How to render from ob openCV - opencv

In my python neat code I am using opencv to downscale and covert into gray every frame of the environment. what I want a archive is that opencv opens a window displaying the frame/ video that is it processing.
In short I want to view the the neat algorithm learning and evolving.
Because there are 3 environment running in parallel i want opencv to display the frame/video that is best performing right now.
I am working with the python neat library to do some machine learning tasks. At the moment I am doing parallel learning with 3 threads with the environment of sonic the hedgehog. I have tried to do simple open CV frame commands, but its just opening a black window.
net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(self.genome, self.config)
fitness = 0
xpos = 0
xpos_max = 0
counter = 0
imgarray = []
while not done:
# self.env.render()
ob = cv2.resize(ob, (inx, iny))
ob = cv2.cvtColor(ob, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ob = np.reshape(ob, (inx, iny))
imgarray = np.ndarray.flatten(ob)
actions = net.activate(imgarray)
ob, rew, done, info = self.env.step(actions)
xpos = info['x']
This is the part of the code that downscales the frame and converts it to gray scale.
Bonus if it could only show the frame/worker that is doing the best based on the fitness value.
View full code here:
by lucasrthompson
The output that I expect is one window that shows the frame/ video of the environment. Awesome
The built it render
Pops up many many windows with past and present versions of the environment.

I am writing my own NEAT implementation and I am also testing with OpenAi gym.
You can use wrappers to record the video for you, and this will be the real video, without downscaling or changing colors:
env_wrapped = gym.make('OpenAI-env-id')
env = wrappers.Monitor(env_wrapped, dir , video_callable=record_video_function)
Where the "record_video_function" is a callable which can return true or false when you desire the episode to be recorded.
What I usually do to see the best performing genomes is:
Sort the genomes by fitness
Run the evaluation loop
If a last species champion is next, I change a global variable to True
In the "record_video_function" I return the value of this global variable, so if it's true it will enable the video recording for the episode
After the episode is over, I return this global variable to False
So, with this I can see the best genome performers of last generation. You can't see the best of the current generation because there's no way to know how they will perform. If the environment is deterministic, you would be able to see the best performance in the next generation. If it's stochastic, then it may not be the best anymore.


Events changing visual geometries

I'm trying to visualize collisions and different events visually, and am searching for the best way to update color or visual element properties after registration with RegisterVisualGeometry.
I've found the GeometryInstance class, which seems like a promising point for changing mutable illustration properties, but have yet to find and example where an instance is called from the plant (from a GeometryId from something like GetVisualGeometriesForBody?) and its properties are changed.
As a basic example, I want to change the color of a box's visual geometry when two seconds have passed. I register the geometry pre-finalize with
// box : Body added to plant
// X_WA : Identity transform
// FLAGS_box_l : box side length
geometry::GeometryId box_visual_id = plant.RegisterVisualGeometry(
box, X_WA,
geometry::Box(FLAGS_box_l, FLAGS_box_l, FLAGS_box_l),
Eigen::Vector4d(0.7, 0.5, 0, 1));
Then, I have a while loop to create a timed event at two seconds where I would like for the box to change it's color.
double current_time = 0.0;
const double time_delta = 0.008;
bool changed(false);
while( current_time < FLAGS_duration ){
if (current_time > 2.0 && !changed) {
std::cout << "Change color for id " << box_visual_id.get_value() << "\n";
// Change color of box using its GeometryId
changed = true;
simulator.StepTo(current_time + time_delta);
current_time = simulator_context.get_time();
Eventually I'd like to call something like this with a more specific trigger like proximity to another object, or velocity, but for now I'm not sure how I would register a simple visual geometry change.
Thanks for the details. This is sufficient for me to provide a meaningful answer of the current state of affairs as well as the future (both near- and far-term plans).
Taking your question as a representative example, changing a visual geometry's color can mean one of two things:
The color of the object changes in an "attached" visualizer (drake_visualizer being the prime example).
The color of the object changes in a simulated rgb camera (what is currently dev::RgbdCamera, but imminently RgbdSensor).
Depending on what other properties you might want to change mid simulation, there might be additional subtleties/nuances. But using the springboard above, here are the details:
A. Up until recently (drake PR 11796), changing properties after registration wasn't possible at all.
B. PR 11796 was the first step in enabling that. However, it only enables it for changing ProximityProperties. (ProximityProperties are associated with the role geometry plays in proximity queries -- contact, signed distance, etc.)
C. Changing PerceptionProperties is a TODO in that PR and will follow in the next few months (single digit unless a more pressing need arises to bump it up in priority). (PerceptionProperties are associated with the properties geometry has in simulated sensors -- how they appear, etc.)
D. Changing IllustrationProperties is not supported and it is not clear what the best/right way to do so may be. (IllustrationProperties are what get fed to an external visualizer like drake_visualizer.) This is the trickiest, due to the way the LCM communication is currently articulated.
So, when we compare possible implications of changing an object's color (1 or 2, above) with the state of the art and near-term art (C & D, above), we draw the following conclusions:
In the near future, you should be able to change it in a synthesized RGB image.
No real plan for changing it in an external visualizer.
(Sorry, it seems the answer is more along the lines of " can't do that".)

How do I find the required maxima in acceleration data obtained from an iPhone?

I need to find the number of times the accelerometer value stream attains a maximum. I made a plot of the accelerometer values obtained from an iPhones against time, using CoreMotion method to obtain the DeviceMotionUpdates. When the data was being recorded, I shook the phone 9 times (where each extremity was one of the highest points of acceleration).
I have marked the 18 (i.e. 9*2) times when acceleration had attained maximum in red boxes on the plot.
But, as you see, there are some local maxima that I do not want to consider. Can someone direct me towards an idea that will help me achieve detecting only the maxima of importance to me?
Edit: I think I have to use a low pass filter. But, how do I implement this in Swift? How do I choose the frequency of cut-off?
Edit 2:
I implemented a low pass filter and passed the raw motion data through it and obtained the graph as shown below. This is a lot better. I still need a way to avoid the insignificant maxima that can be observed. I'll work in depth with the filter and probably fix it.
Instead of trying to find the maximas, I would try to look for cycles. Especially, we note that the (main) minimas seem to be a lot more consistent than the maximas.
I am not familiar with swift, so I'll layout my idea in pseudo code. Suppose we have our values in v[i] and the derivative in dv[i] = v[i] - v[i - 1]. You can use any other differentiation scheme if you get a better result.
I would try something like
cycles = [] // list of pairs
cstart = -1
cend = -1
v_threshold = 1.8 // completely guessing these figures looking at the plot
dv_threshold = 0.01
for i in v:
if cstart < 0 and
v[i] > v_threshold and
dv[i] < dv_threshold then:
// cycle is starting here
cstart = i
else if cstart > 0 and
v[i] < v_threshold and
dv[i] < dv_threshold then:
// cycle ended
cend = i
cycles.add(pair(cstart, cend))
cstart = -1
cend = -1
end if
Now you note in comments that the user should be able to shake with different force and you should be able to recognise the motion. I would start with a simple 'hard-coded' cases as the one above, and see if you can get it to work sufficiently well. There is a lot of things you could try to get a variable threshold, but you will nevertheless always need one. However, from the data you show I strongly suggest at least limiting yourself to looking at the minimas and not the maximas.
Also: the code I suggested is written assuming you have the full data set, however you will want to run this in real time. This will be no problem, and the algorithm will still work (that is, the idea will still work but you'll have to code it somewhat differently).

Mathematical Operations on an Image Stack in ImageJ (Fiji)

I am writing an imageJ/Fiji plugin in Jython using the pydev plugin in eclipse.The plugin will be the ImageJ version of an already existing denoising software called CANDLE written as a matlab program. Changing the value of every pixel(voxel) of an image in matlab is trivial:
InputImage = 2 * sqrt(InputImage + (3/8));
Median3DFilteredImage = 2 * sqrt(Median3DFiltered + (3/8));
Here "InputImage" and "Median3DFilteredImage" are 3D Matrices, with the last dimension being time (slices). To reproduced the following operation on an ImageJ image, I had to employ two for loops, one to iterate through the image slices (3rd dimension) and the other loop to iterate over all the pixels in a particular slice:
medFiltStack = medianFilteredImage.getStack()
newMedFiltStack = ImageStack(medianFilteredImage.width, medianFilteredImage.height)
InputStack = InputImage.getStack()
newInputStack = ImageStack(InputImage.width, InputImage.height)
for i in xrange(1 , medianFilteredImage.getNSlices() + 1):
ip = medFiltStack.getProcessor(i).convertToFloat()
ip2 = InputStack.getProcessor(i).convertToFloat()
pixels = ip.getPixels()
pixels2 = ip2.getPixels()
for j in xrange (len(pixels)):
pixels[j] = 2 * javaMath.sqrt(pixels[j] + (3.0/8.0) )
pixels2[j] = 2 * javaMath.sqrt(pixels2[j] + (3.0/8.0) )
medianFilteredImage = ImagePlus("MedianFiltered-Image", newMedFiltStack)
InputImage = ImagePlus("Input-Image", newInputStack)
My question is as follows: Is there a way to perform mathematical operations on an image Stack, i.e. on every pixel (voxel) in the image stack, without having to write code that explicitly visits every pixel in every slice of the image, i.e. for loops. It just seems to be a very primitive way of going about it and I am wondering if there isn't an optimal way of doing this operation. I also had to work with copies and then gave the new images the same names as before as opposed to working with the original images and editing them directly. So is there a way to edit the pixel values of the original images rather than copies of the images? Any help would be appreciated as there are plenty of more math operations that I have to perform. It would be super useful to find a way to do mathematical operations on images in an optimal way both in terms of the amount of code and if possible, in terms of speed.
In pure ImageJ 1.x, the answer is: no, there's no other way than to visit every slice and get its ImageProcessor. That's the way how ImageJ1 deals with its limited number of dimensions (z, time, channel), you always have a (Hyper-)Stack of 2D planes.
There is however a more powerful way of dealing with n-dimensional images called ImgLib, which is included into Fiji together with ImageJ2.
To avoid re-inventing the wheel, you should have a look a Jean-Yves Tinevez's great plugin Image Expression Parser. Use it headlessly with Fiji, or just have look at its source code (it uses a previous version though, ImgLib1, but the idea is the same: you avoid hard-coding the dimensions by using Java generics), see e.g. for the sqrt function:
public final <R extends RealType<R>> float evaluate(final R alpha) {
return (float) Math.sqrt(alpha.getRealDouble());

XCode 6 Playground Measuring Code Performance

Is there any quick way of evaluating the performance / runtime of a certain code part written in the new XCode 6 playground?
I want to start learning Swift by comparing different coding styles for certain solutions and their impact on the code performance.
We strongly discourage using playgrounds to measure performance, at least using time as your measure of performance. By far the majority of the time taken during a playground is the logging of results to display in the sidebar; the actual time your code takes doesn't contribute as much. So the runtime of your code in a playground will mostly depend on how many lines of code are run / results are logged.
If you want to do performance measurements, check out the XCTest framework. You can create a test bundle for your swift code.
One thing you can measure in a playground is the number of times your lines of code are run. So if, for example, you're trying to measure the algorithmic complexity of some code, you could do that based on how many times it needs to run lines of code to e.g. complete a sort, or whatever it is you're trying to do. Lines of code that are run more than once displays the number of times they are run in the results sidebar.
I built this little tool that allows you to have performance testing in your Playground.
I'll continue to update and enhance it, but for now, it'll give you the basic ability to measure how long a function takes to run.
I have found one (maybe not so elegant) solution:
var start = TickCount()
var implicitInteger = 0
for (var i = 1; i < 500; i++) {
implicitInteger += i;
var end = TickCount()
var dur = end - start
The variable 'dur' gives you the ticks your code needed to execute.

How to read a bitmap in OCAML?

I want to read a bitmap file (from the file system) using OCAML and store the pixels (the colors) inside an array which have th dimension of the bitmap, each pixel will take one cell in the array.
I found the function Graphics.dump_image image -> color array array
but it doesn't read from a file.
CAMLIMAGE should do it. There is also a debian package (libcamlimage-ocmal-dev), as well as an installation through godi, if you use that to manage your ocaml packages.
As a useful example of reading and manipulating images in ocaml, I suggest looking over the code for a seam removal algorithm over at eigenclass.
You can also, as stated by jonathan --but not well-- call C functions from ocaml, such as ImageMagick. Although you're going to do a lot of manipulation of the image data to bring the image into ocaml, you can always write c for all your functions to manipulate the image as an abstract data type --this seems to be completely opposite of what you want though, writing most of the program in C not ocaml.
Since I recently wanted to play around with camlimages (and had some trouble installing it --I had to modify two of the ml files from compilation errors, very simple ones though). Here is a quick program,, and how to compile it. This should get someone painlessly started with the package (especially, dynamic image generation):
let () =
let width = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
and length = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2)
and name = Sys.argv.(3)
and black = {Color.Rgb.r = 0; g=0; b=0; }
and white = {Color.Rgb.r = 255; g=255; b=255; } in
let image = Rgb24.make width length black in
for i = 0 to width-1 do
for j = 0 to (length/2) - 1 do
Rgb24.set image i j white;
done; name [] (Images.Rgb24 image)
And to compile,
ocamlopt.opt -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/camlimages/ ci_core.cmxa graphics.cmxa ci_graphics.cmxa ci_png.cmxa -o black_and_white
And to run,
./black_and_white 20 20 test1.png
I don't know of an out-of-the box way to do it. You could open the file with open_in and read it byte at a time with input_char, suck in the header and the data and build up the color array array that way for simple formats (e.g. BMPs) but for anything like JPGs or PNGs a roll your-own solution would probably be more work than you want to get into.
You could also use one of the numerous SDL bindings for OCaml, specifically the SDL_image ones, which let you load all kinds of images easily, and provides functions to access individual pixels and raw data as an array.
OCamlSDL is a popular one.
If you don't want to use CAMLIMAGE, usually raw RGB or PNM/PPM (which have an easy to create header format followed by RGB values) images are used. ImageMagick allows you to then view this formats or convert them into more usable formats.
