Create links in Kentico reports - hyperlink

I'd like to add clickable links to a Kentico Report. The report editor allows you to add all kinds of HTML mark-up in the layout, but it doesn't allow you to add HTML INSIDE of a table that you've inserted into the layout. (Or if it does, it is not obvious from the UI, or from the Kentico documentation.) I want a link to appear in each row, and the link should include a value from that row.
Clicking any of the links would open another page that shows more data about a particular record. In my case, my first column is an ID column and I want its value (in each row) to behave like a hyperlink to another page whose URL includes the clicked ID value as a parameter.

We can use jquery within our Kentico report to allow each value in a particular field to cause a link to be opened when clicked. In my case, I have a URL into which I want to embed an ID value from the report. I want to open one of the admin pages whose URL looks like the following (where 9999 is replaced with a record ID from my report):
So let's assume the first field in the report is an ID column and we want to make the displayed ID behave like a link to some other page.
First we need jquery. Edit the report's layout in '<>Source' mode and add a script reference for jquery, such as one you can get from, or just reference it locally if you have it:
<script src="/jquery-3.4.0.min.js"></script>
Next, we must find each ID field and then make it behave like a hyperlink. To do so, we find the <th> with the ID column's title, walk up to the <table>, and then find all <tr>s immediately under the <tbody>. Once we have each <tr>, we iterate through them to:
underline the ID value like a hyperlink
set the cursor to a hand like a hyperlink
add an onclick event to do open a URL (in a new tab) with my ID field's value
So here is the script. Add it just like you added the jquery script tag. (but add it after the jquery script tag)
$('th:contains("MyIDColumnTitle")').parents('table').first().children('tbody').children('tr').each(function() {
var thisId = $(this).text();
var u = "/CMSModules/AdminControls/Pages/UIPage.aspx?elementguid=00000000-0000-abcd-0123-000000000000&objectid=" + thisId + "&displaytitle=false",'_blank');
Keep in mind that if MyIDColumnTitle is not very unique, this script may find the wrong th and table. Modify the jquery selector to suit your needs. You may want to add a wrapping element around your report that has an element ID so you can be specific with your selector.
It wouldn't be difficult to take the same concept and use it to launch a page in a modal dialog instead.


jQuery UI 1.12 – Activating a tab via link or URL

How can I activate a tab based on a hash tag (element ID) in the URL?
I know this question has been asked several times over the years, but the answers are no longer relevant for jQuery 1.10+.
There's two steps to accomplishing this - first, match up the hash tag (e.g. #SomeValue) to the element ID of the Tab you want active; then second, set said Tab as active.
var matchedTab = $('a[href="' + window.location.hash + '"]');
$('#tabs').tabs({active:$('#tabs a').index(matchedTab)});
The first line is creating a jQ object from the tab element whose href attributes matches the hash in the URL. Since the markup of the Tabs plug-in requires (documentation) you have an anchor <a> element with an href attribute, this will find the correct tab (assuming you have one that corresponds to the hash in the URL).
The second line then uses the active initialization option to set the desired active tab when initializing the Tabs. The active option though requires the zero-based index of that tab within the Tabs collection, so we use the .index() jQuery function to get that index & pass it to the active option.
Since the sandbox sites all use secured frames, I had to use a dropdown with dummy URLs to "simulate" different how different hash tags work, but it will function just the same using the code above.
CodePen here:
You can use the dropdown on that page to simulate the behavior of URLs with different hash tags setting different tabs to active.

Struts 2 - Tiles-Result with HTML Anchor

is it somehow possible to add an anchor (or hash) to a Struts 2 Action-URL? To be specific:
I have a html form which can be extended with more fields if the user clicks a button "add more fields". This Button sends a html submit to the backend (Action "thismyaction") where a list object is filled with another set of input fields. The action then returns to a tile "thisismyform" which loads the same jsp as before, where the new fieldset is visible.
(Unfortunately there is no way to achieve that via ajax / JS in this project at the time. I know that you usually add fields that way, but i got the project as it is.)
Each fieldset is counted (fieldset-0, if user adds more fields another set is added "fieldset-1"). The sets always contain the same fields, but enumerated.
What happens here? There is a post to the action which generates another fieldset and redirects back to the same page, where it renders all fieldsets. Important: the result type is "tiles"! I guess this is what makes it difficult.
Now I want to dynamically add an anchor to this URL "", like e.g. "". Use Case: User adds another fieldset, post to the action => result type="tiles" => JSP, user sees reload of the page with the new, second fieldset and gets "scrolled" to the second fieldset via the anchor. Is that possible?
I hope I could describe it properly, what I want to achieve... If there are questions, feel free to ask.
Simplest way I can think of right away is
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.hash = "fieldset-<s:text name="latestIdOfFieldSet" />";
If you can figure out what's gonna be latestIdOfFieldSet before you render your jsp and set it in your action method. you should get what you are trying to do.

Link to route while keeping user input

I have made an app with jQuery mobile and laravel.
On the first page "mobilepage1" if have a form with a next button.
Also some of the form elements are dropdown menu's. The dropdown select options I get from a table in the database.
In the form on mobilepage1 I have a dropdown list with all department names:
I get this list from my controller like so:
$departmentlist = Company::find($usercompanyid)->departments;
This is how I display the list in the mobilepage1 form:
{{ Form::label('department', 'Department:')}}
foreach($afdelingslijst as $item) {
$afdelingsarray[$item->afdelingen] = $item->afdelingen;
On the second page I want to make a back button.
I tried the jQuery mobile way with a link with: data-rel="back"
But this does not work. I get a page error, it's missing the departmentlist used in mobilepage1. I can make a link to a route to mobilepage1, but I think all the information the user entered in mobilepage1 would be gone.
I see this url in the address bar when I am on mobilepage2 (this is after I filled in the form on mobilepage1 and clicked next).
Is there a way I can link to the the mobilepage1 route and still keep the information the user entered?
It looks like it would work just by hitting the back button if you passed in the department list with a view composer rather than through a route. Remove it from your route and place this in a file that's being autoloaded...
View::composer('mobilepage2', function($view)
$departmentlist = Company::find($usercompanyid)->departments()->lists('afdelingen','afdelingen');
$view->with('departmentlist', $departmentlist);
I'm not sure how you are finding $usercompanyid but you should be able to find it within the closure or pass it in by adding use ($usercompanyid) right after the function($view) part.
Also using the lists() function like that will build your array for you so you don't need to worry about the foreach loop in your view.
Since the values are getting passed back and forth as get variables, I think if you use Form::model() instead of Form::open(), it should place all those values back into the input fields for you.

How to create a Editor editable sidebar in Umbraco?

How can I create a sidebar in Umbraco that is common to all pages that uses a specific template, but is still editable for a editor?
If I simply create the sidebar in the template I would have to edit it myself every time they want something changes.
On the other hand if I create a sidebar field in the document type and map it to the sidebar in the template the editors have to recreate the same sidebar content for every page.
It's possible to use the recursive property on your template.
Basically what you do is on your homepage, or which ever root node for the section you want to use, you create the property which will contain your sidebar text. I would suggest the homepage.
Then you add a page field on the template with the attribute recursive=true
You can add the page field by adding the property a follows
This would result in a field that looks something like the following
<umbraco:Item field="category" recursive="true" runat="server" />
In my example, the property on the homepage which is being used is category.
Then any page which exists below the homepage, if it doesn't have a property with the same alias, then the value from the homepage will be taken.
A very useful feature :)

How to get the foreign key column data when it is used in a select box

I have this ruby on rails code
<%=, '') %>
I have not specified any options on purpose because I set the options in a different way when the page loads (using jQuery and Ajax).
The question: Is there any way I can get the value from the column "serving_size_id" but not change that line? I have a partial which I use it for new and edit and I think it would be sweet if I can do the setting of the selected index in JS.
Any ideas?
I'm not sure I completely understand your question, but if you want to set the value of the select field with JavaScript, you need to obtain the value in JavaScript at some point. I can think of two ways of doing this:
1) When you get the options via AJAX, have the server indicate which one is selected. This can be done by returning HTML <option> tags with selected="selected" set for one of them. To do this, your AJAX request is going to have to provide information about the object this select field is for (so the server can look up the object's current serving_size_id value).
2) When you render the field in your original partial, also render some JavaScript which sets the current value of the field, for example, underneath what you have above:
<%= javascript_tag "var ssid = '#{builder.object.serving_size_id}';" %>
Then, after the options are retrived via AJAX, the ssid variable is checked and the correct option is selected.
using jQuery in rails is easy but a little more difficult than prototype.
ex: "div id="serving_size" class="nice" rel="<%=h num%>">Stuff Goes Here.../div>"
in application.js do the following:
//we are hovering over specific div id serving size
alert($('#serving_size').attr('rel'); //your dynamic rel value, and fire function
//we are now hovering over any item on page with class nice
//we are now using jQuery object ref and finding if that obj has attr rel
alert($(this).attr('rel')); // shows dynamic rel value
If you use the above code you should be able to do anything you want and fire any custom code from each of your set event callbacks.
The 'live' function in jQuery is great because it can be called on items that will eventually be on the page (eg. if you fill in something with ajax, jQuery will be prepared for that item being in the page)
I hope this help.
