken: developerToken) { (receivedToken, error) in
guard error == nil else { return }
if let token = receivedToken {
userToken = token
return userToken }
I've tried the code and there were two major problems.
First, DispatchSemaphore makes the return line execute too early. Second, original developer token doesn't work due to latest iOS 14.3 issue.
So, I first erased DispatchSemaphore.
func getUserToken() {
var userToken = String()
SKCloudServiceController().requestUserToken(forDeveloperToken: developerToken) { (receivedToken, error) in
guard error == nil else { return }
if let token = receivedToken {
userToken = token
Then tweaked developer token following this repository.
Now, it's printing user token properly. I hope this helped.
I think we've all got stuck on the same tutorial. To fix, I put it on a different thread as the lock was holding up the main thread hence preventing the completion handler. .background).async {
If it's the same tutorial, this will put the fetchStorefrontID() and the getUserToken() methods (which is called by the former) on a background thread and allow the completion handlers and the lock.signal() to occur.
If it's not, then this shall suffice for an answer: .background).async {
Did you remove Bearer from your developerToken?
Okay so I know what's going on -- the DispatchSemaphore is being locked right after it's being created -- so it's never executing that code. Once I made the Semaphore value 1 instead of 0 it started to execute -- but then I had issues with the rest of the code because of the sequencing of events.
It looks like perhaps you're working with the same tutorial I was working through on Apple Music SDK integration -- if that's the case, I basically tweaked the code to :
download the user token to a local variable, and then the other methods begin to reference it in their requests.
Remove the Semaphore lock in the getuserToken() method only
The rest started working again, without having to change any other DispatchSemaphore values.
By no means am I an expert in how DispatchSemaphore works and best practices with apple music user tokens, but wanted to at least let you know why you were running into the same wall as me -- with no code being executed at all.

What's the iOS API for AWS Cognito User Pool Custom Authentication Flow?

Amazon docs docs outlines how its custom authentication flow works. But there are only passing mentions of iOS.
I have a working authentication system using AWS User Pools and its Custom Authentication Flow using Python Triggers and an iOS Swift app.
But there's a detail still troubling me - see comment after code.
In the AWSCognitoIdentityCustomAuthentication handler I've got this:
func getCustomChallengeDetails(_ authenticationInput: AWSCognitoIdentityCustomAuthenticationInput, customAuthCompletionSource: AWSTaskCompletionSource<AWSCognitoIdentityCustomChallengeDetails>) {
self.customAuthenticationCompletion = customAuthCompletionSource
if authenticationInput.challengeParameters.count > 0 {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let code = self.codeTextField.text {
let details = AWSCognitoIdentityCustomChallengeDetails(
challengeResponses: ["CODE" : code])
details.initialChallengeName = "CUSTOM_CHALLENGE"
customAuthCompletionSource.set(result: details)
func didCompleteStepWithError(_ error: Error?) {
// handling code
The first call of getCustomChallengeDetails() has an empty list for challengeParameters. The second call has a correctly populated challengeParameters
The method didCompleteStepWithError(_ error: Error?) misled me as I thought it only called when an error occurs but is in fact also called on success with error set to nil.
I also have a UIViewController that prompts the user for a CODE which they've been emailed by my server code. When the user submits the CODE I call this:
if let code = codeTextField.text {
let details = AWSCognitoIdentityCustomChallengeDetails(
challengeResponses: ["CODE" : code])
details.initialChallengeName = "CUSTOM_CHALLENGE"
self.customAuthenticationCompletion?.set(result: details)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
This works. The server code will authenticate users who enter correct CODE values but deny those who submit an incorrect value for CODE.
But why the two customAuthenticationCompletion?.set(result: details) calls?
Can anyone say where I've taken a misstep?

addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription:handler:) not working on iOS 10 or 9

The following tests works fine on iOS 11. It dismisses the alert asking permissions to use the locations services and then zooms in in the map. On iOS 10 or 9, it does none of this and the test still succeeds
func testExample() {
let app = XCUIApplication()
var handled = false
var appeared = false
let token = addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Location") { (alert) -> Bool in
appeared = true
let allow = alert.buttons["Allow"]
if allow.exists {
handled = true
return true
return false
// Interruption won't happen without some kind of action.
XCTAssertTrue(appeared && handled)
Does anyone have an idea why and/or a workaround?
Here's a project where you can reproduce the issue:
Xcode 9.3 Beta's Changelogs show the following
XCTest UI interruption monitors now work correctly on devices and simulators running iOS 10. (33278282)
let springboard = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "")
let allowBtn = springboard.buttons["Allow"]
if allowBtn.waitForExistence(timeout: 10) {
Update .exists to .waitForExistence(timeout: 10), detail please check comments.
I had this problem and River2202's solution worked for me.
Note that this is not a fix to get the UIInterruptionMonitor to work, but a different way of dismissing the alert. You may as well remove the addUIInterruptionMonitor setup. You'll need to have the springboard.buttons["Allow"].exists test anywhere the permission alert could appear. If possible, force it to appear at an early stage of the testing so you don't need to worry about it again later.
Happily the springboard.buttons["Allow"].exists code still works in iOS 11, so you can have a single code path and not have to do one thing for iOS 10 and another for iOS 11.
Incidentally, I logged the base issue (that addUIInterruptionMonitor is not working pre-iOS 11) as a bug with Apple. It has been closed as a duplicate now, so I guess they acknowledge that it is a bug.
I used the #River2202 solution and it works better than the interruption one.
If you decide to use that, I strongly suggest that you use a waiter function. I created this one in order to wait on any kind of XCUIElement to appear:
Try it!
// function to wait for an ui element to appear on screen, with a default wait time of 20 seconds
// XCTWaiter was introduced after Xcode 8.3, which is handling better the timewait, it's not failing the test. It uses an enum which returns: 'Waiters can be used with or without a delegate to respond to events such as completion, timeout, or invalid expectation fulfilment.'
func uiElementExists(for element: XCUIElement, timeout: TimeInterval = 20) -> Bool {
let expectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "exists == true"), object: element)
let result = XCTWaiter().wait(for: [expectation], timeout: timeout)
guard result == .completed else {
return false
return true

Is it okay to download data directly to watch OS from server

So I'm trying to make a watchOS app for a music streaming app, and I found an example pretty much close to what I'm going to make.
But It seems like the project is kinda outdated. According to the codes below, watch extension is getting required datas like sound, images via HttpRequest. From what I read, watchOS 3 supports Background Connectivity, (which enables app to transfer data more efficiently) and Apple encourages developers to process and get data from the main app.
What is right way to do it? Is there any good example to see?
// play song method in interface controller
HttpRequest.getSongLink(, callback: {(link:SongLink?) -> Void in
if let songLink = link {
DataManager.shareDataManager.curSongLink = songLink
var songUrl = Common.getCanPlaySongUrl(songLink.songLink) = NSURL(string: songUrl)
DataManager.shareDataManager.curPlayStatus = 1
HttpRequest.getLrc(songLink.lrcLink, callback: { lrc -> Void in
if let songLrc = lrc {
DataManager.shareDataManager.curLrcInfo = Common.praseSongLrc(songLrc)
