So I'm working on a TextField with scoped_model. I moved the controller to the Model class, and I'm trying to change the state of a Text with the text the user inputs on said TextField. But when I close the keyboard, the state changes and the TextField is now empty, so nothing is seen on the Text widget either. This is my code:
controller: model.lastNameController,
onChanged: (text) => model.changeShortLastNameState(lastName: text),
And this is the relevant code on my Model
final lastNameController = TextEditingController();
void changeShortLastNameState({String lastName}) {
var splitLastName = lastName.split(' ');
var shortLastName = splitLastName[0];
this.shortLastName = shortLastName;
I found someone on the flutter github with the same issue, but they sent him to SO, and I haven't been successful on finding a question by the same guy. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Thanks.
Use the deceleration of text editing controller out side of build function.
Using TextField in Compose, I found that looks like a bug.
When I change the textfield value , focus out and in again,
onValuseChange method is called even there is no change.
this is not What I want, So I write some defending code for this comparing prev value.
But I want to know another nice solution.
here is my code.
onValueChange = { _inputText ->
if(_inputText.text != countState.value){
I have a list of some entries I want edit on focus out. I createe FocusNode for each entry, CupertinoTextField for each entry too.
var textField = (UserMotivator um) {
var controller;
var focusNode = new FocusNode();
focusNode.addListener(() {
if (!focusNode.hasFocus) {
var controller = TextEditingController(text: um.text);
return CupertinoTextField(
focusNode: focusNode,
controller: controller,
onChanged: (String value) {
um.text = value;
For some weird reason, in simulator (not tested on real device), when I click on many of these TextFields, I get this:
How do I bound a focus out even to a TextField without using FocusNode/ without having all of these cursors blinking?
So I resolved the issue I think. The reason it was buggy was that I was on v1.1.8, after updating to v1.5.4 it somehow got fixed, was not perfect but was better. After I moved the FocusNodes creation code form build to initState method it got even better but the cursor was still blinking at the start of the TextField. This was because I had called setState in the onChange handler, which somehow caused the TextField to redraw and act so weirdly.
In Flutter project, I need to listen to the input text in TextFormField and do certain actions, especially when user put some character (eg. space) in this filed or when he request focus. When this kind of event happen, I need to modify filed's value.
I know there is a property called controller but I don't know how to use it in this case.
Thank you in advance.
You can specify a controller and focus node, then add listeners to them to monitor for changes.
Define controllers and focus nodes
TextEditingController _controller = new TextEditingController();
FocusNode _textFocus = new FocusNode();
Define listener function
void onChange(){
String text = _controller.text;
bool hasFocus = _textFocus.hasFocus;
//do your text transforming
_controller.text = newText;
_controller.selection = new TextSelection(
baseOffset: newText.length,
extentOffset: newText.length
Add listner to controller and focusnode at initState
// you can have different listner functions if you wish
Then you can use it as
new TextFormField(
controller: _controller,
focusNode: _textFocus,
Hope that helps!
If you are just trying to transform the input to other form in TextFormField, you better use "TextInputFormatter". Using a listener with TextController cause a lot of troubles. Take a look at my sample code see if that helps you. btw, The last line of code is just trying to move the cursor to the end of text.
TextFormField(inputFormatters: [QuantityInputFormatter()])
class QuantityInputFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
final intStr = (int.tryParse(newValue.text) ?? 0).toString();
return TextEditingValue(
text: intStr, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: intStr.length),);
M sorry for wrong English. I want to hide the spinner on the basis of text entered in the edit Text box and not on some click event. This means spinner hiding condition should be checked on the basis of Edit Text value.
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
I have Used TextWatcher class to have a check on the text that is being entered in the edittext. And then have used the method to check ds
private void checkFieldsForEmptyValues()
Spinner =(Spinner)findViewById(;
String s1 = edit1.getText().toString();
String s2 = edit2.getText().toString();
if(s1.equals("admin") && s2.equals("admin"))
How can I work with textareas using watin? There is no function like "browser.TextArea(...)".
Is there another name for textareas? I only need to find it and work with rows/cols.
Use the TextField method to access a TextArea.
From the Watin Homepage (modified for this question)
public void SearchForWatiNOnGoogle()
using (var browser = new IE(""))
// If there was a TextArea with the name q - the next line would get the TextArea object and assign it to the textField variable.
var textField = browser.TextField(Find.ByName("q"));
// Do what you need to do with the TextArea, for example, get the text from the textArea:
string textAreaText = textField.Value;
Just came across this myself. I thought I would post a more complete answer for people that are still stumped by this. Just use the GetAttributeValue method on the TextField instance like so:
TextField field = Document.TextField(Find.ByName("comments"));
Assert.AreEqual("10", field.GetAttributeValue("rows"));
Assert.AreEqual("42", field.GetAttributeValue("cols"));