Xamarin.Android PDFViewer Library - xamarin.android

I am building an application with Xamarin.Android and have reports section where I generate reports in PDF and show to user.
I do not want to write my own PDF viewer since its not the main functionality. I was wondering if there is such library available?
I need to open PDF within app, so I cannot use external apps.
I tried Xamarin.PdfView.Android but this library is not compatible with latest version of Xamarin.
Most of the PDFViewers are build for Xamarin.Forms but I need for Xamarin.Android

You can show a pdf file within a webview.
Inside the webview you will set the url from google drive and it will show the pdf.
Hope this help you


How do i open PDFs with iBooks on iOS using Appcelerator ?

I am trying to open pdfs in my application using ibooks but i could not find any solution for this. I am using Appcelerator for this. Please share code with me.
You can either use the DocumentViewear (http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.iOS.DocumentViewer)
or a Webview to display a PDF.
When you have opened the PDF in the DocumentViewer the user can decide
With the action button to open the PDF in the reader he wants.
To open other apps you you have to use URL schemes

Opening a local file with InAppBrowser under iOS doesn't work

I am developping a mobile application using Cordova. This application allows users to navigate in a kind of a file manager and allows them to download files. I use the plugin "FileTransfer" to download the file on the user's device and then call the InAppBrowser (version 0.5.2) plugin in order to open it.
While it works really great under Android, I can't say the same under iOS (tested under versions 7 and 8).
This is the line of code I use to open the downloaded file:
window.open(entry.toURL(), "_system");
Under Android, it proposes the user which application he wants to launch to open the file or launches automatically the default application based on the file extension. Under iOS, the file is downloaded and then nothing happens. I have found out I could use the integrated viewer of the InAppBrowser plugin when the user is under iOS. I do that in this way:
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPod|iPad/))
window.open(entry.toURL(), "_blank");
window.open(entry.toURL(), "_system");
With these lines of codes, if the user is under iOS, the integrated viewer is launched and displays the file. The problem is for ZIP files or other files that can't be rendered in the viewer. This one says "Load Error".
I think that if "_system" worked, Safari would be launched and would propose the user how he wants to open the file.
Does anybody have an idea of how I can make "_system" worked in iOS? Is this eventually a known problem (I couldn't find anything related to my problem)?
If this can be relevant to my problem, I use Phonegap Build in order to generate the .ipa file.
On iOS when you use _system, it try to open the url you pass with safari.
As iOS have sandbox access limitations, safari can't open the url because it's inside your app sandbox.
You can try this plugin, it provides an "open with" dialog that will show you the apps that support the type of file you want to open if any available.

Publish simple html + Kendo UI app as ipad application

I am creating a new html application using kendo ui. It is calling the web services to get the data and the ui is rendered using Kendo UI. I want this app to be published as ios app.
Is it possible to publish this app directly as a ipad / iphone app ?
I thought this information can be useful to someone who is trying to achieve the same thing.
Phonegap Build is the online tool , that allows you to publish html apps as ios , android or windows applications.
All you need is js , css and html pages of your applications with a valid and well formatted config.xml file. You can upload the zip file with all these files and this portal will build the apps for all 3 platforms and will allow you to download the .ipa, .apk and .xap files.

Saving Images in Database

I am working on Worklight Developer Edition Version 6.1. I have created a native component inside a Hybrid app. I am using WL.NativePage.show method for navigating from HTML to native pages. I am having 5 images in an array in a native page. I need to save those images in a DB and need to access the same in a HTML page.
Can anyone tell me, how to do this using DB? (should be common for both Native and Web app)
Can I use Worklight JSONStore in Developer Edition ?
Worklight 6.1 does not support JSONStore in native pages.
Possible solution:
What you can do instead is save the images locally using native code.
Then, in order to access these locally-saved images via the web portion of the app, you could write a custom Cordova plug-in to access it.
You will need to consult with the iOS SDK documentation regarding how to save the file locally.
Some resources:
Download an Image and Save it as PNG or JPEG in iPhone SDK
Adding native functionality using Cordova plug-ins

PDF view in blackberry?

I am working on an Blackberry application in which I have to show some PDF files in my application.
I know we can show the PDF file as a GOOGLE document, I have already done that. But this time my task is to show PDF files inside application.
Do we have any option to show PDF files in our own application by using some SDK's ?
Please suggest me.
I dont think any blackberry sdk support this facility.
There is only one option to view pdf files offline is to download and view using a third party pdf viewer.
Even blackberry dont have given a built in pdf reader to user,when I was looking for the same issue I found that only one company SLG Mobile has made this app(beamreader) and blackberry gave them very special award(dont remember award name now),
so this third party app is free for one month and after that you have to pay nearly 500 Rs as licence fee.
Now for BB10 Adob has created a reader and it comes with device itself.
